Brad Cooper

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Yes, I'm curious about this tennis partner. I guess he must exist. Obviously Brad wasn't aware that nancy was going to painting that day unless she was planning to take the kids with her.

I'm very curious why there is no affidavit from Carrie. Even though it has nothing to do with custody, allegations were made in the custody affidavits that Brad murdered Nancy. If Carrie had come forward to state that yes indeed she did go jogging with nancy that would be huge for brad OR if she said they never had any plans it would suggest that either Brad lied or nancy lied which I guess gets us nowhere really since nancy is dead...however if this were the case and nancy lied because she had l"eaving business" to take care of I'm guessing Jessica was probably aware of it and would have said so by now.

The whole Carrie business is a mystery - I'm guessing Brad will dismiss it by saying he may have misundertood and thought nancy was going with her when she wasn't. Also what was the business about carrie standing nancy up the morning before? what was the relevance of that in the affidavit? Also, I found it strange that Brad knew where Carrie lived, knew her car but didnt know her last name or her phone number - how convenient.

I don't think BC knew her exact address, but did know the apartment/townhouse complex where she lived. I'm sure he would know her car if he'd seen her pick up Nancy before.

I know my husband doesn't know all of my friends' last names and certainly doesn't know their phone numbers, so I don't find that part odd (especially when it comes to an exercise buddy rather than a social buddy).

I, too, am curious as to her side of the running story.
I had to go back and read Jessica Adam's statements again. What is wierd to me is that she says that she, Nancy and Carrie - who's last name she mentions as being Clarke - ran together regularly and she didn't believe Nancy and Carrie would have gone running without telling her.

Yet, when Brad calls her a 2nd time to ask for Carrie's phone # she apparently doesn't have it and offers to go over to the house to watch the girls while Brad goes out (driving around?) trying to find Carrie. How is it that she knows Carrie well enough to share daily habits and knows her last name, but she couldn't just give him Carrie's phone #?

There's something odd because this is the 2nd thing about Jessica's statements that seemed off. The other thing was that she made Clea and Mike Morwick out to be someone Nancy felt uncomfortable around, yet they are the people that Nancy vacationed with and both of them state they were her best friends. Did Jessica just not know Nancy well enough? Or..? What is wrong with this picture?
I had to go back and read Jessica Adam's statements again. What is wierd to me is that she says that she, Nancy and Carrie - who's last name she mentions as being Clarke - ran together regularly and she didn't believe Nancy and Carrie would have gone running without telling her.

Yet, when Brad calls her a 2nd time to ask for Carrie's phone # she apparently doesn't have it and offers to go over to the house to watch the girls while Brad goes out (driving around?) trying to find Carrie. How is it that she knows Carrie well enough to share daily habits and knows her last name, but she couldn't just give him Carrie's phone #?

There's something odd because this is the 2nd thing about Jessica's statements that seemed off. The other thing was that she made Clea and Mike Morwick out to be someone Nancy felt uncomfortable around, yet they are the people that Nancy vacationed with and both of them state they were her best friends. Did Jessica just not know Nancy well enough? Or..? What is wrong with this picture?

I agree there would be something strange about Jessica not knowing Carrie's phone number. I feel like there has been a lot off in Jessica's comments, but I don't know if it's something "weird" or if there are just holes because she's been told by LE not to talk about certain things.

I also wonder what the relationship between NC and Mike M was, but I doubt it has any relevance to the murder.
Yes, I'm curious about this tennis partner. I guess he must exist. Obviously Brad wasn't aware that nancy was going to painting that day unless she was planning to take the kids with her.

I'm very curious why there is no affidavit from Carrie. Even though it has nothing to do with custody, allegations were made in the custody affidavits that Brad murdered Nancy. If Carrie had come forward to state that yes indeed she did go jogging with nancy that would be huge for brad OR if she said they never had any plans it would suggest that either Brad lied or nancy lied which I guess gets us nowhere really since nancy is dead...however if this were the case and nancy lied because she had l"eaving business" to take care of I'm guessing Jessica was probably aware of it and would have said so by now.

