BP Oil Spill Approaching Gulf Coast

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This is what Phillipe Cousteau saw when he dove into the Gulf in a hazmat suit!! Truly frightening!!:snooty:
I'm beginning to think the dispersants are doing more damage. How do you clean an under water plume?! Ugh, this is just so horrifically sad-- and I'm so concerned about the health risks all these folks are being exposed to. I appreciate the coverage, but I do so with a great dose of worry.

Paying for the Gulf, praying for our planet.
Bullets Shatter Glass at BP Gas Station


This certainly isn't the answer but people are becoming so frustrated by the lies and stalling tactics of BP that they are doing stupid things.
I am just heartsick for the residents of the Gulf Coast and all of the animals that are suffering and dead. Even when that well is contained the effects will go on for decades.
Here is an article to go with whiteangora's video!
Also please check out the "related articles" on the left side of the page:furious:
Deepwater Horizon sub-sea blowout:Expert says oil spill ‘doomsday scenario’ may have already begun

BP oil leak: Fallen Deepwater Horizon was tapping second largest oil deposit in the world
The oil deposit is so large, it could produce 500,000 barrels of a day for more than a decade.
Part of the reason the well exploded is because the site also contains large deposits of natural gas.
Rock particles, gas and oil escaping under pressure are pushing against the capstone on the sea floor that surrounds the actual well. If it collapses, the canyon of oil will escape with a vengeance.

Natural gas plus oil and BP is burning or planning to burn the oil leak to help contain the leaking!! :waitasec:
I'm no scientist-but it would seem to me that you don't mix oil, gas and fire together and expect a safe outcome!!
I had no idea oil was used to manufacture so many things!

Here's just a partial list:

Clothing Ink
Heart Valves
Transparent tape
Vacuum bottles
Rubbing Alcohol
Epoxy paint
Oil filters
Hearing Aids
Car sound insulation
Motorcycle helmets
Shower doors
Refrigerator linings
Electrical tape
Safety glass
Salad bowl
Rubber cement
Nylon rope
Ice buckets
Hair coloring
Toilet seats
Denture adhesive
Movie film
Fishing boots
Water pipes
Car enamel
Shower curtains
Credit cards
Golf balls
Fishing rods
Plastic wood
Soft contact lenses
Trash bags
Hand lotion
Shaving cream
Paint brushes
Fan belts
Paint Rollers
Model cars
Floor wax
Sports car bodies
Dishwashing liquids
Unbreakable dishes
Hair curlers
Ice cube trays
Electric blankets
Tennis rackets
Drinking cups
House paint
Rollerskates wheels
Guitar strings
Ice chests
Life jackets
TV cabinets
Car battery cases
Insect repellent
Typewriter ribbons
Cold cream
Plywood adhesive
Artificial turf
Artificial Limbs
Beach Umbrellas
Ballpoint pens
Nail polish
Golf bags
Tape recorders
Vitamin capsules
Fishing lures
Shoe polish
Petroleum jelly
Faucet washers
Food preservatives
LP records

Good grief Essies, this just keeps getting worse and worse.
It's hard to even imagine how this might all end, not a pretty picture.
This is the first news story that is literally keeping me awake nights and during the day it's first and foremost in my thoughts.
God Bless America more today than ever.
Here's a very interesting website! You can type in a location and get an idea of just how big this disaster is in comparison.
Visualizing the BP Oil Spill Disaster
This site also has a live link to the spill and a oil gallon leaked meter!:snooty:
Check it out-it's puts alot in perspective!!!!:furious:
Gypsy Road, this will be of special interest to you. In regard to oysters and seafood production, this is major blow.

P&J looks to bring oysters in from the West Coast for the first time in its 134 years

Published: Thursday, June 10, 2010, 6:47 PM Updated: Thursday, June 10, 2010, 9:17 PM Brett Anderson, The Times-Picayune

The impact of the oil from the Gulf of Mexico spill now soiling the Louisiana shoreline was felt far inland on Thursday as P&J Oyster Company, the country's oldest oyster processor and distributor, ceased its shucking operations.

"The bottom line is that the guys that we purchase from are not working," said Sal Sunseri, referring to the oyster harvesters who've been idled by the mass closure of harvesting areas and freshwater diversions. "Today's our last day of shucking.

The brothers are currently looking to bring oysters in from the West Coast, a jarring turn of events for a company that has dealt exclusively in Louisiana oysters for 134 years.
(bolding is mine)


Article continued at the link. :(
Thanks for the link Bessie. Unbelievable.

