Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #15

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Didn't MS say that DM was test driving before he stole one to make sure that he got one that he didn't have to put a lot of work into? Why would his plan include doing considerable damage to the thing he wanted in good condition, that doesn't make sense to me.

For someone who planned it out for a year, and aborted every time there was anything wrong, I can't imagine coming up with a whole new extremely risky plan in the time between MS getting in the truck and the end of the driveway. Without ever telling his partner in crime any part of the plan. If DM had decided to change the plan any time before that, he would have left MS behind to walk back to the Yukon alone, which would have been far more reasonable if MS following behind was the plan.

I think if the plan was to kill and incinerate a man, DM had every opportunity to bring the incinerator to the hanger at any time before the crime, and wouldn't have had to go out for gas. If they had both known that the incinerator would be needed, there was not reason not to have it at the hanger in preparation. If the one without access to the incinerator was the only one who knew it would be needed, that is the only thing that would account for it not being in place prior to the crime in preparation.

If 'I'm taking the truck' sounded like the truth, it may be because MS said it as he pulled the gun from his giant hoodie pocket.

I do believe that both MS and DM planned to take TB's truck (if DM liked it and gave the signal to MS that it was a go) and I do think they both were fully committed to murdering and incinerating TB. I think the original plan got changed only in that TB was shot inside the truck. Either or both could have shot TB by simply pulling the trigger too soon before TB could comply with their command to leave the truck.

Maybe the reason the incinerator was not taken to the hangar in advance was because they simply didn't have the time, or perhaps DM didn't want to transport it there during daylight hours so made a decision to get it after the murder when it would be dark and when less traffic would be on the road. I don't recall, or know if it is known what they were both up to before TB's test drive that day, but I do recall that DM had to drive to Oakville to pick up MS and the time for the test drive was initially supposed to have happened earlier in the evening but it got delayed by DM.

Those words, "I'm taking the truck" do sound true to me, but they don't sound like something MS would have suddenly announced to DM and TB. After all, it wasn't the point for MS to decide if and when DM would think TB's truck satisfactory - that would have been DM's call, IMO. Those words do sound very much like a signal from DM to MS that it was time to murder TB and take the truck but I think one or both acted rashly and shot TB inside of the truck too soon.

All MOO.
I'm curious why they would have had to have used a coin to attach the licence plates. Why didn't they have the screwdriver they likely used to take them off of the red ram with?

I have used dimes for years they fit the slots on MOST plate screws perfectly and I almost always have a dime handy, big fat slotted screwdriver? not so much...
Zactly .... to add to his credibility MS should have pointed out they drove up to SS and back and THEN he got dropped off at the Yukon ... he would have received a hundred bonus points for pointing that out considering the crown neglected to see it or show it (extra truck sightings)

BUT NO ..... he had to leave that out because maybe that is when the shooting happened .... he would have no other reason to cover it up. At least DM's lawyer pointed it out but explained it in such a lengthy muddled way the jury may not grasp the importance.

He wouldn't even have to shoot Tim. Just incapacitating him till later would make him guilty of first degree murder. MS has to pretend that he was not in the truck long enough to do anything!
They didn't need two guys in the truck to shoot somebody.
Shooting in the truck is messy.
I've added the times of when both MS and DM's phones were turned off to the spreadsheet I posted this morning, and came up with a timeline that seems to fit together perfectly IMO. This is what you get if you add exactly 3 hours, 3 minutes and 30 seconds to the SuperSucker videos:

Yukon heading south: 8:50:13
Bate phone calls Bosma phone, walking up driveway: 9:05:10
Ram heading north past SS: 9:09:24
Ram heading south past SS: 9:19:13
MS calls MM, tells her he is driving, phone dies: 9:20:17
Bate phone turned off: 9:23:00
Ram heading north past SS: 9:24:02
Yukon heading north past SS: 9:24:05
Arrive at Bobcat: 9:49:24

If you only add 3 minutes, then the time from entering the Bosma driveway to heading north past SS is just 3:44. That's tight for shaking hands, looking at the truck quickly etc. If you add 4 minutes, then you have MS is telling MM that he's driving, when they havent yet passed SS on the way back.

