Brad Cooper

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Just keeping an open mind here and looking a both sides. If what BC said about Nancy embellishing things, then maybe he was emailing Mr. Rentz so that he would be apprised that BC was in fact helping out.

I think of it like work, if you want to make sure someone is passing on info that you're getting your job done (specifically if there's a question otherwise), you CC the boss.

Again, this should be something that can be confirmed or denied.

Her father isn't his boss.
I imagine with the turmoil going on in their marriage, Nancy had been completely open with her family. Because of her father's previous work in social services, they may have allowed him to intercede as a middle man to mediate... It actually makes perfect sense to me that her father would have been involved. I could see my dad doing the same thing.

One other note - regardless of Nancy's mother's driving history, it is obvious that they are incredibly good, loving, nurturing people with their grandchildren's best interests at heart. It's unfortunate that we came to know her wonderful family under such conditions.

That's ludicrous.
It's sort of hard to understand why an adult would have
to email their father in law to let him know how much money
the other person is getting or giving the other person.
Why would anyone want to do that?

It is even harded to understand why an adult would email their father in law about money but couldn't email or phone to tell the father in law that the person he was giving the money to is missing.
Her father isn't his boss.

Nope he's not. Just trying to show another example of when you CC someone on an email. The relationship is very tense b/w husband & wife. From what NC's friends have said, he was not helping prepare the house for sale and/or sabotaging work she had already completed. From Mr. Rentz's own statements, he spoke w/ Nancy often and was aware of the situation in regards to marriage/separation. Maybe BC was trying to make sure her dad knew that he trying to do his part to get the house ready for the sale.

Like I've said before, this is something that Mr. Rentz should be able to verify and/or should be verifiable through computer records.

Again, just trying to look at all sides of things.
It is even harded to understand why an adult would email their father in law about money but couldn't email or phone to tell the father in law that the person he was giving the money to is missing.

Maybe he didn't think she was missing.

It seems like you're kind of damned if you do and damned if you don't for a few hours on the missing.

If you killed her and call too soon isn't somebody going
to say, "Why did you think she was missing?" Then
if you wait longer it was too long and you should have
done that sooner."
Maybe he didn't think she was missing.

It seems like you're kind of damned if you do and damned if you don't for a few hours on the missing.

If you killed her and call too soon isn't somebody going
to say, "Why did you think she was missing?" Then
if you wait longer it was too long and you should have
done that sooner."

We aren't talking a few hours - he didn't even tell his own brother until the body was found...

Seems to me Ms. Adams took the chance to report her missing within a few hours and had no worry about doing so.
If a spouse went running and wasn't back within 3 hrs then I think that would be cause for alarm, UNLESS you knew that said spouse was planning on a long run, over 5+ miles, or had some plans afterwards or had their cell phone with them.

But no communication at all after a run, when there are 2 little girls at home....yeah, some worry would set in after 3 hrs. And if not 3 hrs then after 5 or 6 hours, for sure.

And if not worry, then at least some irritation as to why the wife wasn't home so she could take care of the girls while husband did his thing. (Again, unless there was a plan in place that he would watch the girls at home).

The fact that he was neither worried NOR irritated is what calls attention to it.
If a spouse went running and wasn't back within 3 hrs then I think that would be cause for alarm, UNLESS you knew that said spouse was planning on a long run, over 5+ miles, or had some plans afterwards or had their cell phone with them.

But no communication at all after a run, when there are 2 little girls at home....yeah, some worry would set in after 3 hrs. And if not 3 hrs then after 5 or 6 hours, for sure.

And if not worry, then at least some irritation as to why the wife wasn't home so she could take care of the girls while husband did his thing. (Again, unless there was a plan in place that he would watch the girls at home).

The fact that he was neither worried NOR irritated is what calls attention to it.

How do you know he wasn't worried or irritated?
If a spouse went running and wasn't back within 3 hrs then I think that would be cause for alarm, UNLESS you knew that said spouse was planning on a long run, over 5+ miles, or had some plans afterwards or had their cell phone with them.

