Boulder Grand Jury Voted To Indict-Boulder Dailey Camera

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Here is something that is bugging me, and something DeeDee said earlier helped solidify it in my pointy little head. ;) Thanks Deedee!

The Ramseys have enjoyed the benefits of a legal team and "friends" who've acted as buffers, pit-bulls, purposeful hoaxers (i.e. Susan Stine's impersonation of the police officer via email), and so on. They've rarely missed an opportunity to sue, threaten to sue, harass, insult or intimidate those who would have the temerity to even dare to question the innocence and lofty reputation of the "perfect" R family.

But Kolar's book has been out now for months, and there's been hardly a peep-- maybe no peep whatsoever-- from the Ramsey Bureau of Propaganda. You'd think they'd find Kolar an easy target. He self-published, he's not a rich man, thus he may seem at a disdvantage. So I wonder--- did he have too much on track that it backed off the R hit squad? They could not answer as he laid it out and hit too closely to the truth? Is it because suing him wouldn't yield any money for JR (no big publisher to also sue)? Or is it because James Kolar is a respected officer of the law, and the R team knows that great legal help would likely offer their services to Kolar pro bono and basically clean the R team's collective clock?

And now we have the news on what the GJ would have done, and how Alex Hunter dropped the ball.

I am waiting for the next move in the R camp. What will happen? Public moves? Further threats against people sincerely hoping for answers & justice? More song & dance? Or deafening, seemingly incriminating silence? Is this house of cards at last about to fall?

I think it is really time for us to make a press here. The end may be in sight. The letter writing campaign suggested on SuperDave's thread is IMO the best way to go-- Stan Garnett seems amenable to finding answers and solving cold cases. Let's do what we can. This has been a bizarre couple of days, and once we pick our our jaws from the floor, we need to keep working. May all that is just and true prevent anything like this compliled series of injustices ever happen again to any child, in Colorado or anywhere on this great globe.
Let me start with a disclaimer that I have no where near the knowledge and expertise of this case that most of you "regulars" possess. But , if seated on that jury, I do know how I would argue against the Intruder theory with just plain common sense.

Most intruders have two things in common. They go into a house wanting something...and unless, they have everything and everyone IN THAT HOUSE under their complete control, they want to get in, get what they want, and get out.

So what did these mythical intruders want? Well, if kidnappers, they wanted a Ramsey child, or maybe, specifically, Jon Benet. Well, THEY HAD HER. Why not just get out? They might have taken her to a place where they had no risk, and amused their sexual fantasies to their wicked hearts content. Why stay in a house where their are two uncontrolled adults, probably a panic button on that security system, maybe a weapon. Why not take JB to THEIR safe place as quickly as possible?

If kidnappers, they had what they came for. Why not get out?

Then there is the ransom note. Okay, let's presume they just forgot to prepare and write one. Now, are we to believr that these Intruders are down there in the basement saying "gosh, darn...go back upstairs and hunt in the kitchen for paper and a pen!" Once again, in an unsecured location for them (and maybe a dead child on their hands)...are they such perfectionists that they write a practice note? Or a note of such unnecessary long length?

I would ask my fellow jurors if they ever wrote a note in an emergency, when they had an urgency to get out of the house (I would think a dead child would create a sense of urgency) Probably, any of us would scribble.."Dad fell. Going to hospital. Call later." NOT decide to ramble on in laborious detail, adding inside jokes, and descriptive passages. But we are asked to believe THESE intruders felt no sense of urgency to get out of the Ramsey house.

Which leads me to another thought. If they came to burgle, and not to kidnap, was there any evidence of another car or van being at the Ramsey's late that night? Because if I'm planning a robbery, it would be nice to be able to get the purloined items home with me. And what of value were they after on the first floor? Were they planning to haul antiques or steal TV's? I would think Patsy's jewelry would be of more interest...and that likely would be on the third floor with her. Otherwise, they have some heavy lifting to get anything of value out of that house.

But lets suppose these Intruders get into the house, realize the Family is upstairs asleep, and while they are pondering their options, are discovered by JB. Yes, I can see them leading her downstairs and I can see the blow on the head. But, really? are they going to take time for a little sex play?

