Boulder DA sued for release of indictment

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Sep 16, 2010
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A Daily Camera reporter and a press advocacy group sued Boulder County District Attorney Stan Garnett on Wednesday seeking the release of the indictment that was secretly voted on by the JonBenet Ramsey grand jury in 1999 but never prosecuted.

Can anyone find a link with the actual court case?

ETA: I know from following the Jessica Ridgeway case (also in Colorado), the media would reference court documents a few days before appeared online.

Thomas Kelley, the attorney, has been involved in this case since '97.
Interesting and my personal opinion is that it should remain sealed.

And not because it is the R's. I think they all should be sealed if no indictment is filed as to not taint any other GJ if the need arises.
This is interesting,good news but unfortunately I don't think he will win this battle...too much at stake for some who need to cover for their past mistakes....
was reading the comments below the article and stumbled upon this guy's website....

found 2 interesting things

The inability of the FBI to explain to former Denver DA and Lockheed-Martin executive Norm Early why they never took charge of the Ramsey case -an apparent kidnapping of a top Defense contractor executive's daughter by foreign terrorists- is suspicious and an apparent violation of the "Lindbergh Law." Det. Linda Arndt stated on TV last week that she specifically asked for FBI assistance and did not receive it. She received no backup of any kind, having been told everyone was in a meeting -for hours starting about 7:30 AM the day after Christmas. Were they in a meeting with or about the FBI? Mr. McFarland has a contact with information that Lockheed-Martin security were in the Ramsey house before the BPD. We have available a video of Mr. Early discussing the issue on a recent TV show.

I agree it's possible,might explain the unknown TDNA.Even if my scenario is different and they were called by someone else(JR) for different reasons.(cover -up ,crime scene cleaning)

I mean,c'mon,who would YOU call if you were JR?The BPD or Lockheed security?

Interesting points though even if IDI re the Lindbergh law and the FBI's involvement.

and this...had no idea,hmmm

After I gave him the information I had obtained about child *advertiser censored* and the Internet, Hunter leaned back in his chair and spread a legal pad across his lap, speculating about who had killed JonBenet Ramsey. Once again I was struck by the informality of his behavior and his willingness to share his ideas. He thought some of John Andrew Ramsey’s fraternity brothers at the Chi Psi house at the university of Colorado may have gotten high Christmas night and, during an aborted attempt to kidnap JonBenet and make some easy money, accidentally killed her and then concocted the note as a cover-up.
How long will it be before the probability of R involvement in big time child *advertiser censored* is looked at as a key factor in JBs death? Way too many connections in their "circle" to documented statements and reported info from credible sources to keep sweeping it all under a rug. It is what it is, IMHO.
and this...had no idea,hmmm

After I gave him the information I had obtained about child *advertiser censored* and the Internet, Hunter leaned back in his chair and spread a legal pad across his lap, speculating about who had killed JonBenet Ramsey. Once again I was struck by the informality of his behavior and his willingness to share his ideas. He thought some of John Andrew Ramsey’s fraternity brothers at the Chi Psi house at the university of Colorado may have gotten high Christmas night and, during an aborted attempt to kidnap JonBenet and make some easy money, accidentally killed her and then concocted the note as a cover-up.

Wow. Was Hunter a defense attorney before becoming a DA? Defense attorneys always seem to take the wildest leaps!
So he's saying several cash strapped young men intoxicated by drugs, all of whom had no family to be with on Christmas, commit to kidnapping a fraternity brothers sister and holding her for ransom for an undetermined time (where would she be hidden when school school started)? And that they killed her or got horny on there way out, fashioning a garotte? Then sat and concocted s multi-page ransom note to somehow still get something out of it. During all of this time not one of them left behind more than a few skin cells? They didn't stumble, weren't loud and didn't forget for a minute the need to keep gloves, etc on? (Dripping with sarcasm here)

Why not just rob houses or businesses? Easier, cleaner.

Of all the convoluted...:facepalm:
There's absolutely no way that frat boys would keep quiet for long.
Wow. Was Hunter a defense attorney before becoming a DA? Defense attorneys always seem to take the wildest leaps!
So he's saying several cash strapped young men intoxicated by drugs, all of whom had no family to be with on Christmas, commit to kidnapping a fraternity brothers sister and holding her for ransom for an undetermined time (where would she be hidden when school school started)? And that they killed her or got horny on there way out, fashioning a garotte? Then sat and concocted s multi-page ransom note to somehow still get something out of it. During all of this time not one of them left behind more than a few skin cells? They didn't stumble, weren't loud and didn't forget for a minute the need to keep gloves, etc on? (Dripping with sarcasm here)

Why not just rob houses or businesses? Easier, cleaner.