The whole Carrie business is a mystery - I'm guessing Brad will dismiss it by saying he may have misundertood and thought nancy was going with her when she wasn't. Also what was the business about carrie standing nancy up the morning before? what was the relevance of that in the affidavit? Also, I found it strange that Brad knew where Carrie lived, knew her car but didnt know her last name or her phone number - how convenient.
I really don't think it's odd Brad didn't have Carrie's phone number as she was Nancy's friend but since Nancy left her cell phone at home, I'm sure he could've looked there for it! I'd like to know more about Carrie too and what her version of plans for that day were. It just seems strange to me that of all the days Nancy seems to break from her routine, she ends up murdered.
I had to go back and read Jessica Adam's statements again. What is wierd to me is that she says that she, Nancy and Carrie - who's last name she mentions as being Clarke - ran together regularly and she didn't believe Nancy and Carrie would have gone running without telling her.

Yet, when Brad calls her a 2nd time to ask for Carrie's phone # she apparently doesn't have it and offers to go over to the house to watch the girls while Brad goes out (driving around?) trying to find Carrie. How is it that she knows Carrie well enough to share daily habits and knows her last name, but she couldn't just give him Carrie's phone #?

There's something odd because this is the 2nd thing about Jessica's statements that seemed off. The other thing was that she made Clea and Mike Morwick out to be someone Nancy felt uncomfortable around, yet they are the people that Nancy vacationed with and both of them state they were her best friends. Did Jessica just not know Nancy well enough? Or..? What is wrong with this picture?

If you listen to her 911 call when LE asks for Nancy's address - she has to go look it up but if you listen to her during this period you can hear she is also trying to catch her breath. It seems pretty obvious she was very distressed and she seems to have a bit of a habit of going from a question to just saying what she wants to say. I don't think there is anything to it - she may not know the number off hand - for instance if it is a speed dial number - who really remembers the full phone number ?
If you listen to her 911 call when LE asks for Nancy's address - she has to go look it up but if you listen to her during this period you can hear she is also trying to catch her breath. It seems pretty obvious she was very distressed and she seems to have a bit of a habit of going from a question to just saying what she wants to say. I don't think there is anything to it - she may not know the number off hand - for instance if it is a speed dial number - who really remembers the full phone number ?

I wouldn't expect that she'd have known the # off the top of her head. I am the same way, as far as friends and family members who are programmed into my cell phone and on speed dial.

It's just that she skipped right past find Carrie's number, somewhere/anywhere, and jumped right to offering to go watch the kids at the house while Brad went out to find Carrie. In the same amount of time, she could have just looked up Carrie's # wherever she had it. Or even called Carrie herself.
These guys do not spend time with kids. Especially if the children are girls and not boys. The "girls" would only and specifically be the mothers responsibility. They also never, do anything without saying to themselves - how does this benefit me, how do I profit from this, how does this make me and my life better.

I even doubt it had to be an fight when NC came home. Just the fact that she came home without him, is enough to set him off, especially if he feels he needs more control and Nancy decided to stand up for herself.

These men have problems with women in general. Women are not valued except that they will benefit men. That is the "attractive' smart" wife that reflects well on the husband.

Also lying and breathing are the same to them. They will lie and lie. I will never believe anything that comes out of the mouth of Brad.

Also, it is always the fault of everyone else. They never accept responsibility. They feel entitled to do what ever to whom ever they want.
Power and control is the entire way of life for them.

Brad makes himself out to be a normal person. The fact that Nancy went out for a run, and left him with the kids. I doubt it. Because remember what her job and place in the family was.

Also, when he says that he went out to fetch minor items from the store. That again, I doubt. Because Brad does not do anything that does not directly benefit Brad.

Wait until he is arrested and then the "vilification" of Nancy will begin. He will put out all the stops to tarnish the victim, like a Hans Reiser.

These men expect to be treated like kings and their life is all about them and the rest of the family are object and treated as same.

BTW, my friends husband was the same way. When I read the affidavit, it was a mirror of "classic" PD.

Remember with his PD as far as Brad is concerned, he just got rid of a "troublesome" object, not a person. It benefited him. No child support, no alimony. Free to date and see whom ever without his wife.
I wouldn't expect that she'd have known the # off the top of her head. I am the same way, as far as friends and family members who are programmed into my cell phone and on speed dial.

It's just that she skipped right past find Carrie's number, somewhere/anywhere, and jumped right to offering to go watch the kids at the house while Brad went out to find Carrie. In the same amount of time, she could have just looked up Carrie's # wherever she had it. Or even called Carrie herself.