Really? ("Hey, lets not leave...I' m really attracted to this kid and I dont want to wait till we get out of here.")

Please! that's when it seems to me ONLY LOGICAL...that our Intruders REALLY, really want to get out! Why assault her THERE or kill her there...when someone might press that panic alarm button on the security system or confront them, etc. at any second? Yes, I can see a blow to the head in a panic. But now, they decide to clean the dead child up, change her panties, wrap her in a blanket? And no, they STILL aren't ready to leave with a dead child now on their hands? If i believe this, I ask myself why they didn't go back upstairs and have a little breakfast!

But we are asked to believe the Intruders GO UPSTAIRS forage around for pen and paper. They have already (by this theory) been discovered once by JB...but, hi-ho, back upstairs they go. And they not only write a long, folksy ransom note, they put extra effort in by doing a practice note first. Then they sashay to the back stairs, drop the note, and go back downstairs, to FINALLY crawl out the entry window...ONCE AGAIN without disturbing cobwebs.

Just one logical person,or one DA with compassion for a long dead child could make that logical case...if only this case could come to trial.

Brilliant post! I'm giving you a standng ovation. :) :gthanks: Logic FTW!!!
Let me start with a disclaimer that I have no where near the knowledge and expertise of this case that most of you "regulars" possess. But , if seated on that jury, I do know how I would argue against the Intruder theory with just plain common sense.

Most intruders have two things in common. They go into a house wanting something...and unless, they have everything and everyone IN THAT HOUSE under their complete control, they want to get in, get what they want, and get out.

So what did these mythical intruders want? Well, if kidnappers, they wanted a Ramsey child, or maybe, specifically, Jon Benet. Well, THEY HAD HER. Why not just get out? They might have taken her to a place where they had no risk, and amused their sexual fantasies to their wicked hearts content. Why stay in a house where their are two uncontrolled adults, probably a panic button on that security system, maybe a weapon. Why not take JB to THEIR safe place as quickly as possible?

If kidnappers, they had what they came for. Why not get out?

Then there is the ransom note. Okay, let's presume they just forgot to prepare and write one. Now, are we to believr that these Intruders are down there in the basement saying "gosh, darn...go back upstairs and hunt in the kitchen for paper and a pen!" Once again, in an unsecured location for them (and maybe a dead child on their hands)...are they such perfectionists that they write a practice note? Or a note of such unnecessary long length?

I would ask my fellow jurors if they ever wrote a note in an emergency, when they had an urgency to get out of the house (I would think a dead child would create a sense of urgency) Probably, any of us would scribble.."Dad fell. Going to hospital. Call later." NOT decide to ramble on in laborious detail, adding inside jokes, and descriptive passages. But we are asked to believe THESE intruders felt no sense of urgency to get out of the Ramsey house.

Which leads me to another thought. If they came to burgle, and not to kidnap, was there any evidence of another car or van being at the Ramsey's late that night? Because if I'm planning a robbery, it would be nice to be able to get the purloined items home with me. And what of value were they after on the first floor? Were they planning to haul antiques or steal TV's? I would think Patsy's jewelry would be of more interest...and that likely would be on the third floor with her. Otherwise, they have some heavy lifting to get anything of value out of that house.

But lets suppose these Intruders get into the house, realize the Family is upstairs asleep, and while they are pondering their options, are discovered by JB. Yes, I can see them leading her downstairs and I can see the blow on the head. But, really? are they going to take time for a little sex play?

Really? ("Hey, lets not leave...I' m really attracted to this kid and I dont want to wait till we get out of here.")

Please! that's when it seems to me ONLY LOGICAL...that our Intruders REALLY, really want to get out! Why assault her THERE or kill her there...when someone might press that panic alarm button on the security system or confront them, etc. at any second? Yes, I can see a blow to the head in a panic. But now, they decide to clean the dead child up, change her panties, wrap her in a blanket? And no, they STILL aren't ready to leave with a dead child now on their hands? If i believe this, I ask myself why they didn't go back upstairs and have a little breakfast!

