Boulder Grand Jury Voted To Indict-Boulder Dailey Camera

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I hope everyone on Team contacting the media outlets to talk to them about this new development.
I honestly don't understand what's so difficult for people to understand about touch DNA and how the Ramsey camp spun it that the touch-DNA "cleared" them. The Ramseys were never "cleared" in JB's murder, not really, not with so much evidence against them. They simply have never been arrested or indicted in her murder.

I've never heard of the Ramsey camp spinning the that the DNA cleared them. What I heard came directly from the Boulder DA's office. Does that not give it a little more weight? I understand that a later DA said that no one is cleared, but that does not change the fact that a Boulder DA publicly cleared them even to the point of apologizing to JR. I know that does sit well with many here who are convinced of Ramsey guilt and corruption/incompetence in the DA's office, but the fact remains that it happened.
I think that AH and other members of the DA office honestly believe that they did the right thing by not attempting to prosecute a case for which they did not believe there was sufficient evidence for, despite the grand jury recommendation.

Instead of demoning AH, try putting yourself in his position and you might see things a little differently. Had the evidence been there, I have no doubt that he would have prosecuted the Ramseys.

I think you SHOULD have all the doubts in the world if you'll read PMPT, ST and Kolar books, at the minimum (I'm not even sending you to read thousand of documents on ARC site!). You should see CLEARLY that DA office was stalling this case from day one! DA was in WAR with BPD. Do you know why? Because Ramsey was their protected RICH politically influenced elite family!!! From day one, DA was against BPD findings...You are absolutely wrong with your statements above!!! You need to go back to the rooths of this case before defending DA actions. JMO
I think that AH and other members of the DA office honestly believe that they did the right thing by not attempting to prosecute a case for which they did not believe there was sufficient evidence for, despite the grand jury recommendation.

What they BELIEVE is irrelevant. The deed is done.

Instead of demonizing AH, try putting yourself in his position and you might see things a little differently.

Nobody here is saying anything about AH that the Boulder officials since at LEAST 1981 have said about him. Read Kirk Long's criticism about him. ST was not the first.

As for putting myself in his position, I have, Anyhoo. And you know what? Here's how I look at it: if I had been in AH's shoes, I would have wondered if justice would truly be served by putting the Rs in prison. They were not an existing threat to society. They were good people who made a mistake, a mistake they would have to live with the rest of their lives. The LAW and JUSTICE are not always the same.

So, I can have respect for AH if that's the way he looked at this. Trouble is, I'm not so sure he did. I think he was more concerned with petty things: his own image, the image of his town, and so forth. (That's not counting some of the other possibilities.)

Had the evidence been there, I have no doubt that he would have prosecuted the Ramseys.

Then you don't know him very well.
I've never heard of the Ramsey camp spinning the that the DNA cleared them. What I heard came directly from the Boulder DA's office. Does that not give it a little more weight? I understand that a later DA said that no one is cleared, but that does not change the fact that a Boulder DA publicly cleared them even to the point of apologizing to JR. I know that does sit well with many here who are convinced of Ramsey guilt and corruption/incompetence in the DA's office, but the fact remains that it happened.

Given everything the DA did to "cover" for the Ramseys, I think it's safe to refer to the DA as "in the Ramsey camp".

Regardless of what happened, the touch DNA does not "clear" them of anything. It is still entirely possible (and much more likely, IMO, than an intruder or random "other" doing it with no involvement from the Ramseys) that the Ramseys were involved in JB's death. The DA's word means very little when you consider how many times the DA lied or covered things up to benefit the Ramseys directly during the investigation.

I have no idea if the Ramseys killed JB or not, but I find it astronomically unlikely that they don't know who did if they weren't directly involved, and I find it more than a little short-sighted to give the DA's word more than a grain of salt's worth of weight.
Is anyone really surprised by this? If AH had signed it, and moved to have it dismissed, everyone would have had further proof that he'd do anything to avoid prosecuting the Rs. At least this much of the truth has finally come out!

If a GJ could indict on the very limited evidence that was presented to them (and we know they didn't get the whole story otherwise ST and others would have testified), I'm sure a trial jury would have convicted with all the evidence available at the time.

The Golden Rule, Karma, what ever you want to call it....I hope AH gets what's coming to him. :furious: I wish there was some way he could be prosecuted.

