Brad Cooper

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It's been reported that he attended the party earlier in the evening and left with the children, leaving Nancy at the get together. It's then reported that Nancy left just after 12:00.

Now, seeing that Brad, by his own admission, is not normally done with his day until 1:00 a.m., I'm going to do the unthinkable and ASSume he was still up when Nancy returned. I'm also going to ASSume there MAY have been a confrontation at that time.

One thing leads to another, wham!

Now this opens up unplanned, premeditated. I'm putting my money on.........ummmmm.........premeditated.

Remember the list. To do list, take care of, where are they?

Insurance policies
Bank accounts
Blue book

I believe there was one more item on the 'list,' but I forget what it was. It was after discovery of this list, Nancy was 'afraid,' and began sleeping with the children, behind a locked door, with her clothes on and car keys in her pocket. It was upon discovery of this list, her friends wanted her to leave ASAP, and stay with them. Nancy declined and.................


He had also listed random things like Bella's favorite color and food - chicken nuggets (is this why he mentioned in his affadavit that he liked taking the girls to Chick-fil-a "a favorite of theirs"?) It would seem he was trying to bone up on information he should already know. WHY? 2 explanations: So he could have a chance in the custody hearings or he could premeditate a murder.
True about not wanting to bring the kids, but, I could see her getting to the point where she doesn't even tell him that she is going to be doing the painting for money (given what we've heard about him (supposedly) not giving her as much money since she "has her own".) I am sure there comes a point in a marriage that is doomed such as this one was- when neither party shares much about their plans at all, other than what is necessary to arrange for the children's care. I have the feeling she was trying to set aside some money he wouldn't know about. And if it meant keeping some level of peace at home - so he could go play tennis - I would do the same - take the kids. I'm assuming that their exposure to paint fumes would be less toxic than the environment at home anyway when old Brad was not happy. Whether he proves to be the murderer or not, I feel so badly about what she had to deal with from this man that was supposed to be honoring and protecting her.

ITA. I would bring the kids. Doesn't JA have young kids- they could have all played together. And that allows for NC when she said she would be there between 8-9am--to allow for the kids flex schedule in morning.
Hi and welcome to Websleuths! :)

IF you add in the 'list,' do you still think it's an argument that escalated out of control,.................or premeditated?

Just askin'

Oooh! Could be premeditated but OTOH it could be either him contemplating another suicide attempt or him trying to scare the crap out of her by making the list and leaving it out for her to find. Whether he killed her or not, whether it was premeditated or not, this guy is a real piece of work. :furious:

And thanks Fran for the welcome!
Even though a suicide attempt has been denied, does anyone
wonder or care why he might wanted to have done that?

It's kind of odd that people seem mad at him for perhaps wanting to. Isn't that kind of weird?
Even though a suicide attempt has been denied, does anyone
wonder or care why he might wanted to have done that?

It's kind of odd that people seem mad at him for perhaps wanting to. Isn't that kind of weird?

Wanted to kill himself?

Or Wanted to deny it?

Mad at him for wanting to kill himself?

Or Mad at him for wanting to deny it?
Even though a suicide attempt has been denied, does anyone
wonder or care why he might wanted to have done that?

It's kind of odd that people seem mad at him for perhaps wanting to. Isn't that kind of weird?

I'm not mad at him about that. He did deny it and so did his parents. But I understand that he would want to deny it even if it were true. I think it is horribly sad if he did indeed wish to end his life. That is a tragedy. The only explanation for him "wanting to" would be that he has a mental problem, because rest assured, there are many more people in this world that are worse off than Bradley Cooper and seem to handle it just fine. I guess my sympathy gets blown to bits when I believe, as I do, that he decided, instead, to take the life of someone who hasn't agreed to it. Like Nancy.
Wanted to kill himself?

Or Wanted to deny it?

Mad at him for wanting to kill himself?

Or Mad at him for wanting to deny it?

If he had expressed that he wanted to kill himself,
did the friends try to do anything to help him?
Her family? I think someone expressed here that
they were/are a big loving family. If he wanted to
kill himself, what was everyone doing about that?