But we are asked to believe the Intruders GO UPSTAIRS forage around for pen and paper. They have already (by this theory) been discovered once by JB...but, hi-ho, back upstairs they go. And they not only write a long, folksy ransom note, they put extra effort in by doing a practice note first. Then they sashay to the back stairs, drop the note, and go back downstairs, to FINALLY crawl out the entry window...ONCE AGAIN without disturbing cobwebs.

Just one logical person,or one DA with compassion for a long dead child could make that logical case...if only this case could come to trial.

Fantastic post!! I wish I hadn't been :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::waitasec::waitasec: that I could have answered his scenario with such finesse!!
I found out about this just by chance this afternoon. Shepard Smith and Andrew Napolitano were talking about it. I was not surprised. Am I not the one who has been saying this for YEARS? Far be it from me to say, "I told you so," BUT...


Alex Hunter says that he didn't think he could win a case, so he shut it down. Of course HE couldn't win a case! He had not taken one to trial in ten years! He was afraid that he would work up a sweat, and we couldn't have that! Not so close to retirement!

Don't get me wrong, folks: normally I appreciate it when a person knows their own limitations. But Alex Hunter was not a plumber or an accountant; he was a prosecuting attorney elected to protect society from the criminal element. His job is too important to be held by a hack. Moreover, we as a society cannot afford our DAs to be second best. I have no problem with him realizing his own faults as a prosecutor. BUT, if he had truly cared about justice in this case, he would have stepped aside and placed it in the hands of someone who COULD do it.

I too am interested about the timing of this.

Dave, you deserve to crow a bit on this-- you did tell us so, and you are right. Major props to you for your smarts & your hard work!

As for the timing... yep, that is making me wonder too. Things that make you go "hmmmmm"...
Here is something that is bugging me, and something DeeDee said earlier helped solidify it in my pointy little head. ;) Thanks Deedee!

The Ramseys have enjoyed the benefits of a legal team and "friends" who've acted as buffers, pit-bulls, purposeful hoaxers (i.e. Susan Stine's impersonation of the police officer via email), and so on. They've rarely missed an opportunity to sue, threaten to sue, harass, insult or intimidate those who would have the temerity to even dare to question the innocence and lofty reputation of the "perfect" R family.

But Kolar's book has been out now for months, and there's been hardly a peep-- maybe no peep whatsoever-- from the Ramsey Bureau of Propaganda. You'd think they'd find Kolar an easy target. He self-published, he's not a rich man, thus he may seem at a disdvantage. So I wonder--- did he have too much on track that it backed off the R hit squad? They could not answer as he laid it out and hit too closely to the truth? Is it because suing him wouldn't yield any money for JR (no big publisher to also sue)? Or is it because James Kolar is a respected officer of the law, and the R team knows that great legal help would likely offer their services to Kolar pro bono and basically clean the R team's collective clock?

And now we have the news on what the GJ would have done, and how Alex Hunter dropped the ball.

I am waiting for the next move in the R camp. What will happen? Public moves? Further threats against people sincerely hoping for answers & justice? More song & dance? Or deafening, seemingly incriminating silence? Is this house of cards at last about to fall?

I think it is really time for us to make a press here. The end may be in sight. The letter writing campaign suggested on SuperDave's thread is IMO the best way to go-- Stan Garnett seems amenable to finding answers and solving cold cases. Let's do what we can. This has been a bizarre couple of days, and once we pick our our jaws from the floor, we need to keep working. May all that is just and true prevent anything like this compliled series of injustices ever happen again to any child, in Colorado or anywhere on this great globe.

Completely agree with you! On FFJ site, I asked Tricia to do almost the same. I asked her to help us to make the Petition(s):

- Petition to Void of Ramsey Exoneration
- Petition to assamble new GJ

I would very much interested in SuperDave's idea of 'letter compain'. Where and how should we start??

