Bosma Murder Trial 06.1.16 - Day 57 - Closing Arguments Day 2

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Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 28s29 seconds ago
Dungey also mentions Schlatman in his "cast of characters" and their "labyrinth of lies." Schlatman "hears no evil, sees no evil..."

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 13s14 seconds ago
He references Shane Schlatman who he says also lied to police. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 35s36 seconds ago
Schlatman lies to police by saying he doesn't know where red truck is. He hid it behind friend's house.

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 24s25 seconds ago
What about Shane Schlatman, Millard's mechanic, who sees and hears no evil? Dungey says

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 15s16 seconds ago
Marlena Meneses Dungey says is a young woman who was confused and heartbroken. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 24s24 seconds ago
"Marlena Meneses to me was a young woman who was confused. Heart broken," says Dungey. "Unlike all the other witnesses, when MM is...

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 32s32 seconds ago
"...confronted by police, she tells them everything she knows," says Dungey.

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 20s20 seconds ago
Marlena Meneses was confused and heart-broken, Dungey says. There's positive things to say about her. She told police what she knew.

Adam Carter ‏@AdamCarterCBC 1m1 minute ago
But, he says, Meneses told the truth when confronted by police, with one exception. #TImBosma #Bosma

Adam Carter ‏@AdamCarterCBC 52s53 seconds ago
"Mark Smich did not want to involve her in this case," Dungey says. #TImBosma #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 53s54 seconds ago
She told them everything she got out of Smich. Smich told her Bosma was "Gone, gone" and Millard shot him. "He tells her the truth."

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 49s50 seconds ago
He says she told police everything she knew. Says only slip was eliminator she says she "forgot about" at first. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 1m1 minute ago
Meneses told police Millard shot #Bosma, as per what Smich told her. Smich told her the truth just like when he testified, Dungey says

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 44s45 seconds ago
"Mr. Millard burned Mr. Bosma," says Dungey. And that was never in dispute by counsel, he adds.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 35s35 seconds ago
Dungey says it was never refuted during Smich's testimony that Millard burned #Bosma's body.

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 57s57 seconds ago
"he tells her Mr Millard shot Mr Bosma.and burned him. Dungey-"never challenged that Millard Incinerated Mr Bosma. "

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 51s51 seconds ago
Millard burned #Bosma, that was never challenged, that's what Smich told Meneses. He told her "I'm just a dope dealer."
Dungey does point out that Meneses is "not the fastest kid in town," when she's asking to get the weed from Millard's house.
by Adam Carter 12:07 PM

Dungey says that Meneses told the police what she knew -- not like Noudga, Michalski or Hagerman. "She's the only one who really comes up front."
by Adam Carter 12:09 PM

Now taking lunch. Back at 1:30 p.m.

by Adam Carter 12:10 PM
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 38s38 seconds ago
"He's a dope dealer. He sells weed. He doesn't kill people. He doesn't incinerate them," Dungey says. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 54s54 seconds ago
"He's got no purpose, no means, no motive," Dungey says of Smich.

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 50s50 seconds ago
Meneses testified about Smich. "He's a dope dealer. He sells weed. He doesn't kill people. He doesn't incinerate people," Dungey shouts.

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 31s31 seconds ago
Meneses was concerned about the drugs, not the fact that #Bosma was dead. "Not the fastest kid in town," Dungey says.

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 49s49 seconds ago
Dungey describes Meneses as "frail" and "Not the fastest kid in town."

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 45s45 seconds ago
Re: wanting the drugs after Millard's arrest, dungey says Marlena Meneses is "not the fastest kid in town." #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 26s26 seconds ago
May 7, when Millard and Smich picked her up. Millard was happy, said Meneses, because he got truck. She said he was "celebrating."

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 38s38 seconds ago
Meneses said Millard was happy on the morning of May 7 because he'd gotten the truck, Dungey recalls. Then said they were both celebrating

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 26s26 seconds ago
Maybe her frail mind got the facts messed up a bit, Dungey ponders. But we know she mostly told the truth.

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 26s26 seconds ago
Dungey suggests the "celebrating" part was from Meneses "frail mind" and maybe she was "a little bit mixed up." Smich said not celebrating.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 39s40 seconds ago
He says on May 7, Marlena testified that the guys had seemed "very happy." He notes she originally just said Millard. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 23s24 seconds ago
Dungey asks for small break. Justice Goodman suggests lunch break. Back at 1:30.

