Bosma Murder Trial 02.22.16 - Day 12

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BBM - did TB's or DM's Dodge have a manual transmission? I don't recall that.....

Tim's truck no, his was an automatic not a Manual transmission (interior pictures shown no center floor shifter) it has the column shifter.
Dellen's, probably not but possible as the G56 is also made for Hemi gassers. We would need to know if DM's was automatic or Manual shift.

ETA: has anyone come across interior pics of Dellens red Ram?
We know that AJ eventually went to LE of his own volition. Do we know if SS went to LE at anytime or did LE come knocking after AJ told them what he knew?
He said the buyer said it was to dispose of dead farm animals. I remember reading it a few times but here is a link for a Globe and Mail article.

So they did lie about their intention, and the defense successfully fought to get this detail blocked in the court. A small victory for them. I wonder if it will really make much difference in the end, though.
Tim's truck no, his was an automatic not a Manual transmission (interior pictures shown no center floor shifter) it has the column shifter.
Dellen's, probably not but possible as the G56 is also made for Hemi gassers. We would need to know if DM's was automatic or Manual shift.

thanks for the clarification (CJ and qdm) follow up question (admittedly knowing not so much about vehicles) is: what does a scribble on an incinerator invoice that may or may not say G56 (cuz i see something else) (and google tells me a G56 is a MANUAL transmission) have to do with TB's truck? IMO we are making big leaps and I'm not seeing the connection.....TIA for connecting the dots for me
I wouldn't want it swept under the carpet. If DM murdered TB, and LB, the case of WM could be the deciding factor of DM being a serial killer/dangerous offender, or whatever they call it! Do I want that.....hell ya!!!!!

IF DM did in fact kill either LB or WM and I was family to either of them, in my heart of hearts I would want it on record, documented somewhere, that DM was the one who killed them. Despite what it may cost for either trial.
It was the scrappiest day the legal teams have had in this trial, which is starting its fourth week. While defence lawyers have gone hard after witnesses a few times, this is the first time the Crown and defence — in particular the legal team of Ravin Pillay and Nadir Sachak representing Dellen Millard — have squared off. The result was the 14 jurors were holed up in their room for more than half the day and two witnesses who flew in to testify — one from Winnipeg, the other from Georgia — didn't finish.
It was the scrappiest day the legal teams have had in this trial, which is starting its fourth week. While defence lawyers have gone hard after witnesses a few times, this is the first time the Crown and defence — in particular the legal team of Ravin Pillay and Nadir Sachak representing Dellen Millard — have squared off. The result was the 14 jurors were holed up in their room for more than half the day and two witnesses who flew in to testify — one from Winnipeg, the other from Georgia — didn't finish.

things that make you go guess is DM's lawyer did NOT want the testimony re: intended use of Eliminator (bc we all now know disposal of animal carcasses by DM or MillardAir to be complete and utter BS) but I bet MS's lawyers DID want that testimony to be admissible.....bc it speaks to premeditation by DM (and not MS). MOO

Also looks like we will have more testimony re: Eliminator tomorrow.....
I'm looking thru the BAJA pics and don't seen anything yet..but someone in the last is discussion thread mentioned a police scanner on dash of DM's truck (assuming this was in reference to the Ram). That is not a police scanner, it's a CB radio.
Hi - Been following along since the start of the trial but finally have something to post.

I think the scratched out account number on the invoice is GSE account
GSE standing for Ground Support Equipment - the equipment used to service aircraft between flights.

As the AP person for my company, I write all over quite a few invoices.
Just want to jump in and introduce myself. I have been here for a couple years lurking, following the Terry and daughter Hailey Blanchette / Dunbar case. (I live in the BC Rockies). I've followed the Bosma case since day one, but not contributed until now. Just wanted to say hi, :seeya: and thank you to everyone who works so hard to share the tweets and posts in MSM. I really appreciate it.
Not to mention, towing a 6000lb? incinerator


There could be several different legitimate reasons given to the distributor for the incinerator purchase. I'm still waiting to see if the crown ties in this as a premeditated purchase of a pc of equipment for the disposal of human bodies, or if it was bought for legitimate reasons but ended up being what DM needed. I'm confused as whether he is just a sociopath killing for the thrill or something else. What do his 3 alleged victims have in common. The link above is an airport that bought an incinerator to burn trash from planes from the same manufacturer, and we're making a profit doing it. So just another possible reason that SS may have given. All MOO

:worms:At first the notes on the invoices (Post #301) were like a can of worms---A bunch of scribbles meaning nothing. Then it started with sorting out the GP56 reference to the Dodge Ram transmission (Post #322) A bit of a wonder why SS would have been thinking the incinerator invoice might go into GP56 Account OR Garbage & Disposal Account ( see Post#301)-why would you do that when those things are really as different as chalk and cheese?
Then I read the article for the link at the top of this page.
There is this small airport in the USA that has an incinerator and they burn the garbage when the planes are is a going concern.
So I am thinking that maybe that is the excuse that DM and SS are going to come up with....."So like we were doing a start up business to look after incinerating the waste and garbage after the planes were groomed at the KW Airport. Like we needed a portable incinerator and a big old Dodge Ram truck to tow it. The equipment is own by Millard Properties---we have all the paper work filed in separate files one for the truck and one for the incinerator and we write off the depreciation every year. ( the MP 230 from Post #301 could be the chequered that paid for it all.--who knows) Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah....You've got it all wrong the equipment is strictly for Millard Airline Services Inc. See there is nothing to hide we have kept everything right out in the open.
Remember when the first lawyer to represent DM said to the media essentially you've got it all don't see the whole picture yet but when you do you'll understand. IMHO......
thanks for the clarification (CJ and qdm) follow up question (admittedly knowing not so much about vehicles) is: what does a scribble on an incinerator invoice that may or may not say G56 (cuz i see something else) (and google tells me a G56 is a MANUAL transmission) have to do with TB's truck? IMO we are making big leaps and I'm not seeing the connection.....TIA for connecting the dots for me

There are 2 scribbles on the invoice. One looks to say "G56" which happens to be a manual transmission for Dodge Trucks for the year 2005 1/2 and up. Not a common transmission and happens to be on the Incinerator receipt. Why? That is the question. For book keeping fab up to cover up incinerator...could be. But they'd have to come up with another 11k in dodge parts as the trasmssion is around 3-4,000 dollars new.

I think it's was pointed out as in..."wow! Look at this! Coincidence or what"
Not to mention, towing a 6000lb? incinerator

Hi - Been following along since the start of the trial but finally have something to post.

I think the scratched out account number on the invoice is GSE account
GSE standing for Ground Support Equipment - the equipment used to service aircraft between flights.

As the AP person for my company, I write all over quite a few invoices.

I love all GSE needs is an incinerator and big old truck to pull it !!!
Maybe DM Defense will say he was planning on starting a mobile incineration business since these units are so expensive and so rare.

I have an unsettled feeling that DM will take the stand and his alice in wonderland story will spill out...........and cause quite some confusion. BS baffles brains, etc.
I sincerely hope not as this could cause quite some pain for the Bosma family but this guy definitely seems to want his day in court.
I'm holding my breath and just waiting for some real surprises. Certainly hope I'm wrong and it's just winter cabin fever. And please not another Jodi Arias.
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