IMO, first of all, the fiasco of not prosecuting Ramsey in 1999 was based on the fact that GJ indicted both parents: John and Patsy which would potentially means the separate court procedures for each parent. And according to majority of legal talking heads on TV (yesterday, FOX O'Railly has 2 of them!), the problem was how to proof which parent did what? Guess what: we shouldn't have this problem now, Patsy is dead!

Second of all, again, according to 'legal talking heads', 1999 GJ indictment cannot be used anymore as the reason to start prosecution process TODAY by current DA. I don't clearly understand why but heard the reference to 'GJ members talking'. Regardless, I think it's a good news! Because if 1999 GJ findings are not valid anymore then it means DA would need NEW GJ, agree?? My wishfull thinking is: maybe the true reason 'why GJ members start talking now?' is to 'void' 1999 GJ finding and assemble new GJ????!!!!

Do you think it's possible?!!!
Completely agree with you! On FFJ site, I asked Tricia to do almost the same. I asked her to help us to make the Petition(s):

- Petition to Void of Ramsey Exoneration
- Petition to assamble new GJ

I would very much interested in SuperDave's idea of 'letter compain'. Where and how should we start??

IMO, first of all, the fiasco of not prosecuting Ramsey in 1999 was based on the fact that GJ indicted both parents: John and Patsy which would potentially means the separate court procedures for each parent. And according to majority of legal talking heads on TV (yesterday, FOX O'Railly has 2 of them!), the problem was how to proof which parent did what? Guess what: we shouldn't have this problem now, Patsy is dead!

Second of all, again, according to 'legal talking heads', 1999 GJ indictment cannot be used anymore as the reason to start prosecution process TODAY by current DA. I don't clearly understand why but heard the reference to 'GJ members talking'. Regardless, I think it's a good news! Because if 1999 GJ findings are not valid anymore then it means DA would need NEW GJ, agree?? My wishfull thinking is: maybe the true reason 'why GJ members start talking now?' is to 'void' 1999 GJ finding and assemble new GJ????!!!!

Do you think it's possible?!!!

Of course its possible Get everyone and their dog to email the current DA, along with CC to all media outlets.

Setup a Facebook Campaign page, link it to a YouTube account containing news articles and talking heads etc.

Setup a WordPress Campaign page, essentially mirroring the Facebook page.

Setup a LinkedIn page, and one for Google+, same as above.

Next visit all the social media, and news sites and post the URLs of above Campaign Pages, along with a nice image of JonBenet containing the url.

Something along the lines:


*** Help an Innocent Child Receive Justice ***

Visit Justice4JonBenet on our Facebook Page

Yada Yada

At the Campaign Pages ask new members to email the Boulder DA or whomever the target is.

Make it go viral by asking each new member to CC the URL to a friend?

Hi, Edmond.Dantes,

I’ve been a neutral poster since the time I came. I skip many posts, especially from certain posters. I read many posts by certain posters. Though I do cheat in each case.

It is confusing to read here from either side (RDI, IDI). Theories travel at about a hundred miles an hour down a highway as truths and facts veer off down dirt roads. In other words: there are many opinions, but not everyone can be right. So, you have to be selective in information.
I don’t normally give up any theories mainly because I have no actual ones. I lean toward ideas of what may have happened. But, something usually jumps out and makes me swerve to miss it.

Although your question wasn’t meant for me, I have found questions help me make better deductions. Normally I would keep them to myself, and just ask more questions. But, I find it interesting, and would like to think aloud, here.

In this case, I’m going to act as a Ramsey did it because that’s what is asked. Although, the question (and I’m sure it’s been mentioned) can be altered to fit as well for an intruder.
I don’t believe what I’m saying is the 5 W’s of the case. Nor does it make me a Ramsey did it (or vice-versa) It is only a thought process.

Why in the world would either or both of the Ramseys have written a bogus ransom note then left the body in the basement?"

First, I’d like to mention the ransom note. Almost three pages long, and half, if not more, speaks of Jonbenet’s death. I think that’s important.

I think it’s simple as to why they left her hidden (key word) in the basement. I think they never thought anyone would treat this as anything other than a kidnapping. And who would search the house for a kidnapped child?

