Bosma Murder Trial 04.04.16 - Day 29

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molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 1m1 minute ago
Now onto Baja. Again, Schlatman is there for 3 wks yet nothing to do with Millardair. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 23s23 seconds ago
Dellen Millard paid for the whole trip. "Your wages are being paid you're down there on a 3 wk holiday," Dungey says. Schlatman agrees.

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 58s58 seconds ago
Going to Baja was another example of Millard being spoiled, says Dungey. Schlatman went all expenses paid and his regular paycheque.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 44s44 seconds ago
"This is one of those crazy foolish things he does," Dungey says (of race). Schlatman says he wouldn't call it foolish. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 36s36 seconds ago
Dungey characterizes #Millard as a "spoiled boy" with no care or reason. #Millard lawyer objects. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 12s12 seconds ago
Dungey points out DM got 15miles into a 500mile race and his truck breaks down. Bc tree takes out engine. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont now
Millard in "crazy, foolish race" and only goes 15 of 500 miles after hits a tree. "He has no fear," says Schlatman.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 14s15 seconds ago
"Rather reckless driving isn't it," Dungey says. Schlatman agrees it's "interesting." #Bosma
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 15s15 seconds ago
"What does he care, it's not coming out of his pocket right?" Dungey says. Schlatman agrees. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes now
Schlatman continued working for Millard Properties after Millard's arrest. #Bosma

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 20s21 seconds ago
Shlatman agrees DM lives large. Dungey describes his actions as crazy and foolish. Millard smiles. @AM900CHML #TimBosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 20s21 seconds ago
Drove with Millard once and "never again." Drives fast. Dungey says it's indicative of Millard's approach to life. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 37s37 seconds ago
But you were there prev as a mechanic, Dungey says, you weren't there for airplane duties at all. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 21s22 seconds ago
Schlatman says he would've had some title to work on equipment. Dungey says nothing to do with an airline. He agrees. #Bosma
Dungey now asking about the Baja jeep race the two took a trip to. "This is one of these crazy foolish things that he does, right?" Dungey says. "I don't know if I'd call it foolish," Schlatman says. Millard got 15 miles out of 500.
by Adam Carter 10:49 AM

Dungey asks Schlatman if he would get into a car with Millard while he was racing. "I did once and then I said I wouldn't again." Schlatman says. "Because it's reckless driving?" Dungey says. "It was very interesting, yes," Schlatman answers.
by Adam Carter 10:50 AM

Dungey asks Schlatman if his relationship with Millard continued after his arrest, but he says no.
by Adam Carter 10:50 AM

Schlatman was still being paid until April of 2015.
by Adam Carter 10:51 AM
Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 5s5 seconds ago
Schlatman worked on forklifts and tugs at hangar. Worked at Millardair until April 2015. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 19s19 seconds ago
Court laughs: Schlatman describes #Millard escapades & how he refused to race with boss after 1st time. "It was very interesting." #Bosma

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 6s6 seconds ago
Dungey effectively pointing out DM blows lots of $ on stuff and activites that has nothing to do w Millard Air. Shlatman agrees. @AM900CHML

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 22s23 seconds ago
Schlatman says he worked for Millard up until April 2015. #TimBosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 25s26 seconds ago
He agrees he continued to make same high wage in new gig maintaining the property, after Millard's arrest. #Bosma
"He could go off and do whatever he liked whenever he wanted to," Schlatman says. "He controlled you all the time, right?" Dungey says. Schlatman responds yes.
by Adam Carter 10:53 AM

"If you question what he does, he gets upset, right?" Dungey says. Schlatman responds yes.
by Adam Carter 10:53 AM

"No matter what vehicle he brings in or what piece of equipment, you just do as he says, right?" Dungey asks. Schlatman responds yes.
by Adam Carter 10:53 AM

Dungey now asking about the Eliminator that Schlatman bought on behalf of Millard.
by Adam Carter 10:54 AM
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 24s25 seconds ago
Dungey asks whatever crazy things he did. Skydiving, Schlatman says. But otherwise can't say--didn't hang around with him often. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 25s26 seconds ago
Schlatman said Millard did a lot of crazy things: fast driving; sky diving. "Crazy, care free," says Schlatman.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 41s42 seconds ago
Schlatman describes DM as "crazy, carefree." Dungey suggests he was always in control, incl. of him. Schlatman agrees. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 14s15 seconds ago
All through your relationship that's your attitude -- "Don't question anything?" Dungey asks.
"Yes sir," Schlatman says. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 20s20 seconds ago
Dungey: "He controls you all the time?" Schlatman: "Yes." Millard doesn't like to be questioned. Gets upset. Schlatman just followed orders.

