Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #9

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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IMHO, it was DM the psychopath at work. It's pretty hard to take the guy you're trying to hang the whole thing on with you. There's absolutely no way that MS would freely take a gun if he knew that DM had killed TB with it. I doubt he'd want to take anything that belonged to DM and could incriminate him. IMO, that's why DM had to call in the services of another trusty mission helper- CN.

If the theory of a set-up/fall-guy scenario holds any water - i can't but help think that putting the alleged gun in the tool-box, and the alleged 1 lb of weed in a nap-sack in the hands of two separate people, was a deliberate measure done by DM. If one or the other, didn't succeed in making the entrusted evidence get into the possession of MS, then there was still one other major piece of evidence that would. Where that theoretical little plan would go south, is exactly how it went down .. both got together, ditched the evidence, and made a likely already troubled MS, absolutely paranoid given the circumstances of the abandonment of these two items in a common spot.

Not saying MS is innocent in this at all .. i do think that he was in the truck when it went down - I just don't think he was the shooter. I'm thinking post-crime, words were said between the two, that made DM decide that it'd be better for him if MS went down for the shooting - or anything else for that matter to get him out of the way, and tried to plan accordingly.

I know this article has been posted a number of times in the past, but I think it bears repeating (given that this has turned into the drug thread).

I think it's interesting that the source was "terrified" of DM, even with him behind bars. Makes me think some of the court witnesses do have a reason to be afraid.
Find it even more interesting that if this person was so "terrified " of DM, why would she go back for up to 2 dozen parties? Mindfulness would tell me to stay the hell away if I was terrified of someone. Imo
Find it even more interesting that if this person was so "terrified " of DM, why would she go back for up to 2 dozen parties? Mindfulness would tell me to stay the hell away if I was terrified of someone. Imo

The recent Jian Ghomeshi trial / Lucy Decoutere testimony, and the reported actual behavior of the 'victim' post-incident, comes to mind here..
Not to be too strange, but is it possible ma and pa were involved at all? Age doesn't make you innocent. Or another outsider somehow ? DM wasn't necessarily the biggest fish in the pond. I don't think he was the brains behind everything.

I've always wondered this too. Heck MB could be funding the defence for DM to protect herself as much as to help her son.

I recall the family fortune was originally made flying auto parts around. It just appears to be way too much overhead, unless you are dealing stolen goods or drugs IMHO... I know zero about the business.
Find it even more interesting that if this person was so "terrified " of DM, why would she go back for up to 2 dozen parties? Mindfulness would tell me to stay the hell away if I was terrified of someone. Imo

Maybe it was a good, thrilling kinda terror, and the party drugs took the edge off ;)

The whole bunch seemed to live a similar culture.
Geesh, these adult-kids. I just read Michalski had lost his license too. That makes 3 of them.

molly hayes@mollyhayes "Had to pick him up because Michalski had lost his license. He picked him up regularly for a few weeks. #Bosma"
Mar 23, 10:50

molly hayes@mollyhayes
"Michalski had just gotten his license back, and Bochenek was taking him to get his vehicle back-at the Millardair hangar in Waterloo #Bosmad Michalski had lost his license too. Had to pick him up because Michalski had lost his license. He picked him up regularly for a few weeks. #Bosma"

I remembered that from SS's testimony about AM and RB picking up the car. When I heard that DM had also lost his licence 7 months earlier during MH's testimony, I wondered why AM, who was actually living in the same house as DM, wasn't driving him around? Was he working full time at that point? Was MH not working? :waitasec:
You've probably caught it long ago now...This friend of SS's where they parked/tryed to hide the red "get away truck" truck.
I can't wait to hear from AM, CN, and MM.

