Brianna Denison 19yo Reno NV #1

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Boy,me too. I am totally OCD when it comes to locking doors. I can't imagine a young girl sleeping on a couch with an unlocked door only a foot away from her.

Me too! And when my husbands away I put sticks in my windows. You can never be too careful. Sounds like I got a little more than OCD, going on there. LOL
I think Mark Fuhrman is suppose to be on Greta tonight to continue his commentary on this case...starting with his comment last night about their being more partying going on than first revealed. I mean, he can't keep us hanging on that one!

I do think he's interviewed people at the Sands who saw these girls and possibly their other friends who were there that night...and they have told him what they saw.

I find it interesting that the guy who saw her at 3 pm, with this new mystery friend, didn't mention if they appeared drunk or not. His comments seemed rather sanitized to me, for a guy his age.
Oh yeah and there are alot more photos just like this there, I just took the ones that were obvious what they were drinking. There are a couple of some pretty provocative for her age photos. What in the world were these young girls thinking????????? The only thing I can come up with is they werent thinking at all or they were putting themselves in positions where they werent able to think rationally....

To be honest...those pics arent that crazy. They look exactly like mine & every college girl on my facebooks pictures also.
As for the 9am thing: I tend to wake up early after a late night of drinking (usually go back to sleep later). I have gotten up and left a friend's house very early before.

I wonder if KT called Brianna's cell phone before calling her mom? That's the first thing I would do if I couldn't find my friend in my house.
I truly have no clue as to what happened, and my gut does not say these kids are involved w/their friend's disapearance, but I do think they are trying to 'cover up' their own irresponsible behavior that night.

Even though it has been nearly 30 years since I was in college, there are alot of things that haven't changed. I lived in many diff apts and houses with fellow students during my college years, and even tho we had been cautioned and knew better, we were EXTREMELY irresponsible when partying, more interested in being with our friends, getting buzzed, flirting, etc than being concerned about our safety. We thought we were invincible-even if bad things happened to our peeps. We rarely locked doors, had no problem getting rides, partying with 'cute' boys we just met...

I am not now, nor have I ever been stupid or naive, but have certainly made stupid choices when drinking. Heck, even now (after reading WS for the last 5 years) I don't keep my house locked. I know, I know, that IS absolutely irresponsible- (and sometimes I think of neighbors finding me murdered and my pets feeding off of my undiscovered dead body after a few weeks because I live alone!) but my pals and I often laugh about how lucky we were that nothing bad ever happened to us because we were so irresponsible.

Not laughing about it now, because truly, there but for the grace of God...
Dimples~ I take it you don't have college age kids. I know for a fact my daughter doesn't drink, but she would be right in the middle of that because most of her friends do. So it doesn't have to mean they were all drinking the night before just because they were out. : )
Well said Galvino. I admit I have done some stupid things that I would be horrified to find my daughter doing. It seems to be a different world, however. The lines between "safe" and "not safe" places have become blurred. I also don't think the friends of Brianna are covering up for anything besides the partying that was going on that night, but this isn't the time for shinning your halo. This girl is missing, and every single detail needs to be laid out for all to know and see. The public can be of great help if memories are jogged about events that are reported. The posting about Brianna stopping by that guy's apartment to claim a sweater is very important, because from the accounts I have heard up until this point, they were still at the casino at 3:00 am, and would soon be seeking a ride home. What other facts do we not know??

I'm with ya on the cell phone thing-

But, if I had been up drinking till 4am, I probably wouldn't have gotten up at 9am unless I had to puke, and then I would want to go back to bed (preferably in a more comfy place than she was sleeping). Since there were no curtains on the windows, I would have wanted a dark quiet cubby to go to!I understood she was visiting and did not live there, so I don't think she had another place (like her own house) to go to if she had waked up. Since the blankie was found in the kitchen, and her friend's room (w/the bathroom) was locked, maybe (because she was still drunk) she went outside to throw up, sat down for a minute and got nabbed then??

I am just looking at the house, the pix of the outside (I noticed a spatula laying on the ground and remembered how my party pad usually was-lol) and tried to put myself in that situation

just thinking out loud
SS- I know it doesnt mean they were all drinking, but I just remember something my dad always said..

"Nothing good is going on after midnight"

...and unless I was studying at the Waffle House or library after the witching hour, he was 100% correct!

H*ll, at my age now, the only way I could be doing ANYTHING at 4AM is if I were up to no good! (unless a hot flash woke me up, or the alarm clock malfunctioned)

It IS a different world now, but these kids don't have a frame of reference for that, other than hearing us say "back in my day blah blah blah" and at that point they tune us out like we did our folks. I doubt most kids watch Greta or NG like we do, and still think they are invincible.

I agree that these kids need to quit CYA about their actions that night, and imagine that to police they have b/c of the media attn they are getting- they've got to know they'll get caught lying (except they are kids, so all bets are off about that!)

