Bosma Murder Trial 06.2.16 - Day 58 - Closing Arguments Day 3

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In terms of the circumstantial character evidence about MS:
- The "amnesia" around gun: There's simply so much scientific research that shows traumatic experiences and pot usage both significantly affect the brain's ability to create memories. TD is right - he could have lied and said he tossed it in a lake, but he didnt. He stuck to his story under intense pressure by people much smarter than him. I also can't help to speculate though whether he was scared for his life because of MWJ - but that's speculation so let's not get into that.
- Why he stayed and helped clean up: Over drinks with my neighbors, we were talking about this. 4 out of 5 in the group admitted that while it's impossible to assume how you'd react in a situation until you are in it (hello: look at judging parents when a young 20-something to becoming a parent and the "rules" are out the window! LOL like "I'll never be like my mom"). If we were hypothetically in MS shoes with a best friend or loved one who just did something like this, we probably would have helped in some way and possibly would not have called police. Not to mention being on drugs, having a criminal record and being under duress. This may also explain why so many witnesses (friends, family) all seemed to have known something but didnt say anything. If we get off of our soap boxes for a second and think about it... I don't know how I would truly react in that same situation.
- Why he continued contact with DM: Google Stokholm syndrome. There's a lot of scientific evidence that loving the abuser or person who created your traumatic experience is a coping mechanism the brain creates as an evolutionary mechanism.
- Why he didnt go to police after: You've just helped cover up a murder. You're going to go to the police and turn yourself and your squeaky clean psychotic millionaire friend (who you suspect would turn on you and frame you) in to the police? Yeah right.
- The texts: There was an actual bbq that week they were inviting girls to... I venture you to look at your texts messages over the past 2 months and see if there's anything that could be spun to look like you are up to no good. What did you mean about the box in the basement you asked your wife to get? etc etc

I know I'm going to get a lot of attacks for saying this because I'm sensing my opinion is unpopular, but I just don't think MS is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. I wouldn't be able to put MS away for life based on the evidence that's been presented and I think the jury needs to really think critically, not emotionally, about the reaction their decisions will cause.

Amnesia - he seems to remember everything that doesn't implicate him just fine. He only forgets things that no one testified about.

Clean up - I don't know. Even if you think you wouldn't call the police if he shot someone, would you really help clean up blood and guts out of a car?

Contact with DM - No one said anything about Stockholm syndrome. You have to go off the evidence presented.

Text - there was testimony that MS rarely was involved at these BBQ/parties.

And what about BD saying it was his gun and MM saying he was celebrating after the killing?
Just STOP the bickering, personalizing, and labelling (i.e. supporters, defenders, camp, fence-sitters). Then, after you’ve written a thousand lines of “I will not bicker, personalize, or label” ….

Please move on over to the Weekend Discussion thread which will take us through to Justice Goodman’s charge to the jury which he will start next Friday. If you feel a bit of a bump, it’s because I’ll be moving some posts from this morning over there.

This thread will close in about 10 minutes.

Thank you :sunshine:
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