Bosma Murder Trial 03.31.16 - Day 28

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Mar 31 2016 3:55 PM
Schlatman says he sent the texts to Millard about Bosma after having a conversation with his father in law, Arthur Jennings.

Mar 31 2016 3:56 PM
One of those texts started "I can't stop thinking about what that family is going through."

So DM stole that line from SS?

Mar 31 2016 3:56 PMSmich's lawyer Thomas Dungey now asking if he can cross examine on Monday.

Mar 31 2016 3:57 PM
Justice Goodman excuses the jury, assures them we are on schedule. Schlatman's cross continues Monday.
Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 1m1 minute ago
May 9, Sachak suggests Schlatman looked at Facebook and told Millard that truck in hangar looks like #Bosma truck.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 1m1 minute ago
Sachak asks if he recalls on May 9, looking at computer and telling DM a truck (Bosma truck) looked like one in the hangar. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 1m1 minute ago
Schlatman doesn't recall having such a conversation. It wasn't until after he spoke with Art Jennings that he and Millard texted about it.

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 1m1 minute ago
Leads to text from Millard that says "I can't stop thinking about that family." #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 48s49 seconds ago
(Art Jennings is Schlatman's father-in-law). #Bosma

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 24s25 seconds ago
Sachak's cross-examination is over. Thomas Dungey is asking the judge if he can cross-examine Schlatman on Monday. Judge agrees. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 55s56 seconds ago
One of those texts, Sachak repeats, was from DM: "I can't stop thinking about what that family is going through." #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 45s46 seconds ago
Schlatman says he and #Millard talked on May 9, 2013 about how truck in hangar looked like #Bosma truck

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 52s52 seconds ago
Sachak done. Dungey says he is tired and asks if he can begin his cross for Smich on Monday. Judge agrees, tells jury trial is on schedule.

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 52s52 seconds ago
Jury is excused until Monday. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 43s43 seconds ago
That's it for Sachak. Dungey up but asks, given the time, if he can start his cross on Monday. (Trial not sitting tmrw). #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 48s48 seconds ago
Schlatman will return Monday. Court done until then. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 36s37 seconds ago
#Smich lawyer Dungey asks to start his cross exam of Schlatman Monday. Court done for day #Bosma
Nick Dixon ‏@CHCHNewsguyNick 35s35 seconds ago
check in w @chchnews @ 6 to hear @HefCHCHNews on today's testimony at the #Bosmatrial
You have to believe the Crown is going to re-examine this witness after this long, drawn-out drivel by just the first Defense lawyer! MOO
Mar 31 2016 3:58 PM
That's it for today. This story is a recap and will be updated today:
Dellen Millard and his employee Shane Schlatman had a knickname for the incinerator in which human bones were found on his farm — The BBQ.

This does not surprise me, coming from a twenty something like DM. The dirt bike dude called it the big red neck BBQ. I don't believe the wording has much weight, but is definitely disgusting in the context of this trial.
Well NS seemed to be driving SS into painting a picture of DM as someone with lots of harebrained ideas that no one questioned. I don't know how that really helps. Makes him seem like a goof.
Dungey now has three days to prepare his zingers. :eek:ddsmiley:
IMO, Sachak is trying all of his defence strategies. I don't think it was his intention to have Dungey cross on Monday just for the reason you gave. It would have been much better for DM to have SS wrapped up today. SS gets to spend the next 3 days thinking about another day on the stand. MOO
Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 1m1 minute ago
May 9, Sachak suggests Schlatman looked at Facebook and told Millard that truck in hangar looks like #Bosma truck.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 1m1 minute ago
Sachak asks if he recalls on May 9, looking at computer and telling DM a truck (Bosma truck) looked like one in the hangar. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 1m1 minute ago
Schlatman doesn't recall having such a conversation. It wasn't until after he spoke with Art Jennings that he and Millard texted about it.

So what's the point of having a no contact order if the defense attorney is just going to suggest to the witness what he said, when he didn't say it at all? Basically trying to fabricate a story that the witness will agree to. How is this okay? :waitasec:

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 1m1 minute ago
May 9, Sachak suggests Schlatman looked at Facebook and told Millard that truck in hangar looks like #Bosma truck.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 1m1 minute ago
Sachak asks if he recalls on May 9, looking at computer and telling DM a truck (Bosma truck) looked like one in the hangar. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 1m1 minute ago
Schlatman doesn't recall having such a conversation. It wasn't until after he spoke with Art Jennings that he and Millard texted about it.

So what's the point of having a no contact order if the defense attorney is just going to suggest to the witness what he said, when he didn't say it at all? Basically trying to fabricate a story that the witness will agree to. How is this okay? :waitasec:


How does the Crown not object at all?
That's really nice for him, but most car dealerships won't let you buy a $25,000 car on a credit card.