She may have called Carrie for all we know but yeah she skipped over that for sure. I do think it could be attributed to her sense of worry though.
She may have called Carrie for all we know but yeah she skipped over that for sure. I do think it could be attributed to her sense of worry though.

You're right, she could have called her. She just didn't mention it in her statement, so I thought it odd that Carrie was pretty much not mentioned again after that. She mentions the conversation she had with Brad which involved references to Carrie, then she called the police and the next person she called was another friend named Mary Andersen while they waited for the police to arrive.
Anybody else see that alot of the Affadate was started with I

Would it come across better if he referred to himself in the third person?

He's talking about things that he did. How else is he going to refer to himself?
You're right, she could have called her. She just didn't mention it in her statement, so I thought it odd that Carrie was pretty much not mentioned again after that. She mentions the conversation she had with Brad which involved references to Carrie, then she called the police and the next person she called was another friend named Mary Andersen while they waited for the police to arrive.

The thing I wonder about with Carrie - she didn't give an affidavit to go along with the pile of others.

Asking myself why -

I believe since Jessica assigned a last name to her that this person exists first.

Since both Brad and Jessica mention her and give a few details, I believe she probably did run with Nancy on occasion.

Having followed the Michelle Young case and how LE operated with respect to that case - the same pattern seems to be taking place. A few press conferences and then complete silence. Additionally in the MY case, word has it that witnesses LE interviewed were told not to talk to anyone about interviews etc. In fact the last person known to have seen Michelle alive has never been publically acknowledged by LE.

This leads me to the conclusion that LE has contacted Ms. Clarke and has conducted an interview and she has been advised to stay quiet and basically hidden. So while I wonder about Ms. Clarke, the absence of this person from the public and the lack of acknowledgement by LE really seems right in line as to how LE has handled other high profile cases in the area.
You're right, she could have called her. She just didn't mention it in her statement, so I thought it odd that Carrie was pretty much not mentioned again after that. She mentions the conversation she had with Brad which involved references to Carrie, then she called the police and the next person she called was another friend named Mary Andersen while they waited for the police to arrive.

Maybe she did contact Carrie, maybe that is part of the reason in her affidavit she declares she believes Brad murdered Nancy...possible.
If Carrie had come forward to state that yes indeed she did go jogging with nancy that would be huge for brad OR if she said they never had any plans it would suggest that either Brad lied or nancy lied which I guess gets us nowhere really since nancy is dead..

So if you are this Carrie but no one knows it's you, do you have an obligation to come forward? There's no way you could live in Cary and not have heard about the murder. Plus, if Carrie is a running partner I'd think Nancy would have called her at least once....check the phone records to find out her name.
This isn't rocket science so I'm sure the LE has thought of this already...which makes me wonder why we haven't heard anything from her?
So if you are this Carrie but no one knows it's you, do you have an obligation to come forward? There's no way you could live in Cary and not have heard about the murder. Plus, if Carrie is a running partner I'd think Nancy would have called her at least once....check the phone records to find out her name.
This isn't rocket science so I'm sure the LE has thought of this already...which makes me wonder why we haven't heard anything from her?

IMHO, LE has already been in touch with Carrie. They already know the answer. ;)

So does Brad.

Just sayin'
It's sort of hard to understand why an adult would have
to email their father in law to let him know how much money
the other person is getting or giving the other person.
Why would anyone want to do that?
It's sort of hard to understand why an adult would have
to email their father in law to let him know how much money
the other person is getting or giving the other person.
Why would anyone want to do that?

I imagine with the turmoil going on in their marriage, Nancy had been completely open with her family. Because of her father's previous work in social services, they may have allowed him to intercede as a middle man to mediate... It actually makes perfect sense to me that her father would have been involved. I could see my dad doing the same thing.

One other note - regardless of Nancy's mother's driving history, it is obvious that they are incredibly good, loving, nurturing people with their grandchildren's best interests at heart. It's unfortunate that we came to know her wonderful family under such conditions.
It's sort of hard to understand why an adult would have
to email their father in law to let him know how much money
the other person is getting or giving the other person.
Why would anyone want to do that?

Just keeping an open mind here and looking a both sides. If what BC said about Nancy embellishing things, then maybe he was emailing Mr. Rentz so that he would be apprised that BC was in fact helping out.

I think of it like work, if you want to make sure someone is passing on info that you're getting your job done (specifically if there's a question otherwise), you CC the boss.

Again, this should be something that can be confirmed or denied.
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