Brandon Scott Lavergne - Guilty Plea and LWOP

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I think she stabbed him in the back when he was reaching for a gun somewhere in the truck. In my mind that is the only reason she would have been able to stab him in the back. The rest, I don't know and don't want to think about. I find it odd that any person anywhere would believe anything he said. I do not believe a word that comes out of his mouth Not one word. When he finally tells the truth, it will be all at one time. The names of ALL the victims. There will be some we were expecting and some surprises. It is ominous and it is not over. Just my opinion and I wish I thought differently.
Did he take pics of the truck burning?? I know garryb mentioned pics of the truck, but I was thinking it was pics taken (maybe by LE) after the truck burned.

Backwoods, I had to go back and make sure. Yes, on pg 1 post 14, garryb said, "turned over pictures he had sent her of the truck burning".

Backwoods, I had to go back and make sure. Yes, on pg 1 post 14, garryb said, "turned over pictures he had sent her of the truck burning".

Well damn, there goes my theory about him being a smart criminal!

I would think cell phone records would include copies of sent pictures/texts/data.
That was exactly what I first thought after they arrested him too! That maybe he tried talking to her and she ignored him,so he's goes on and really gets her attention and hits her off of her bike... Is what thought about.

I think that's a good possibility. If he didn't try to speak to her, he probably circled around once or twice before he hit her. I have a feeling Mickey sensed something was up, and running into her bike was no accident. From what we've heard about Mickey, she had good instincts. Riding alone that night, her radar would've been up. That's why I don't believe that she got into the truck voluntarily.

We don't know if Mickey was injured when she was knocked off of the bike. She might've broken a leg or an ankle. In the scene that runs through my mind, Mickey couldn't get up. She was sitting on the ground when she saw BSL approaching with a knife in his hand. The mace was in her pocket, and when he tred to grab her, she sprayed him. BSL dropped the knife, and Mickey was able to grab it off the ground. He bent over to take it from her, and she stabbed him in the back. A struggle ensued on the ground, and Mickey got in a few more blows with the knife before BSL wrestled it away from her.

He would have been in a furor, and he probably stabbed Mickey numerous times until has rage was sated. Then he put her in the truck, and drove around planning the next step. There was no way he was going to leave Mickey behind without making sure she was dead. So, he decided on the cane field because he could shoot her there without alarming witnesses. Leaving her body in the open field was too risky. He drove to his house, and so forth. JMO
To the overwhelming majority of you expressing your warm and kind thoughts for my family, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am thankful every day for the entire WS community for their support for bringing the Mighty Mick home and finally some justice for Lisa.
I don't have first hand knowledge of his contact with his mother, but he said he wanted to meet her and she refused. He WAS terribly upset. Having said that, I refuse to acknowledge that she is any way responsible for his actions.
The story we got was that he was mugged on Bourbon Street. He sent pictures to my daughter. He was pretty cut up and had scratches all over his arms. Some of the descriptions I have read her stated "blood smeared" and I think that paints a false picture. He did have some blood dried blood, etc, but it wasn't some sadistic type of thing where he had smeared blood all over himself....
The other 1/2 sister had actually lived over there for awhile and saw him daily. Actually one of the vehicles in his yard is hers. He was supposed to fix it for her when he came back, but we know how that ended. She is now scared to death and has gone into hiding. Not sure what she is going to do about the vehicle now...
Both of the girls are very strong women. In time I'm sure they will be fine. Thank you very much for your concern.

I keep wondering what, if anything, BSL hid under his trailer. The bike? Mickey's body?

What about the large tool chest I have heard mentioned, that (assuming it existed) burned along with the DWT? Since BSL was apparently trying to pass his new DWT off as his old one, wouldn't people close to him wonder where the large tool chest had gone? Why did he need to burn that, too? There must have been a reason. Is that where he hid the gun, the knife, his bloody clothes, or Mickey, temporarily? I find it hard to believe he would just leave her body in the passenger seat of his parked truck while he was inside tending to his wounds. :what:

Good Lord, if his confession is true, his truck must have been covered in blood/tissue/etc. I hope he had a great time cleaning the h*ll out of it with his injured hand, stab wounds, etc. Got bleach? In your wounds? Ha! Also, I hope the smell clung to every fiber of that truck as he continued to drive it for those couple of weeks. It boggles my mind how someone could continue to drive a vehicle that had been the scene of a murder. I'm geting PTSD just thinking about it!

Poor Mickey. I will never understand why the good die young.

