Boulder Grand Jury Voted To Indict-Boulder Dailey Camera

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Sun Venus, I really do appreciate your post to push for a letter writing campaign, which I think was first brought up by SuperDave. But regardless of who began it first, it is an excellent idea to keep the ball rolling. Those of us who have followed this case from day one and those just now are on the band wagon should be compelled to extend ourselves to grab justice for Jon Benet.

Looking through this thread, I even see copies of letters and invitations to use or copy any part of the letters to kick start the campaign. How great are members who care and share that much.

Can you imagine the volume of letters and the attention to those letters that members of this site could generate if we all followed this - Don't Just Post, Write Officials - Do Your Part for Justice.

I'm off to write my letter now.

Again, thanks Sun Venus.

AZWriter, Would you PLEASE share with us your letter so we can use the outline of it and send to the proper authorities. By the way, to whom you would recommend to send it first: media? Bolder's LE/DA/Mayor?

Thank you in advance
JonBenet is on the (side) cover of People Magazine this week, if anyone wants to get a copy. Let's hope it's prominently displayed at every store that Burke and John go into this week! it safe to say that all of us think that Garnett should call another GJ? What do you think a new GJ would do? Indict or not? Or do you think Garnett should just issue an arrest warrant for John?

Also, if this news prompted Garnett to call another wouldn't be an immediate thing, right? I mean, he would have to get in contact with many different people from a task force, to witnesses, to former LE before announcing they were having a new GJ...correct?
The development was on an Australia morning show:

JonBenet Ramsey murder - YouTube

Oh ffs, that segment was filled with inaccuracies-- said JBR's body was found on Christmas Day, and as SunnieRN pointed out it claims JB had blue eyes, says the R's were exonerated due to DNA from "unknown male suspect"....

Damned lazy media hacks-- learn to do some frickin' research before blabbering on TV.

See? I am not always nice. Stupidity and willfull & deliberate ignorance makes me *****y.

This case is big news all over the world. I've heard it said it is the second most compelling case in crime history (next to Jack the Ripper). But it doesn't do anyone any good (except for unprosecuted criminals) that imbecilic media types apparantly can no longer read, or comprehend simple language, or are more interested in face time than researching facts.

Grrr. it safe to say that all of us think that Garnett should call another GJ? What do you think a new GJ would do? Indict or not? Or do you think Garnett should just issue an arrest warrant for John?

Also, if this news prompted Garnett to call another wouldn't be an immediate thing, right? I mean, he would have to get in contact with many different people from a task force, to witnesses, to former LE before announcing they were having a new GJ...correct?

If another GJ could be convened, I'd be all for it. But as I am not a lawyer, I don't know if that is possible-- can any of our brilliant & legally savvy members let us know?

I do think it would take a while. However, we have a light at the end of the tunnel-- it is now in sight. If we can all be pateint, stay strong & united we can see this through. A few more years are a fair price to pay for justice, and most especially: justice done right.

I think if a new GJ was called, the result of that GJ would be the same: indict JR (and PR posthumously, if possible, or at least acknowledge that if she weren't six feet under she'd be held liable) for felony child abuse or child endangerment, or criminal child neglect. At least I *hope* this would happen. Would Garnett & his office then prosecute? Given the climate of public opinion, and given that we have the chance to press this as a concerned body public with the agreement of JK and others, maybe it could go to trial and JR could spend the remaining years of his life where he belongs.

Even though this may not happen, I wonder how JR can look himself in the mirror each morning as he goes through his ablutions. Can he even meet his own eyes? Can he hold his head up? Does he have even an iota of integrity? My magic 8 ball says: "my sources say no".
If the GJ indicts, Garnett has to prosecute. There is no way around it. You can't call a new GJ, after the controversy over what happened with the old GJ, and then ignore their decision, again.
I just thought about something reading SV post..... Are all DA's privy to past GJ decsions?
Tricia asked Brennan to be on her show, but he declined. He said "Thanks but no thanks" and that was his response to anyone who asked for an interview. Hmmmm....
SunVenus, your calling the RST, "The Ramsey Bureau of Propaganda" is the funniest thing I have read all day! Thank you for the laugh!:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Thank you, thank you! I'll be here all week. Try the fish! ;)

I'm glad it gave you a giggle-- gods know we could use a bit of levity at times even in this most serious of discussions, and many other people here have retained some of the sanity-preserving skill of making us smile. It's either that or go madder than a sack of cut snakes.

All humour aside now: the R's tactics IMO have been the sort of which Himmler & Goebbels might have been proud. Tell a lie long & enough & loud enough, and people will believe. Bloody disgusting.
Tricia asked Brennan to be on her show, but he declined. He said "Thanks but no thanks" and that was his response to anyone who asked for an interview. Hmmmm....