Just wondering aloud: I can imagine this crew of criminals controlled and directed by DM getting stoned and drunk together, making jokes and dares, and planning missions, and to them it was all just DM being "Dell", a wild and crazy guy who made life interesting and entertaining for them all. They all participated in a fantasy life and didn't take a moment to consider consequences because they were all having a good time under DM's spell and they each watched out for the others. They always had lookouts remember and they're good at keeping secrets and leading double lives. Dinner at mom and dad's and then out in the fields scoping out the latest heist under cover of darkness for Dell. Walkie-talkies in tow. And the jokes were endless. A Bobcat? 20 trees? A toolbox full of guns? Hahaha! And in the end when reality hit them hard in the face, and a young innocent man, a loving and law-abiding son, a devoted husband and father, a kind brother, a dear friend to all who knew him, Tim Bosma was murdered and his body incinerated, they still felt bad about betraying poor "Dell" who just went to steal a truck on a lark with his deranged, drug-addled, sketchy, low-life associate, MS, who must have snapped and took things too far. Dell knew a lot about all of them and they made sure to stay silent for Dell so he would stay silent about them. It was unspoken pact that tied them loyally together and they thought their bond was unbreakable. They all thought MS was a shady character, beneath them in every way, and they expressed contempt for him. He just didn't fit in, he wasn't their type. MS lived up to his name, he was a Mark, and they all had his number. He was the perfect person to have the superior DM and his criminal missionaries lay the blame on. They all thought they were safe, untouchable, and invincible.

I wonder what they all think of themselves now? I wonder what they all think now of the devilish Dell?

All MOO.
I can't wait to hear from AM, CN, and MM.

Just wondering aloud: I can imagine this crew of criminals controlled and directed by DM getting stoned and drunk together, making jokes and dares, and planning missions, and to them it was all just DM being "Dell", a wild and crazy guy who made life interesting and entertaining for them all. They all participated in a fantasy life and didn't take a moment to consider consequences because they were all having a good time under DM's spell and they each watched out for the others. They always had lookouts remember and they're good at keeping secrets and leading double lives. Dinner at mom and dad's and then out in the fields scoping out the latest heist under cover of darkness for Dell. Walkie-talkies in tow. And the jokes were endless. A Bobcat? 20 trees? A toolbox full of guns? Hahaha! And in the end when reality hit them hard in the face, and a young innocent man, a loving and law-abiding son, a devoted husband and father, a kind brother, a dear friend to all who knew him, Tim Bosma was murdered and his body incinerated, they still felt bad about betraying poor "Dell" who just went to steal a truck on a lark with his deranged, drug-addled, sketchy, low-life associate, MS, who must have snapped and took things too far. Dell knew a lot about all of them and they made sure to stay silent for Dell so he would stay silent about them. It was unspoken pact that tied them loyally together and they thought their bond was unbreakable. They all thought MS was a shady character, beneath them in every way, and they expressed contempt for him. He just didn't fit in, he wasn't their type. MS lived up to his name, he was a Mark, and they all had his number. He was the perfect person to have the superior DM and his criminal missionaries lay the blame on. They all thought they were safe, untouchable, and invincible.

I wonder what they all think of themselves now? I wonder what they all think now of the devilish Dell?

All MOO.

Sounds like a good start to a book. I like "criminal missionaries."
I understand, i meant a possible involvement by WM before his alleged murder. like kind of like mob stuff.... sorry, not sure how sweet the man was. And yes mommy will no doubt want to save her son's *advertiser censored** on any given level of sweetness she has as well. DM is definitely responsible for his own actions and i hope they find a suitable payment for them. I guess i am looking for a possible bigger fish to fry than the one they have possibly DM has another boss that he answers too. But yes, in the end each is responsible for their own actions or in-actions- i hope.
Thank you, Claroon! :)

All MOO. (I'm beginning to feel like a cow. lol)
Test :) and apologies i keep noticing when i come upon my replies i am using the annoyingly wrong > to. too and their or there. :) P.S. i hate capitalising the word I !!
I understand, i meant a possible involvement by WM before his alleged murder. like kind of like mob stuff.... sorry, not sure how sweet the man was. And yes mommy will no doubt want to save her son's *advertiser censored** on any given level of sweetness she has as well. DM is definitely responsible for his own actions and i hope they find a suitable payment for them. I guess i am looking for a possible bigger fish to fry than the one they have possibly DM has another boss that he answers too. But yes, in the end each is responsible for their own actions or in-actions- i hope.
One thing that I was hoping someone here might be able to answer: when the trial is finished, will complete transcripts, including the closed court sessions, be available to the public in any form? I feel like there is a huge amount of info in this case that we are not permitted to see. . . Do publication bans ever extend beyond a verdict?