But no communication at all after a run, when there are 2 little girls at home....yeah, some worry would set in after 3 hrs. And if not 3 hrs then after 5 or 6 hours, for sure.

And if not worry, then at least some irritation as to why the wife wasn't home so she could take care of the girls while husband did his thing. (Again, unless there was a plan in place that he would watch the girls at home).

The fact that he was neither worried NOR irritated is what calls attention to it.

Brad had plans that am - he was to play tennis according to his affidavit . He first called to postpone, then he called to cancel. So yeah there should have been some irritation or something.
How do you know he wasn't worried or irritated?

Because Jessica would have noticed it and probably mentioned it. His demeanor can be verified by Jessica as well as the tennis partner. Brad & Nancy were in the middle of separating. He'd be irritated at her for doing ANYTHING to alter HIS schedule...a schedule that included plans to go out that morning and play tennis.

That much is common sense. This couple wasn't getting along. Her not coming back from jogging when he had plans would be something he'd care about.

He wasn't looking for her because he knew she wasn't ever coming back.

He wasn't angry/irritated because he knew she wasn't ever coming back.

He wasn't worried because he knew exactly what happened to her.

IMHO, of course.
I completely missed this post last week. Wow, RKAB. Thanks for the insight and thank goodness you didn't get into a longer term relationship (marriage) with BC.

Just me again...I see that a couple of people have asked why BC and I broke up. He was not cheating on me (that I knew of) but who knows?? To be honest, I truly could not deal with the emotional rollercoaster of being with him...the ups, the downs, the pouting, the sulking, the threats, the belittling...ask him what's wrong and get a snarky "nothing", have him pout for a week and then he suddenly erupts with a month's worth of things. The comments and the belittling ("you know you can never do better than me", "you know this is the best relationship you've ever been in", "you know you could never get someone who can afford the life you want like I can", "no one will ever love you like I do", "you'll never leave me, you know how good you have it with me", "you look like in that", "that makes you look fat", "no one will ever look at you in that", etc.). It took a huge toll on me personally, my self esteem, my being.

I am not a materialistic person. He wanted everything that made him look like he could afford all, even if he couldn't. He always wanted the car that made everyone look, the clothes that everyone always complimented him on, the physique, the everything. He just needed to look like he always had it all. I don't care about material items, I want my friends and my family and laughs and that was so far from his mind. Me me became unbearable.

There were other issues as well but these were some of the issues and I just couldn't take it. For a time, I couldn't leave it either because I had come to believe that he was right. Here was an attractive man telling me these things. Maybe I couldn't do better, maybe this was it. Thank god for my friends and my family to have finally convinced me that I could get out of it, that I did deserve better and that the things that he had tried to push into my head and control me with were untrue. It has been a long hard road away from that time and even now, the unhealthy aspects of that relationship still haunt me.

Too much information, I'm sure. :)
Nope he's not. Just trying to show another example of when you CC someone on an email. The relationship is very tense b/w husband & wife. From what NC's friends have said, he was not helping prepare the house for sale and/or sabotaging work she had already completed. From Mr. Rentz's own statements, he spoke w/ Nancy often and was aware of the situation in regards to marriage/separation. Maybe BC was trying to make sure her dad knew that he trying to do his part to get the house ready for the sale.

Like I've said before, this is something that Mr. Rentz should be able to verify and/or should be verifiable through computer records.

Again, just trying to look at all sides of things.

I agree, carolinalady. Not only that, but didn't Nancy's father work for Children and Family Services before he retired? Maybe he was trying to make sure that her father didn't contact anyone in regards to the stories about her not having enough food and other basics for the kids.
She didn't have money for food and basics, Yet she had money to buy $150 dresses for two little girls? And, be their number 1 customer?
None of this makes sense anymore....
She didn't have money for food and basics, Yet she had money to buy $150 dresses for two little girls? And, be their number 1 customer?
None of this makes sense anymore....