I'm having a huge brain-fart right now. Who is Brennan?
The reporter for The Daily Camera who broke the news about the GJ's decision to indict. I believe he has covered the case since the beginning.

Thank you! Apparantly I need an IV feed of coffee this morning, can't get brain out of first gear.

Now why would he decline? Hmmmm... Curiouser and curiouser.
I just thought about something reading SV post..... Are all DA's privy to past GJ decsions?

I'd like to know this too. Anyone?

I'd assume he'd have access to official records. But is what he knows stuff he that knows but can't use-- does he have to start fresh? Now that the GJ's and AH's decisions have been made public, does Garnett know that in an offical, useable capacity, or would it be back to square one?
JonBenet is on the (side) cover of People Magazine this week, if anyone wants to get a copy. Let's hope it's prominently displayed at every store that Burke and John go into this week!
I hope the people JR is closest to, insist that he come forward in order to 'clear his name'. This isn't some tidbit of gossip that he can refuses to 'dignify' with an answer. A grand jury has accused him of being a child abuser and murderer. He needs to respond. This isn't something that he can just wait out until it goes away, because it will never go away. This defines him as a parent and person. MOO.
Thank you! Apparantly I need an IV feed of coffe this morning, can't get brain out of first gear.

Now why would he decline? Hmmmm... Curiouser and curiouser.

Yes, I am curious too as to why he would decline all interview requests. I'm sure he was glad at the amount of attention/coverage his discovery it seems strange that he wouldn't want to keep that attention going.

This is probably far-fetched...but is there a chance that a program like Dateline or 20/20 contacted him about doing an episode about the new development, and it's some sort of exclusive where he talks to them first, not the rest of the media? Ratings sweeps starts tomorrow.
Yes, I am curious too as to why he would decline all interview requests. I'm sure he was glad at the amount of attention/coverage his discovery it seems strange that he wouldn't want to keep that attention going.

This is probably far-fetched...but is there a chance that a program like Dateline or 20/20 contacted him about doing an episode about the new development, and it's some sort of exclusive where he talks to them first, not the rest of the media? Ratings sweeps starts tomorrow.
Actually, that's a good possibility. But I'm thinking he might not want to be asked about his sources, or just wants the information to speak for itself. So, for now anyway, he's just sitting back and watching the results of the shockwaves. IMO, this is the biggest JonBent news ever. I'm sure that when ML exonerated the Rs, or JMK was hauled in, this was the reaction she wanted, but didn't get, because no thinking person bought either story. moo
Interesting theory. Extremely unlikely, so improbable that it can be dismissed IMO, but I thank you for sharing it.

Actually, it fits the evidence better than any theory out there.

I do enjoy thinking of any & every possible angle on this case, each time we can connect or dismiss bits & pieces edges us a bit closer to answers. :)

I agree, but only so long as we remain open to any possible angle and do not make the mistake of devoting ourselves to a particular conclusion about this case as if it were our religion, which it is not. It is an unsolved murder.

That said, I have some questions for you.

Going along with your hypothesis, let me ask you this: Why would a mere burglar or two sexually assualt JB? If-- in your theory-- they came to the reluctant conclusion they had to kill JB to keep her from identifying them, then how much of a bigger leap would it have been to sexually violate her? What purpose would it serve?

Clearly, child murder trumps child molestation in the hierarchy of evil human behavior. If the male burglar is depraved enough to brutally murder a six year old girl, he is certainly depraved enough to sexually assault her. Thus, it would not be at all unlikely for our male burglar, turned child murderer, to let all his demons out on this occasion. After all, he cannot possibly behave any worse after crushing a little girl's skull with a tire iron. (No, JBR was not hit over the head with a flashlight.)

And was it simply dumb luck that the coroner's report indicated prior sexual abuse?

For the sake of argument, let us assume that there is no controversy over the issue of whether or not there is definite evidence of prior sexual abuse. The fact of the matter is that JBR had an older brother. It is not terribly unusual for young children, even siblings, to play doctor. What is more, the evidence for prior sexual abuse is debatable. In other words, it is so scant that the evidence, at best, suggests little more than children playing doctor and does NOT suggest chronic, aggressive, sexual abuse at the hands of an adult. The Ramseys have been accused of "hiding something" since Day One of the investigation. If they were indeed hiding something it is most likely sexual play between Burke and JBR, and their motive for keeping it a family secret should be obvious and understandable, considering the relentless witch hunt to which the family was being subjected.

