Brianna Denison 19yo Reno NV #1

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SuziQ, sometimes you scare me!!!! Great minds think alike and all.... :crazy: :blowkiss:

Reannan, we must be twins seperated at birth! I just watched a video of (Kasey?) talking to a reporter. She states the guy who gave the ride home was a good friend and harmless. I get the impression that he was someone who didn't know them at all right? Did they know this guy or not?

I think I figured it out. The KT is talking about the guy who gave her and Brianna a ride home and Jessica got a ride with a stranger, who has since been ruled out?
Has anyone seen the video with mark furhman???? Did yall see how close KT's door was to the couch??.....It was no more than 12 inches from the end of the right side of the couch.

Also I read an article today that said the police didn't find any footprints or tire prints of interest in the snow outside the doors.

Greta asked Mark Furhman if he could see any obvious evidence of foot prints or anything that he seen????? He said that K9 were all over the neighborhood, and they didn't pick up anything, so there is no way for him to see anything if K9 couldnt even pick a scent up.

Also police have said that this case doesn't match the MO of the other assaults at all.

Also (per:Mark Furhman) there was alot more partying there than they originally thought, and alot less coherance than they originally thought.

I find it strange with the interview with jessica and kt at the end when greta is talking to jessica, she says yeah the campus security has told us since those last assaults, to not walk anywhere alone, always walk with a buddy, etc..etc..etc... but she never mentions them telling the students there to lock their doors?????????????

I admit I came into this thread much later than most of you. I need to go back, read and catch up. But do we know that Brianna ever came back to the house at all?

That is an excellent point. Good thinking.

I think the pillow and her clothes being there though, kind of give the impression that she did make it home. I believe they have talked to the person that gave them a ride home (Ian I think). I wonder if he gave a description of what she was last wearing. If I remember correctly, a skirt, blouse and two pair of shoes were left at the house along with her purse and cell phone. (of course putting her belongings in the house could be part of a cover up).

I have to imagine they are testing the blood on the pillow to see if it is in fact hers and testing it for alcohol or drugs.

I wish we knew more about what Greta and Fuhrman were saying about more partying than we were led to believe.
I do agree this case or their story rather is starting to fall apart.....

I am hoping behind the scenes that LE has more than they are releasing at the moment. Either the friend is completely lying and Bri didn't come back at all to the Apt that night, or she came back and their was alot more partying going on then they would like everyone to believe.

If you watch that video with greta and furhman....KT's door was so close to the couch, I am really really questioning how someone wouldn't have heard something. At first when the story broke.....I was thinking her bedroom must have been upstairs and that would explain her not hearing anything.

After seeing that though something is not right. Did someone slip something in her drink at the concert and on the way home something happened? They didnt even take her back to the house? They staged the abduction scene????....Definately don't think this case is going to end up as most people think it will.

by Greta Van Susteren
Good Morning….I got a late night call from OTR Producer Tim Silfies (after our show last night…)..apparently the Reno police did not like our video of the scene where now missing college coed Brianna Dennison was last seen….I am not sure I understand…if the police did not want us to video it, 1/they should have taped it off with yellow tape (and not returned it to the leaseholder KT)….that would have been an easy thing to do……or 2/ told KT not to show us (that would have been easy) ….or 3/ even told us…we are good citizens and would consider the request….(more at link)
KT has stated that Brianna was sober. Now it appears that's not truthfull.
I think the pillow and her clothes being there though, kind of give the impression that she did make it home.

And the missing teddy bear is probably because it has evidence on it. What kidnapper is going to think to take THAT along?
BTW, on Greta last night when K.T. was showing the condo, Greta ask who lives there beside you K.T., her response was 4 of us, 2 girls & 2 guys, did anybody else catch that? I was under the impression from the beginning that it was 4 girls. IMO, I think dr. dona hit it right on the head.
I posted yesterday about search dogs not finding any clues after searching a 3 block area around house. I found that really strange that Brianna's scent was not picked up by one of these dogs, which believes me to think she was definitely carried out of house.
I really wish someone with true experience involving search dogs would join this group. How could the dogs not have picked up on a scent at all?? If she had stayed there during the previous day, she would have walked out and gone to the party they went to. Why do the dogs not pick up on the scent of her leaving to go out that night with her friends??? I am confused. :waitasec:
I really wish someone with true experience involving search dogs would join this group. How could the dogs not have picked up on a scent at all?? If she had stayed there during the previous day, she would have walked out and gone to the party they went to. Why do the dogs not pick up on the scent of her leaving to go out that night with her friends??? I am confused. :waitasec:

Hey, Randy Mucha is a member here. He is the LE search dog guy inadvertently caught up in the Stacy Peterson case. I haven't seen him around lately. He has a website, I'll see if I can email him and ask him to come here.
And the missing teddy bear is probably because it has evidence on it. What kidnapper is going to think to take THAT along?
I wonder what the point of the teddy bear is at all. If this is something that happened in the home and there is a possible cover up, what would the point be to tell LE about a teddy bear?

None of this is making sense to me.
I know Ella, it is strange.

Below is a link to Info about Randy Mucha and his search dogs if anyone hasn't seen it before. I just sent him an email asking him to come here.
I'd like to know if the search dogs even hit on the couch that Brianna was supposedly sleeping on. If they didn't find her scent there, the whole story is a lie and K.T. and Jessica need to start talking. But as you can see from my first post on this thread, back on page 1, I have thought "Inside Job" here from the get go. Hate to feel that way, but it just makes the most sense.
In viewing GVS video last night, KT stated that nobody else was in the house but her and Brianna that night...both guys were in Oakland (I think that's what she said) and the other female roommate wasn't there that night. So who was the other girl that was given a ride? Her story isn't holding up too well.

Another thing that bothered me...KT said the first thing she did when she noticed Brianna was "missing" (her words) was to call Brianna's mom. That's the last thing I would have done. It was 9 am, she could have been alot of places, Brianna could have gone out for coffee, could have been taking a walk to clear her head after partying all night...why upset the mother right away, and then call 911. Seemed very premature to she knew she was MISSING.

Another thing...MF says that there was alot more partying going on than we were originally led to believe, which is what I have thought all along. is possible that Brianna could have had a nose bleed from something she had...ah, shall I say, injested that night. I don't want to cast a bad light on the victim here, but I think all possibilities need to be looked at...esp since MF confirmed my thoughts that alot more partying was going on than we were led to believe. Is it possible she could have died of an overdose? Again, I am not trying to trash the victim here at all...I just want to think outside the box because this story isn't adding up to me.

Did Brianna have her car there that did she get from Santa Barbara to Reno...anybody know?
I could be wrong as I'm still catching up on this case. But IIRC, Mark F stated in the video I linked, that there were no hits outside the home. Does that mean that there were hits inside?

Good question StillHoping.
Murdershewrote, IIRC, KT states Brianna's car was in the shop. I haven't heard anything about how she got to Reno from Santa Barbara.
LionRun is another excellent resource for search dog questions, I believe she used to or still does train these dogs in some capacity.
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