Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #13

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You do realize she means blue jays.
You do realize it's a total play on words following her fellatio testimony? I know what the BJ means in reference to baseball but I have no doubt the contents of her Instagram pics are for attention. Rubix cube. BJ reference. These aren't a coincidence. IMO
Considering that DM was arrested the evening of the 10th, and charged the next morning with forcible confinement, and theft over $5000, the actions of CN and MB are extreme. What did they believe he was being arrested for on the evening of the 10th?

1) If they believed he was innocent they would have waited until the next morning for charges to be laid.
2) Forcible confinement and theft over $5000 is not a long sentence if that is all he did. No need to wipe down the trailer.
3 CN lawyered up on Monday, and DM was not charged with first degree until Wednesday.

The reaction to move out of the house to a motel, and go back drunk in the middle of the night to wipe prints sends a strong implied message they knew this was more than what the charges the next day reflected. I don't buy for one microsecond that CN and MB didn't wonder where Tim was. They may have not cared, but they did wonder.


May be it wasn't too hard to see. The problem is that DM was surrounded by yes-men. I bet, those who criticized any of his behaviour were quickly excluded or left the crew of missionaries on their own. With time, his constraints became non-existent. He supposedly pulled a few thefts, then (again, innocent until proven guilty) one murder, then another, and experienced no punishment. Perhaps, MB and CN suspected he's up to no good.

This case is like a bad movie. Who acts like they can just steal anything they want, no repercussions, no laws apply to them, no respect for LE, no respect for life?

I am am still shocked that MB was not charged! She and CN are equally to blame for their participation in wiping prints and not calling LE about the trailer on driveway.

SS should be charged for lying and running a chop shop and withholding evidence. His testimony was not forthright and helpful.

CN will be spending a long stint n prison from the looks of it. Her lack of cooperation will be remembered and her life is ruined (as she so eloquently stated). Can't say I feel sorry for her though. Totally selfish and no respect for TB family in court.
I think CN is quite confident that they have nothing on her and Crown case will fail bad in court, or charges will be dropped. I have to believe, that unless she is completely psychotic, she is shoving it in the face of LE and websites like WS because she either knows she is completely innocent (other than wiping her prints), or that they will not be able to prove any knowledge on her part. The behaviour is just far too cocky to be anything but that.

I'm sure we'll find out soon enough which side has the trump card to play, and who's bluffing who.

At the very least, she is a calculating, heartless, manipulative, infantile &%#$@. I'm sure her parents are mighty proud of her.
Would CN's lawyers already have full disclosure of her case from the Crown?
Oh after some googling, beer cans are sold at the 500 level during Jays games now. It was only banned during the playoffs last year.

Also, in the background is the new dirt infield at the stadium, so yes, she was at the game yesterday.

I can't believe she was stupid enough to write in the comments that she went without a chaperone.

I don't think that photo is from this weekend. Attendance for the Dodgers/Jays game yesterday and Friday was 47,156 and 42,304, respectively. There looks to be too many empty seats down the first base line for those attendance numbers. The crowd in the photos seems closer to 30,000-35,000
CN is a woman who clearly likes to "play" people. She seeks attention and wants everyone to think she's smarter than anyone out there. She's posting to keep fanning the flames of her notoriety and the interest that people like US give her. She is enjoying all of it. I choose not to play. The more we talk about her the more fun it is for her.

I'm going to let justice play out here.

I don't think that she's going to get away with anything. She spent 4 months in jail without bail. Her parents had to put up significant money and agree to some serious conditions to get her out and as well, CN has to wear an ankle bracelet.

If LE had nothing on her then all these conditions would not be in place.

Whatever she's posting is a game to her. I wouldn't waste too much time on it. I'm sure LE are keeping a close eye on her.

Oh after some googling, beer cans are sold at the 500 level during Jays games now. It was only banned during the playoffs last year.

Also, in the background is the new dirt infield at the stadium, so yes, she was at the game yesterday.

I can't believe she was stupid enough to write in the comments that she went without a chaperone.

Common sense is not that common today!!!
Yes .... very scary how close they came to getting away with it .... but I like to think they would eventually be caught if one of the groupies found out it was a murder as well as a theft .... friendship and loyalties only go so far in situations like that ... wishful thinking I know , but not everybody in that gang was a heartless psychopath.

In the Facebook era.....I would think anyone could post around about some dude with that Ambition Tattoo and a description of his truck and you might be very surprised how things would have gotten solved. Even the police use Facebook. I find it interesting that many criminals tattoo all kinds of identifying information that assist in their capture. You would think they would venture away from tattoos. Especially the ones that are visable.
what jail did CN serve her 4 months in does anyone know? What would her time there have been like? Is it a tough detention center?

