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OK-Here is other question-can anyone please tell me,how many times Hunter has actually been in the courtroom & tried a case in his career and how many cases he has won?
YES!!!! With any luck maybe someone else will have Kolar-like guts and speak out. Even a lawsuit would be welcome at this point because this a house made of tooth-picks, and it is coming DOWN! I hope certain people with the initials JR and BR are shaking in their boots! Let's wait and watch them begin to crumble...
Who is Holly Smith?TIA

Iirc, she was a child protective services investigator who indicated the relevance of a six-year-old having a drawer full of fecal-stained panties (among other things). She was one of the "good guys."
May the guilty parties, and they know who they are, quake in their boots - there is a hole in the dyke, and truth is beginning to trickle out.

my opinion only, but now my heart has a hope for justice.
Who is Holly Smith?TIA

Holly Smith, head of Boulder County Sexual Abuse team, stated had found fecal staining in all of JBR's panties on the 3rd day of the investigation; in 2006 she stated: "There is this dynamic of children that have been sexually abused sometimes soiling themselves or urinating in their beds to keep someone who is hurting them at bay," explains Smith....While Smith points out there could be innocent explanations, this was the kind of information that raised questions." of Prior Sexual Abuse

Holy Smith also wrote a book with a chapter on JonBenet. (Before printing, the chapter had to be removed.)

The following is an article (which I can no longer find online) about Holly Smith's investigation. It is worth reading again, so I will print it again so it doesn't get lost (and keep in mind... this was printed long before James Kolar's book revealed all the other information about fecal soiling):
"JonBenet Investigator Talks to Fox 31"

JonBenet Investigator Talks Exclusively to Fox 31 News
Created: Monday, 13 Nov 2006, 9:29 PM MST
JonBenet Ramsey

The tenth anniversary of the murder of JonBenet Ramsey is rapidly approaching. The whirlwind surrounding the arrest and release of John Mark Karr shows it's a mystery that continues to capture the nation’s attention.

Fox 31 News and Investigative Reporter Julie Hayden have received new information as one of the investigators talks for the first time about her experiences with the case.

Holly Smith recently wrote a book about her 20 years with the Boulder County Sexual Abuse team. She left out the chapter about the Ramsey case, but is now revealing her part of the investigation exclusively to us.

A Memory Forever Engrained

Holly Smith remembers walking up the steps to the Ramsey home: the big candy canes more jarring than festive considering the circumstances. The house was lavishly decorated.

Smith recalls, "It was big and it was meandering and it was schmanzy fancy."

It was the third day of the investigation into the murder of JonBenet Ramsey. Smith was head of the Boulder County Sexual Abuse team and has been called into the investigation, as she says, "to consult about some of the dynamics and some of the things people suspected might be going on with this case."

She started, as always, with a visit to the child’s bedroom.

"That's a really important piece of getting a real feel for a family," Smith explains.

With portfolio pictures galore and closets full of JonBenet’s elaborate pageant outfits, Smith says she had a hard time getting a fell for who the little girl really was, even in her bedroom.

She recalls, "I just had a sense the type of decor in her bedroom was not really a child's decor."

One poignant find that she does recall was a red satin box with what looked like JonBenet’s secret stash of candy.

She found something else in the room, however, which raised an immediate red flag. Smith says most of the panties in JonBenet’s dresser drawers had been soiled with fecal material.

"There is this dynamic of children that have been sexually abused sometimes soiling themselves or urinating in their beds to keep someone who is hurting them at bay," explains Smith.

JonBenet also had a history of bedwetting. While Smith points out there could be innocent explanations, this was the kind of information that raised questions.

"It's very different for every child, but when you have a child that's had this problem and it's pretty chronic for that child, and in addition you know some sort of physical evidence or trauma or an allegation, you put all those little pieces together and it just goes in your head," she says.

Smith adds, "There was an indication of trauma in the vaginal area."