Note: I'm using an Adam Carter tweet for the time that the Bate phone was shut off. It fit my timeline the best :)

Susan Clairmont: Bate phone powers off at 9:26 pm May 6. Phone's last pong is off Wilson Street tower in Ancaster, Iaccio says under cross by Pillay.
Adam Carter: The Bate phone had been powered off since 9:23 p.m. on May 6 2013, he says. It last pinged off a tower in Ancaster.
Molly Hayes: Iaccio was able to tell police in this case the LB phone was powered off around 9:20pm. Last ping was in Ancaster.
Does this seem suspicious to anyone? I re-read it today. "He hasn't spoken to Michalski since May 2013. "We had come to an agreement related to this case and lies had been said" Hagerman says #Bosma Apr 06, 2016 (from htps://

I'm wondering about "we had come to an agreement related to this case"...Could it be they created the story they would tell?

I just keep thinking someone knows more, but there is an anti-snitch or bro-code none will break--maybe so as not to incriminate themselves, but just wondering if he meant a corroboration of their story, or something else?

We heard in court that MH lied to LE multiple times when giving statements, while AM told his story relatively quickly(being arrested for a murder you didn't commit will do that). My guess is they agreed to deny everything, which MH did, then realized he looked bad as AM was telling the truth quickly. All MOO of course
I was going to say that as well. MM statements don't apply here.

1. If it was Smitch's gun. Does that mean he pulled the trigger? MJW was charged with selling guns to DM. Not MS. So where are Millard’s guns then? I think it was DM's gun. MS had no access to money. IMO

2. I'm on the fence with the truth between AM and MH. If those two hadve told the same story that wouldn't cause doubt. Bring me the thing could have meant the tool box. But I really think MS didn't expect the gun. I think if he hadve he would have had a plan for it to cover well before the time it landed on him. Vs scrambling to get rid of it.

3. We are all aware CN remembers nothing. Her credibility was thrown out the window for me with her convenient I don't knows.

IMO these people all lied at some point. So now it's a matter of what story you believe.

All comments are JMO unless stated otherwise

I think both accused are guilty of murdering TB. They planned the truck theft together over a long time and had not been able to steal one by the time they went on the 1st test drive. Frustration and failure was getting to them both. I do think that IT got away only because they thought he'd pose a possible threat to them both. They were not going to let a solid opportunity pass again to get the diesel truck DM needed. On TB's test drive I believe that neither DM or MS were going to accept failure again. They went up TB's driveway with the full intention to take the truck and the owner to succeed in their mission at any cost, and I believe TB paid that cost with his life. I think he was doomed the moment he agreed to allow the later evening test drive. After that it was all systems go for both DM and MS.

In texts to and from DM, MS and even AM you can see DM's desperation building and he was fully prepared, and preparing others for more risky business than any of them had done in the past. It was time to dangerously escalate things and if violence was necessary to get that truck, so be it. DM succeeded in recruiting MS to be his accomplice. I think AM likely wanted no part of the plan and opted out because I believe it possible that DM had let others know he was ready to take a truck by force if need be. All DM and MS needed was the right truck and the right owner in the right circumstances. They decided on May 6th that TB was the right match to carry out their plan. They didn't have time to delay. There was no plan B to come back later to take TB's truck. Once they left the driveway with TB there was no looking back.

I believe that both DM and MS were armed and fully prepared and willing to use their weapons on the test drive with TB. Two men - fist to fist - with one victim could have easily overpowered that lone victim had TB put up any resistance and they knew it. They could have let TB live. They could have taken the truck and let TB out on a remote side road in the dead of night. They were cowards. They never planned to let TB leave alive. They took a gun or guns on that test drive because DM wanted a truck and wasn't going to keep scoping them out indefinitely. I think once he spoke to TB on the phone, DM determined that TB was a "nice guy" and that perception likely emboldened DM and MS in their plan. DM and MS thought that TB wouldn't put up a fight against two young and threatening guys while out alone on a test drive drive in his rural area on a Monday evening. I bet seeing SB in the driveway, and if TB had mentioned he just out his baby to bed, that DM and MS would be encouraged that they indeed chose a nice decent guy who had every reason to live and no reason to resist their plan. I believe they were right.