Didn't some people speculate that the Grand Jury ruled that Burke was responsible--but since he was under age 10, he couldn't be prosecuted or even named? So I guess this clears that up.

I'm not surprised by all this. I am surprised that I cried immediately upon reading it. HOLY *****!

I hope it's the slowest 'regular news' week in history next week, and every station starts re-playing ALL those R interviews & statements & EVIDENCE that we have screaming about here for a decade!

Jonbenet's murder MUST be answered for, no matter where it leads.


From your fingers to Gods ears
LW is highly-decorated LIER!!!! Like Ramseys, like LW. The same links in long chain of corruption. Of course they knew!!! Now he's crying why Ramseys were not called to testify for GJ. And I'm asking why ST wasn't call to testify??? Why BPD investigators weren't call???? Because Hunter was paid by Ramsey through LW to keep it 'lost in the woods' case. Ramsey-->LW--->Hunter...follow the money!!!!! It was Hunter who signed 'island of privacy' document made by LW.

I don't care what LW said today. Can of worms has been opened. And he is one of these worms!!!!!


With ya all the way OM4U!!
Maybe JR's latest self serving book was the last straw for somebody. To make money off the death of his daughter, after a jury voted to indict him, is offensive, beyond words. His days of playing the victim should be over. moo Another thing that's bugging me...all of the so called experts backing AH's decision. Do they also support his decision to keep the vote a secret? and give the impression that the jury voted against an indictment? And unless they saw and read every shred of evidence, (including what wasn't presented to the grand jury), I don't see how they could form an educated opinion on the subject, one way or the other.
Here's my guess for why the information came out now:

I think *someone* tipped off the Daily Camera. I'm not sure who. I think someone in a legitimate position called them, and told them that the GJ had voted to indict. The Camera then confirmed it with other GJ members, who probably didn't think it was a big deal after this long to tell what really happened. If there was some sort of "After 13 years, all information is released" blah blah, we would've heard about that.

I agree with you, dodie. I also wonder if someone just got really fed up with the new book.
I think you SHOULD have all the doubts in the world if you'll read PMPT, ST and Kolar books, at the minimum (I'm not even sending you to read thousand of documents on ARC site!). You should see CLEARLY that DA office was stalling this case from day one! DA was in WAR with BPD. Do you know why? Because Ramsey was their protected RICH politically influenced elite family!!! From day one, DA was against BPD findings...You are absolutely wrong with your statements above!!! You need to go back to the rooths of this case before defending DA actions. JMO

I think Hunter did the Ramseys a profound disservice by not taking the case to trial. Had he done so, the Ramseys would most definitely have been found "not guilty" and would have been spared much of the continuing indictments from the court of public opinion to which they have been brutally subjected over the years.
I see alot of talking heads claiming that Hunter made the right call by ignoring the GJ. But I have yet to see any of them question the quality of the GJ proceedings with questions such as:
Why did it take so long to convene?
Where was Steve Thomas?
Why were the Ramsey's not called?
I think one of the most amazing feelings in this world is vindication.....
It walks shoulder to shoulder with justice.
I see alot of talking heads claiming that Hunter made the right call by ignoring the GJ. But I have yet to see any of them question the quality of the GJ proceedings with questions such as:
Why did it take so long to convene?
Where was Steve Thomas?
Why were the Ramsey's not called?

Amen and Amen! :yes:
I have no idea if ST, JK, or any of the other dedicated people that worked so hard on this case ever come to WS, but I hope they do. The following message is for them:

Your hard work has been publicly vindicated now! Thank you for never giving up in your fight for justice for JonBenet. Thank you for never giving in to those that sought to subvert justice. We here at WS will never give up hope that one day your dedication and hard work will result in a conviction of the only one left alive to convict! Had the Boulder DA's office shared your moral and ethical values, two convictions would have almost certainly happened 16 years ago. We have the utmost respect and admiration for you all. You are truly JonBenet's heros!

Justice for JonBenet!
I imagine that everyone connected to the case is currently receiving phone calls from many media outlets asking them to speak out. I hope they all oblige! That's the best way to keep the momentum for this going. The media is lazy; They'll just think; We talked about it with our experts. We're good! But if they have people who are directly connected to the case speaking out; They will give it more coverage.

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