Bosma Murder Trial 02.03.16 - Day 3

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And they threw it out on the side of the street with businesses, when they must have passed so much empty road?

OK so I get my bearings straight, was the phone likely thrown from the driver's side or passenger?
The evidence so far all seems strongly DM-centric. DM's thumbprint, DM's tattoo, DM's satchel/man-purse, a phone that pinged off the same cell towers as DM's phone...

When are they going to bring out the evidence against MS?

When they find some? But seriously, he was obviously a bit player in the set up of this, which is what we're hearing about now. His turn will come when the videos show up.

Susan ClairmontVerified account ‏@susanclairmont 2m2 minutes ago
Jury is coming back in. #Bosma

molly hayesVerified account ‏@mollyhayes 2m2 minutes ago
Court has resumed. Now taking the stand is HPS Det. John Tselepakis. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 31s32 seconds ago
Next witness in #TimBosma trial is #HamOnt officer John Tselepakis. He prepared warrants in the investigation

Susan ClairmontVerified account ‏@susanclairmont 49s49 seconds ago
Now @HamiltonPolice Det. John Tselepakis who was seconded to the major crime unit during the #Bosma investigation. He wrote warrants.

molly hayesVerified account ‏@mollyhayes 2m2 minutes ago
Tselepakis was also on this case back in 2013. #Bosma

Mark CarcasoleVerified account ‏@MarkCarcGlobal 2m2 minutes ago
Tselepakis joined the #TimBosma investigation "in the early morning hours of May 7, 2013...1:10 am." A few hours after Bosma vanished.

Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 51s51 seconds ago Hamilton, Ontario
Det. Tselepaiks got Bosma's cellphone number and traced his phone records #TimBosma

Mark CarcasoleVerified account ‏@MarkCarcGlobal 2m2 minutes ago
"His wife was frantic, and believed some harm had come to him," Tselepakis recalls. He requested call records from #Bosma's phone.

Susan ClairmontVerified account ‏@susanclairmont 1m1 minute ago
At 1:34 am he contacted Bell corporate security looking for help with Tim's cell phone data. Got response at 1:43 pm. #Bosma

Susan ClairmontVerified account ‏@susanclairmont 42s42 seconds ago
Got number that called Tim around time men arrived for test drive. Got number and address for Lucas Bate in Etobicoke. #Bosma

hannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 1m1 minute ago Hamilton, Ontario
Detective now talking jury through the mysterious phone belonging 'Lucas Bate' that called Bosma the night he went missing #TimBosma

BBM - Way to go Det. Tselepaiks for getting right on it requesting Tim's cell phone records. Nine minutes was all it took to get TB's phone report. That is incredible. I am thrilled to know LE took this case very seriously from the get go. The information thus far on how LE handled this case from the very start, should give us a sense of pride in our LE. MOO.
He grabbed his satchel when the police came because they would need a warrant to search his person, so there was something in there: gun? drugs? both?
BBM - Way to go Det. Tselepaiks for getting right on it requesting Tim's cell phone records. Nine minutes was all it took to get TB's phone report. That is incredible. I am thrilled to know LE took this case very seriously from the get go. The information thus far on how LE handled this case from the very start, should give us a sense of pride in our LE. MOO.

Super diligent. I wish this was the case for every investigation.
Is it feasible that TB was killed before the phone was thrown? What is the distance from TB's home to the location of the phone? What was the expected route? Timelines needed here. The phone could have been grabbed from Tim and shut off and held until it was tossed. JMO
I'd serious like to know if it was TRUE that someone was waiting for DM & MS @ Tim Horton's ...that would mean there is a 3rd person involved in delivering them to the Bosma house....IMHO there must be away that they arrived there without a truck or vehicle park in the driveway...Or did I miss we all were trying to figure out how they arrived before the Trial to the bosma's home that night of the test drive>....Curious where was Dellen's truck?....maybe we will have to wait to hear how Mark Smich was involved...thanks for any info I mayhave missed or speculation on how they got there and sharlene and Tim saw no Truck on their driveway....I am thinking there may be someone else involved????...JMHO..robynhood
First time I saw this info as well and that leads me to ask "Why did DM give them the address of the farm in Ayr?" Oh wait, I know- because he had nothing to hide and probably thought he had cleaned the incinerator out completely, so even if they found it, they wouldn't find anything in it? I really wanna know what this guy was smoke'n . Considering LE where shocked to see something that big, with "ELIMINATOR" & "CREMATORY" on it and I can't help but think these were homicide cops. Was he thinking that just because it was an livestock incinerator that all farmers were sure to have one and no one would be shocked to see one? Makes me remember something that DP said earlier- that the DM side wanted to see the evidence- well, we're starting to see the evidence. MOO

That's his whole defence and he started it that day. "I had nothing to hide. I was up front and honest with LE. They didnt have to find the farm, i led them to it. What guilty person would do that? Even you asked the question, thinking like a normal person would. And he knows that. He thought he had it all "in the bag" so to speak (pun intended :D )

Again, he was manipulating like it appears he's been doing his whole life. Look over there, not over here officer. I'm an upstanding charming guy, totally above board, just ask all my friends. He really did think the eliminator was clear and that his sheeple would cover for him. If there wasn't surveillance of the incinerator and what they did with it at the hangar, I'd guess the rest of Tim is buried there. It's buried or thrown out somewhere.

