Break in @ Tony L's Apartment

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Maybe Tony is one of those kind of guys that do not like to spend money on women. He probably felt that KC wasn't worth a gas can and a tank of gas. Ya know, some guys are just like that. He probably thought it would be easier and less expensive just to help get the gas cans out of the tool shed.

Bulls Eye!

This gets my vote.

Casey was a flirt. In recently released IM's Casey teased Tony that she was gonna 'do' one of his roommates, Cameron. Tony also demonstrated a little passive-aggressive jealousy when Casey ref'd Ricardo, and going to Jacksonville w/ Amy.

Also, FWIW, Casey contacted Clint several times, via text while Tony was in NY:

Date DOW Time Type From To
6/30/08 MON 7:51:07 PM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Clint "Clint" House
6/30/08 MON 8:27:56 PM INCOMING TEXT Clint "Clint" House Casey Anthony
6/30/08 MON 8:28:22 PM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Clint "Clint" House
6/30/08 MON 8:29:44 PM INCOMING TEXT Clint "Clint" House Casey Anthony
6/30/08 MON 8:31:27 PM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Clint "Clint" House
6/30/08 MON 8:36:02 PM INCOMING TEXT Clint "Clint" House Casey Anthony
6/30/08 MON 8:36:54 PM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Clint "Clint" House

7/2/08 WED 11:33:19 AM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Clint "Clint" House
7/2/08 WED 5:06:07 PM INCOMING CALL Clint "Clint" House Casey Anthony
7/2/08 WED 10:50:35 PM INCOMING TEXT Clint "Clint" House Casey Anthony

7/2/08 WED 10:16:17 PM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Clint "Clint" House

7/3/08 THU 1:11:59 PM INCOMING TEXT Clint "Clint" House Casey Anthony
7/3/08 THU 1:30:53 PM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Clint "Clint" House
7/3/08 THU 8:27:55 PM OUTGOING CALL Casey Anthony Clint "Clint" House
7/3/08 THU 10:40:11 PM OUTGOING CALL Casey Anthony Clint "Clint" House
7/3/08 THU 10:42:59 PM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Clint "Clint" House
7/3/08 THU 10:51:56 PM INCOMING TEXT Clint "Clint" House Casey Anthony
Do we know the date of the break-in?

OK...I know this getting into splitting hairs, but, when CH was on GVS and did this interview,2933,403801,00.html

About 3/4 of the way down, Greta is asking him about contact with Casey after he moved out on July 1. If I counted right, it's Greta's question 53...LOL

And...IIRC...Casey and gang were having some sort of party for the 4th....and then fireworks.
(Mods, If this has been addressed, please feel free to move.) I started thinking this morning, (an always dangerous pursuit for me, lol,) about the alleged break in at TL's. I found it odd that TL would not let Casey stay at his apartment when he was gone. There seemed to be some trust issues, if you know what I mean. Do you think he suspected that she was a thief even early on? She encouraged him to break the lock on the shed to get the gas cans, showing a complete disregard for the property of others. I wonder if he was starting to realize her true character.
Bold mine. I don't find it particularly odd. First, they hadn't been together all that long---I would expect some healthy caution. Secondly, he had roommates who didn't want her around.
resp. snipped.

snipped for space.:)
Tony is not "only a boy". He is a full grown man in his twenties. The age of reason is seven years of age, and considering the fact that Casey has been said to be accountable for her actions regardless of the fact that she is young, then so to that standard applies to all and any and not only Casey. Tony is certainly old enough to know better than to break into someones outbuilding with a tire-iron. I certainly did not condemn him to hell in any way, shape or form, I only condemned him to the consequences of his own actions. I personally believe we pay in the here and now for what we do in the here and now. Plant-reap...that sort of thing. All of our actions combine to define our character, and this includes the "bad" ones. Bad choices can lead to a good character if the proper lessons are gleaned from the mistakes made. :eek:

i understand what you mean magic-cat. i was married at 21, which i believe is the same age tony was at the time of this incident, however from every account of his behaviour (largely, i think, his own) i can see that i was vastly more mature than tony. perhaps that's why i see him as a boy: he's only just out of his teens and he behaves like a kid. to me, in my opinion, that's a boy.
as for being held accountable for actions and the same standard applying -

tony broke a lock belonging to the father of his girlfriend and most likely at the same girlfriend's request - i think he should apologize to her parents (so should the girlfriend) and pay for the lock to be replaced.