I think the sweater thing could be impt, too!
one thing bugs me...I think LE gave this guy Ian a pass a little too quickly. What 19 year old girl would call a 45 year old guy a "harmless friend" 19 year old that I know would be caught hanging out with a 45 year old man, unless he was doing something for her. I think they need to look into this a little further...he may not be involved in Brianna's disappearance but he might be involved in other things, IMO.
No I definately don't have any college age kids, my oldest is 8 years old.

I am not and have never been an angel or innocent by any means, but the legal drinking age is 21, or does that not matter anymore? It seems in most of the photos posted she has a drink in her hand, so I think that says that the probability of her drinking that night was high as well.

I am not naive to the fact that kids like to have fun while in college, but out of those photos posted on the group 85% were partying photos. She is only 19 so how long could she have been in college to be partying that much? Not saying that she doesn't make good decisions but like my dad always told me growing up......

it isn't so much the fact that I am worried about what you will do or the decisions you will make, it is the other people's decisions that you are with at the time. I know it is easier said than done and I won't know for sure what I would do unless a day comes where I had to make a decision....

but I hope that I am strong enough when the day comes to hold my ground with my children when they are in college and underage. As of right now my feelings are if I find out my children or child is drinking too often or while they are underage, while being in college......

A. They will change colleges and come home to live....

B. They choose to not do that, then they won't get any extra spending money from me for sure.

She might be a great girl that just wants to have fun, and truly does make good decisions, but when she puts herself in the situation of being around friends who may not make such great decisions, or they have friends whom she doesn't really know, then the likelyhood of something bad happening goes up alot.


I agree to a point- when I was that age, a 45yo would have been like a grandpa, who I would probably laugh at behind his back while considering him harmless... I wonder if maybe he was a friend of someone's dad, or bar owner, or someone who had been longtime friends of someone they knew and trusted, who really was just someone who thought he could get these girls home safely? I worked in a restaurant in college and knew older men who WERE harmless and they DID look out for us kids. I was pretty lucky that they were harmless. I didn't 'hang out' with them, but they would be out and about, and if I needed them to help me out, they would help me. The place they were was not a college hang out, so there is a legit reason that guy would be there.
I received an email from Randy. He said he was heading over to this thread. However, I was away from the house for the afternoon and missed him.

Randy, come back!!!

ETA: maybe we could just post some search dog questions for him and he'll respond whenever he makes it here?

Oh and I'll be gone again, son has a school project we need to shop for.
Also I was just curious as to what these events were like (swat). It doesn't take much searching at all to see pretty young girls on stages dancing (alot of them with not much clothing at all). Most of them, have the not all there glare in their eyes.

This world is not like it use to rape drugs, numerous other things for girls to worry about. IMO there are guys probably all over that place, looking for a girl to try and take home or go home with.

The case with Amanda Knox and Meredith, they were roomates, and I am sure nobody thought before that happened that something like that would transpire. Meredith seemed to be a good girl, it was her roomate and roomates friends who ultimately caused her death. They tried to cover it up and say someone came in and killed her, but they thankfully didn't get away with it.

When I was 18, the drinking age was too. In a sense I think that made things easier all around (not that I think it should be changed from 21!).

I can't imagine my parents trying to watch me for 3 yrs longer than they had to- I probably would have amped up my rebellion 10 fold! Because of today's climate, I think it is harder to get a fake ID, so kids are going to do more underhanded things, deal with more unscrupulous people in order to get booze... and they can be crafty as H*ll in the bargain. THe 'flirting' I did to party back in the day was very tame compared to the charged sexual environment we live in today.

I have friends that have girl teenagers now and am AGHAST at what goes on these days with these kids and partying- I swear I must have been a saint!

Good luck in the future with your kids- I can't imagine trying to control the way I was back in the day. The good news is I am a good productive person IN SPITE of my shennanigans! THe fact that, even tho I would hide things from my folks, we always had a dialogue and I felt SAFE with them -no matter what I did -and that helped to steer me away from a life that could have been very scary. Tho parental support and instilling good values on kids can never keep bad people/things away from our kids, those things can help our children get through the bad choices they can make and that is probably the best we can hope for, huh?

Again, "there but for the grace of God..." and all we can do is hope that the odds of bad things happening to our kids are in our favor.
murdershewrote...Ian brought home KT and Brianna. He is a friend. The 45 year old stranger brought Jessica home and she admits she used poor judgement. LE has cleared both...or so they say.
Mark Fuhrman spoke a great deal about this case tonight right in the beginning of Greta's show. I didn't listen to the whole thing because I thought you guys would cover it here! Rats. I do remember him saying that everyone BUT the involved indicate there was a lot of partying going on. Which to me meant drugs and alcohol, but I'm not on top of this case, so not totally sure what he meant by that.
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