Well have the $150 dresses/best customer been confirmed? Just because it was posted on a message board doesn't make it true. And the other things were in affidavits which doesn't mean they're absolutely true...but it does mean that the people who talked about it weren't (intending to) lie or make things up (but they may have been repeating what they heard).
We aren't talking a few hours - he didn't even tell his own brother until the body was found...

Seems to me Ms. Adams took the chance to report her missing within a few hours and had no worry about doing so.

According to Ms. Adam in her affadavit, Ms. Adam
called N's cellphone @ 9:25 am. There was no
answer. Then she called the homephone.

According BC's affadavit (#179) he received a phonecall
from Ms. Adam at 10:45-11 a.m.

Not calling his brother doesn't seem particularly important.
Well have the $150 dresses/best customer been confirmed? Just because it was posted on a message board doesn't make it true. And the other things were in affidavits which doesn't mean they're absolutely true...but it does mean that the people who talked about it weren't (intending to) lie or make things up (but they may have been repeating what they heard).

Exactly. It goes both ways. That's why we need to wait for the evidence to come out.

At least, like you stated, the people weren't intending the lie in the affidavits (they are stating what they believe to be true).
According to Ms. Adam in her affadavit, Ms. Adam
called N's cellphone @ 9:25 am. There was no
answer. Then she called the homephone.

According BC's affadavit (#179) he received a phonecall
from Ms. Adam at 10:45-11 a.m.

Not calling his brother doesn't seem particularly important.

Deflection - bottom line he neither contacted 911, or her parents after LE took the missing person report.
Deflection - bottom line he neither contacted 911, or her parents after LE took the missing person report.

From the affidavits, he went looking for Nancy (& told Jessica this) and Jessica called 911 because she was worried about her friend. I believe it states that the police were at his house when he returned from looking for, so no need to call 911 again. Honestly, before this case, I really did think that an adult had to be missing 24 hrs before police would get involved.

People criticized for him not searching and he states LE told him it was better for him to stick around the house. Only BC and LE know the truth about this.

Did he ask someone to call her family or did LE tell him not to? We don't know anything more than what's in the affidavits and the statements given to the press. Obviously LE isn't saying anything at this point.
From the affidavits, he went looking for Nancy (& told Jessica this) and Jessica called 911 because she was worried about her friend. I believe it states that the police were at his house when he returned from looking for, so no need to call 911 again. Honestly, before this case, I really did think that an adult had to be missing 24 hrs before police would get involved.

People criticized for him not searching and he states LE told him it was better for him to stick around the house. Only BC and LE know the truth about this.

Did he ask someone to call her family or did LE tell him not to? We don't know anything more than what's in the affidavits and the statements given to the press. Obviously LE isn't saying anything at this point.

Agreed, no reason for him to call again - the question is why he wasn't worried enough to call in the first place - obviously Ms. Adam was worried enough to believe something bad had happened - did he just blow her and her concerns off ?

Why didn't he go to Carrie's first ? In his rebuttal affidavit he speaks about Carrie, lines 171 -175 yet in lines 181-183 he tells about riding around looking and the last place he heads for is Carrie's house - doesn't make sense to me, I would think that would be the first place, but that's just me.
Agreed, no reason for him to call again - the question is why he wasn't worried enough to call in the first place - obviously Ms. Adam was worried enough to believe something bad had happened - did he just blow her and her concerns off ?

Why didn't he go to Carrie's first ? In his rebuttal affidavit he speaks about Carrie, lines 171 -175 yet in lines 181-183 he tells about riding around looking and the last place he heads for is Carrie's house - doesn't make sense to me, I would think that would be the first place, but that's just me.

Giving the benefit of the doubt, maybe he thought she had to be missing 24 hours for police to get involved. Many posters, including me, thought that was the case.

I don't know why he wouldn't go to Carey/Carrie's first. From my recollection, he knew Carrie's car and condo complex, but not her exact address.

Have we received confirmation from Jessica that she did or did not tell BC that she didn't know Carrie's phone number?
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