The coroner's autopsy discovered evidence investigators say indicates JonBenet suffered vaginal trauma the night she was murdered. However the autopsy report also describes evidence of possible prior vaginal trauma. Experts disagree about the significance of that.

It could indicate previous injury or infection, a sign of abuse, or nothing at all.

Arapahoe County Coroner Dr. Michael Doberson says you would need more information before you could come to any conclusion. That was part of Smith's job. But then she was abruptly pulled off the investigation and told police were handling everything.

"There was a lot of territoriality around the case,” she says.

Smith says she also saw things in the Ramsey investigation that she's seen in other cases, like the factor that money played in it.

"No one is exempt but people with money are able to keep themselves more cushioned,” she says.

She says she also saw a reluctance to even consider the issue of child sex abuse.

Says Smith, "It’s just not a place where you know it's so abhorrent to people that they can't even do it, they can't even wrap their heads around it but it's more common than we think. The sexual violation of children has been around for a long time."

Smith believes all of them involved with the case lost their way.

She concludes, "In all the hyper-personalization around this case, everybody wanting a piece of it, everybody wanting to be the hero understandably and wanting to find out what happened to this little girl, our purpose really got lost. We lost sight of this child."

In her writing, Smith describes seeing a picture of a smiling JonBenet, taken Christmas morning and tells how distressing it was to realize the child would die what she called a hideous death that very day.

A lawyer for the Ramsey family did not return our phone calls. But the Ramseys have always denied that JonBenet suffered any kind of prior abuse and point out her pediatrician never saw anything indicating abuse, either.
Just noticed something... There are 109 viewers in the Jon Benet section right now. Only 14 of them are registered users.

Wonder if team R is doing scouting...... ;-)
One poignant find that she does recall was a red satin box with what looked like JonBenet’s secret stash of candy.

She found something else in the room, however, which raised an immediate red flag. Smith says most of the panties in JonBenet’s dresser drawers had been soiled with fecal material.
I now wonder about that "secret stash of candy" and just how "poignant" it really was in light of what Kolar revealed about it (and notice it is mentioned just before the paragraph about the fecal material). Is Smith the one who found that box of candy? And did it have enough smeared feces that she knew it at the time, or was it a small enough amount that it wasn't discovered until later through analysis?
Fox News Channel is at this moment broadcasting the GJ indictment news!
There are 3 panel members: a former prosecuter, the reporter and a defense attorney. Quite a bit of leaning toward AH's decision not to prosecute. But they are giving it a good amount of overall coverage!!



What was the name of the show??

ETA: Nevermind; I found out it was Happening Now.
I now wonder about that "secret stash of candy" and just how "poignant" it really was in light of what Kolar revealed about it (and notice it is mentioned just before the paragraph about the fecal material). Is Smith the one who found that box of candy? And did it have enough smeared feces that she knew it at the time, or was it a small enough amount that it wasn't discovered until later through analysis?
I've wondered the same thing, but I don't think she knew, because her use of the word, 'poignant', doesn't fit.
OK-Here is other question-can anyone please tell me,how many times Hunter has actually been in the courtroom & tried a case in his career and how many cases he has won?

Good question SK! I have no idea, but my guess would be very few & none.

AH should have a sign that reads "COWARD FOR SALE TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER!"
Good question SK! I have no idea, but my guess would be very few & none.

AH should have a sign that reads "COWARD FOR SALE TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER!"

Hell with Hunter!! He's spineless crook. Period.
But ML action of Ramsey's exoneration is 100% unlawfull and must be legally address by proper authorities RIGHT NOW.

In regards of remaining Ramsey (JR, BR), their suffering should starts right now by:
- publicly announce the wrong exoneration - no intruder, they're back under umbrella of suspicion!;
- take the legal actions for sealed documents - unsealed them all!!!;
- call new GJ;
Just noticed something... There are 109 viewers in the Jon Benet section right now. Only 14 of them are registered users.