I think TB was killed by both accused once they got to the Bobcat location, a location I believe was pre-planned and one that DM was familiar with. The reason they killed TB there is by that time they were quite close to the farm and the incinerator and a reasonable distance from TB's area. I think the plan was to order TB out of the truck at gunpoint to shoot him outside of the truck and transfer his body into the bed if the truck, but something interfered with that plan. DM or MS may have shot TB before TB could comply with their command. Whichever of the accused deviated from the plan to shoot TB outside of the truck, it doesn't matter. TB was dead. TB's phone was discarded almost as an afterthought in the ensuing aftermath, in those adrenaline rushing moments. The interior of TB's truck was then covered in blood, and the mad getaway by two madmen began and the clean up and cover up went into full swing. Together. Two monsters that created a living nightmare. Together. And the accused stayed together throughout that terrible night as they coldly continued on. Together at the farm they put TB's body into the Eliminator. Together they headed for the hangar where together they incinerated TB's body as the truck was getting stripped and being prepared for SS to do his thing with the VIN and a repaint job would soon be in the works. The only f-up of their plan was TB being shot inside the truck. All in all though, the next morning they were each celebrating mission success and thinking they had pulled off a brilliant crime. Perhaps I should say another brilliant crime when I think of LB. Neither DM or MS expected TB to be making headlines at all, let alone in the immediate days after he went missing. LB had, by May 2013, been missing for almost a year without much public interest in finding her after all. I believe that DM and MS thought they got away with the crime of the century - perhaps twice - no reasonable doubt in my mind. They thought they were the untouchables. They were deluded.

DM and MS by their own intentions, words and actions before, during and after TB was killed, convicted themselves. No matter how bizarre and unbelievable each of their stories are as they each get their versions out to the jury, I do trust that the jury will see that the only thing that makes any sense, given the totality of the evidence in the context of the big picture, is that both DM and MS were compatible partners, each with a need - one for a diesel Dodge Ram truck - the other for a classic Cadillac - and as difficult as that it is for the average person to comprehend or accept, the truth is that they both planned and equally participated in the crime. They should be held equally responsible for TB's murder. The alternative fictional theory penned by DM in his letters to CN or communicated for him through his lawyers, or the other creative twisting of the truth by the rap lyricist MS are not convincing. Thankfully these two accused turned against one another because that fact did provide a good glimpse into their characters and credibility, but for me, the Crown's version of events is convincing and once they sum it all up, I am hoping the jury will be convinced too.

All MOO. All of the above is my own opinion and speculation.

... yup, hmmm, yup
Thought on another group.
"Had a nice 5 hr nap & bath, refreshed and ready for the next stage of mission digestion," a text from Millard's phone on May 7 read. Noudga then responded,*"Lol mission digestion."
*Ashing is another technique frequently utilized for digestion. This involves burning away the sample matrix, leaving only ash. The ash is often dissolved in an acid solution and then the liquid is analyzed*
Okay so what I'm getting is that people were tending to believe MS's testimony that he was let out of the truck at the end of TB's street in the farmer's field immediately after leaving TB's driveway, until NS's 'testimony' in regard to the video, and 'DM's testimony through the voice of NS', that they had gone on a highway trip when in fact MS killed TB.

I am personally seeing SO much wrong with this thinking.

First of all, what's going on with that SS video testimony given by the Crown's expert witness, Plaxton? Why would the expert witness have left out other trucks with the same characteristics as TB's truck during the same short time period in question, without giving those truck passes any mention in the chain of events? What is going on there? The Crown is telling a story and said they would prove that TB was shot by both men, and so if there were additional truck-passes at different times, that would BOLSTER the Crown's submission, so why leave it out? It has *everything* to do with this case, whether or not it was believed the additional truck passes were by TB's truck or not. If not, the expert should have stated his reasoning for not believing those trucks were not part of the story, rather than leave it for the defence to poke holes through.