(Unless this is different in Canada?)

And even still, why are they going through all this, why don't they just produce a bank statement? He obviously had SOME cash, since he withdrew $3000 the day he was arrested.

Seriously?! :O $15k a month in supplies? WTH was SS purchasing that would add up to that kind of money where there was no work going on to do with MA? Any ideas of what SS was purchasing each month? MOO.
I would assume that the defense appears to be trying to show that there was no motive on behalf of the accused to commit this crime. They have been trying to show that DM was not in financial disaster and in that did not need to commit this crime. However, I believe its a very weak argument or approach due to the fact that the crown does not need to show motive here in order to prove that the crime was still committed. MOO.

Kind of makes one wonder about DM's Steam moniker "Dir3n33d".
I am not sure if NS realized how stupid he made his client sound when he talked about off-roading in the excavator. I do not know anyone with any sort of intelligence that would just hack around and burn out a motor in an excavator. It is just another thing showing how careless DM is. He really is painting a picture of DM opposite of which he is trying to portrait

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Mar 31 2016 3:55 PM
Schlatman says he sent the texts to Millard about Bosma after having a conversation with his father in law, Arthur Jennings.

Mar 31 2016 3:56 PM
One of those texts started "I can't stop thinking about what that family is going through."

So DM stole that line from SS?

Mar 31 2016 3:56 PMSmich's lawyer Thomas Dungey now asking if he can cross examine on Monday.

Mar 31 2016 3:57 PM
Justice Goodman excuses the jury, assures them we are on schedule. Schlatman's cross continues Monday.

Well this is going to be good come Monday. Leitch and Dungey have three days to work on ripping DM's defense apart. Today seemed like a wasted day in court IMHO.
Seriously?! :O $15k a month in supplies? WTH was SS purchasing that would add up to that kind of money where there was no work going on to do with MA? Any ideas of what SS was purchasing each month? MOO.

Down payments on incinerators, gas, oil and other fluids for vehicles and generators, propane for the "barbeque" and maybe the one working forklift, parts for the kit car and other DM vehicles he was working on, parts for his own car, gas for his own vehicle, lunches and maybe dinners, office and washroom supplies, windshield removal tools, sanding discs, parts for modifying race Jeeps and the Yukon, parts and lumber to build trailers, cases of spray paint, tarps, nitrile gloves, online engine orders from somewhere in the region of New Mexico, online purchase of a dune buggy, dog food....once again the list could go on and on...

Dungey now has three days to prepare his zingers. :eek:ddsmiley:

Agreed and he did a great job blowing apart NS multi hour cross in extremely quick time with JV. He managed to get out that the money owed to JV far exceeded DM's amount owing. As well the whole business set up wasn't such a sweet heart deal that NS made it seem.

Dungey seems to be the far superior defense lawyer imo.

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Do we actually have a Justice system, or only a Legal system? :notgood:

Opinion only...

Yes, that's a very good observation. It's always been a peeve of my when people don't understand the difference between "law" and "legal"....and I am afraid that our system is always inching more and more to be a "legal system," rather than a "system of law".
Forgive me if this has been already brought up, I'm having difficulty catching up! I got through all of yesterday's posts and some of today's!

I find it interesting that NS is dwelling on correcting the previous testimony of others who said that DM had planned on going into the pet incineration business with his uncle (unbeknownst to his uncle, of course).

Whether or not that was a misunderstanding, and *really* DM had only said that HE was going into the pet incineration to service clients such as, and including, his uncle's veterinary business, the fact remains that he had told the supplier/distributor/manufacturer during purchase discussions, that he would be using it for MRO operations at the hangar, did he not?
Forgive me if this has been already brought up, I'm having difficulty catching up! I got through all of yesterday's posts and some of today's!

I find it interesting that NS is dwelling on correcting the previous testimony of others who said that DM had planned on going into the pet incineration business with his uncle (unbeknownst to his uncle, of course).

Whether or not that was a misunderstand, and *really* DM had only said that HE was going into the pet incineration to service clients such as, and including, his uncle's veterinary business, the fact remains that he had told the supplier/distributor/manufacturer during purchase discussions, that he would be using it for MRO operations at the hangar, did he not?

Good point, and I am too lazy at the moment to look up what the Eliminator salesperson received as a response to his email from SS when he asked what it would be used for in order to size properly.

If not mistaken, it was a nebulous response with SS saying that DM decided on the 500 lb. model. He didn't need the big door, but wanted the after burner. The after burner is a second burn of the initial exhaust that reduces fumes and smell.
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