Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #13

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I think CN is quite confident that they have nothing on her and Crown case will fail bad in court, or charges will be dropped. I have to believe, that unless she is completely psychotic, she is shoving it in the face of LE and websites like WS because she either knows she is completely innocent (other than wiping her prints), or that they will not be able to prove any knowledge on her part. The behaviour is just far too cocky to be anything but that.

I'm sure we'll find out soon enough which side has the trump card to play, and who's bluffing who.

At the very least, she is a calculating, heartless, manipulative, infantile &%#$@. I'm sure her parents are mighty proud of her.

Can't imagine being those parents right now... How shameful!
IMO, the psychotic theory sounds about right for CN. It's the only explanation for her behaviour!
I don't think that photo is from this weekend. Attendance for the Dodgers/Jays game yesterday and Friday was 47,156 and 42,304, respectively. There looks to be too many empty seats down the first base line for those attendance numbers. The crowd in the photos seems closer to 30,000-35,000
Well it can't be that old. After all, all her phones end up lost or stolen sooner or later
She could have found the blue jays pic on the internet too for all we know.

Thank you.

By constantly posting her Instagram stuff here, and talking about what she's doing, all you guys are doing is giving her attention and that's exactly what she wants. Ignore her and her attention seeking pictures. She's not worthy of our time and posts.
Thank you.

By constantly posting her Instagram stuff here, and talking about what she's doing, all you guys are doing is giving her attention and that's exactly what she wants. Ignore her and her attention seeking pictures. She's not worthy of our time and posts.

There's one kind of attention she wants and she's not getting it here. IMO
Thank you.

By constantly posting her Instagram stuff here, and talking about what she's doing, all you guys are doing is giving her attention and that's exactly what she wants. Ignore her and her attention seeking pictures. She's not worthy of our time and posts.

Exactly!! and thank you.
Susan ClairmontVerified account ‏@susanclairmont 33m33 minutes ago
Crown expected to close its case today and Dellen Millard defence to announce it if will call evidence at the Tim #Bosma murder trial.
There's one kind of attention she wants and she's not getting it here. IMO
Totally correct, although for now hearing or seeing it just seemed like snooping and confirming her personality is worse than expected.

sorry, the above was for the attention seeking comment.
While i"m here...Errr, Are you being sarcastic (just talking about her bj) or what other attention? then/yes/lets stop talking about her stupid *advertiser censored**
Considering that DM was arrested the evening of the 10th, and charged the next morning with forcible confinement, and theft over $5000, the actions of CN and MB are extreme. What did they believe he was being arrested for on the evening of the 10th?

1) If they believed he was innocent they would have waited until the next morning for charges to be laid.
2) Forcible confinement and theft over $5000 is not a long sentence if that is all he did. No need to wipe down the trailer.
3 CN lawyered up on Monday, and DM was not charged with first degree until Wednesday.

The reaction to move out of the house to a motel, and go back drunk in the middle of the night to wipe prints sends a strong implied message they knew this was more than what the charges the next day reflected. I don't buy for one microsecond that CN and MB didn't wonder where Tim was. They may have not cared, but they did wonder.


When I look at the photo of the trailer in MB's driveway, I don't think there is any way that a person could open the doors and look inside, due to it being so close to the garage wall. Also, if you look closely, there are large blocks of wood under the trailers jackstands ahead of the wheels, looks like to level the trailer and protect the paving stones of the driveway. If that was my trailer, I would probably carry those blocks of wood IN the trailer itself, which means that the trailer doors would have to be opened at some point during the backing up process in MB driveway. Since CN in her testimony sort of admitted to helping DM guide the trailer in the driveway, there is a good possibility that she saw exactly what was inside. IMO she went back because she was the one who closed the trailer doors and put on the locks.
When I look at the photo of the trailer in MB's driveway, I don't think there is any way that a person could open the doors and look inside, due to it being so close to the garage wall. Also, if you look closely, there are large blocks of wood under the trailers jackstands ahead of the wheels, looks like to level the trailer and protect the paving stones of the driveway. If that was my trailer, I would probably carry those blocks of wood IN the trailer itself, which means that the trailer doors would have to be opened at some point during the backing up process in MB driveway. Since CN in her testimony sort of admitted to helping DM guide the trailer in the driveway, there is a good possibility that she saw exactly what was inside. IMO she went back because she was the one who closed the trailer doors and put on the locks.

Not familiar with that particular trailer, but many large trailers have separate compartment(s) to store accessories. You have a very valid point about the blocks.

Good morning. :smile:

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 13m13 minutes ago
The crown is set to close its case this morn in #timbosma. He practiced in jail. Will Dellen Millard take the stand?
Good morning.[emoji2]
Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 13m13 minutes ago
The crown is set to close its case this morn in #timbosma. He practiced in jail. Will Dellen Millard take the stand?
I was kind of hopeful there was more to come. I'm unsure if the crown's case is strong enough. I feel like because we all know the background from being on WS that's one thing. But looking straight at the evidence I have my doubts the jury will see what we do. I hope I'm wrong.
I was kind of hopeful there was more to come. I'm unsure if the crown's case is strong enough. I feel like because we all know the background from being on WS that's one thing. But looking straight at the evidence I have my doubts the jury will see what we do. I hope I'm wrong.

I think they did a great job. For me, the cell phone locations and records put them at the scene and noone else could have done the murder.
I think they did a great job. For me, the cell phone locations and records put them at the scene and noone else could have done the murders.
I agree with you. I believe the jury will see their guilt, right down to their own words
Do we know when LB trial and WM trial will take place?
When I look at the photo of the trailer in MB's driveway, I don't think there is any way that a person could open the doors and look inside, due to it being so close to the garage wall. Also, if you look closely, there are large blocks of wood under the trailers jackstands ahead of the wheels, looks like to level the trailer and protect the paving stones of the driveway. If that was my trailer, I would probably carry those blocks of wood IN the trailer itself, which means that the trailer doors would have to be opened at some point during the backing up process in MB driveway. Since CN in her testimony sort of admitted to helping DM guide the trailer in the driveway, there is a good possibility that she saw exactly what was inside. IMO she went back because she was the one who closed the trailer doors and put on the locks.

Not familiar with that particular trailer, but many large trailers have separate compartment(s) to store accessories. You have a very valid point about the blocks.


I didn't see an extra compartment on DM's trailer. From other pics of the trailer (FB BAJA pics) I didn't see anything except the side door with all their junk scattered about. The driveway pic shows the front of the trailer, I'd assume that's where the compartment would be.
We use leveling blocks on our trailer. We keep them in the trailer as well. Nothing like getting to our destination and no leveling blocks.
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