In your opinion, did the alleged burglar JB may have been able to identify know that the sexual dynamic in the R household was, umm, well, not the norm and took advantage of that fact to muddy the waters?

I have seen no substantial evidence to suggest that the Ramseys were "umm, well, not the norm" whatever that means. I doubt they were the perfect family; but then again, no such family exists. They certainly were not radically dysfunctional and it is wrong for you to suggest that they were.

How did they enter? Why were there no signs of forced entry?

There would have been no reason for the burglars to murder JBR unless she could identify one of them by name. If JBR was so well acquainted with one of the burglars, it is entirely plausible that this person could have gotten her hands on a key to the Ramsey residence. Thus, there would have been no sign of forced entry.

What is more, the Ramseys were not very fastidious with their home security. Indeed, they did not even bother to set the alarm most of the time. Therefore, it is entirely possible that a door had actually been left unlocked, despite all assurances to the contrary by all concerned parties.

What do you think they were out to take in the first place?

The usual stuff: jewelry, guns, collectibles, cash, anything that can be easily thrown into a shoulder bag and hocked at the local pawn shop.

If they were an experienced team of burglars, wouldn't they have cased the R home prior to hitting it?

There is no reason to suspect that these were experienced, professional burglars who relied on swag as their primary source of income. In fact, it is at least as likely that these were thrill burglars out for kicks and a little dope money.

Would they not have noticed the Rs arrived home that evening? Why not wait for the next night, when the Rs would have been away in Charlevoix? (The "insider" burglary suspect you theorise of might have known that, right? Or maybe not. What do you think?)

That the burglars could have screwed up so badly by getting wrong the date of the Ramseys departure to Michigan is telling of what sort of burglars we are dealing with, and perhaps ultimately, their identities.

If they had entered the home and suddenly came upon JB, why not simply grab her and get out? Why the ransom note, the search for objects in the household to tie & restrain her... wouldn't that all have taken a long time and put them in greater risk of discovery? Why not just grab her & leave?

Good question. Why not just grab JBR and leave? Why hang around?

The answer: They had no where to take her. Indeed, they might not even have had a car with which to smuggle JBR away. Now what sort of burglars are these? My guess is that they are young adults. They either live with their parents in the surrounding neighborhood or they live in a dorm or frat house at UC, which is just around the corner from the Ramsey residence.

Most of all-- why would they bother to redress her and leave her covered in a blanket? That could show (and does especially if we consider JR/PR to be involved) remorse and a wish to "comfort" the now dead child. But why do you feel a burglar would go to that step?

The female burglar did this because she knew and liked JBR. It was she who wrote the ransom note. It was she who tried to persuade her depraved boyfriend not to kill JBR. It was she who felt genuine remorse for the murder.

If these experienced burglars made a mistake, and the result was that they had to kill JB, and then made a solemn vow to walk the straight and narrow from then on, how long to you think that vow of goodness would last?

I think there is a very high degree of probability that our female burglar is dead, having been murdered by her male accomplice not long after the murder of JBR. Has he walked the straight and narrow since then? I doubt it. But if he moved away to Europe or Israel or Australia, he could have easily eluded the radar of American law enforcement.

If they (the hypothetical burglars) were truly that remorseful, then why basically torture the child? Not just the vaginal penetration with what may have been a paintbrush of PR, but the head blow, the marks elsewhere on the body, the slow strangulation, etc. Did the remorse come after a snap that made them act so viciously?

Clearly, one of the burglars was possessed by an actual human soul and felt some degree of remorse while the other one was a sadistic, cold-hearted, psychopath.

Most of all, given the rates of family homicides, how does burglary gone wrong seem more plausible? Is there a particular piece or pieces of evidence that really stick out to you on this, and what is it?

The most glaring piece of evidence is the ransom note which was not likely written by Patsy, or John, or Burke. Obviously, somebody wrote the note and it was not a member of the Ramsey family.
Hi, Edmond.Dantes,

I’ve been a neutral poster since the time I came. I skip many posts, especially from certain posters. I read many posts by certain posters. Though I do cheat in each case.

It is confusing to read here from either side (RDI, IDI). Theories travel at about a hundred miles an hour down a highway as truths and facts veer off down dirt roads. In other words: there are many opinions, but not everyone can be right. So, you have to be selective in information.
I don’t normally give up any theories mainly because I have no actual ones. I lean toward ideas of what may have happened. But, something usually jumps out and makes me swerve to miss it.

Although your question wasn’t meant for me, I have found questions help me make better deductions. Normally I would keep them to myself, and just ask more questions. But, I find it interesting, and would like to think aloud, here.

