Found Deceased Brazil - Rye Hunt, 25, Rio de Janeiro, 21 May 2016

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To my understanding Hunt and Mitchell were sharing a room in a hostel (presumably with others also). The room he had to himself was the room he apparently has booked after leaving Mitchell at the airport. After searching the airport for 5 hours for Hunt, Mitchell then went back to the hostel they had been staying at to look for him further.

May 16
- Hunt arrives in Rio with friend Mitchell Sheppard and the pair check into a Lapa hostel.

May 21
- Brazilian police say Hunt and Sheppard take the drug MDMA before and during a party in Lapa.
- At 6am party security take Hunt and Sheppard back to their hostel after the suffer a "psychotic" episode.
- They decide to leave Rio a month ahead of schedule and head to the international airport.
- Hunt and Sheppard argue at the airport with Hunt accusing Sheppard of stealing his passport and trying to kill him.
- The mates agree to cool off for 30 minutes before meeting again but Hunt - unbeknownst to Sheppard - takes a taxi to Copacabana instead and checks into an apartment for three nights.
- CCTV footage shows him buying beer before he leaves around 6pm.

May 24
- Hunt's family reports him missing.

May 30
- A fisherman reports seeing Hunt in Cotunduba Island which is three kilometres off Leme
- The man sighted was "very scratched" and asked the fisherman for water.
- Authorities search the island but there's no sign of Hunt.

May 31
- Police and additional search teams return to the island to conduct a further search.
- Still no sign of Hunt.

June 1
- Hunt's uncle and girlfriend arrive in Rio to join the search.

I've been to Rio, certainly wouldn't want to try and swim to an island 3km away, the sea is rough!

I hope this is like the Grace Taylor case and 'just' a case of bad drugs rather than anything more sinister. Hope he is found soon
They were getting ready to board a plane while under the influence of MDMA, can you imagine how bad that could go?
He's one lucky guy to have even found the island in open water! He could have ended up out to sea..............
Just to clarify, Rye has NOT been found. He was allegedly seen alive after disappearing but has not been located per his FB missing page.
I am always very skeptical of these 'eyewitness reports.' How many times do people claim to have seen someone only for them to be found deceased from the first day they were missing or nowhere near "all the sightings?"
And MDMA making people act crazy? I get that drugs affect people in different ways but two people having nearly the same odd reaction to a drug kind of makes me think that what they got was NOT MDMA ... MDMA unleashes empathic chemicals in the brain ... Running scared, hallucinating, and something more "terrifying" does not remind me of MDMA ...
Have their been any reports about his behavior from the taxi driver or the person checking him into the Copacabana apartment? He freaked out the night before, but was okay enough to be at the airport with his friend discussing travel plans, get a taxi, check in somewhere else, order beer...maybe none of that is even related to his disappearance? All that really matters is what happened to him after he left the apartment...
Have their been any reports about his behavior from the taxi driver or the person checking him into the Copacabana apartment? He freaked out the night before, but was okay enough to be at the airport with his friend discussing travel plans, get a taxi, check in somewhere else, order beer...maybe none of that is even related to his disappearance? All that really matters is what happened to him after he left the apartment...

No reports from any of those people. The only reports of him being affected by drugs has been from the owner of the club - although I would take a guess that police also have confirmation of this from Sheppard also. The owner of the apartment was questioned by police but police have not really released what was said and the owner has not spoken publicly.
Body may belong to missing Australian Rye Hunt in Rio

A BODY with clothing similar to that worn by missing Australian Rye Hunt has been spotted by fishermen in the sea off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian police say.
The sighting on Wednesday morning, near the island of Rasa eight kilometres from Copacabana Beach, was reported to the Brazilian navy.
A search began on Wednesday afternoon and has continued through Friday, Rio’s Civil Police said.

Family of Rye Hunt 'cautious' after reports of a body in waters off Rio

The family of Rye Hunt said they are being cautious about the reported discovery of a body in waters off Rio de Janeiro which matches a description of the missing Tasmanian man.
In a statement, the family said Brazilian authorities confirmed a body had been sighted about 8km offshore from Copacabana Beach, however it has not yet been recovered.
‘They were terrified’: Brazilian nightclub owner recalls night before Rye Hunt went missing

...After Mr Hunt went missing, Mr Sheppard contacted Mr Mouta asking if he had seen his friend.
The texts read:
May 21
Bruno: Hey mate. Hope yous (sic) get better tonight. Take care! See you. Bruno, owner of the disco you came.
Mitch: Thanks so much for everything Bruno your a legend! We will swing past some time tonight and give you and your security guards a tip!! Thanks so much again.
May 24
Mitch:Hey Bruno sorry to disturb you!! Just a quick question! Have you seen my friend Rye at all?? The bloke I was with the other night? He has been missing for 3 days now! Hasn’t turned his phone on or logged into Facebook at all! Really starting to worry, just thought I would ask the question??
Bruno: No I did not seen him ... since I left you guys at the hotel that night I didn’t see any of you. You told me that you were going to my disco again to give a tip to my security guards but you didn’t go but I didn’t know about your friend. If there is anything I can do to help, let me know. Good luck.
Mitch: Yeh I’m sorry my friend was freaking out and then he thought I was after him and trying to kill him! So then we seperated at the airport and I haven’t seen him since!! It’s okay Bruno thanks for everything, I guess I will just keep on looking.
Bruno: Wtf!!! Well, good luck anyway and let me know when you get some news.
Mitch: Thanks so much Bruno appreciate it.
Later ...
Bruno: Hi there mate. Any news about your friend?
Mitch: Nothing yet mate! They got footage of him leaving the airport in a taxi and then they found the apartment he checked into! And they found most of his belongings but not him.

And MDMA making people act crazy? I get that drugs affect people in different ways but two people having nearly the same odd reaction to a drug kind of makes me think that what they got was NOT MDMA ... MDMA unleashes empathic chemicals in the brain ... Running scared, hallucinating, and something more "terrifying" does not remind me of MDMA ...

Yep, no way was it MDMA.
Whoa, that's weird. I haven't seen any news about this at all, though, granted, I live in São Paulo, not Rio... but still.

I'm doing some googling right now and about their weird reaction to the drug: it was supposed to be diluted in water, but they snorted it instead. I cannot say that this information is correct cause I know NOTHING about drugs at all... but that's what I found while reading some recent articles.

His girlfriend has commented that, before Rye disappeared, it's known that he visited some slums. She also said that she doesn't see him as the type of person who does drugs and that, while he would go to the gym a lot, he was never much of a swimmer, so she doesn't believe he would've swum to the island.

Personally, there aren't many reasons for someone to visit slums. Other than some voluntary work or a somewhat morbid curiosity to see poverty real close, I can only think of drugs. And if he really was having a weird *advertiser censored* reaction to whatever he had (more than once, mixed with alcohol, according to the friend), I guess he could've swum all the way there out of desperation. Adrenaline and all.

We'll see what they say about the body that's been found...

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