Personally, I wouldn’t have thought anyone would search my house if I made it clear she’d been kidnapped, and was possibly dead now that police were involved. I’ve never been involved in a kidnapping, and don’t know the procedures – I assume the Ramseys had never been involved in a kidnapping.
If the house had never been searched, her body could have been ‘taken care of’ (somewhat properly) by her parents - later. But, just in case she was found it needed to appear as someone other than a parent had been with her.
So, had the house not been searched (as I would have suspected) the ransom note covered her nonreturn. And, quite thoroughly – kind of like overkill.

But, when it was suggested to search the house, John needed to be the one to find her. I don’t know why, those are thoughts in progress. But, I know if I put myself in those shoes, then I would, also, need to be the one. If for nothing more than a double check.

That’s the way I’d think if I were RDI. Also: Sorry if this summary seems jumpy, but I started it last night, then began again today.

Thank you, it's this kind of process that I find most helpful.
Well, IF anything happens in this case, it probably won't be overnight. For all we know, Garnett and the rest of the Boulder DA's office is currently discussion something...and it might take a few months before *something* happens. I have actually read that Stan Garnett has prosecuted MANY cold cases since taking office.

"In my first term, we made cold case prosecution a priority," Garnett said, "and in Ryan Brackley, I have one of the best cold case prosecutors in the United States on my staff. Certainly, the Ramsey case is one of the cold cases we would take great satisfaction in solving and filing and pursuing in court."

Hmmmm....why even mention "court"?
M.James, that theory seems very plausible and realistic. I have also contemplated the same. And the fact that later she would be found dead, had they not found her in the home and YES dead due to them involving the police as they were instructed not to do. As well as to not have any people over to their home.
If my child had actually been abducted,(God forbid that ever happen) and instructions left as the ones in the ransom note. I would have been very diligent to not have others over to my home, and also would have instructed the police to make some sort of private entry into my home so it would not look suspicious etc.. I would not have cars lined up outside my home and all types of people over.. That I would only do if I wanted to contaminate the scene and later have a reason for the death.

wanted to add: Back in the 90's I am not so sure that a kidnapping would have resulted in a search of the home. I think now it would be a factor certainly, but back then It may not have been protocol especially dealing with the likes of someone like the Ramseys..and with a pretty long ransome note.
Of course its possible Get everyone and their dog to email the current DA, along with CC to all media outlets.

Setup a Facebook Campaign page, link it to a YouTube account containing news articles and talking heads etc.

Setup a WordPress Campaign page, essentially mirroring the Facebook page.

Setup a LinkedIn page, and one for Google+, same as above.

Next visit all the social media, and news sites and post the URLs of above Campaign Pages, along with a nice image of JonBenet containing the url.

Something along the lines:


*** Help an Innocent Child Receive Justice ***

Visit Justice4JonBenet on our Facebook Page

Yada Yada

At the Campaign Pages ask new members to email the Boulder DA or whomever the target is.

Make it go viral by asking each new member to CC the URL to a friend?


UKGuy, thank you. It's sound like a great plan!

EVERYONE, let's start this?? Are you in?!!!! I would highly recommend to choose the LEADER among us to initiate and PROPERLY word this 'compain' based on UKGuy suggestion. People like MM, Cherokee, Cynic, DeeDee, KoldKase, otg are my first choice for LEADING this 'compain'!!! You can count me in for any analysis, graphic presentation, anything except 'proper' English writing:).

Please, let's do something meaningfull!!! We all have passion, energy, wisdom and time in support of justice for JonBenet.
I do have a question if anybody would care to respond. Last night someone posted that there had actually been another kidnapping attempt within the area of JonBenets home with a girl that someone had tried to take out of her room, but they did not relate it back to the Ramseys case or feel it was tied to it since the girl was not killed. Does anyone know if this was true and or accurate?
Let me start with a disclaimer that I have no where near the knowledge and expertise of this case that most of you "regulars" possess. But , if seated on that jury, I do know how I would argue against the Intruder theory with just plain common sense.

Most intruders have two things in common. They go into a house wanting something...and unless, they have everything and everyone IN THAT HOUSE under their complete control, they want to get in, get what they want, and get out.

