Bosma Murder Trial 03.09.16 - Day 22

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I'm wondering if the used flashlights in the hanger till 3:45 as they didn't want to draw attention to the hanger while they were using the incinerator. I can't remember the time of the second ignite or the time the person went back out. Jmo
I'm wondering if the used flashlights in the hanger till 3:45 as they didn't want to draw attention to the hanger while they were using the incinerator. I can't remember the time of the second ignite or the time the person went back out. Jmo

Just me, and maybe I'm wrong, but the Eliminator has two hatches: one on top and one on the bottom/side. My feeling is that the second set of flashes was them opening each hatch to look inside.

Note: again--just my feeling/first impression. I don't know if there are safety precautions that may prevent one or both from being opened when it's still hot.

I do also believe that ignition and/or afterburners may be responsible for some of the other flares and glowing. But the sequence of two flashes after several hours put me in mind of someone checking the progress. (Sorry.)

Edit: I see I missed more similar convo overnight, and that maybe opening the hatches wouldn't have been doable (someone mentioned the unit being slightly pressurized).
I have this sinking feeling that CN is going to be a hostile witness for the Crown.

I mentioned just before the trial that I was ... Suspicious of our collective tendency to believe CN was a victim of DM's manipulation or would do the right thing. After all, she looks so sweet in that picture with the cute little puppy dog, right?
Yes I believe she said long-sleeved orange and the other red hoodie. We need these security cams to be in colour!

I could be wrong, and someone may have already addressed this but I was pretty sure it was Igor that said the "taller one" "Evan" was wearing an orange shirt.
This is one of those things where I'm way late to the party, but if MS was wearing a red hoodie, isn't that quite a departure from the other pics we've seen of him wearing grays and other neutrals?

Pretty sure someone else must have already brought this up.

Would they go out of their way to buy clothes that would potentially be more blood colored?

Alternate thought: Vince Gilligan, the show runner of Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, has stated repeatedly that whenever the color red appears in those two shows, it's a symbol of criminal activity. I've heard him say it on podcasts, but when Breaking Bad was on the air, it always had an "after show" where they discussed things, and I'm sure Vince Gilligan might have mentioned the symbolism of the color red there too. I suppose it's not beyond the realm of possibility that these two watched BB and its after-show.

(This is the kind of "reaching" spec I usually try to avoid, but yeah, red and orange aren't something I remember seeing either of them wearing in any other pic, although DM was slightly more flamboyant.)

Edited to add: quick Google reveals they would have missed the final series of Breaking Bad due to being in prison. So sad for them. /s
I had a hard time sleeping last night. I kept playing the videos over and over in my mind and thinking who does this sort of thing? Who kills for a truck? Who buys a $15,000.00 animal cremator when you don't have livestock? Who thinks up something like this?

At the end of my pondering the words "diabolically evil" came to the forefront. Sharlene Bosma was oh so right, and summed it up perfectly, when she said that "evil walked up her driveway". (I'm paraphrasing). Never a truer sentence was uttered.

The videos, although grainy and difficult to discern at times, do paint a picture and again a haunting visual of the activity that went on that fateful night. The video of the two men in the hangar, WEARING GLOVES, sealed it for me and I think it may just seal it for the jury.

My thoughts are with Sharlene Bosma and Tim's family and friends. I can't imagine their pain.
I was worried yesterday when the tweets were saying how grainy the videos were and that they were hard to see. I suppose for most untrained eyes they are but they aren't nearly as bad as I was expecting. Most of the shots I didn't know what was happening without following along with Plaxton's deciphering though.
Just going back to day 1 of the trial and AC's live blog and noticed a few things I either missed or already forgot:

Feb 1 2016 2:44 PM Sharlene says she was originally setting up ads for the truck. “He was cute, but he wasn’t always so good with computers,” she said about her husband.

Sounds like something I'd say about my hubby and something I'd do.

Feb 1 2016 2:48 PM Bosma's mom Mary turned 60 on May 6, Sharlene said -- the day he disappeared.

DM violently ripped Tim Bosma from this world on Tim's mother's birthday and left Tim's truck in his own mother's driveway to be discovered on Mother's Day. Sigh.

Around 9:10 p.m. Tim's phone rang. Not long after that, she heard voices and people coming up the driveway. She first saw them about halfway down the driveway. One man coming down the driveway was talking on his phone. Tim was still on his phone as well -- when they saw each other, they hung up at the same time. Sharlene assumed the two were talking to each other.

We now know it was 9:05 based on phone ping records showing the Bate phone calling Tim's phone at that time. I think this also speaks (somewhat) to SB not coming right out and identifying DM. We know he was in her driveway at 9:05pm that night and got into Tim's truck with him.

Feb 1 2016 3:08 PM Sharlene now describing the men who came to her home. The man on his cell phone was about 6'1 with a medium build, about 175 pounds. He was white, with no accent, she says. No glasses, with clean cut, light brown hair and a scruffy beard. She says he was in his early to mid 20s.

She didn't describe what he was wearing. But she does with MS:

Feb 1 2016 3:10 PM The second man was farther away, she says, a couple feet farther away from her. He was shorter, about 5'10 or so. He was shorter than Tim. He was wearing blue jeans and a large red hooded sweater with the hood up. It was hard to tell his build under the sweater, she says. "He seemed sketchy. He just kind of hung off to the back and wouldn't look at us." Sharlene said about the second man.

When the Bosma's neighbor WDB testified he didn't describe what DM was wearing either, just the way he looked, and carried himself. I was sure one of them described what DM was wearing but it wasn't in day 1 of AC's live blog.
I was worried yesterday when the tweets were saying how grainy the videos were and that they were hard to see. I suppose for most untrained eyes they are but they aren't nearly as bad as I was expecting. Most of the shots I didn't know what was happening without following along with Plaxton's deciphering though.