I was out at Pensacola beach this evening with my husband right at sunset and we were astonished to see how many more globs of tar and gunk have washed up. We have it, but it's no where near what you guys are seeing in Louisiana. My prayers are with you all and the entire Gulf Coast (wildlife, sea life and plant life included)!
Here is an article to go with whiteangora's video!
Also please check out the "related articles" on the left side of the page:furious:
Deepwater Horizon sub-sea blowout:Expert says oil spill ‘doomsday scenario’ may have already begun

BP oil leak: Fallen Deepwater Horizon was tapping second largest oil deposit in the world
The oil deposit is so large, it could produce 500,000 barrels of a day for more than a decade.
Part of the reason the well exploded is because the site also contains large deposits of natural gas.
Rock particles, gas and oil escaping under pressure are pushing against the capstone on the sea floor that surrounds the actual well. If it collapses, the canyon of oil will escape with a vengeance.

Natural gas plus oil and BP is burning or planning to burn the oil leak to help contain the leaking!! :waitasec:
I'm no scientist-but it would seem to me that you don't mix oil, gas and fire together and expect a safe outcome!!

This is just absolutely horrible. A decade?

Citing Capitol Hill Blues, Jackson said the Indiana Department of Environmental Management has allowed BP to "take as much water as it needs, and can dump all the pollution it creates."

He said BP threatens Lake Michigan drinking water by purposely releasing polluted water right near the Chicago water intakes.

BP's discharge is at the Whiting refinery. Once the expansion is complete, the company will dilute its wastewater by discharging it through a diffuser 3,500 feet into Lake Michigan.

Jackson also said BP wants to drill under Lake Michigan.

"Think of the Gulf leak, but with fresh, not salt water," he wrote

Anger and outrage at BP spills into the streets

June 4: Playbook: Rev. Jesse Jackson talks about the protests he's organized at BP refineries and stations.

msnbc.com Video Player
Abiotic oil
Gulf Oil Spill ‘Could Go Years’ If Not Dealt With


A cursory look at a map of the Gulf Stream shows that the oil is not just going to cover the beaches in the Gulf, it will spread to the Atlantic coasts up through North Carolina then on to the North Sea and Iceland. And beyond the damage to the beaches, sea life and water supplies, the Gulf stream has a very distinct chemistry, composition (marine organisms), density, temperature. What happens if the oil and the dispersants and all the toxic compounds they create actually change the nature of the Gulf Stream? No one can rule out potential changes including changes in the path of the Gulf Stream, and even small changes could have huge impacts. Europe, including England, is not an icy wasteland due to the warming from the Gulf Stream.

That deafening silence of leading green or ecology organizations such as Greenpeace, Nature Conservancy, Sierra Club and others may well be tied to a money trail that leads right back to the oil industry, notably to BP. Leading environmental organizations have gotten significant financial payoffs in recent years from BP in order that the oil company could remake itself with an “environment-friendly face,” as in “beyond petroleum” the company’s new branding

Has anyone heard from Greenpeace, Sierra Club, PETA, The Audubon Society, WWF, etc? This is beyond bizarre IMO!!:waitasec:
I too have been wondering where PETA, WWF and others like The Fund for Animals are hiding.
Another thing to think about is what happens if a hurricane develops or moves into the Gulf..........it will suck up the oil and then literally rain oil where ever it goes inland!
I too have been wondering where PETA, WWF and others like The Fund for Animals are hiding.
Another thing to think about is what happens if a hurricane develops or moves into the Gulf..........it will suck up the oil and then literally rain oil where ever it goes inland!
Speaking of storms. I've coined a new name for 'em


Wonder what is going to happen with the insurance claims after the "Oilcane"

The windstorm carriers will all say - nope, we ain't paying file a claim with BP and then BP will say - nope, we ain't paying that was a windstorm.

You watch.
Did I hear this right, today, that after 2 months, Obama has yet to meet face to face with the CEO of BP? I thought I heard they had a meeting or are having one, but it's the first one since the accident! If that's true, that is INSANE! You don't meet with the head of BP for TWO MONTHS? :doh:
Did I hear this right, today, that after 2 months, Obama has yet to meet face to face with the CEO of BP? I thought I heard they had a meeting or are having one, but it's the first one since the accident! If that's true, that is INSANE! You don't meet with the head of BP for TWO MONTHS? :doh:
Unbelievable, isn't it? Obama's handling (or lack of) with this catastrophe is very disappointing.

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