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 33s33 seconds ago
Schlatman says he never questioned Millard because he would become upset. #TimBosma

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 39s39 seconds ago
Shlatman; "crazy, carefree.He could do whatever he liked whenever." Dungey; he was the rich guy. Had $. Don't question anything. @AM900CHML
Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 21s21 seconds ago
Shlatman agrees w Dungey. He never questioned his boss. He just did what he was asked. @AM900CHML #TimBosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 19s19 seconds ago
Schlatman agrees he didn't question anything boss said. "You just do what he says." "Yes." #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 9s9 seconds ago
Re: Eliminator, Dungey suggests it wasn't purchased by Millardair. Schlatman says it was paid for (from his und.) from DM's account. #Bosma

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 17s18 seconds ago
He never thought to question the building or purchase of Eliminator. @AM900CHML #TimBosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 10s10 seconds ago
Schlatman spent a week working on buying Eliminatir. Spent more than 2 weeks building trailer for it. Nothing to do with hangar business.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 10s10 seconds ago
Took a week of research before purchase and another 2 wks to build trailer, Schlatman says. All on Millardair time, he agrees. #Bosma

* hmm, grounds for a civil suit against MA? How does that work?
Schlatman says he believes it was paid from Millard's account and not MillardAir.
by Adam Carter 10:55 AM

Schlatman researched and bought the Eliminator, and then built the trailer for it.
by Adam Carter 10:56 AM

Schlatman says the only person he showed how to use the Eliminator was MIllard.
by Adam Carter 10:56 AM
Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 40s41 seconds ago
Schlatman says he paid for the Eliminator incinerator using a credit card with his name on it linked to Millard's bank account. #TimBosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 25s26 seconds ago
Millard would run anything he wanted through Schlatman. $23,000 for Eliminator and trailer. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 21s22 seconds ago
You showed just Mr Millard and nobody else how to work the Eliminator? Dungey asks. Schlatman agrees--just Millard. #Bosma

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 22s22 seconds ago
He says he spent 3 weeks researching the device and building the trailer, all on company time. #TimBosma
Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 19s19 seconds ago
He also showed Millard and only Millard how to use it according to Schlatman. #TimBosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 38s38 seconds ago
Eliminator taken to farm. What happened to pet cremation business? Nothing, and it cost $23,000. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 29s29 seconds ago
Re: pet cremation biz talk, whatever came of it? Dungey asks. Nothing, Schlatman says. Dungey points out it cost $23k. Yes, he says. #Bosma
Schlatman says Millard said he was going to use the Eliminator to cremate dead pets for vets, like his uncle.
by Adam Carter 10:57 AM

Millard left the hangar with the Eliminator one day. "So what happens to the so called business?" Dungey asks. "As far as I know, nothing was done." Schlatman says. "23 thousand dollars, all this work, and nothing is done," Dungey shoots back.
by Adam Carter 10:59 AM

"I had a discussion with Dellen and he indicated he had talked to his uncle," Schlatman says -- though Millard's uncle Robert Burns denies this.
by Adam Carter 10:59 AM

Schlatman says Millard never asked him to do any research or make contact about vets in the area.
by Adam Carter 11:00 AM
Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 53s53 seconds ago
Schlatman says the Eliminator cost $23,000 and nothing was ever done to his knowledge to start a pet cremation business. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 46s46 seconds ago
Dungey asks what Millard said about pet cremation. Schlatman says his understanding was he spoke to his uncle about high cost. #Bosma

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 32s32 seconds ago
Dungey is eating mr Shlatman for lunch. Pointing out waste of $. Strange events. And that nothing DM was questioned. @AM900CHML #TimBosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 54s54 seconds ago
Schlatman says he thought Millard got pet cremation idea from his uncle, who is a vet. "Nothing ever happened with it," says Schlatman.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 46s46 seconds ago
"Another one of his crazy schemes fly by night nothing ever comes of it," Dungey says. Schlatman agrees, as far as he knows. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 1m1 minute ago
Incinerator & trailer cost $23k together, but after rushing to get it done, unit is parked at farm. "What happened to pet cremation biz?"
Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 1m1 minute ago
Schlatman says Millard told him he propositioned his veterinarian uncle about the business, but his uncle has already testified he didn't.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 1m1 minute ago
Dungey asks if Millard ever asked him to research vets in the area. He did not. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 35s36 seconds ago
Dungey asks if he did other research projects. Yes, Schlatman says. He researched shelving, can't remember everything. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 38s38 seconds ago
SS: "Every now and again he'd come to me and say figure this out and I'd have to research and figure it out." #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 34s35 seconds ago
Most of it was his personal projects, he agrees. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 33s34 seconds ago
Schlatman says Millard told him he'd talked to vet uncle Robert Burns re pet disposal plan. Burns testified before that was untrue. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 53s54 seconds ago
Schlatman had also researched shelving for hangar. #Bosma But most of his work was for Millard's personal projects.
Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 44s45 seconds ago
Schlatman says most of what he did at work were Millard's hobbies and personal projects. #TimBosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 21s22 seconds ago
Dungey says it wouldn't be unusual to come into work in the am and see new equipment or vehicles in the hangar. Schlatman agrees. #Bosma