So what did these mythical intruders want? Well, if kidnappers, they wanted a Ramsey child, or maybe, specifically, Jon Benet. Well, THEY HAD HER. Why not just get out? They might have taken her to a place where they had no risk, and amused their sexual fantasies to their wicked hearts content. Why stay in a house where their are two uncontrolled adults, probably a panic button on that security system, maybe a weapon. Why not take JB to THEIR safe place as quickly as possible?

If kidnappers, they had what they came for. Why not get out?

Then there is the ransom note. Okay, let's presume they just forgot to prepare and write one. Now, are we to believr that these Intruders are down there in the basement saying "gosh, darn...go back upstairs and hunt in the kitchen for paper and a pen!" Once again, in an unsecured location for them (and maybe a dead child on their hands)...are they such perfectionists that they write a practice note? Or a note of such unnecessary long length?

I would ask my fellow jurors if they ever wrote a note in an emergency, when they had an urgency to get out of the house (I would think a dead child would create a sense of urgency) Probably, any of us would scribble.."Dad fell. Going to hospital. Call later." NOT decide to ramble on in laborious detail, adding inside jokes, and descriptive passages. But we are asked to believe THESE intruders felt no sense of urgency to get out of the Ramsey house.

Which leads me to another thought. If they came to burgle, and not to kidnap, was there any evidence of another car or van being at the Ramsey's late that night? Because if I'm planning a robbery, it would be nice to be able to get the purloined items home with me. And what of value were they after on the first floor? Were they planning to haul antiques or steal TV's? I would think Patsy's jewelry would be of more interest...and that likely would be on the third floor with her. Otherwise, they have some heavy lifting to get anything of value out of that house.

But lets suppose these Intruders get into the house, realize the Family is upstairs asleep, and while they are pondering their options, are discovered by JB. Yes, I can see them leading her downstairs and I can see the blow on the head. But, really? are they going to take time for a little sex play?

Really? ("Hey, lets not leave...I' m really attracted to this kid and I dont want to wait till we get out of here.")

Please! that's when it seems to me ONLY LOGICAL...that our Intruders REALLY, really want to get out! Why assault her THERE or kill her there...when someone might press that panic alarm button on the security system or confront them, etc. at any second? Yes, I can see a blow to the head in a panic. But now, they decide to clean the dead child up, change her panties, wrap her in a blanket? And no, they STILL aren't ready to leave with a dead child now on their hands? If i believe this, I ask myself why they didn't go back upstairs and have a little breakfast!

But we are asked to believe the Intruders GO UPSTAIRS forage around for pen and paper. They have already (by this theory) been discovered once by JB...but, hi-ho, back upstairs they go. And they not only write a long, folksy ransom note, they put extra effort in by doing a practice note first. Then they sashay to the back stairs, drop the note, and go back downstairs, to FINALLY crawl out the entry window...ONCE AGAIN without disturbing cobwebs.

Just one logical person,or one DA with compassion for a long dead child could make that logical case...if only this case could come to trial.

The neighbor's behind the Ramsey's dogs never barked that night. If someone was in the alley they would of barked. So you have to keep her in the house.

Would these kidnappers of been satisfied with Burke if they came upon him first? Or while he and JonBenet were having a snack were they prepared in taking more than one hostage? OH, my bad...they weren't prepared for taking just one child out of the house. The basic tenet in a kidnapping is take your hostage with you for leverage, to bring fear and cooperation. The Ramsey's did not cooperate in this "kidnapping" by violating the threats of death not once ,but several times.

Yep. I am also able to follow a logical thought process and it points to only John and Pasty Ramsey.
Please look at the last picture on this link.

Did you see what I see?! Another luggage under opened window??? This is not the train room picture! OR IS IT??? I never knew it was sooo messy!!!! How anyone could get through this window (including John!) and not hit his head by the shelving wall??! It's sayng 'Basement case: This 1996 police video shows the basement hours after JonBenet's body was discovered'. I'm confused....please help!

P.S. Regardless, nice article including reference to Kolar book, posted just hour ago.
Please look at the last picture on this link.

