Brianna Denison 19yo Reno NV #1

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No I definately don't have any college age kids, my oldest is 8 years old.

I am not and have never been an angel or innocent by any means, but the legal drinking age is 21, or does that not matter anymore? It seems in most of the photos posted she has a drink in her hand, so I think that says that the probability of her drinking that night was high as well.

I am not naive to the fact that kids like to have fun while in college, but out of those photos posted on the group 85% were partying photos. She is only 19 so how long could she have been in college to be partying that much? Not saying that she doesn't make good decisions but like my dad always told me growing up......


I have two college age children. They are ages 20 and nearly 18, and I know they've both had drinks while at parties. Drinking goes on in college dorms even when they do inspections, and even at Christian colleges. But you know what - drinking and drugs were around when I was a kid 30 years ago. Some of my friends who went to the most conservative colleges did every drug and drank everything, while I lived at home and did nothing. Everyone is different, but drinking is a fact of life, and you try to keep communication open because if you express too much negativity these teenagers won't tell you anything, and that's worse than knowing - believe me!

Here in my state, they have to card everyone, but these kids get older friends to buy stuff for them, so they will always find a way around the rules. I'm not condoning it or saying I approve, but you have to be realistic about what is going on. If a kid goes to a sorority or fraternity party, or any party, they are going to drink.

I agree that this 45 year old guy is creepy. He is old enough to be their Dad, but when has that stopped any guy from hitting on a pretty girl? (Think Drew and Stacy Peterson!)
Mark Fuhrman spoke a great deal about this case tonight right in the beginning of Greta's show. I didn't listen to the whole thing because I thought you guys would cover it here! Rats. I do remember him saying that everyone BUT the involved indicate there was a lot of partying going on. Which to me meant drugs and alcohol, but I'm not on top of this case, so not totally sure what he meant by that.

Yeah he said a couple guy friends said Brianna was known for pregaming but none of the girls from the night would say that...thats weird. & most girls who party usually pregame so its not the most shocking thing. But i was confused he said they all got together at KT's house to get ready but Brianna & KT werent ready so Jessica left to go to the concert...then the 2 girls went....and they all met up at the concert then went to a party at the casino and jessica left that right?? How come jessica kept leaving without them? Usually when girls go out together they usually stick together until its time to pass out where everyone splits to go be with their i wonder why she kept leaving them.

Edit - i just watched it again and figured out Jessica left early from the party because she had to work at 10am so thats probably why the 2 girls woke up at 9am.
KC, can you describe what the term, "pre-gaming" means? I imagine it may mean something like, "to do some drugs and/or alcohol prior to the main event, like an actual party, concert, or sports event. TIA.

KC, can you describe what the term, "pre-gaming" means? I imagine it may mean something like, "to do some drugs and/or alcohol prior to the main event, like an actual party, concert, or sports event. TIA.


Yeah thats exactly what it means.

You all get together somewhere and drink (we usually play some type of card game or beer pong) before you go to the party, concert, basketball game etc. I really dont know any of my group of friends that goes out without pregaming so its pretty common.
Just finished reading Suzi Q's time line story.
What else seemed suspicious to Brianna's friends besides the blood on the pillow?
KT's room shares a wall the couch is up against. She didn't hear anything and her dog didn't bark. Clothes, purse and cell phone left behind.
Both Jessica and KT drove to the concert.....where were their cars when they got ready to go home? They caught rides. Why if they had cars? I've not heard one mention about why they didn't drive home.
Both Jessica and KT drove to the concert.....where were their cars when they got ready to go home? They caught rides. Why if they had cars? I've not heard one mention about why they didn't drive home.

Oh thats a good question, i hadnt thought about that.
Maybe they were all too drunk to drive back home?

I wonder why Jessica didnt try calling friends for a ride home instead of asking a stranger. She left at 1am...thats still early for people out partying...someone had to have been able to pick her up.