Poor Tim...and everyone who knew and loved him. To think his remains may have been desecrated in that way, thrown out like trash, makes me wish for the death penalty in this country and I am usually completely against it. But I hope in this case, life means life.

Matou it was mentioned the distance from TB house to location of the phone ...forget exact KM but it is on here today...maybe poster can repeat distance..? think it was 30km?....robynhood:fencefall:
Awesome! Thanks ABro! :tyou: Very interesting and always informative to look back on old posts. :D

Interesting to see the names of Websleuth members who have not come back too ! ! !
He grabbed his satchel when the police came because they would need a warrant to search his person, so there was something in there: gun? drugs? both?

I'm going with all of the above. And I believe you're exactly right. He thought they had a warrant and actually "put them on pause" to grab it. Sounds like a real true crime follower. Maybe he was on this board? Lol

ETA: Okay wait, he had already dropped the gun off in the locked box by this time. So maybe just drugs. He'd be familiar with how to prevent a search for those without a warrant. ;)

.....interesting Kamille...It will not be the FIRST TIME that has happened in a case,,,,I am sure you understand....hmmm 12 members and huge 63 GUEST....huge case in Ontario as we all know....yeppers.
I'd serious like to know if it was TRUE that someone was waiting for DM & MS @ Tim Horton's ...that would mean there is a 3rd person involved in delivering them to the Bosma house....IMHO there must be away that they arrived there without a truck or vehicle park in the driveway...Or did I miss we all were trying to figure out how they arrived before the Trial to the bosma's home that night of the test drive>....Curious where was Dellen's truck?....maybe we will have to wait to hear how Mark Smich was involved...thanks for any info I mayhave missed or speculation on how they got there and sharlene and Tim saw no Truck on their driveway....I am thinking there may be someone else involved????...JMHO..robynhood

Hi robynhood :wave:

When DM and MS walked up to the Bosma home and Tim told them they could have pulled in the driveway, they told him that a friend had dropped them off and had left to go to Tim Horton's. This information was given to LE by Sharlene at the beginning. It was also told to her friends when they were first looking for Tim and ended up getting posted online by a friend.

After 2 years of investigation, it appears that this was a lie that DM told Tim to explain why they didn't have a vehicle with them as they didn't want to leave their vehicle behind because they were stealing the truck.

At some point, they stopped and picked up Dellen Millard's Yukon where they had left it parked. There is no third person. There is absolutely no evidence that there was other than DM's lie.


Mark Carcasole ‏@MarkCarcGlobal 12s12 seconds ago
"I cleaned it up and tried to turn it on. We turned on the phone and texts started coming. A lot of dinging," recalls Rozwell. #Bosma

Mark Carcasole ‏@MarkCarcGlobal 2m2 minutes ago
Next witness: Elizabeth Rozwell. The supervisor at Chimera Kingswood gave #Bosma's phone to. #MillardSmich

Oh man that would have been so awful...

Cleaned it up?! Wiped away finger prints perhaps? :facepalm:
I'd serious like to know if it was TRUE that someone was waiting for DM & MS @ Tim Horton's ...that would mean there is a 3rd person involved in delivering them to the Bosma house....IMHO there must be away that they arrived there without a truck or vehicle park in the driveway...Or did I miss we all were trying to figure out how they arrived before the Trial to the bosma's home that night of the test drive>....Curious where was Dellen's truck?....maybe we will have to wait to hear how Mark Smich was involved...thanks for any info I mayhave missed or speculation on how they got there and sharlene and Tim saw no Truck on their driveway....I am thinking there may be someone else involved????...JMHO..robynhood

This is one aspect of all of this that is driving me crazy. I know the area quite well and they either had someone waiting for them at Timmy's and who did drop them off up the road a bit or, they parked on a sideroad and walked up. Maybe we will never know. Maybe CN will answer that question for us.
Since neither of the accused seems to have any family in the courtroom, are we to assume that some may be witnesses for the defence?
This is one aspect of all of this that is driving me crazy. I know the area quite well and they either had someone waiting for them at Timmy's and who did drop them off up the road a bit or, they parked on a sideroad and walked up. Maybe we will never know. Maybe CN will answer that question for us.

There is no evidence of a third person dropping them off. DM lied. See my post #335 above for more info.

On that note, what was the lie they told Igor from Etobicoke about why they didn't have a vehicle with them when they showed up for that test drive?


Investigators then received Millard's cellphone records and cell tower locations that showed a call from his phone to a number in Ancaster, a rural region of Hamilton, at 9:02 p.m. on the day Bosma disappeared, Jackson said.


So this is a call from DM's phone, not the Bates phone, at 9:02 to what number in Ancaster? So who was he calling? Has that information been shared yet?

Then at 9:04, 2 minutes later, the Bates phone calls TB's phone.
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