Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #17 [06.03.16 to 06.09.16]

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I'm no expert but by the way the crown/media described the "blood letting event", I would assume more then a few drops of blood were actually inside the truck itself. I do however recall the few drops on the backseat of TB truck. So what about things like shoes? Clothes? Hands? Murder weapon? All capable of transfer but none found.

There was a lot of blood in the front seat area but very little in the back. If MS then got into the Yukon (from the back of the Ram) then there could be zero transferred at that point. If TB was in a tarp at the farm when he was put into the incinerator, then MS could have remained relatively clean. Before driving to Oakville in the morning in the Yukon both of them changed clothes.
Again. Who brought the gun and did the other person know?

DM and MS knew each or one of them had a gun. They texted about it, and ammo for the gun(s). Neither of them disputed Tim was shot by a gun.

These two two were not naive in terms of gun. Happily posed with gun and wrote lyrics. About guns. Guns were not a forbidden subject. They lived the drugs, guns, party, anti LE, lifestyle. You aren't serious that one didn't know the other had a gun and was prepared to use it? Why buy ammo if gun was just a symbol of being tough? Why load gun before test drive? Fear of truck owner perhaps?
There was a lot of blood in the front seat area but very little in the back. If MS then got into the Yukon (from the back of the Ram) then there could be zero transferred at that point. If TB was in a tarp at the farm when he was put into the incinerator, then MS could have remained relatively clean. Before driving to Oakville in the morning in the Yukon both of them changed clothes.

dM was known to spend night at hangar, so it must have shower, etc facility.
knowing your buddy in crime and in fact MS himself had gun (per BD testimony). Why bring loaded gun(s) to a truck robbery/test drive/theft, etc? Loaded gun is for one reason only - to kill.

There was a lot of blood in the front seat area but very little in the back. If MS then got into the Yukon (from the back of the Ram) then there could be zero transferred at that point. If TB was in a tarp at the farm when he was put into the incinerator, then MS could have remained relatively clean. Before driving to Oakville in the morning in the Yukon both of them changed clothes.

I would assume blood would run as it did in the truck? I don't know the details and it's a moot point really as I can't say for certain. What I can say is I don't recall very many crime scenes whereby the physical evidence is completely wiped.
Thanks Mrs. T. I've been following along for 3 years, and I'm well aware and have asked myself and my husband these same question. I suppose we're just a "CSI effect" family.

Bonnie and Clyde .....would likely have been pointing the fingers at each other if they were in DM's and Ms's shoes. There is no honour among thieves. Two eye witnesses saw DM & MS drive away with TB in the truck. IMO that is all i need to know at this point with these two car thieves. Carjacking with loaded gun. First degree murder for the two of them.
Bonnie and Clyde .....would likely have been pointing the fingers at each other if they were in DM's and Ms's shoes. There is no honour among thieves. Two eye witnesses saw DM & MS drive away with TB in the truck. IMO that is all i need to know at this point with these two car thieves. Carjacking with loaded gun. First degree murder for the two of them.

Yes so that must make them both equally guilty.
I had asked in a previous post about this and nobody got back to me about it . I really appreciate you sharing this information. I asked many people outside this post and they didn't know. We thought he might have been wanting something to throw scrap metal in as he was running a chop shop out of the airport hangar. But.....I get that the incinerator he bought would not and am out in left field about that now.

This was answered long ago. The incinerator doesn't melt metal. There was metal grommets and other foreign debris found in it. I believe the "other foreign debris" was looked at by the tooth expert but couldn't identify the smaller bits to be fillings for certain. So if it didn't melt grommets it sure wouldn't melt a gun.

That is why CN'S statement of "to melt metal" was so off the wall and rediculous.
I would assume blood would run as it did in the truck? I don't know the details and it's a moot point really as I can't say for certain. What I can say is I don't recall very many crime scenes whereby the physical evidence is completely wiped.

It wouldn't run quickly along the floor to MS's shoes (from front to back of the truck) due to the carpet. Therefore he would likely have clean shoes when he moved to the Yukon. If he didn't transfer blood or GSR then the Yukon was never a 'crime scene'
Yes so that must make them both equally guilty.

If you want to play with fire , sooner or later you are going to get burned. There is enough evidence in my opinion for first degree for both. But....if I wanted to be nice....I would say....evidence would say First degree for MS and accessory for DM. DM has two more trials which I am sure will wrap him up into a nice package for delivery back to prison for life anyways.
This was answered long ago. The incinerator doesn't melt metal. There was metal grommets and other foreign debris found in it. I believe the "other foreign debris" was looked at by the tooth expert but couldn't identify the smaller bits to be fillings for certain. So if it didn't melt grommets it sure wouldn't melt a gun.

That is why CN'S statement of "to melt metal" was so off the wall and rediculous.

Like all of her smut talk.
If you want to play with fire , sooner or later you are going to get burned. There is enough evidence in my opinion for first degree for both. But....if I wanted to be nice....I would say....evidence would say First degree for MS and accessory for DM. DM has two more trials which I am sure will wrap him up into a nice package for delivery back to prison for life anyways.

You're definitely entitled to your opinion. Neither of us are on the jury so it's really irrelevant anyway.
You're definitely entitled to your opinion. Neither of are on the jury so it's really irrelevant anyway.

I hope for justice for the victim and the victim's family. It will be interesting to see what the outcome is and what everyone's feelings are in the end. I hope and pray the punishment will fit the crime and that it will be well explained by the judge to the family of Tim Bosma. I am glad that DM and MS were caught and had to answer to it by incarceration. I feel that dm's gang of lying thieves did so to save their own behinds and should not be walking the street and their testimonies are all suspect. Call this irrelevant but that's just me.
DM and MS knew each or one of them had a gun. They texted about it, and ammo for the gun(s). Neither of them disputed Tim was shot by a gun.

These two two were not naive in terms of gun. Happily posed with gun and wrote lyrics. About guns. Guns were not a forbidden subject. They lived the drugs, guns, party, anti LE, lifestyle. You aren't serious that one didn't know the other had a gun and was prepared to use it? Why buy ammo if gun was just a symbol of being tough? Why load gun before test drive? Fear of truck owner perhaps?

Wasn't it MS who put DM in touch with an illegal gun dealer in the first place despite the fact that there was nothing to prevent DM from buying his own gun legally. I am pretty sure a guy like MS know what illegal guns are used for...and it isn't target practice.
Wasn't it MS who put DM in touch with an illegal gun dealer in the first place despite the fact that there was nothing to prevent DM from buying his own gun legally. I am pretty sure a guy like MS know what illegal guns are used for...and it isn't target practice.

Yep Mark Smich didn't want to be no poser. He wanted to be a genuine gangsta rapper. And needed a gun to go with the lyrics. Wanted the fantasy to be a reality.
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