& since she hitched a did she get back to her car in the morning to be able to get to work?
KT has stated that Brianna was sober. Now it appears that's not truthfull.

heck no it's's obvious to me that it was like pullin teeth for Mark F to get the info about all the partying...something is very fishy here, imo....course it could be that KT doesn't want her family to know of all the partying going on at the house, so she's playing it down....

in the video that i saw of KT, she looked very upset, imo....i felt bad for her, but something is just not right....i'm wondering if Brianna brought someone in the house with her, after KT went to bed, or if someone came in with them, & KT isn't saying....but why wouldn't she say so, if that's the case...:waitasec:
Both Jessica and KT drove to the concert.....where were their cars when they got ready to go home? They caught rides. Why if they had cars? I've not heard one mention about why they didn't drive home.

i'm guessing all 3 were too loaded to so loaded she didn't think anything about stopping a total stranger for a ride, & the other two had someone there, an older guy, that simply drove them home.....easy enough, sounds like....
just caught the tail end of something on Fox & Friends....Brianna's mother was interviewed last night (i didn't see the interview) & said there were 3 spots of blood found....anyone else hear this, or see the interview?

it was said that one spot was about the size of a silver dollar....
i'm wondering if the ex-boyfriend has an alibi....i'm sure this is something that LE has checked...the aunt said they had broken up & he had talked Brianna & was calling her names & such.....
Could it be because Jessica was carried, too?

I don't know a whole lot about these dogs, just that they do amazing things, and other times miss a little girl who is literally just across the street! I think I've read that their sense of smell is so acute that they actually are tracking the person through shed skin cells. And I would think we shed skin cells whether we are walking or being carried. I've read of dogs actually tracking vehicles that an abducted person has been placed in!

Hopefully our resident expert will shed (Ha!) some light on this.
"She was sleeping on a couch inches away from an unlocked, glass front door. Anyone looking inside could have seen her."
For the life of me, i cannot understand why these girls would not lock there door with rapes reported in the area. I would never even fall asleep if i were visible to the outside clearly like that, let alone with a door unlocked??!!
If KT was in an alcohol induced sleep, she may not have woken up if the dog was barking; and the dog was confined in her bedroom with her.

Does LE know for a fact that the blood on the pillow is Brianna's? Can LE do an analysis and compare it with her mother's dna? If the dogs didn't pick up her scent, maybe she wasn't there at all. A quarter sized drop of blood is not a lot and could be anyone's.
There are a few different scenarios that i would guess could have happened:
1. The local rapist or a predator saw her (being an easy target visible through the door) and had stalked the area so knew the door was left unlocked, just waiting for an oppurtunity.
2. Someone at the concert/events they attended the night before followed them back.
3. These girls got involved in something over their heads and are afraid to talk. Overdose, or other illegal activities.

They should have had some mini-blinds or something on that door also. I wouldn't want to sleep there.
After seeing Mark's piece, I noticed the street runs right along where the unlocked door was. If there was a light on inside (would be my guess there was) the view of her sleeping would have been like shining a spotlight on her. Anyone driving by would have seen her there.

This sounds like a crime of opportunity to me.

It was only the perp's luck the door was left unlocked. The blanket being in the kitchen could indicate he grabbed her as a car was going by and he didn't want them to spot him holding her (remember clear view with a light on from the street) he pulled her into the kitchen area to avoid it. He then leaves the blanket as he forces her out of the door and into his waiting vehicle. He could have been using the teddy bear to cover her mouth and muffle any screams explaining the reason it is gone.
It just seems like there would have been some sort of noise that would have awoken KT or her dog! How did the blood get on the pillow? I think of my own 18 year old, and I am fairly confident that if she were awakened by someone who had done something to cause blood on her pillow, she would be screaming bloody murder as well as kicking and flailing around like a whirling dervish. She is terrified of haunted houses at Halloween, and has almost broken down doors running out of them with her friends. I just don't understand how someone can go missing in a 4-5 hour time frame, while leaving blood behind, and no sounds at all....
If you are in a deep sleep and someone wakes you with a stuffed animal in your mouth to avoid screams while holding a knife to your aren't in any position literally (laying down) to thwart the attack.

It isn't like Halloween fright night. People don't know how they will react to such a scenario. For people to simply freeze is one reaction. She is a tiny girl and it sounds like the perp gained complete control of her immediately.

If KT had been drinking and was sleeping/passed out...the dog very well might have been barking. The other girl could have been in the same condition. They might not have heard a thing in their altered state or even if they were just sleeping very deeply.

The only sound would have been the door opening and closing which to them wasn't alarming since people were coming and going at all hours there, imo.
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