casey murdered her two year old child - i think she should be locked away for the rest of her life, not only as a punishment but also to protect the rest of us from her potential future homicidal whims.
I was looking for the date of the break in, I didn't find a date in the documents. It is mentioned in the report related to Lee's conversation with TL (taped and monitored by OCSO). The report states that Lee asked TL about a burglary that occured in TL's apt. Lee said that he heard that entry had been gained by breaking a window, money belonging to TL's roommate had been stolen. Person left via the front door... I wish we could find the date that this occured. If it was Casey, I wonder if her phone calls to Clint were to see if the coast was clear ?
Document below covers break in on page 4904. 4901-4962cellphone_misc_redacted.pdf
I always believed KC did something or gave something to AH. But, why the changing of the pants? Hard enough to take off someones pants but, even harder to put new ones on!
As far as TL's break in-do we know how it was broken into and if anything was missing? I think it says alot that TL would trust KC with his car keys but not his apt keys. I think it says that he trusted her butt in his car - but he didn't trust her butt in his apt while he was away with his roomies! :rolleyes:

I think she wanted to change her pants so Amy would have more proof that she had been up doing things, not just the money being gone. Casey could spin quite a tale about how she was up changing pants and probably laughed the whole time she was telling her about it.
It's to bad nobody ever had one of those nannyCams going for when Casey was around them, who knows what it could have taped!

snipped for space.:)
Tony is not "only a boy". He is a full grown man in his twenties. The age of reason is seven years of age, and considering the fact that Casey has been said to be accountable for her actions regardless of the fact that she is young, then so to that standard applies to all and any and not only Casey. Tony is certainly old enough to know better than to break into someones outbuilding with a tire-iron. I certainly did not condemn him to hell in any way, shape or form, I only condemned him to the consequences of his own actions. I personally believe we pay in the here and now for what we do in the here and now. Plant-reap...that sort of thing. All of our actions combine to define our character, and this includes the "bad" ones. Bad choices can lead to a good character if the proper lessons are gleaned from the mistakes made. :eek:

Respectfully bolded by me.

As usual, Magic-Cat, I tend to agree with most of your opinions. LOL. However, I have a different point of view re the bolded section. Based on what Tony believed at the time, he was helping Casey break into her own shed, not someone else's. And since she was scatterbrained enough to run out of gas again, any male would likely assume she was also scatterbrained enough to have lost the key to her shed's lock. In view of that, I can understand why he would have readily stepped into his assigned role of Big, Strong, Tire-Iron-Wielding, Knight-Rescuer.

For these reasons, I'm willing to cut him some slack on this issue. :blowkiss:
I was looking for the date of the break in, I didn't find a date in the documents. It is mentioned in the report related to Lee's conversation with TL (taped and monitored by OCSO). The report states that Lee asked TL about a burglary that occured in TL's apt. Lee said that he heard that entry had been gained by breaking a window, money belonging to TL's roommate had been stolen. Person left via the front door... I wish we could find the date that this occured. If it was Casey, I wonder if her phone calls to Clint were to see if the coast was clear ?
Document below covers break in on page 4904. 4901-4962cellphone_misc_redacted.pdf[/QUOTE

I've been trying to find that date, as well...IIRC, it was mentioned somewhere before the meeting of LA by TL. It's driving me nuts.
Also, looking for when ZG's apartment was broken into.
OK...I know this getting into splitting hairs, but, when CH was on GVS and did this interview,2933,403801,00.html

About 3/4 of the way down, Greta is asking him about contact with Casey after he moved out on July 1. If I counted right, it's Greta's question 53...LOL

And...IIRC...Casey and gang were having some sort of party for the 4th....and then fireworks.

Thanks, MTG.

I remember being sooo frustrated that Greta & Clint couldn't get their dates & days-of-the-week straight when this was released. Drove me nutz!

Here's the snip FWIW:

"VAN SUSTEREN: So you moved out July 1. Between July 1 and July 14, did you have any contact with Casey?

HOUSE: No, ma'am.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did you talk to her?

HOUSE: No, ma'am.

VAN SUSTEREN: Was she going to that bar, the one where you were a DJ?

HOUSE: I stopped. I stopped doing the Friday nights with them at the end of June.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did you see Tony at all during that period between July 1 and July 15?

HOUSE: No, I did not.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did you talk to him on the phone?

HOUSE: No, I did not.

VAN SUSTEREN: Why did you move out?