I was just trying again to catch up from earlier yesterday's posts.. and they were talking about what I believe to be the Yukon leaving the hangar with trailer in tow, at around 11;40pm on May 7th... so I am noticing that I am getting confused as to whether they are referring to the incinerator trailer, or the big trailer that TB's truck was found in.

I have started a spreadsheet, not quite finished, with all of the times and players and cell-towers, which would be sortable by date/time or by user-name/number, etc.. and now want to also plug in verified times of the accuseds movements. I suppose if I start reading directly from a reporter's tweets, I would know which trailer they were referring to? Hopefully?
I was just trying again to catch up from earlier yesterday's posts.. and they were talking about what I believe to be the Yukon leaving the hangar with trailer in tow, at around 11;40pm on May 7th... so I am noticing that I am getting confused as to whether they are referring to the incinerator trailer, or the big trailer that TB's truck was found in.

I have started a spreadsheet, not quite finished, with all of the times and players and cell-towers, which would be sortable by date/time or by user-name/number, etc.. and now want to also plug in verified times of the accuseds movements. I suppose if I start reading directly from a reporter's tweets, I would know which trailer they were referring to? Hopefully?

Sometimes I found it difficult to know which trailer exactly, but if you read some tweets once more then you will understand.
Just me, and maybe I'm wrong, but the Eliminator has two hatches: one on top and one on the bottom/side. My feeling is that the second set of flashes was them opening each hatch to look inside.

Note: again--just my feeling/first impression. I don't know if there are safety precautions that may prevent one or both from being opened when it's still hot.

I do also believe that ignition and/or afterburners may be responsible for some of the other flares and glowing. But the sequence of two flashes after several hours put me in mind of someone checking the progress. (Sorry.)

Edit: I see I missed more similar convo overnight, and that maybe opening the hatches wouldn't have been doable (someone mentioned the unit being slightly pressurized).

The incinerator had a built in exhaust to let combustion gasses out. There won't be too much pressure differential inside the unit vs the outside. Probably similar to a BBQ. MOO

Testifying for the Crown, no less. This should be very interesting.

One of the reporters was asked on twitter a while back now if any of DM or MS's family had been seen in the courtroom and the reporter said NO, not that they'd seen. I take that to mean, either, they have no intention of being in court to support their family member, or they've been called to testify and cant attend proceedings until they do. I naturally assumed their family members would be called to testify for the DEFENSE, not the prosecution. But I've never followed a case this close before so I have no idea if this is normal, or out of the ordinary.
I could be wrong, and someone may have already addressed this but I was pretty sure it was Igor that said the "taller one" "Evan" was wearing an orange shirt.

I am curious if DMs internet search history has him researching the best colour to wear. I am sure there is alot of data evidence still to come.
The incinerator had a built in exhaust to let combustion gasses out. There won't be too much pressure differential inside the unit vs the outside. Probably similar to a BBQ. MOO

Actually likely very different from a BBQ due to the fans which add lots of air to increase temperature and increase efficiency...think blacksmith bellows. So there very possibly IS a higher pressure inside with all of the fans blowing inward. Opening the door would allow another exit for heat flame and smoke instead of taking the proper route through the afterburner unit on top.
I was just trying again to catch up from earlier yesterday's posts.. and they were talking about what I believe to be the Yukon leaving the hangar with trailer in tow, at around 11;40pm on May 7th... so I am noticing that I am getting confused as to whether they are referring to the incinerator trailer, or the big trailer that TB's truck was found in.

I have started a spreadsheet, not quite finished, with all of the times and players and cell-towers, which would be sortable by date/time or by user-name/number, etc.. and now want to also plug in verified times of the accuseds movements. I suppose if I start reading directly from a reporter's tweets, I would know which trailer they were referring to? Hopefully?

At one point it was about incinerator on the flatbed style trailer, and then the black trailer with TB's truck inside. I don't recall the specific tweets though. I think usually Adam Carter's live blog is fairly detailed. But if I recall, most of the tweeters yesterday were pretty on point with the details of times and vehicles.

Good luck with the spreadsheet - that's a lot of work! :)
I was just trying again to catch up from earlier yesterday's posts.. and they were talking about what I believe to be the Yukon leaving the hangar with trailer in tow, at around 11;40pm on May 7th... so I am noticing that I am getting confused as to whether they are referring to the incinerator trailer, or the big trailer that TB's truck was found in.

I have started a spreadsheet, not quite finished, with all of the times and players and cell-towers, which would be sortable by date/time or by user-name/number, etc.. and now want to also plug in verified times of the accuseds movements. I suppose if I start reading directly from a reporter's tweets, I would know which trailer they were referring to? Hopefully?

The Yukon towed the incinerator out of the hangar on May 7th around 11:40pm
DM's red truck towed the car trailer with Tim's truck in it, on the 9th.
Testifying for the Crown, no less. This should be very interesting.

One of the reporters was asked on twitter a while back now if any of DM or MS's family had been seen in the courtroom and the reporter said NO, not that they'd seen. I take that to mean, either, they have no intention of being in court to support their family member, or they've been called to testify and cant attend proceedings until they do. I naturally assumed their family members would be called to testify for the DEFENSE, not the prosecution. But I've never followed a case this close before so I have no idea if this is normal, or out of the ordinary.

Witnesses can be called by either Crown or Defense. The witness has no say in which side calls them.
Good Morning Everyone, I'm trying to find the video from Bobcat where Tim's phone was found. Does anyone have a link? I tried google searching, didnt come up with anything. Was it released?
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