It's just a question.
I agree SusieClue. There are people that have it so much worse. It could very likely turn out to be a situation of him being too mentally, emotionally unstable to sustain their relationship. I think he's got pretty low self-esteem. That seems apparant from his need to prove himself over and over with affairs. People like that come off as arrogant because they're constantly trying to prove something. As NC grew further away from him he tried to hold on to her by controlling her $$$, (thus not allowing her enough to stash away to leave him), then hiding the girl's passports. He was trying hard to keep her from leaving him. I believe that was the strategy with his verbal abuse also.
But the harder he tried the further it pushed her away. She began to hate him and that fed his insecurities. He could not keep her down. He failed miserably.

So he began to resent her. Her ability to thrive in their circle of friends, and he began to hate her. He probably thought first of offing himself but then decided that if he couldn't have NC himself, he'd make sure no one else could either. He might have been toying with the thought for some time now without a clear plan of action because if he does turn out to be the killer, and I personally think he is, he certainly didn't plan very well.

It was probably something he'd considered and maybe had even planned that night to do when she got home but I don't think he had long to think it through. I think it happened pretty quick once he'd made up his mind. But then again, even a minute amount of forethought constitutes premeditation.

Again, JMHO.
Maybe they're not mad per se but perhaps a little disgusted. When you're living in a nice house, driving BMWs, have a social circle and most of all have two beautiful little baby girls, you got the world at your fingertips, kwim? As far as we know BC doesn't have terminal cancer, has family, friends, big house, fancy cars, and yet he's suicidal??? I can totally see how people would think the dude maybe should ask his doctor if Paxil is right for him and move the heck on with his life. His very lucky life.
Maybe they're not mad per se but perhaps a little disgusted. When you're living in a nice house, driving BMWs, have a social circle and most of all have two beautiful little baby girls, you got the world at your fingertips, kwim? As far as we know BC doesn't have terminal cancer, has family, friends, big house, fancy cars, and yet he's suicidal??? I can totally see how people would think the dude maybe should ask his doctor if Paxil is right for him and move the heck on with his life. His very lucky life.

OMG! Have you ever heard of Clinical Depression? Obviously not!!!! It is NOT situational! I'm not sticking up for Brad here because I have no idea if he was clinically depressed or not. But you just crossed the line with your ignorant presumption that a "well off financially" person cannot be depressed and suicidal. :mad:
Yeah, if he was REALLY depressed and suicidal then it wouldn't matter what he had going in his life....or how wonderful that life was. It would be like telling someone who has the flu to just stop having a temperature and get over it! Simply not possible without medical assistance and dealing with the underlying issues.

Now I have no idea if he was actually suicidal or merely threatened suicide as a manipulation (or even if reports of his suicide threats are false).
Of course they can be clinically depressed, that's when you seek medical help, not murder your wife or off yourself. What world do you live in, btw? I'm going to assume you misread my post.

But I tell ya what, you trek down to Guatemala and spend some time in one of many orphanages or scoot on over to Darfur where the conditions are deplorable, then come tell me how depressed you (not you meaning you personally but anyone in general who lives an affluent life), are that you can't control your wife so it's okay to kill yourself and leave your innocent children without a parent, or even murder their mother.

I will also add that there are many convicted murderers out there who have claimed depression as playing a part in their reasoning. Depression is NEVER, EVER a justifiable excuse to abandon your minor children by suicide or any other means and it is never an excuse to commit murder. And nope, sorry to disappoint anyone but I have very little sympathy for them. When you are an adult, especially one with children and you can't get to a physician to take care of said depression and or see a therapist, then I hate it for ya but that's pathetic. Those little girls didn't ask to be put here and they deserve stability.
Judge not lest ye be judged.

I'm 45 btw and just to let you know, you aren't supposed to ask a woman her age.:rolleyes:
Bipolar disorder can make people do insane things. Not saying he had it, just saying that privledged lifestyles and mental illness coexist every day.

Anyone recall the Crespi murders in Charlotte?
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