The timing is not accurate on the video. The expert, who the Crown depended on to give viable, believable evidence to support this very important case, forgot to record what he did to verify the time discrepancy. It was stated to be 3 hours. Now because of the defendant's lawyer's submission that since the time was off, it could have been off an additional 10 minutes which would support his client being alone in the truck with TB. If we are going to start adding and subtracting time from evidence presented by the expert, then how much are we willing to alter things?

Perhaps if that recording wasn't from the exact day, we could say the time was out 21 hours. or 27 hours to make it a different day. We can do what we want with the time on the video to make it bend to whatever we want, if we are going to alter the stated time. Such a crucial piece of evidence that could show whether one of the accused gets a murder conviction or whether he wasn't even present, you might suppose the Crown would take those additional truck sightings a little more seriously? We have been told the Crown is brilliant, on the ball, ahead of the game.. I'm at a complete loss as to how this got so screwed up. If the time is meaningless, if additional truck passes by the victim's truck are omitted, then what do we really have here as far as evidence?

Now we are left with.... supposedly there are 4 passes on the SS video.
i) travelling south toward TB residence at 8:46pm
*Let me stick in here that we apparently know that the defendants were walking up TB's driveway at 9:05pm, based on cellphone evidence
ii) travelling north toward Wilson St at 9:05pm
iii) travelling south toward TB residence at 9:15pm
iv) travelling north toward Wilson St at 9:20pm with another truck following close behind

The expert chose to omit from his findings items ii and iii. And apparently we have no reason for this? And yet to have had that information presented, it would have at least lended support to the Crown's case in that both defendants were in the vehicle when TB was killed and would have discounted MS's testimony under oath.

The defendant's lawyer wants to add them back into the picture and he also wants to add about 10 minutes to the video timestamp, on top of the 3 hours it is already out, according to the expert witness. Okay well I guess it's fair game that if the expert screwed up that bad, anyone and everyone can start adding or subtracting whatever increments of time suits their agendas, right? We don't know if all of those truck passes in the video are TB's truck, or whether only some of them are, or whether none of them are. Apparently none of those trucks were tested and overlaid in the manner in which the Yukon was examined. What if only one of them was, out of the 2 additional truck-passes?

What if the eye witness who has no dogs in this fight, who testified under oath that he actually witnessed the vehicles coming from his dad's lot on the corner was correct when he said the 2 vehicles travelled straight through Trinity and down Book Road, which would have meant the trucks didn't pass by SS at all immediately after picking up the Yukon? What if the trucks had travelled through Book, and and then DM said he got the bogus text and turned around on Book to go back to the corner of Trinity and let MS out to follow in the Yukon, and then pass by SS? What if that is what MS was remembering when he said that DM made a U-turn? What if MS doesn't have great recall on which directions he was driving the Yukon, since he was merely following and is an inexperienced driver? Would these scenarios change anything in relation to the times?

Now we have DM, who has testified through the voice of his legal counsel, his version of events that fateful night. He seems to be admitting to being in the vehicle, driving it, when TB was shot dead by way of MS suddenly becoming a loose cannon and bringing his gun out, at which time all hell broke lose while he was driving down the 100Km/hr major highway. If he is going to tell this story on the stand, then why lie about the fine details?

Suddenly we are expected to believe that the ringleader's lackey who does what he's told and hasn't made decisions thus far on his own, which jointly involve the two, has taken the reigns all on his own initiative, pulled out a loaded gun, and that TB somehow saw it from his seat in the front passenger side, turned around in his seat to physically grab it out of the hand of the backseat gun-toter sitting directly behind him, causing the gun to go off, right through his head at the left side when it killed him instantly, with the bullet continuing to travel out the other side of his body, straight through the front passenger side window to cause it to shatter, and possibly also to have a bullet hole in it.

Now, DM is all angry because he wanted the truck and wasn't expecting a murder. He immediately exits at Wilson, makes a loop back onto the highway going west this time, takes the same Hwy#52 exit, back to the Bullock farm field at Book and Trinity, not knowing who might be around to see TB's truck driving by with a bullet through the window and a dead man slouched in the front passenger seat. BIG RISK, wouldn't anyone say? But because this version lines up with an ALTERED version of video timelines, and involving additional truck passes in the video which were inexplicably omitted by the Crown and the expert witness, suddenly it is the truth?

