Brad Cooper

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Interesting post by a woman who thinks BC should go to
WalMart or Food Lion instead of Harris Teeter.

Interesting...and yes, those places are cheaper. However, Harris Teeter is technically closer to his house than Walmart by several hundred yards...(LOL). Seriously...that WalMart is frustrating, that early in the AM they have very few registers open and he had to buy juice, bread too. I would say he knows the aisle layout at HT better.

On another thread (think it was theories) I posted that I'm skeptical about the bleach purchase. He stated in his rebuttal that he didn't buy anything with bleach. I'm not even sure that laundry det is strong enough to get out blood and the nasty Carolina red clay we have around here. The detergent angle doesn't hold much weight. If the HT tapes indeed showed a "bleach" purchase wouldn't we know that by now?

2nd ETA...I read a post on there that is virtually the exact same as on one of the threads here..something about 3 sides to a story...brads side, nancys side and the truth...that is interestign to me.

Maybe they're searching Cisco to rule out this VoIP thing. Lots of unanswered things for me still. And I don't really imagine a techie would leave a laundry list of things to do when murdering your wife...hey maybe thats what the detergent was for!!!:waitasec:
I think this took a long time to post because the server is slow.

Don't give up and be pateint.

Oh yeah, I wasn't I figured that was it. Thanks for the encouragement.

It did however give me time to see that I think there is a poster here and on the city data thread mentioned that is the exact same person. The post was almost verbatim...hmmm...the one about 3 sides to a story.
Oh yeah, I wasn't I figured that was it. Thanks for the encouragement.

It did however give me time to see that I think there is a poster here and on the city data thread mentioned that is the exact same person. The post was almost verbatim...hmmm...the one about 3 sides to a story.

No problem
Interesting...and yes, those places are cheaper. However, Harris Teeter is technically closer to his house than Walmart by several hundred yards...(LOL). Seriously...that WalMart is frustrating, that early in the AM they have very few registers open and he had to buy juice, bread too. I would say he knows the aisle layout at HT better.

On another thread (think it was theories) I posted that I'm skeptical about the bleach purchase. He stated in his rebuttal that he didn't buy anything with bleach. I'm not even sure that laundry det is strong enough to get out blood and the nasty Carolina red clay we have around here. The detergent angle doesn't hold much weight. If the HT tapes indeed showed a "bleach" purchase wouldn't we know that by now?

2nd ETA...I read a post on there that is virtually the exact same as on one of the threads here..something about 3 sides to a story...brads side, nancys side and the truth...that is interestign to me.

Maybe they're searching Cisco to rule out this VoIP thing. Lots of unanswered things for me still. And I don't really imagine a techie would leave a laundry list of things to do when murdering your wife...hey maybe thats what the detergent was for!!!:waitasec:

FWIW..........About the alleged BLEACH purchase.

That 'rumor' began circulating around the internet and news rooms, and fwiw, it began on the pages of Websleuths. But, that's what happens with 'rumors,' or as they say stories that grow or change as they're told over and over and over.

The FACT is, what was originally stated, FIRST, here on Websleuths, maybe not word for word, but basically, "he purchased LAUNDRY DETERGENT WITH BLEACH." oh, yeah, at 4:00 a.m. NOT at 6:00 and milk as he told LE.

By the time the media outlets spouted it, somehow it turned into bleach. the spirit of things, :rolleyes:.......Brad answered he 'did not purchase bleach. He purchased laundry detergent.'

Notice he did not mention 'detergent with bleach.'

Little truth with the lie.

fran better know that IF there is film of him at 4:00 a.m., and IF he's arrested for this crime, watch for a 'defense' strategy of having the store video eliminated as evidence, and when that doesn't work, they'll attack it's accuracy with their own 'expert' witness with tales of how the time stamp was probably off, yadda, yadda, yadda.

pps.....lawyers first rule of thumb,.......

attack the law
attack the evidence
attack the witness

It's in the lawyer play book.;)
Maybe they're searching Cisco to rule out this VoIP thing. Lots of unanswered things for me still. And I don't really imagine a techie would leave a laundry list of things to do when murdering your wife...hey maybe thats what the detergent was for!!!:waitasec:

Why would LE be searching Cisco to determine about the VoIP issue brought up in the custody case - a civil matter? None of their concern really. They may be looking for it but I suspect it is not the only thing or even the primary reason they served a search warrant on Cisco.
FWIW..........About the alleged BLEACH purchase.

That 'rumor' began circulating around the internet and news rooms, and fwiw, it began on the pages of Websleuths. But, that's what happens with 'rumors,' or as they say stories that grow or change as they're told over and over and over.

The FACT is, what was originally stated, FIRST, here on Websleuths, maybe not word for word, but basically, "he purchased LAUNDRY DETERGENT WITH BLEACH." oh, yeah, at 4:00 a.m. NOT at 6:00 and milk as he told LE.

By the time the media outlets spouted it, somehow it turned into bleach. the spirit of things, :rolleyes:.......Brad answered he 'did not purchase bleach. He purchased laundry detergent.'

Notice he did not mention 'detergent with bleach.'