Wonder if team R is doing scouting...... ;-)

I recommended WS, FFJ, and ACR on a popular blog I read today, that mentioned this story. I can't be the only one who've been spreading this site around in the last 36 hours, right?

So that accounts for the 9. So only 100 are TR spies, silly!

Edit: I should mention that I was VERY heartened and frankly surprised at the outright HUNGER people displayed, when I offered sites where the actual evidence is posted & worked over by the geniuses here. Justice could really take off here, i could feel it from the responses elsewhere to this story. People want JonBenet's life finally RESPECTED. I feel a sliver of hope, I admit it.
OK-I have other question- Sorry-how do you all think the Ramsey's camp in going to spin this?
Hell with Hunter!! He's spineless crook. Period.
But ML action of Ramsey's exoneration is 100% unlawfull and must be legally address by proper authorities RIGHT NOW.

In regards of remaining Ramsey (JR, BR), their suffering should starts right now by:
- publicly announce the wrong exoneration - no intruder, they're back under umbrella of suspicion!;
- take the legal actions for sealed documents - unsealed them all!!!;
- call new GJ;

From what I've seen on Fox News today, if this case is not popped wide open now it never will be. Napolitano had something to say about most of the snafus that kept this case from going forward, naming names and actions.

It's my understanding that any formerly sealed documents can be unsealed if they stand in the way of case prosecution, so I'd say unsealing should be a done deal if the case moves into jury trial.

Garnett had made it clear that ML's exoneration was invalid. But you would think there would have to be more chatter from his office regarding JR as a suspect - simply because they'll have to publicize his name enough again if they will be making plans to move forward with either calling another GJ or simply filing charges against him based on this current revelation combined with evidence that they may already have added since the first GJ convened.

A new GJ would only have to find PROBABLE CAUSE to indict JR for Felony Murder. Lord in heaven, NOW IS THE TIME!! JUSTICE FOR JB!!
OK-I have other question- Sorry-how do you all think the Ramsey's camp in going to spin this?
I'm sure that JR will come clean with a full confession immediately!

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

But seriously, that's hard to say. I can't imagine any legitimate excuse they could come up with. (Well probably because there ISN'T ONE!) If I had to guess, I'd say they will try to pin it on the 5 male & 1 female touch-DNA samples found on JonBenet. They might claim that the BPD held back evidence from the DA's office that would have cleared them. Who knows? I guess we'll find out soon enough. Whatever BS they try to pull will be laughable at this point. Can you say "BUSTED"?

:please: :seeya: :jail: :rocker: :great:
OK-I have other question- Sorry-how do you all think the Ramsey's camp in going to spin this?

Do you know what a plane does when it goes into a tail-SPIN??

THAT'S the only kind of spin that the RST can possibly do. And it hope it ends up in the biggest crash the likes of modern media has ever covered.

From what I've seen on Fox News today, if this case is not popped wide open now it never will be. Napolitano had something to say about most of the snafus that kept this case from going forward, naming names and actions.

It's my understanding that any formerly sealed documents can be unsealed if they stand in the way of case prosecution, so I'd say unsealing should be a done deal if the case moves into jury trial.

Garnett had made it clear that ML's exoneration was invalid. But you would think there would have to be more chatter from his office regarding JR as a suspect - simply because they'll have to publicize his name enough again if they will be making plans to move forward with either calling another GJ or simply filing charges against him based on this current revelation combined with evidence that they may already have added since the first GJ convened.

A new GJ would only have to find PROBABLE CAUSE to indict JR for Felony Murder. Lord in heaven, NOW IS THE TIME!! JUSTICE FOR JB!!

From your lips, to Gods ears!! As well as the DA's office and any potential witnesses.

Justice for JonBenet!!!
OK-I know you guys are probably tired of my questions- LOL-but I will just ask one more
I read on the FFJ site about starting a civil suit -can anyone clue me in on this?TIA

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