A question...
When the crown presented a witness, both defense attorneys had the opportunity to cross, then the crown had the final opportunity to ask further questions.
Will the same thing happen here? When the crown if finished with MS, will TD get a last crack with MS?
We heard in court that MH lied to LE multiple times when giving statements, while AM told his story relatively quickly(being arrested for a murder you didn't commit will do that). My guess is they agreed to deny everything, which MH did, then realized he looked bad as AM was telling the truth quickly. All MOO of course

Yes, that makes sense. It would be interesting to know what MH had stated on his first few statements he made to police.
One thing I find interesting is that Sachak did not explore MS's claim that Bosma was shot. Indeed, MS's is the only evidence of that. Yes, there was a gun, there was GSR. But for all we know, Tim Bosma could have been stabbed. MS claims that he wasn't in the truck at the time. He didn't say that he inspected the wound. He didn't testify that DM told him that he (DM) shot Bosma.

I believe that if there is so much gunshot residue and blood spatter, as well as the smashed passenger window, and an empty shell casing in the rear, that is enough evidence to deduce that Tim was shot.

Okay so what I'm getting is that people were tending to believe MS's testimony that he was let out of the truck at the end of TB's street in the farmer's field immediately after leaving TB's driveway, until NS's 'testimony' in regard to the video, and 'DM's testimony through the voice of NS', that they had gone on a highway trip when in fact MS killed TB.

I am personally seeing SO much wrong with this thinking.

First of all, what's going on with that SS video testimony given by the Crown's expert witness, Plaxton? Why would the expert witness have left out other trucks with the same characteristics as TB's truck during the same short time period in question, without giving those truck passes any mention in the chain of events? What is going on there? The Crown is telling a story and said they would prove that TB was shot by both men, and so if there were additional truck-passes at different times, that would BOLSTER the Crown's submission, so why leave it out? It has *everything* to do with this case, whether or not it was believed the additional truck passes were by TB's truck or not. If not, the expert should have stated his reasoning for not believing those trucks were not part of the story, rather than leave it for the defence to poke holes through.

The timing is not accurate on the video. The expert, who the Crown depended on to give viable, believable evidence to support this very important case, forgot to record what he did to verify the time discrepancy. It was stated to be 3 hours. Now because of the defendant's lawyer's submission that since the time was off, it could have been off an additional 10 minutes which would support his client being alone in the truck with TB. If we are going to start adding and subtracting time from evidence presented by the expert, then how much are we willing to alter things?

Perhaps if that recording wasn't from the exact day, we could say the time was out 21 hours. or 27 hours to make it a different day. We can do what we want with the time on the video to make it bend to whatever we want, if we are going to alter the stated time. Such a crucial piece of evidence that could show whether one of the accused gets a murder conviction or whether he wasn't even present, you might suppose the Crown would take those additional truck sightings a little more seriously? We have been told the Crown is brilliant, on the ball, ahead of the game.. I'm at a complete loss as to how this got so screwed up. If the time is meaningless, if additional truck passes by the victim's truck are omitted, then what do we really have here as far as evidence?

Now we are left with.... supposedly there are 4 passes on the SS video.
i) travelling south toward TB residence at 8:46pm
*Let me stick in here that we apparently know that the defendants were walking up TB's driveway at 9:05pm, based on cellphone evidence
ii) travelling north toward Wilson St at 9:05pm
iii) travelling south toward TB residence at 9:15pm
iv) travelling north toward Wilson St at 9:20pm with another truck following close behind

The expert chose to omit from his findings items ii and iii. And apparently we have no reason for this? And yet to have had that information presented, it would have at least lended support to the Crown's case in that both defendants were in the vehicle when TB was killed and would have discounted MS's testimony under oath.

