Brianna Denison 19yo Reno NV #1

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Could someone tell me exactly what LE has done to look for Brianna? I haven't heard one word about them doing an extensive search of the house (I remember the young college girl in West Virginia who was eventually found a week later in a crawl space in the laundry room). I've heard nothing about them doing ground searches, or searching any nearby know, the usual places. Even if they are hoping she is still alive, they should still be out there looking for her body, or any evidence that might show up in a wooded area, or somewhere. I've really heard nothing about what they are doing, except interviewing sexual predators in the area (which is a waste of time IMO). Is anybody looking for her?

Thats what I have been saying as well. Where are the organized searches? Shouldn't her FRIENDS be searching instead of doing all the talk shows? LE must know something, and they are waiting for an "insider" to slip up.
i wonder if she met anybody @ the concert or the casino? maybe she told them she was in town staying w/friends on mackay st.......
yeah, why her friends haven't organized a search is beyond me.

According to her friend's blog, the last male she was seen with was the white male with longish brown hair who came up with her to the room to get her sweater. We haven't heard what his story is yet. And, of course, the male who drove them home.

Anybody know if there was snow on the ground that kind of looked like some snow was in the backyard at the house.
When Jessica was interviewed by Greta, Jessica admitted taking ride with stranger. She stated she had a "Lapse in Judgment" :doh: IMO, she's very fortunate that LE's not looking for her.

I agree. When I saw the "lapse in judgement" stuff I thought it was because she just met the guy that night and let him take her home. More like they were hanging out together for a few hours before hand. Not, that she just walked to the curb and waited for someone to pull over and pick her up.
I agree. When I saw the "lapse in judgement" stuff I thought it was because she just met the guy that night and let him take her home. More like they were hanging out together for a few hours before hand. Not, that she just walked to the curb and waited for someone to pull over and pick her up.

Hi, can you imagine what Jessica's parents thought when they heard about her "Lapse in Judgement"? I would have chewed my daughter up one side and down the other, of course that would been after I thanked God she wasn't missing!
from Fox News website....

Police with search dogs have canvassed the neighborhood daily since then. They expanded the effort Thursday to nearby foothills of the Sierra where they'd not looked before

o/t sorry to ask on this thread, but has anyone seen a discussion on the young college girl who left, went to motel, and then was found dead on golf course. She has been featured on Greta a few times but I can't seem to find any talk on her.
from Fox News website....

Police with search dogs have canvassed the neighborhood daily since then. They expanded the effort Thursday to nearby foothills of the Sierra where they'd not looked before

o/t sorry to ask on this thread, but has anyone seen a discussion on the young college girl who left, went to motel, and then was found dead on golf course. She has been featured on Greta a few times but I can't seem to find any talk on her.


I believe you are thinking of Rylan Cotter.
Hi, can you imagine what Jessica's parents thought when they heard about her "Lapse in Judgement"? I would have chewed my daughter up one side and down the other, of course that would been after I thanked God she wasn't missing!
I know what would happen if she were MY daughter!! You are right...after we celebrated that she was lucky to be alive and would have hit the fan!!!

I don't know why kids that seem reasonable and responsible pull such boneheaded stunts! I bet Jessica's parents did NOT raise her to think that hitchhiking was acceptable. I also bet the parents of the other girl did not allow her to leave their door unlocked every night either!!

I would say it was time to move those underage girls home to Mom and Dad until they have matured enough to be on their own. Sure looks like a very nice place which I am guessing comes from parents who are subsidising this retreat. I hope it wakes them up, too!! :mad:
Does anyone know if KT has been asked to take a polygraph?

Her body language was so bizarre during her interview with Greta,her actions the next morning were so overblown (to immediatly assume Brianna was missing) ; I just get the feeling she may know something.
Oh I agree...I think she definitely knows more. I mean, she goes from one extreme to the other. She is so very casual talking about leaving doors unlocked, acts like it is the most logical, normal thing in the world to do....and then when she sees her friend isn't there in the morning, she makes the huge leap that she is MISSING, assuming something bad had happened to her, without even checking out other possibilities.

Doesn't make sense to me...
If KT faces losing mummy and daddy footing the bill for school, cool apartment and fun lifestyle I could see her lieing to cover her butt. My mum threatened me and bribed me to behave through highschool and college and although I was 'pretty good' she would have freaked out if I was caught doing drugs/clubbing and that it lead to a friends death.

heck no it's's obvious to me that it was like pullin teeth for Mark F to get the info about all the partying...something is very fishy here, imo....course it could be that KT doesn't want her family to know of all the partying going on at the house, so she's playing it down....

in the video that i saw of KT, she looked very upset, imo....i felt bad for her, but something is just not right....i'm wondering if Brianna brought someone in the house with her, after KT went to bed, or if someone came in with them, & KT isn't saying....but why wouldn't she say so, if that's the case...:waitasec:

It was posted On The Record, online at least anyway, that KT is the leaseholder. This was mentioned in a written statement by GVS after they got reemed for Mark Fuhrman's video/walkthrough of the house. Anyway, I was thinking that in addition to her not wanting her parents to know how wild the parting is that maybe she has a reason to play it down to the landlord/owners of the house. There may even be something in the lease about no big parties, a lot of private owners who lease houses add those kinds of clauses to the lease. Unfortunately, I haven't seen the other interviews to comment on them.
I'm really suprised at how these girls really had no worries about their safety. I mean I don't mean to sound off base -- but if you hitchhike in a car -- you are really risking being murdered or raped.

Now back to this case -- It could be this residence has been stalked for a while by a predator. Maybe he realized how casual they were about locking doors, etc. It could be Brianna wasn't even the target.... maybe one of the other people were.

It was dark and he just grabbed the first person he saw. If Brianna was extremely intoxicated -- she might not have even realized she had been taken until it was too late.

Sometimes in cases like this -- the other people involved leave out important details like doing drugs and drinking in fear of getting in trouble with their parents.
And would this predator know the 2 male roommates were gone and that the dog wouldn't bark?

I agree that Brianna was probably hit with something(the blood)and whisked off quickly.
I think the dog did not bark because it was not unusual for people to be coming and going.

IMHO KT is just trying to cover up the partying, nothing more.

Since Brianna was by the door and no scent of her was found outside, it appears that she was hit in the head and carried to a car outside.

The blanket in the kitchen is a real mystery to me. It could be as simple as she left it there while getting something to munch on. However, I would think she would carry it back to the couch since it was so cold outside and she was close by a door.

The blood on the pillow indicates that the last place she was in the apartment was on the couch.

The bear. Perhaps she was cuddling it and was scooped up with her and carried to a car outside.

I hope she is alive.
But dogs tracked Laci Peterson down the street, around a corner and even her husband's car.

KT said her dog barks at everyone all the time.

Ya know, KT would have been smarter just saying, "Yes, we had been drinking."

The blanket was in the kitchen because "he" dropped it on the way out the kitchen door.

I, too, hope she is alive and will be released tomorrow. Everyone does.
If the dog "always" barks, it does not make sense that it did not bark in this instance.

Why would "he" be in the kitchen? It just doesn't make sense.

Why do you think that the K-9 did not find her scent?
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