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 15s16 seconds ago
Noudga, Michalski, Hagerman all fought telling the truth, Dungey says. Lunch break.

Peter Akman ‏@PeterAkmanCTV 37s38 seconds ago
Lunch break now. Back at 1:30 #Bosma @CTVNews

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 8s9 seconds ago
Dungey asks for early lunch. Must mention he is doing his close free style only refers to notes once in a while. Old school
Dungey says Millard doesn't take charge in this scenario, even if he was innocent. Doesn't call police, doesn't get great lawyers.
by Adam Carter 11:28 AM

:happydance:Hehehehe ZING
Dungey says Millard doesn't take charge in this scenario, even if he was innocent. Doesn't call police, doesn't get great lawyers.
by Adam Carter 11:28 AM

:happydance:Hehehehe ZING

I think he was referring to the first Lawyer that DM had. I can't remember his name right now but he was an interesting character but didn't have the best reputation and in the end I don't think Millard payed him anything (there was alot of confusion about this at the time).
Peter Akman ‏@PeterAkmanCTV [video=twitter;738021995133186048][/video]
More long stares into the gallery by Dellen Millard. Looking for a while at group of #Bosma family/supporters. Not sure why he would.

Oh my. Does Dellen have a stalker? Between yesterday and today what DM is doing with his face and head at any given moment seems like a bit of a preoccupation with this reporter. I get the interest and the relevance, but...
I think he was referring to the first Lawyer that DM had. I can't remember his name right now but he was an interesting character but didn't have the best reputation and in the end I don't think Millard payed him anything (there was alot of confusion about this at the time).

His name is Deepak Paradkar
"It was open for everyone to know that Millard was going to steal a truck, and Mr. Smich would be of assistance."
by Adam Carter 10:25 AM

"I don't care if you're the dumbest of thieves, you'd have more sense that to let everyone know," Dungey says.
by Adam Carter 10:26 AM

"You're not going to plan to kill someone and then let everyone know you plan to steal a truck," Dungey says. "It doesn't make sense."
by Adam Carter 10:26 AM

Makes sense if you are DM who told people his 'missions' were about to escalate into things not everyone would like to be a part of. (IMO armed robberies, more challenging thefts).

DM may have wanted the eliminator, his guns and hints of his murders to be known as a show of power, like mobsters.
I'm not liking Dungey's start to his close in the fact that he's suggesting it wasn't planned at all. I understand he's defending his client, but the way I'm reading it is nothing was planned at all including what IMO DM did plan. Even if I'm on the fence about MS, I don't believe for a second DM didn't have his own "plan"

There might be method to the madness. If nobody planned it, if it was spontaneous all around, forcible confinement would be far less likely to be relevant. Even if the jury throws up their hands about figuring out premeditation, they could still perhaps find Tim had been forcibly confined, potentially impacting both accused.
I must have missed when the Crown changed the shooting location theory.. Wasn't the original idea put forth by the Crown that TB was shot in his truck - which would explain the broken window and the shell casing and the blood??The field makes no sense like puppy says
I think the defence teams are twisting it. I think the crown suggested that he was shot in the truck while the truck was in the field. Dungey is also using smoke and mirrors. If the shooting was in the truck, that helps explain why the shot was not heard and why there is no biological evidence in the field. It does raise the question of why broken glass or a bullet was not found, but that could have been potentially missed. It is even possible that the bullet struck the glass at relatively low velocity, cracking it, but not penetrating through (and then disposed of afterwards by the perps). If it looked like a bullet impact, the perps could smash it out afterwards at a different location. But I agree that in retrospect the Crown should not have tied the shooting to a specific geographic location because it is leaving them open to this kind of questioning.
Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 1m1 minute ago
"Look at this cast of characters here," says Dungey. "They were protecting their asses...

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 1m1 minute ago
He said there was this whole cast of characters who were "protecting their *advertiser censored*" bc they were afraid of being charged for helping Millard

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 2m2 minutes ago
"because they all assisted. Accessories after the fact. So when they came to court they weren't admitting to anything."

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 1m1 minute ago View translation
Dungey is referring to Michalski, Hagerman. #Bosma

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 2m2 minutes ago
says they were afraid of getting charged rather than tell truth.