P.S. Many thanks to garryb and txmom...? for sharing their knowledge of BSL. Also, God bless everyone who helped crack this case, esp BSL's half-sister, the car saleswoman, Adam, and LE.
I think she stabbed him in the back when he was reaching for a gun somewhere in the truck. In my mind that is the only reason she would have been able to stab him in the back. The rest, I don't know and don't want to think about. I find it odd that any person anywhere would believe anything he said. I do not believe a word that comes out of his mouth Not one word. When he finally tells the truth, it will be all at one time. The names of ALL the victims. There will be some we were expecting and some surprises. It is ominous and it is not over. Just my opinion and I wish I thought differently.

I messed up quote and don't know how to fix it... Please forgive

Jumping off your post.....
One thing abt liars and manipulative people like BSL sometimes I don't think they even know the truth. I have noticed that the most convincing liars do seem to weave some truth through their story- I think that's what makes the story plausible and somewhat convincing. It sure would be nice though, if there was anyone else, if he would confess. I would not doubt that he told the story in a way that could lessen ( if possible) the horror of what he did. With all the issues he has he still worked awful hard to get people to "like/love" him.
i am sorry to bring this up cf because you believe / want to believe mickey died without being raped. I was believing the same originally. It is curious that in both of his testimonies re: Ms & lp, he did not describe raping either one of them. However, this was on his sick mind when he abducted ms. In his sick sexual mind, he cannot admit to raping anyone, altho this is his utmost intention. + he is a liar, thru and thru. So now i am doubting his testimony because he lives in denial of his sexual encounters but admits to the murders which is supposed to make everything he says ring true. If she stabbed him in the back, it was while he was on top of her, it would seem. Sickening to think of it tho.

I'm sorry I can't keep up - I'm in the middle of making a very large batch of chanterelle mushroom soup - rare and expensive mushrooms picking back in the woods - no replacing them until next year's crop if I screw it up - intricate recipe.

I have seen a definite bias on this board toward assuming Mickey was raped.

I'm think she would have a much harder time getting to his knife during that event. She's pinned, and the knife is not likely on his belt.

The scenario where she gets him in the truck is much more likely, IMO.

How is she going to get access to mace and a knife with 220 pounds pinning her down?

While he's driving, his attention is largely on the road. And he's holding a knife on her.

I'm going to fight conventional wisdom and say that she started to fight back before any sexual assault happened - and once they were both bloodied, Brandon had much bigger problems than getting his <modnsiip>, to be blunt.

I don't just hope Mickey wasn't violated; I think that the facts lead me more to that conclusion than the alternative.

He was looking for <modsnip>. What he got was <modnsip> WHUP-a$$.

My opinion only. I can't see Brandon bleeding with a slashed tendon, going through with gratification.
The "problem" will never be fixed. The world is evil, always has been and always will be. Now, on a personal level, I do exercise my second amendment rights. I have a concealed carry permit and I guarantee you this much, if you and I were the same restaurant, and some depraved wretch walks in and begins to shoot innocents right and left, I will be more than happy to pull out my gun and blow him away...thus protecting myself and you from being killed by someone who more than likely has obtained his gun illegally. I would be more than happy to pop a cap in that person, (I'll pray for his soul later,) and if by chance, he lives to shoot me back and kill me, well I will at least know I did my best to save others from dying at his hand.

I appreciate the ability to carry a gun even though the Second Amendment was written with different objectives in mind. I would like to think the world is not evil - I chose to move to Germany to get away from, and my daughter away from metal detectors in schools, angst about walking about at night and just general crimes overall. The problem in the US has a lot to do with the distribution of wealth, which is only getting worse. It creates a competitive, dog eat dog society where when push comes to shove, NO ONE is our friend, everyone is our competitor, someone we need to try and snatch the last bit from. I don't believe people are inherently evil - look at all of us on here up against the BSL and all the others - we are not outnumbered. But when there is such unequal economic opportunities, people struggling just to put food on the table, people's lives being damaged because they can't pay a medical bill, it's no wonder people 'go postal.' And don't get me wrong, the US is my home country, I will love it always, but it is not the country I grew up in and I find it sad what it has been becoming.
chicken fried: Since you are back: Did you see my question to you about the location of The Advertiser camera?

ETA: dang, he's gone again ...

It was high enough on the building where i think there's a good chance it caught the bike in the back of the truck.

Good thinking.
I understand the reluctance to trust BSL's version.

I'm going to say that I believe most of it though.

<major (though respectful) snip>

This all leads me one place:

Mickey fought, and fought, and fought, and never gave up, put a whupping on him, and at the end surprised him so badly that he will never be able to erase the image from his mind.