Of all the convoluted...:facepalm:

Interesting that he (AH) complains about not having ENOUGH evidence against the Ramsey's...he's not saying NO there IS evidence just not enough. (<<<<for IDI's)
and funny that he mentions JAR now,he has been heard talking about the possibility of BR being involved.

eta:enough to charge
Interesting that he (AH) complains about not having ENOUGH evidence against the Ramsey's...he's not saying NO there IS evidence just not enough. (<<<<for IDI's)
and funny that he mentions JAR now,he has been heard talking about the possibility of BR being involved.

Yes, there is a difference between none and not enough.
How long will it be before the probability of R involvement in big time child *advertiser censored* is looked at as a key factor in JBs death? Way too many connections in their "circle" to documented statements and reported info from credible sources to keep sweeping it all under a rug. It is what it is, IMHO.

There is no evidence at all of such a thing. Wow. I am amazed at how far people reach in this case..
Yes, there is a difference between none and not enough.

Not really. There is either evidence that someone committed a crime or there is not. I would bet that he knew something was wrong with the evidence that was submitted and could not go forward knowing it was not right.
Interesting that he (AH) complains about not having ENOUGH evidence against the Ramsey's...he's not saying NO there IS evidence just not enough. (<<<<for IDI's)
and funny that he mentions JAR now,he has been heard talking about the possibility of BR being involved.

By whom and where? IF this is rumor than it has no bearing at all. If it is fact can you back it up with confirmation please?
Boulder District Attorney Alex Hunter is among those who privately considered the possibility that Burke played a role in the death of his sister. "I wonder if Burke is involved in this," Hunter mused out loud one day, former Boulder police detective Steve Thomas wrote in his book.

Hunter declared publicly in 1999 that Burke wasn't a suspect in his sister's death. But later events suggested that statement wasn't as definitive as it seemed. In 2000 Hunter refused a request by Ramsey attorney Wood to sign a statement declaring under oath that "all questions related to" Burke's "possible involvement" in the death of his sister "were resolved to the satisfaction of investigators." He also refused to declare that Burke "has never been viewed by investigators as a suspect." Nor would he say that Burke "has not been and is not a suspect."

Hunter did, however, agree to language in which he declared that "no evidence has ever been developed ... to justify elevating Burke Ramsey's status from witness to suspect," and there is nothing in the transcripts of the interviews of the Ramseys to suggest any such evidence was developed.

So whatever Hunter's suspicions about Burke, he wasn't able to substantiate them.
There is no evidence at all of such a thing. Wow. I am amazed at how far people reach in this case..

Obviously you have more reading and research to do on the Rs and their connective circle. Refute till the cows come won't change my opinion. Lack of "evidence" of involvement is the way it's supposed to be. Hunter helped out by saying not enough evidence to bring charges. Powers that be who operate at a level most would think is fantasy have every aspect of their sick world securely guarded. Just ask former Senator John De Camp.
Boulder District Attorney Alex Hunter is among those who privately considered the possibility that Burke played a role in the death of his sister. "I wonder if Burke is involved in this," Hunter mused out loud one day, former Boulder police detective Steve Thomas wrote in his book.

Hunter declared publicly in 1999 that Burke wasn't a suspect in his sister's death. But later events suggested that statement wasn't as definitive as it seemed. In 2000 Hunter refused a request by Ramsey attorney Wood to sign a statement declaring under oath that "all questions related to" Burke's "possible involvement" in the death of his sister "were resolved to the satisfaction of investigators." He also refused to declare that Burke "has never been viewed by investigators as a suspect." Nor would he say that Burke "has not been and is not a suspect."

Hunter did, however, agree to language in which he declared that "no evidence has ever been developed ... to justify elevating Burke Ramsey's status from witness to suspect," and there is nothing in the transcripts of the interviews of the Ramseys to suggest any such evidence was developed.

So whatever Hunter's suspicions about Burke, he wasn't able to substantiate them.

The source is ST? Really? That is not a source.. That is ST who got it all wrong.
Obviously you have more reading and research to do on the Rs and their connective circle. Refute till the cows come won't change my opinion. Lack of "evidence" of involvement is the way it's supposed to be. Hunter helped out by saying not enough evidence to bring charges. Powers that be who operate at a level most would think is fantasy have every aspect of their sick world securely guarded. Just ask former Senator John De Camp.

The whole point of this forum is to be responsible when sleuthing. Not to accuse people of heinous crimes without cause. There is nothing that supports any of this.

IT is just more of making the R's out to be the most terrible of the terrible without proof so that it is easier to trash them.

These people are not charged... They are not convicted. The worst they are is parents of a murdered child.
Sorry,I know you would have preferred Mary Lacy or another "credible" source like her.No can do.

At least she had it right. She released them based on DNA evidence. Not because she liked them or didn't. She looked at the evidence and made the call.

All the little stuff that people twist and turn to make it fit the R's doing this, And then there is real evidence that points away from them and it is ignored or means nothing???

It makes no sense if the truth is really the prize here.
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