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 22s23 seconds ago
Dungey now asking about the #Bosma truck how it wasn't unusual for equipment to just appear at the hangar.
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 14s14 seconds ago
Dungey asks specifically about a Bobcat. SS says DM say where he bought it. DM asked him to remove a GPS (tracking device) from it. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 8s8 seconds ago
Not unusual for Schlatman to come in, find new equipment: ie Bobcat. Millard said he bought it. Asked to remove GPS, used to track vehicles.

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 18s19 seconds ago
Schlatman says a bobcat appeared one day and Millard asked him to remove a GPS that would be used to track the vehicle. #TimBosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 21s21 seconds ago
He told me he purchased it, so I just thought he didn't want the GPS unit on it. Didn't find it that unusual, Schlatman says. #Bosma
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 34s34 seconds ago
Dungey asks if he told him where he bought it from. No. Schlatman says he never asked about it. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 39s39 seconds ago
Schlatman doesn't remember where Millard purchased it from. Not new. Didn't show him any documents for it.

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 35s35 seconds ago
Schlatman says his boss said he bought it but he didn't know where and he never saw any ownership paperwork. #TimBosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 30s30 seconds ago
"Are you sort of closing your eyes here as to where it came from when you're taking the GPS off?" Dungey asks. Schlatman says no. #Bosma
Have to say, I've been impressed with SM's lawyer! Maybe DM should have hired him lol
Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 18s19 seconds ago
Schlatman says he'd often come into work at hangar to find a new vehicle. Once a bobcat; #Millard told him to remove GPS tracking device.

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 15s16 seconds ago
"Are u sort of closing your eyes here where this equipment comes from?" asks Dungey? Schlatman says he didn't ask questions.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 22s23 seconds ago
Schlatman argues DM has money. Dungey says so he's the guy with the money you just do what he tells you? Schlatman says yes. #Bosma
Most of what Schlatman was doing was for Millard's personal projects, he says.
by Adam Carter 11:02 AM

It wouldn't be unusual for Schlatman to get to work and there'd be a new vehicle or piece of equipment sitting there, he says.
by Adam Carter 11:02 AM

Dungey now asking about a Bobcat tractor that showed up in the hangar. "Did he tell you who he bought it from?" Dungey says. "No sir." Schlatman says. "Did he ask you to do any work on it?" Dungey says -- and Schlatman responds that there was a GPS on it that Millard asked him to remove. "So if a vehicle went missing, they could track where it is, right?" Dungey says. "Right." Schlatman says. "You didn't find that a little suspicious?" Dungey says. "I didn't find it unusual, no." Millard never showed any documents of ownership. "Are you sort of closing your eyes here as to where this piece of equipment could have come from when you're taking the GPS off?" Dungey says.
by Adam Carter 11:05 AM

A Harley Davidson motorcycle showed up in the hangar one day too. "I remember him saying he purchased it -- more than that I do not remember," Schlatman says.
by Adam Carter 11:06 AM
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 19s19 seconds ago
Dungey asking now about a motorcycle that appeared in the hangar one day. #Bosma

* wondering is TD is setting SS up with the bobcat & bike (vs. future testimony on a chop shop?)

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 52s52 seconds ago
Shlatman never questioned all the cars. Vehicles coming in to Millard air. And didn't question Bosmas truck. @AM900CHML #TimBosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 49s49 seconds ago
Schlatman says DM had talked about building a chopper style bike so figured it was part of that project. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 43s43 seconds ago
Another day used Harley-Davidson and trailer showed up. Schlatman says Millard told him he bought it.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 33s33 seconds ago
It was a Harley. "You don't ask any questions as to where it came from?" Dungey asks. Schlatman says not that he can remember, no. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 28s28 seconds ago
Once, a Harley bike & trailer appeared. Schlatman never asked questions. #TimBosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 35s35 seconds ago
Schlatman never checked out VIN numbers. #Bosma
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