The defendant's lawyer wants to add them back into the picture and he also wants to add about 10 minutes to the video timestamp, on top of the 3 hours it is already out, according to the expert witness. Okay well I guess it's fair game that if the expert screwed up that bad, anyone and everyone can start adding or subtracting whatever increments of time suits their agendas, right? We don't know if all of those truck passes in the video are TB's truck, or whether only some of them are, or whether none of them are. Apparently none of those trucks were tested and overlaid in the manner in which the Yukon was examined. What if only one of them was, out of the 2 additional truck-passes?

What if the eye witness who has no dogs in this fight, who testified under oath that he actually witnessed the vehicles coming from his dad's lot on the corner was correct when he said the 2 vehicles travelled straight through Trinity and down Book Road, which would have meant the trucks didn't pass by SS at all immediately after picking up the Yukon? What if the trucks had travelled through Book, and and then DM said he got the bogus text and turned around on Book to go back to the corner of Trinity and let MS out to follow in the Yukon, and then pass by SS? What if that is what MS was remembering when he said that DM made a U-turn? What if MS doesn't have great recall on which directions he was driving the Yukon, since he was merely following and is an inexperienced driver? Would these scenarios change anything in relation to the times?

Now we have DM, who has testified through the voice of his legal counsel, his version of events that fateful night. He seems to be admitting to being in the vehicle, driving it, when TB was shot dead by way of MS suddenly becoming a loose cannon and bringing his gun out, at which time all hell broke lose while he was driving down the 100Km/hr major highway. If he is going to tell this story on the stand, then why lie about the fine details?

Suddenly we are expected to believe that the ringleader's lackey who does what he's told and hasn't made decisions thus far on his own, which jointly involve the two, has taken the reigns all on his own initiative, pulled out a loaded gun, and that TB somehow saw it from his seat in the front passenger side, turned around in his seat to physically grab it out of the hand of the backseat gun-toter sitting directly behind him, causing the gun to go off, right through his head at the left side when it killed him instantly, with the bullet continuing to travel out the other side of his body, straight through the front passenger side window to cause it to shatter, and possibly also to have a bullet hole in it.

Now, DM is all angry because he wanted the truck and wasn't expecting a murder. He immediately exits at Wilson, makes a loop back onto the highway going west this time, takes the same Hwy#52 exit, back to the Bullock farm field at Book and Trinity, not knowing who might be around to see TB's truck driving by with a bullet through the window and a dead man slouched in the front passenger seat. BIG RISK, wouldn't anyone say? But because this version lines up with an ALTERED version of video timelines, and involving additional truck passes in the video which were inexplicably omitted by the Crown and the expert witness, suddenly it is the truth?


The crown left out the two truck sitings based on the assumption that the times were correct and that the truck couldn't be in front of SS at the same time the guys were in the driveway at 9:05.
I don't think the crown requires that both defendants needed to be in the truck during the murder. They only need to have planned it together.
The crown left out the two truck sitings based on the assumption that the times were correct and that the truck couldn't be in front of SS at the same time the guys were in the driveway at 9:05.
I don't think the crown requires that both defendants needed to be in the truck during the murder. They only need to have planned it together.

I am not sure how one could be convicted of first degree murder if the person was not even present at the time. moo
The crown left out the two truck sitings based on the assumption that the times were correct and that the truck couldn't be in front of SS at the same time the guys were in the driveway at 9:05.
I don't think the crown requires that both defendants needed to be in the truck during the murder. They only need to have planned it together.

And considering the inaccuracy of the SS video timestamp, assumed(?) to be 3 hours off, I would personally expect that if the time of a truck matching the characteristics of the victim's truck was seen at 9:05pm and 9:15pm, with 9:05 being the time that the 2 accuseds arrived at TB's residence, that would be close enough in time to give it serious consideration as being a part of this story. If it didn't fit the exact story that the Crown *thought* happened, one might expect they would at least entertain little alterations from that if the evidence warranted it, which it seems to have. moo
My apologies in advance for turning a little philosophical/reflective here...I just found myself in that mood :)

This is the first trial I've followed closely from start to finish.

Ever since I first heard of the disappearance through the church grapevine/facebook, I've felt like I was a part of it.
I still cry when I remember the raw emotion of Sharlene's plea for Tim's return ("You don’t need him. BUT I DO! And our daughter needs her daddy back,”) It has angered me during this trial that people knew things, but ignored that plaintive plea...a call for human compassion...for an answer...
and then there were so many geographical familiarities along the way that drew me into the case even further...