HOUSE: I needed my own place to stay. I was kind of staying at Tony's place for free. And I needed my own apartment, and I didn't want to really, you know, leach off of Tony. And so I needed my own place to go, and I found a place to live, so I moved"​

I didn't provide the durations for the calls between the completeness sake, the only thing that would be in slight conflict w/ Clint's statement is the 1minute call on 7/2 @ 5:06PM.

I dunno what the timing of Cameron being @ the apartment was, but, if the break-in occurred after 7/1, well, we know that Casey prolly established that the apartment was empty then if she knew Cameron's whereabouts...or if he was already gone. IF the break-in was post-7/1, and the report was that one of Tony's roommates money was taken, then, someone else had to still be living in the was pre-7/1, and I don't recall Clint ever bringing it up. Then again, there was likely a circle of people that knew the apartment was gonna be empty if it Casey could be on the short-list of POI's.
Wait a second..KC picked up AL from the airport, she had his car washed etc. Obviously she had his keys. I don't recall if she took him to the airport or not, I'll look into it.

Also it wasn't a garage they broke into it was a shed. JMO.

Yes, KC took Tony to the airport and then she had his Jeep. This was in Amy's statements in the first discovery docs.
I don't think TLs helping KC break into the shed is a big deal AT ALL. He thought she was living there. I've locked myself out of my parents house (when I lived there) more times than I'd like to admit- friends have helped me "break in" before: removing a screen, using a tree branch thru the mail slot to hit the inside of the deadbolt lock, etc. I doubt any of them thought they were doing anything wrong because it was my parents house where I lived- and if we broke something, it would be on me to pay for it or fix it.

For all we know KC could have blamed her dad for losing the key to the shed, and TL could have thought the reason KC was locked out wasn't even HER fault. I could see KC saying "UGH my dad was supposed to leave the key here under this rock, he is so irresponsible, my mom told him to leave it for me, no wonder they are getting divorced, etc." Who knows
I always believed KC did something or gave something to AH. But, why the changing of the pants? Hard enough to take off someones pants but, even harder to put new ones on!
As far as TL's break in-do we know how it was broken into and if anything was missing? I think it says alot that TL would trust KC with his car keys but not his apt keys. I think it says that he trusted her butt in his car - but he didn't trust her butt in his apt while he was away with his roomies! :rolleyes:

Wait. Now I'm confused. I thought that Amy had told Casey about an incident where she went to be with one pair of pants on and woke up in another pair of pants, so she believed that sleepwalking was the reason. Casey just took this information and claimed that Amy must've been sleepwalking again when she "hid" her own money, which of course as we all know, Casey stole from Amy. :confused:
i've thought more about this subject and while it's a very small point, and yes maybe i'm just having one of those days ... but back when i was dating it wouldn't even occur to your boyfriend to tell you not to come by his place when he was out of town simply b/c there would be NO reason for you to go to his apartment if you knew he wasn't there :waitasec: is it just me or is telling someone this downright weird in itself? it just seems like such a strange thing to say. wouldn't your boyfriend be inclined to assume that knowing he wasn't there you obviously wouldn't go over?
seriously - how many people have told you not to come to their home when they're not there?
times have changed but i think tony must have had a reason for saying this, whether it be jealousy or trust or something else we know nothing of.

The only time I can think a guy might say this is when he gets a "feeling" she is trying to move to quickly.
So I asked my DH what he thought and he told me that he had a gf he started dating for about 4-6 weeks (he refers to her as Loser Chick) Anyway Loser Chick started to stay more and more nights slowly leaving more clothes each time. She had started a new job at the beginning of their "relationship". After the 3 week, she practically moved in but not "quite" she sometimes went back to her parents (sound familar??) and whoops.. she quit her job(wasn't working out). He did not mind her there during the day but when he went on a business trip he said he did not want her there as he just felt she would PERMENANTLY be moved in by the time he got back.

Just a thought..

Anyway, he never told me this story before amazing what we find out when asked. The term LOSER CHICK... is a good name for Casey!!:loser:
Thanks, MTG.

I remember being sooo frustrated that Greta & Clint couldn't get their dates & days-of-the-week straight when this was released. Drove me nutz!

Here's the snip FWIW:

"VAN SUSTEREN: So you moved out July 1. Between July 1 and July 14, did you have any contact with Casey?

HOUSE: No, ma'am.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did you talk to her?

HOUSE: No, ma'am.

VAN SUSTEREN: Was she going to that bar, the one where you were a DJ?