This is where Mrs. Shunick and I concur: That last image of a seemingly dead Mickey springing up and stabbing him will turn his guts to water for the rest of his life.

Love the long post--thank you!

Want to add that I agree with your belief that BSL's account is accurate. :bullseye: My idea of Brandon from everything I've read is that he's not brilliant but learns from his experiences. He plans what to say and do but is less skilled at thinking on his feet.

I can imagine LE having a reluctant BSL re-enact his crimes physically, step by step, so that the narrative makes sense. I can imagine BSL attempting to fudge those aspects that don't reflect well on him and having LE immediately question him about anything that doesn't jive--not letting him off the hook until he gives them something plausible. They had him checked out a loooong time that day. IMO it would have been a lot harder to to keep any deception consistent as the hours dragged on.

I messed up quote and don't know how to fix it... Please forgive

It's very easy. Just make sure the right tags are in front and at the end of the quote. Like this:

[qute] post post post [/qute]

Naturally there would be an "o" in "quote". I omitted it to show the example. Otherwise, it would have looked like this

post post post
and you wouldn't see the tags.

If any part of the tags are deleted, the quote won't post correctly. If your post is quoted, the converstation will be out of sequence, and it will appear you posted the post you quoted, and on and on until no one knows who said what. It makes a mess of the thread and can cause quite a ruckus.
I think that's a good possibility. If he didn't try to speak to her, he probably circled around once or twice before he hit her. I have a feeling Mickey sensed something was up, and running into her bike was no accident. From what we've heard about Mickey, she had good instincts. Riding alone that night, her radar would've been up. That's why I don't believe that she got into the truck voluntarily.

We don't know if Mickey was injured when she was knocked off of the bike. She might've broken a leg or an ankle. In the scene that runs through my mind, Mickey couldn't get up. She saw sitting on the ground when she saw BSL approaching with a knife in his hand. The mace was in her pocket, and when he tred to grab her, she sprayed him. BSL dropped the knife, and Mickey was able to grab it off the ground. He bent over to take it from her, and she stabbed him in the back. A struggle ensued on the ground, and Mickey got in a few more blows with the knife before BSL wrestled it away from her.

He would have been in a furor, and he probably stabbed Mickey numerous times until has rage was sated. Then he put her in the truck, and drove around planning the next step. There was no way he was going to leave Mickey behind without making sure she was dead. So, he decided on the cane field because he could shoot her there without alarming witnesses. Leaving her body in the open field was too risky. He drove to his house, and so forth. JMO

I agree with your thinking, bessie...I've always felt she was injured with the 'bump' of his truck. IMO, as an avid cyclist , she was pedalling that bike hard, regardless if she sensed a threat near her. It was close to 2am. She wanted to get home asap, not feeling very well...An easy bump from a vehicle when you're cycling, say, even 10 or 20 mph, can send you flying.
joy riding

I agree with your thinking, bessie...I've always felt she was injured with the 'bump' of his truck. IMO, as an avid cyclist , she was pedalling that bike hard, regardless if she sensed a threat near her. It was close to 2am. She wanted to get home asap, not feeling very well...An easy bump from a vehicle when you're cycling, say, even 10 or 20 mph, can send you flying.
I know, and I was surprised that after all of the speculation about Mickey and the DWT, since Friday few have speculated that Mickey was injured. It's a logical assumption, though, and only makes Mickey a bigger hero in my book.
Perhaps when he hit her and she flew off the bike, she tumbled around and possibly hit her head on asphalt and was knocked unconscious, or she was really woosy and in a state of shock and not thinking clearly.

He could very well have taken advantage of those moments if he moved quickly enough. He could have then had both Mickey and the bike in the truck before she became fully aware of the situation that was taking place. Just a theory..
It was high enough on the building where i think there's a good chance it caught the bike in the back of the truck.

Good thinking.

So -- it IS on a likely route that he would have taken to get out of town, after Mickey was in the truck? ('cause that was my question, LOL)
I'll be interested to see the progress of this: ADA Stutes was quoted in this morning's TDA as saying "evidence found in (BSL's) house may lead to other investigations".

Surely it has to do with the reported multiple IDs found there, but what else? Photos? Clothing? Video evidence?

Or perhaps all of the above, and more.

I can only imagine what was pulled from his computer.
So -- it IS on a likely route that he would have taken to get out of town, after Mickey was in the truck? ('cause that was my question, LOL)

Yes, the Daily Advertiser cam was DIRECTLY on the most direct route out of town. Not only that - it's at almost the exact point where she would have realized he wasn't taking her home. It's not impossible that the struggle was taking place as the truck passed in front of the camera!
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