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 2m2 minutes ago
Michalski and Hagerman, Millard friends, were also involved, Dungey notes. He says it's nonsense that Smich asked for the gun given to MH

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 55s55 seconds ago
Michalski was initially arrested for 1st degree murder, Dungey reminds jurors. "He lies and lies and lies" for 60 pages in police statement.

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 57s58 seconds ago
Michalski lied for 60 pages of testimony to police, Dungey says. He was protecting himself and his good friend Millard, Dungey says.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 44s45 seconds ago
Others he says, like Michalski, were still trying to protect their good friend Millard. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 40s40 seconds ago
Hagerman, Dungey says he had no sympathy for. Acknowledges he might've been a little hard on him. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 51s52 seconds ago
How about "weepy" Mr Hagerman? Dungey says he has no sympathy for that witness, but says Hagerman told jury the real truth. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 44s45 seconds ago
Michalski "was trying to protect (Millard) even them," says Dungey.

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 36s37 seconds ago
Now Hagerman: "I may have been a little rough on him, but I had no sympathy for him," says Dungey. Hagerman cried under Dungey's cross.

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 27s27 seconds ago
In cross about the toolbox he got from Millard, Hagerman says he and Michalski made a pact. They wanted to get rid of the stuffPeter Akman ‏@PeterAkmanCTV 2m2 minutes ago
Eye rolls is all #DellenMillard is doing as he is painted as a cold blooded spoiled rich kid and murderer. #Bosma @CTVNews

Anddd IMO this is why the falling out between the two and they haven't spoken since 2013
Dungey ate his Wheaties this AM. Lecturn pounding, booming. But he is leaving out mention of the evidence / testimony that is inconvenient to his client... doing his job.

Expecting Leitch will bring all the missing pieces back out for "show and tell" tomorrow.

Dungey is being extremely passionate, forceful and demonstrative. He is using powerful words to create imagery and decisiveness. Not that I agree with the theories because his client lied just as much Millard, but he is doing a very good job of making a strong statement that will stay with the Jury. He knows his stuff. He's fighting for his client's life and it shows. MOO
Isn't Smitch actually charged with breaching the order not to communicate with someone on his do not contact list? Where is the evidence of that? I'd love to see what he wrote to Marlena!

This may have already been answered, but it was for the Graffiti charge with Arthur. Nothing to do with this case.

Dungey says Millard doesn't take charge in this scenario, even if he was innocent. Doesn't call police, doesn't get great lawyers.
by Adam Carter 11:28 AM

:happydance:Hehehehe ZING

OUCH! :takeabow:
"The murder of Tim Bosma is a heinous and despicable crime," Dungey says.
by Adam Carter 9:38 AM

"it strikes at the very heart of all of us," Dungey says. "That could have been you, that could have been me, it could have been any of us."
by Adam Carter 9:39 AM

That's why the attention has been so high, he says.
by Adam Carter 9:39 AM

Someone stated yesterday here it'd be effective if TD opened this way. At least he acknowledges this right away.
Doesn't this also show that he didn't have a plan in place to frame MS for a murder? Why would he be bouncing ideas off of his GF for a frame up (that didn't happen in the end, no one followed through with his ideas) if he already had a plan ready made to frame MS for the impromptu murder?
He didn't expect to get caught. Once police visited, he became worried and started thinking more about a scapegoat IMO.I can't get over the fact that both defences are predicated on 'no one could be this stupid'. It is quite obvious that criminals can be this stupid!!
As I sit here reading all of this I am struck by the notion that Smich's lies cancel out Millard's lies and vice versa. At the end of the day, the only thing that is going to wade through the muck and the accusations will be the Crown's closing argument. MOO

I disagree. The jury has heard weeks of testimony from forensic experts and witnesses with first hand knowledge of the defendants. They have heard cross examinations and now closing arguments. Like them or not, the Defense is doing their best with what it has to go on. They are being paid to defend their clients. My guess is that the jury will base their verdict on the culmination of the weeks of testimony and the information presented.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This may have already been answered, but it was for the Graffiti charge with Arthur. Nothing to do with this case.


I thought he was also charged with communicating with MM while in jail as she was on his DNC list. Not sure why he was charged and DM wasn't though.
I thought he was also charged with communicating with MM while in jail as she was on his DNC list. Not sure why he was charged and DM wasn't though.

Dungey clarified this issue when MS took the stand in his opening statement. There was never any mention it was this case, and the confusion came from assumptions made because it was in the media after he was arrested for TB's murder.

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