Did you see what I see?! Another luggage under opened window??? This is not the train room picture! It's sayng 'Basement case: This 1996 police video shows the basement hours after JonBenet's body was discovered'. I'm confused....please help!

P.S. Regardless, nice article including reference to Kolar book, posted just hour ago.

This is a still shot from the video. It is almost identical to the picture in Kolar's book, Photo #12 pg. 105. This shot is taken just slightly to the right of the picture in the book. Same things on the white shelves to the right. Same things on the floor by the suitcase.
UKGuy, thank you. It's sound like a great plan!

EVERYONE, let's start this?? Are you in?!!!! I would highly recommend to choose the LEADER among us to initiate and PROPERLY word this 'compain' based on UKGuy suggestion. People like MM, Cherokee, Cynic, DeeDee, KoldKase, otg are my first choice for LEADING this 'compain'!!! You can count me in for any analysis, graphic presentation, anything except 'proper' English writing:).

Please, let's do something meaningfull!!! We all have passion, energy, wisdom and time in support of justice for JonBenet.

I am humbly flattered. If any of you saw the letter (posting #45 on "Shootin from the Lip" thread) that I sent off on Jan 1, you can see I am passionate about seeing justice done for JB. I did make one small edit to that letter as I was preparing them for mailing: I susbstitued Mitchell Byars at the Boulder Daily Camera for Carol McKinley's letter. I couldn't find a physical address for her, so figured the Police reporter for the Camera might do some good.

I would be honored to join a team of others would have so much more technical knowledge of the case than I do, and obviously also have the drive to see a resolve. My strengths lie in old school methods - organizing groups, writing letters, following through with tasks. My weaknesses are many - especially when it comes to the high tech world of communications that lies at our fingertips. I know about most of the social and media possibilities available through technology, but would be absolutely dead in the water when it comes to using them beyond bare basics.

But I know that God created each of us with unique abilities to achieve our purpose. So, I know there are those among us who have great skills that would be necessary to organize a Justice4JonBenet Campaign. Those people would have to commit time and resources to make the type of credible impact that this project would demand.

Would an organizational meeting planned for a weekend at a central US location (maybe even Boulder?) be possible for anyone else besides me? I know a lot can be done with Skype or other types of video conferencing, but there is nothing more solidifying than a 'meet and greet' when establishing a unified effort. A lot could be achieved in a two day planning session.

As of now, the media is silent as a lamb about the recent news. Scary, but I am optimistic that there is something in the works with regard to moving the case out of Cold Case status. We can be patient, but if we are to be recognized, we cannot wait too long to get into the public eye.

Carpe Diem!
This is a still shot from the video. It is almost identical to the picture in Kolar's book, Photo #12 pg. 105. This shot is taken just slightly to the right of the picture in the book. Same things on the white shelves to the right. Same things on the floor by the suitcase.

Yes, you're correct!!!! Thank you!....Different angle makes all the difference, isn't? Confused me alot!!! thank you again!
I am humbly flattered. If any of you saw the letter (posting #45 on "Shootin from the Lip" thread) that I sent off on Jan 1, you can see I am passionate about seeing justice done for JB. I did make one small edit to that letter as I was preparing them for mailing: I susbstitued Mitchell Byars at the Boulder Daily Camera for Carol McKinley's letter. I couldn't find a physical address for her, so figured the Police reporter for the Camera might do some good.

I would be honored to join a team of others would have so much more technical knowledge of the case than I do, and obviously also have the drive to see a resolve. My strengths lie in old school methods - organizing groups, writing letters, following through with tasks. My weaknesses are many - especially when it comes to the high tech world of communications that lies at our fingertips. I know about most of the social and media possibilities available through technology, but would be absolutely dead in the water when it comes to using them beyond bare basics.

But I know that God created each of us with unique abilities to achieve our purpose. So, I know there are those among us who have great skills that would be necessary to organize a Justice4JonBenet Campaign. Those people would have to commit time and resources to make the type of credible impact that this project would demand.