HOUSE: I stopped. I stopped doing the Friday nights with them at the end of June.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did you see Tony at all during that period between July 1 and July 15?

HOUSE: No, I did not.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did you talk to him on the phone?

HOUSE: No, I did not.

VAN SUSTEREN: Why did you move out?

HOUSE: I needed my own place to stay. I was kind of staying at Tony's place for free. And I needed my own apartment, and I didn't want to really, you know, leach off of Tony. And so I needed my own place to go, and I found a place to live, so I moved"​

I didn't provide the durations for the calls between the completeness sake, the only thing that would be in slight conflict w/ Clint's statement is the 1minute call on 7/2 @ 5:06PM.

I dunno what the timing of Cameron being @ the apartment was, but, if the break-in occurred after 7/1, well, we know that Casey prolly established that the apartment was empty then if she knew Cameron's whereabouts...or if he was already gone. IF the break-in was post-7/1, and the report was that one of Tony's roommates money was taken, then, someone else had to still be living in the was pre-7/1, and I don't recall Clint ever bringing it up. Then again, there was likely a circle of people that knew the apartment was gonna be empty if it Casey could be on the short-list of POI's.

Maybe in one of his LE interview? Maybe not? I would swear TonE said Cameron was on vacation the same time or at least over lapping TonE going to NY.

That Greta interview is interesting in that the only thing I've seen TonE put 'out there' was comments about ending his business relationship with Clint and TonE saying Clint is a liar and every other bad thing you could expect to see when a friendship ends badly. I guess this proves the liar part at any rate.
One of the creepiest things about Casey is that she ruthlessly took advantage of her parents in every way, including "sponging off of them" -- and yet, she clearly knew better because she scrupulously did the opposite with Tony. Instead of lazing around his apt and attempting to live off him, she bought groceries and beer at Target for him, she even brought a bag of (stolen) chicken and ice-pops with her from home. She also paid for their sandwiches (at Subway?) the day they had Caylee with him. At Tony's apt, she cooked meals, and cleaned, and did laundry. She washed his Jeep for him (we assume) before picking him up at the airport.

In short, she knows right from wrong perfectly well. And yet she's capable of doing such evil.

Just realized this is a little off-topic. Sorry.

[bolded by me]

I've actually seen this behavior before, girl plays wifey to show how good she'd be in the actual role. LOL.. It didn't work then either. IMHO, in KC's mind, TL was a young man going places and she intended to be by his side when he went.

I don't know, maybe its just me, but I think its outright scary that, during the first call home from jail, KC is cool as a cucumber over not being able to contact Zanny the Nanny to get her child back; but she loses it when she wants TL's number because she hasn't "spoken to him since this morning."

I believe KC has SSS (Susan Smith Syndrome) for sure.
You know I keep forgetting about that sleepwalking hiding the money incident. Casey HAD to have given Amy something-either she slipped her something in a drink before bed, or she waited until she fell asleep and then gave her the chloroform rag...she did SOMETHING to make that happen so she could rob that girl, and she took it so far as to change Amy's pants for her while she slept...Casey is one cold bird.

I can't imagine KC changing Amy's pants. Amy looks tall and heavy. If KC gave her a good dose of Ambien though, that produces amnesia and anythings possible. Amy could have gone partying and not remembered anything ... she could have dressed herself. I usually just sit myself down in front of the fridge in the middle of the night and find out about it the next day because of the evidence on the floor. Pillow, plate, crumbs. :crazy:
I imagine that KC told TL that she lost the key to the padlock on the shed and would replace it later, so no big deal to break it.

Being young once and having roomates with semi-live in's, who paid for nothing, I am going to guess that the roomates of TL were less than excited about KC staying there while TL was out of town.

Hint: Don't have a sexual relationship with someone you don't trust enough to be in your home without you being there.
iirc amy stated it was particularly unusual that she chose to put on those pants (thinking she'd done it herself) as they had become too tight for her and very uncomfortable so she had recently stopped wearing them.
if my memory is wrong on this then i apologize.
...well......pphhhhttt....Orlando's online crime db only goes back 90 days.

I thought I saw someone on this site had found a website one could enter an address into and out would come the calls for service at that address. However, perhaps what I am remembering is what OCSO posted on their website that has been replicated many times elsewhere: calls for service at the Anthony home. :waitasec:

I noticed at the bottom of the OCSO document an IP address of I thought maybe this was the secret site that would allow me to do the search, but alas, the site would not respond to me. :bang:

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