The Justice system part I have found has made me rethink old positions on rights of EVERYone involved...thank you to WS posters and journalists who have given me this education.

At times, the stories of the lives led by that 'entourage' quite frankly depressed me..I kept wanting this to read like a well written novel where the characters come out in the end changed and better for what they've gone through...but, for the most part, I was deprived of that luxury and had to face the fact that a RL court case isn't a place we can go for absolute truth or redemption.

Still...while I sometimes found myself mourning the evilness and selfishness of some people in this world through this case, in the next moment I found myself encouraged and proud of the goodness and compassion of many more people also who filed through the courtroom...

1. Those in the 'entourage' who DID stand up and speak at least most of the truth (thank you)
2 Dr. Tracy Rogers, the forensic anthropologist who testified about the collection of human bone and ash from an incinerator stressed her determination to give the family every tiny piece that she could. "I thought it was important for the family's peace of mind that they have all the remains," she told the jury. Her voice cracked as she spoke and she apologized.After her testimony, Tim Bosma's father Hank followed Rogers out of the courtroom and gave her a hug. (Thank you Dr Rogers and Mr Bosma)
3. Veterinarian Robert Burns who stepped up to testify against his nephew Millard.... and was reported to have smiled and nodded several times to Sharlene Bosma during his testimony. (Thank you for that )
4. The person who spent so many hours putting together the incredibly useful powerpoint presentation on the phones (thank you for your time and diligence)
5. The LE, experts, the neighbours and witnesses who stood up and reported what they saw...who chose to get involved
6. The Bosma army who support the family so faithfully each day
I actually could go on and on....and I guess I am just happy now that I can....and thank you all who prove in big and little ways that there is still a LOT of good in this world, lets make sure the next generation can be equally proud :)

So beautifully stated ... Thank you!
I have long thought that DM was the shooter and even though the evidence has been cloudy on that subject I have held fast to that belief. Tonight as I was reading through the posts BOOM it hit me.

I think that DM shot TB because he's selfish and he wouldn't relinquish the thrill and the pleasure of killing TB to anyone. It was his party. MS was just a minion. His gopher. He wouldn't let him do the most important part of the job. That was the fun part.

I realize that this is sick and twisted but that's what DM is all about.

This was just another thrilling day in his sad and pathetic pretend life.


Excellent points, and I agree with you.

And, too, I don't think it matters who the shooter was. I believe that there is overwhelming evidence of premeditation and forcible confinement ... Much more than enough to convict both of them of first degree murder.


Original quote by etrain
yup..."when we stop, get out and come and shoot him?" truck stops, tb is uncomfortable with what is going on, DM tells him to get out (so he has the key) MS is outside the passenger door..TB won't get out so DM shoots him, MS shoots TB again through the window or, window is already broken from DM 's shot (before MS got to passenger side) and SM does not shoot him since he is dead. The original plan was DM tells Tb to get out, as soon as he is out of truck MS is to kill him, then take him to the farm and incinerate him

It's a wonder they didn't shoot each other, one from the driver's side, one from the passenger's side.
A question...
When the crown presented a witness, both defense attorneys had the opportunity to cross, then the crown had the final opportunity to ask further questions.
Will the same thing happen here? When the crown if finished with MS, will TD get a last crack with MS?

Re-Examination or Re-Direct
A party calling a witness is entitled to re-examine the witness after cross-examination. The scope of the re-examination is limited to matters that arose in cross-examination.[SUP][1][/SUP] Its purpose is to allow the witness to explain or qualify answers that were given in cross-examination. New matters may generally not be raised in questioning.

New facts may be raised in re-examination at the discretion of the judge. If the judge permits it, the opposing party must be permitted to cross-examine.[SUP][2][/SUP]
The rule against leading questions still applies in re-examination.[SUP][3][/SUP]
Re-examination may not be used to improperly bolster credibility of the witness after impeaching credibility in cross-examination.[SUP][4][/SUP]
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