In this case, I’m going to act as a Ramsey did it because that’s what is asked. Although, the question (and I’m sure it’s been mentioned) can be altered to fit as well for an intruder.
I don’t believe what I’m saying is the 5 W’s of the case. Nor does it make me a Ramsey did it (or vice-versa) It is only a thought process.

Why in the world would either or both of the Ramseys have written a bogus ransom note then left the body in the basement?"

First, I’d like to mention the ransom note. Almost three pages long, and half, if not more, speaks of Jonbenet’s death. I think that’s important.

I think it’s simple as to why they left her hidden (key word) in the basement. I think they never thought anyone would treat this as anything other than a kidnapping. And who would search the house for a kidnapped child?

Personally, I wouldn’t have thought anyone would search my house if I made it clear she’d been kidnapped, and was possibly dead now that police were involved. I’ve never been involved in a kidnapping, and don’t know the procedures – I assume the Ramseys had never been involved in a kidnapping.
If the house had never been searched, her body could have been ‘taken care of’ (somewhat properly) by her parents - later. But, just in case she was found it needed to appear as someone other than a parent had been with her.
So, had the house not been searched (as I would have suspected) the ransom note covered her nonreturn. And, quite thoroughly – kind of like overkill.

But, when it was suggested to search the house, John needed to be the one to find her. I don’t know why, those are thoughts in progress. But, I know if I put myself in those shoes, then I would, also, need to be the one. If for nothing more than a double check.

That’s the way I’d think if I were RDI. Also: Sorry if this summary seems jumpy, but I started it last night, then began again today.

Thank you, it's this kind of process that I find most helpful.

I've often wonder if there were talk about search dogs being brought in. They would of gone straight to the wine cellar. John would have to find her and soon. Could he of stage or unstaged something in the wine cellar when he found her? And did he "find" her twice?
Actually, it fits the evidence better than any theory out there.

I agree, but only so long as we remain open to any possible angle and do not make the mistake of devoting ourselves to a particular conclusion about this case as if it were our religion, which it is not. It is an unsolved murder.

Clearly, child murder trumps child molestation in the hierarchy of evil human behavior. If the male burglar is depraved enough to brutally murder a six year old girl, he is certainly depraved enough to sexually assault her. Thus, it would not be at all unlikely for our male burglar, turned child murderer, to let all his demons out on this occasion. After all, he cannot possibly behave any worse after crushing a little girl's skull with a tire iron. (No, JBR was not hit over the head with a flashlight.)

For the sake of argument, let us assume that there is no controversy over the issue of whether or not there is definite evidence of prior sexual abuse. The fact of the matter is that JBR had an older brother. It is not terribly unusual for young children, even siblings, to play doctor. What is more, the evidence for prior sexual abuse is debatable. In other words, it is so scant that the evidence, at best, suggests little more than children playing doctor and does NOT suggest chronic, aggressive, sexual abuse at the hands of an adult. The Ramseys have been accused of "hiding something" since Day One of the investigation. If they were indeed hiding something it is most likely sexual play between Burke and JBR, and their motive for keeping it a family secret should be obvious and understandable, considering the relentless witch hunt to which the family was being subjected.

I have seen no substantial evidence to suggest that the Ramseys were "umm, well, not the norm" whatever that means. I doubt they were the perfect family; but then again, no such family exists. They certainly were not radically dysfunctional and it is wrong for you to suggest that they were.

There would have been no reason for the burglars to murder JBR unless she could identify one of them by name. If JBR was so well acquainted with one of the burglars, it is entirely plausible that this person could have gotten her hands on a key to the Ramsey residence. Thus, there would have been no sign of forced entry.

What is more, the Ramseys were not very fastidious with their home security. Indeed, they did not even bother to set the alarm most of the time. Therefore, it is entirely possible that a door had actually been left unlocked, despite all assurances to the contrary by all concerned parties.

The usual stuff: jewelry, guns, collectibles, cash, anything that can be easily thrown into a shoulder bag and hocked at the local pawn shop.

There is no reason to suspect that these were experienced, professional burglars who relied on swag as their primary source of income. In fact, it is at least as likely that these were thrill burglars out for kicks and a little dope money.

That the burglars could have screwed up so badly by getting wrong the date of the Ramseys departure to Michigan is telling of what sort of burglars we are dealing with, and perhaps ultimately, their identities.

Good question. Why not just grab JBR and leave? Why hang around?

The answer: They had no where to take her. Indeed, they might not even have had a car with which to smuggle JBR away. Now what sort of burglars are these? My guess is that they are young adults. They either live with their parents in the surrounding neighborhood or they live in a dorm or frat house at UC, which is just around the corner from the Ramsey residence.