I don't know where she did but there is a women's prison in Kitchener. Maybe there?
CN is a woman who clearly likes to "play" people. She seeks attention and wants everyone to think she's smarter than anyone out there. She's posting to keep fanning the flames of her notoriety and the interest that people like US give her. She is enjoying all of it. I choose not to play. The more we talk about her the more fun it is for her.

I'm going to let justice play out here.

I don't think that she's going to get away with anything. She spent 4 months in jail without bail. Her parents had to put up significant money and agree to some serious conditions to get her out and as well, CN has to wear an ankle bracelet.

If LE had nothing on her then all these conditions would not be in place.

Whatever she's posting is a game to her. I wouldn't waste too much time on it. I'm sure LE are keeping a close eye on her.


Let her enjoy the Jays game and her game of posting/bragging of her unsupervised outing on social media. Soon enough she will be behind bars and will become friends with Terri Lynn McClintic at Grand Valley Institute for Women...those 2 have lots in common!!! CN you better be nice to TLM, that girl is crazy and tried to kill someone on the inside!!! LOL enjoy your time!!!!
She got to stay at the Vanier Centre for Women in Milton.

Colin ButlerVerified account ‏@ColinButlerCBC Apr 28
Noudga says she doesn't know how long it takes to get from Millard's farm in North Dumfries to Milton. #TimBosma

...but I bet she has Milton <--> Etobicoke down pat now ;)

CN will use her jail time coming up to get some free education and add to her degree. Just like Karla Homolka.
CN will use her jail time coming up to get some free education and add to her degree. Just like Karla Homolka.
I read an article about KH and education is not free. Her parents had to pay
I read an article about KH and education is not free. Her parents had to pay

I know someone who did time...went in without grade 12, came out years later without grade 12. Life's what you make it, no matter where you are.

I think if CN wants a medical career, she'll have to leave the country. She's Ukranian. She could start a new life over there.

I sorta think she's gonna have to.

The problem with CN's account of her whereabouts on May 9/10 is that she testified that all the times in the phone record were wrong. At her own trial, if she does not testify, she cannot deny things and assert the records are wrong - but the phone records will still stand as evidence. And if anybody is going to confirm her account of events and accounting of their time, it is (by-then) convicted felon DM, vouching for her. I hope he took lots of notes! None of her times added up. I'm just saying her defence isn't going to be any stronger.
molly hayes &#8207;@mollyhayes 10m10 minutes ago
And re: her request to get Michalski to say he lent his phone to Mark---she says he changes his story in letters. #Bosma

molly hayes &#8207;@mollyhayes 10m10 minutes ago
"He wasn't always framing Mark," she says. #Bosma


Mark Carcasole &#8207;@MarkCarcGlobal 11m11 minutes ago
But when Dungey asks Noudga if she thought #Millard was trying to implicate #Smich, she says "no."

molly hayes &#8207;@mollyhayes 4m4 minutes ago
Back. Dungey reads another note: "I'm not a rat but I do not want to remain under surveillance and remain questioned. How do you stop that.

CN is not a rat, and figured out that if she can't remember, or claimed to not understand, that she would be a neutral witness. It didn't work! She may have helped MS's case, but DM will only be in her arms if she books those overnight trailer visits he was confident she would. I'm sure they will be memorable.



  • msetup2.gif
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Reasons/excuses for CN drinking beer in a restricted area:

1) She didn't remember that rule.
2) She is from an immigrant family and didn't study Baseball or Baseball Park rules.
3) She was drinking her beer, and not restricted beer sold at the park.
4) She was stoned and therefore not aware of where she was sitting
5) There was no wine, and therefore the only thing available.
6) It's not about the ball park, it's about what CN believes she is entitled to do.


&#10084;&#65039; it! Absolutely Hilarious! That's for the laugh!
Reasons/excuses for CN drinking beer in a restricted area:

1) She didn't remember that rule.
2) She is from an immigrant family and didn't study Baseball or Baseball Park rules.
3) She was drinking her beer, and not restricted beer sold at the park.
4) She was stoned and therefore not aware of where she was sitting
5) There was no wine, and therefore the only thing available.
6) It's not about the ball park, it's about what CN believes she is entitled to do.


7) She doesn't remember the beer, and she doesn't remember receiving the photo of the beer.
8) Despite what the phone records say, she was not at that location with the beer at that time. The record is wrong.
9) It doesn't matter because she now loathes beer, ever since the beer got her arrested.
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