Little truth with the lie.

fran better know that IF there is film of him at 4:00 a.m., and IF he's arrested for this crime, watch for a 'defense' strategy of having the store video eliminated as evidence, and when that doesn't work, they'll attack it's accuracy with their own 'expert' witness with tales of how the time stamp was probably off, yadda, yadda, yadda.

pps.....lawyers first rule of thumb,.......

attack the law
attack the evidence
attack the witness

It's in the lawyer play book.;)


I agree with you. I was here when the inital postings about this early purchase were posted, and I know the whole story about the shifting timelines and the reasons this is not being posted here again. I also know that considering the source, and I DO NOT mean to imply that this was intentional, there might have been some mis-communication about the time of the alleged video and the time in which it happened. This could have been done in all innocence, like we see when playing the "telephone" game, the story becomes somewhat distorted when related to other people. I am not in any way saying that the person who posted it here twisted it in any way, or that the person who told her did, and we know her relationship with the person who told her. I am saying that it is possible that even if that chain of folks passed the message along complete and unaltered, we are not completely sure that the person who told them did not alter or confuse the timeline.

I am inclined to believe what we heard, and I am not ready to throw the 4AM purchase on the discard list until I know for sure that there IS no video of BC making a purchase at this time. It might turn out to be false, and I understand this, but there have been several posts to indicate that because BC stated in his affidavit that he made two trips to the store, and gave a different timeframe, the 4AM story is completely bogus. Forgive me if I would rather see the video myself than take his word for it, but it is a weakness of mine not to take his story at face value, when he might have much to gain by shifting the timeline a bit.

Your section at the end reminds me of something I read once. Let's say that I am a lawyer and you claim my dog bit you. In court, I would say that I do not have a dog. If you prove that I do, I will say that I do have a dog, but he does not bite. If you prove that my dog does bite, I will say "Fine, but he did not bite you."

FWIW..........About the alleged BLEACH purchase.

That 'rumor' began circulating around the internet and news rooms, and fwiw, it began on the pages of Websleuths. But, that's what happens with 'rumors,' or as they say stories that grow or change as they're told over and over and over.

The FACT is, what was originally stated, FIRST, here on Websleuths, maybe not word for word, but basically, "he purchased LAUNDRY DETERGENT WITH BLEACH." oh, yeah, at 4:00 a.m. NOT at 6:00 and milk as he told LE.

By the time the media outlets spouted it, somehow it turned into bleach. the spirit of things, :rolleyes:.......Brad answered he 'did not purchase bleach. He purchased laundry detergent.'

Notice he did not mention 'detergent with bleach.'

Little truth with the lie.

fran better know that IF there is film of him at 4:00 a.m., and IF he's arrested for this crime, watch for a 'defense' strategy of having the store video eliminated as evidence, and when that doesn't work, they'll attack it's accuracy with their own 'expert' witness with tales of how the time stamp was probably off, yadda, yadda, yadda.

pps.....lawyers first rule of thumb,.......

attack the law
attack the evidence
attack the witness

It's in the lawyer play book.;)

Fran, He did say it was Tide, HE, standard detergent. "The detergent I purchased did not include bleach." #169 of his affidavit.

As w/ many of the other things in his affidavits it's something that LE can check. LE can confirm his story or refute it. I'm sure that LE has looked at the tapes at the store, cash register receipts, etc.
"And the information, as Miller pointed out, could help Cooper prove he had nothing to do with his wife's death. In fact, Cooper's attorneys are pushing to have Nancy's autopsy made public. They say that information will back up his story." - from the above referenced article..

My question is, how can Brad and his lawyers be so certain that the results of her autopsy will clear him if he supposedly doesn't know cause of death?
"And the information, as Miller pointed out, could help Cooper prove he had nothing to do with his wife's death. In fact, Cooper's attorneys are pushing to have Nancy's autopsy made public. They say that information will back up his story." - from the above referenced article..

My question is, how can Brad and his lawyers be so certain that the results of her autopsy will clear him if he supposedly doesn't know cause of death?

They don't care about the cause of death - only what clothes were found on her body...t shirt, shorts, blue tennis shoes...just like Brad said.
They don't care about the cause of death - only what clothes were found on her body...t shirt, shorts, blue tennis shoes...just like Brad said.

Gotta wonder how much of her clothing was left after the vultures...

Don't mean graphic here...
To me the fact that her clothing may match what he SAID she was wearing is totally besides the point. I mean he had access to/control of that (if he did the crime). So he remembered what he dressed her in? BFD.

Let's see if she was wearing a jogging bra, as one poster suggested, and how her shoes were tied, if that can be determined. ya know...the little details that might matter.
Gotta wonder how much of her clothing was left after the vultures...

Don't mean graphic here...

Sad point but true.

The vultures may have torn up the clothing but it would still be there I think, possible ?
To me the fact that her clothing may match what he SAID she was wearing is totally besides the point. I mean he had access to/control of that (if he did the crime). So he remembered what he dressed her in? BFD.

Let's see if she was wearing a jogging bra, as one poster suggested, and how her shoes were tied, if that can be determined. ya know...the little details that might matter.

We need a sarcasm emoticon as I was being sarcastic. To Brad - what clothes she was wearing were a big deal - he said she went jogging in such and such - in his mind if those clothes were found with the body - he could jump up and down and say she went jogging just like he claimed. It definitely means something to him but it darn sure does not rule him out as he seems to think it would.
We need a sarcasm emoticon as I was being sarcastic. To Brad - what clothes she was wearing were a big deal - he said she went jogging in such and such - in his mind if those clothes were found with the body - he could jump up and down and say she went jogging just like he claimed. It definitely means something to him but it darn sure does not rule him out as he seems to think it would.

OH sorry...I did not catch your sarcasm. What I suffered from was SARCHASM
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