Hi Catherinem (welcome) ..... yes , transcripts are always available after a trial but you have to pay for them ..... at one time it was 50 cents per page but may be more now. It adds up pretty quick because they double space everything and only use one side of the paper , so it takes a lot of pages to cover a small amount of information

Transcripts are typed by an official court reporter (which is a profession in itself) , the idea is to accurately record every word spoken .... it is the official record that is referred to in case there is an appeal ..... and the person launching the appeal has to purchase transcripts for himself (his lawyer) as well as a copy for each appeal court judge .

I have seen some court reporters take everything down in shorthand , or type on what appears to be a legalese shorthand typewriter machine , and some talk into a mask type mouthpiece hooked to a recorder .... talk about multi-tasking .... listen and talk at the same time , not many people can do it , and it has to be accurate.

By comparison twitter is a giant leap backward for mankind.

I would love to see the transcripts for this trial , but it would cost a lot less to buy ABro's book and read the pertinent info there , I expect she will capture the most interesting parts. Best wishes.
one more test for reference :truce:
If you're referring to what I said, they did park their red truck at a nearby location to hide it. Someone they knew.
Yes that is exactly the thing i was looking for- thank you Claroon!
one more test for reference :truce:

I'm forcing myself to go to bed now, but thanks for your posts! Your test post put a smile on my face before I sleep.:) I can't speak for everyone, but typos, upper or lower case,etc. doesn't bother me at all. I just love reading the content of the posts and enjoy the variety of opinions. So shine on, mimimic! :)

All MOO.
I understand, i meant a possible involvement by WM before his alleged murder. like kind of like mob stuff.... sorry, not sure how sweet the man was. And yes mommy will no doubt want to save her son's *advertiser censored** on any given level of sweetness she has as well. DM is definitely responsible for his own actions and i hope they find a suitable payment for them. I guess i am looking for a possible bigger fish to fry than the one they have possibly DM has another boss that he answers too. But yes, in the end each is responsible for their own actions or in-actions- i hope.

I don't think WM would go to that much risk and expense to start up an MRO if he was into underworld dealings.
Anyone would shudder at the idea of being the boss of a loose cannon like DM.
MH was and yes i believe he is done. This is a full time preoccupation! This was meant as a response for the user flip flop. Sorry i likely won't post too often if it turns out i suck at it!

Awww keep posting Mimimic, you are doing fine!!! Just remember we were all Websleuth Virgins at one point in time too!!!! Jump right in, and welcome to your new addiction!!!! Now repeat after me:
Hi my name is Mimimic, and I am a Websleuth Addict.
Can't wait to hear the bull pucky that comes from michalski.

Me either Matou. DM had the wherewithal to tell AM (assuming AM is the housemate DM confided in about plans to steal a truck) prior to TB's truck theft, but didn't give him the low down on the end results?! Yeah OK, whatever. They lived together in the same house and they never crossed paths from May 7th to the 9th?! If there were no text messages between them on those days, I would have to assume it was because they were together at the house gaming together or was it them doing yard together...Oh bother, :facepalm: I bet it slipped DM's mind to tell AM his best bud, he had pulled off the ultimate truck heist and murdered the owner and then incinerated him. These guys or at least AM (DM's associates in crime) had two days of news, hearing of TB's case, AM knew DM's plan and he just didn't put two and two together?! As you said Matou...bull pucky.

We're not going to hear AM admit he knew "after the fact" from the horse's mouth because he would have had to admit up to knowing and doing nothing about it, like go to LE. IF LE had to drag his hiney down to the station and question him, LE could have arrested him and charged him with AATF/HTE like CN perhaps. He did help to get rid of evidence; the backpack and toolbox. And it's apparent from MH testimony he and AM had no idea until they heard it on the news while driving in Oakville. Then they put two and two together. MOO, I think MM is going to be the one who tells all. ALL MOO.
awe forget my comment on the restaurant/bar. got caught up in directions/distance the 1st time i googled >forgot about hours of operation. going to bed!
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