The female burglar did this because she knew and liked JBR. It was she who wrote the ransom note. It was she who tried to persuade her depraved boyfriend not to kill JBR. It was she who felt genuine remorse for the murder.

I think there is a very high degree of probability that our female burglar is dead, having been murdered by her male accomplice not long after the murder of JBR. Has he walked the straight and narrow since then? I doubt it. But if he moved away to Europe or Israel or Australia, he could have easily eluded the radar of American law enforcement.

Clearly, one of the burglars was possessed by an actual human soul and felt some degree of remorse while the other one was a sadistic, cold-hearted, psychopath.

The most glaring piece of evidence is the ransom note which was not likely written by Patsy, or John, or Burke. Obviously, somebody wrote the note and it was not a member of the Ramsey family.
I agree that neither JR nor BR wrote the note, but expert after expert agree that PR Did write it. It's her handwriting and her words. You're right that the ransom note is the most glaring piece of evidence though. Actually, it's shocking that PR would pull such a stunt, but IMO, she was arrogant enough to believe that LE would take her word that it was left by an intruder. But they didn't, (they were too smart for that), and the rest is history. moo
If another GJ could be convened, I'd be all for it. But as I am not a lawyer, I don't know if that is possible-- can any of our brilliant & legally savvy members let us know?

I do think it would take a while. However, we have a light at the end of the tunnel-- it is now in sight. If we can all be pateint, stay strong & united we can see this through. A few more years are a fair price to pay for justice, and most especially: justice done right.

I think if a new GJ was called, the result of that GJ would be the same: indict JR (and PR posthumously, if possible, or at least acknowledge that if she weren't six feet under she'd be held liable) for felony child abuse or child endangerment, or criminal child neglect. At least I *hope* this would happen. Would Garnett & his office then prosecute? Given the climate of public opinion, and given that we have the chance to press this as a concerned body public with the agreement of JK and others, maybe it could go to trial and JR could spend the remaining years of his life where he belongs.

Even though this may not happen, I wonder how JR can look himself in the mirror each morning as he goes through his ablutions. Can he even meet his own eyes? Can he hold his head up? Does he have even an iota of integrity? My magic 8 ball says: "my sources say no".

JR does not have the same concept of integrity that most of us do. He has altered Mr. Webster's definition, in his mind, to accommodate what he perceives is correct. Narcissism at it finest.

My layman information about an arrest in this case is that the only option is to issue a warrant based on charges of Murder or Felony Murder. Charges of Murder, IMHO, would be almost impossible to prove. However, Felony Murder charges would be realistic against JR.

Here is some info gleaned from 'wiseGeek' website:
A felony warrant is a type of arrest warrant, issued by a court, that authorizes the apprehension and arrest of an individual suspected of committing a felony crime. A warrant is a legal document, issued in most cases by a judge after his consideration of evidence that has been provided by law enforcement officials. In particular, a felony warrant must include a signed affidavit of the crime committed, and the name of the accused.

Of the two broad classifications of crimes, misdemeanors and felonies, felonies are typically more severe. In many cases, however, when a felony is suspected to have been committed — and very often in cases where a law enforcement officer witnesses a crime — a felony warrant is not needed, as an officer can arrest a suspect based on what is known as probable cause. Nevertheless these warrants are routinely issued by courts, especially in cases that involve a suspect actively evading capture.

Other common situations that may call for the use of a felony warrant include when a witness or victim reports a crime after it has occurred. A felony warrant becomes vital, in such cases, to alerting other law enforcement agencies that a suspect is wanted. Warrants do not always result in forcible arrests, however. Individuals who learn there is a warrant made out in their name can contact law enforcement and arrange their own surrender, in an organized and peaceful fashion.

I do not believe a DA has to call a GJ. He would have the ability to issue a warrant for arrest based on probable cause that a felony has been committed. JR could be arrested, and sweat it out in jail until formal charges are filed and a decision to prosecute is initiated. Of course, JR's Bureau of Propaganda would go to work immediately, so actual jail time in the beginning might be limited.

However, if the DA would call a new GJ investigation, Burke could be subpoenaed to appear, along with several others who have remained conspicuously silent. These testimonies could be crucial to gathering new evidence. Or the witnesses could effectively manipulate their answers to be less than helpful. I would think that the chance to obtain new information or evidence, especially now with more disclosures coming forth over the years from sources familiar with the Ramseys, would be beneficial. But the fact that 12 people saw enough evidence before to indict speaks volumes on it's own.

I say, Mr. Garnett, issue the damn warrant and haul JR's butt into jail! And if Garnett doesn't llook like he's going to do it, then Chief Beckner, get your act together!

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