Would an organizational meeting planned for a weekend at a central US location (maybe even Boulder?) be possible for anyone else besides me? I know a lot can be done with Skype or other types of video conferencing, but there is nothing more solidifying than a 'meet and greet' when establishing a unified effort. A lot could be achieved in a two day planning session.

As of now, the media is silent as a lamb about the recent news. Scary, but I am optimistic that there is something in the works with regard to moving the case out of Cold Case status. We can be patient, but if we are to be recognized, we cannot wait too long to get into the public eye.

Carpe Diem!

I'm IN at anytime, at any day! Thank you in advance, MM!
I am humbly flattered. If any of you saw the letter (posting #45 on "Shootin from the Lip" thread) that I sent off on Jan 1, you can see I am passionate about seeing justice done for JB. I did make one small edit to that letter as I was preparing them for mailing: I susbstitued Mitchell Byars at the Boulder Daily Camera for Carol McKinley's letter. I couldn't find a physical address for her, so figured the Police reporter for the Camera might do some good.

I would be honored to join a team of others would have so much more technical knowledge of the case than I do, and obviously also have the drive to see a resolve. My strengths lie in old school methods - organizing groups, writing letters, following through with tasks. My weaknesses are many - especially when it comes to the high tech world of communications that lies at our fingertips. I know about most of the social and media possibilities available through technology, but would be absolutely dead in the water when it comes to using them beyond bare basics.

But I know that God created each of us with unique abilities to achieve our purpose. So, I know there are those among us who have great skills that would be necessary to organize a Justice4JonBenet Campaign. Those people would have to commit time and resources to make the type of credible impact that this project would demand.

Would an organizational meeting planned for a weekend at a central US location (maybe even Boulder?) be possible for anyone else besides me? I know a lot can be done with Skype or other types of video conferencing, but there is nothing more solidifying than a 'meet and greet' when establishing a unified effort. A lot could be achieved in a two day planning session.

As of now, the media is silent as a lamb about the recent news. Scary, but I am optimistic that there is something in the works with regard to moving the case out of Cold Case status. We can be patient, but if we are to be recognized, we cannot wait too long to get into the public eye.

Carpe Diem!

I think the reason the media is silent now is because no one directly connected to the case is speaking out. They reported on it, they had their experts weigh in, so they feel there is nothing else to say. Now, I believe that everyone who is currently employed by Boulder can't talk because the GJ is suppose to be secret. Beckner says because he was sworn in, he can't comment. The GJ members have to speak on anonymity, so they can't really go on camera. I can understand why people on RST wouldn't speak out since they would want this to go away. That leads people who believe the Ramseys are guilty...Thomas, Kolar, and quite a few more. I wonder why none of those people have commented? What about Schiller? I am assuming the media called them, and if they wanted to talk, they could get airtime. But it's interesting to me that the only people with a direct connection to the case who have said anything about this are the assistant DA at the time who defended Hunter, Donald Davis, and Lin Wood. It makes one wonder.

These are the TV shows that covered this development:

Good Morning America
Happening Now
Fox Report
The O'Reilly Factor
This Morning
CNN Newsroom
Early Start
Greta Van Sustren
Starting Point
Nightline (I think)
I do have a question if anybody would care to respond. Last night someone posted that there had actually been another kidnapping attempt within the area of JonBenets home with a girl that someone had tried to take out of her room, but they did not relate it back to the Ramseys case or feel it was tied to it since the girl was not killed. Does anyone know if this was true and or accurate?

Sweet-This story is true-I will see if I can find some info on it..I remember this very well!
The comments on that article are amazing! Could people be anymore uninformed?

-footprint found outside basement window
-intruder broke the window
-Lou Smit was lead investigator
-white male DNA found on JBR
-the Ramseys were "aquitted" in 2008
-BPD never investigated anyone but the Ramseys
-people in Boulder are all related
-it's been PROVEN there was an intruder
-JonBenet would be 19 now
-in US people are presumed guilty until proven innocent

**rolling eyes**

99% of them don't know s**t about the case but are more than willing to run their mouths.

"Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than open it and remove all doubt."

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