Brianna Denison 19yo Reno NV #1

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LionRun is another excellent resource for search dog questions, I believe she used to or still does train these dogs in some capacity.

Can you PM her for us? Randy, understandibly, may be laying low these days.
KT gives me a weird vibe. I think she knows alot more. I really dont think this is a stranger abduction case. She doesnt seem sad & worried about her friend..she seems worried about getting caught. She looks like shes trying really hard to cry. If i was her in position and my friend had truly gone missing id be crying hysterically in that interview. Idk maybe people react differently to situations, but theres something odd about her.
I agree...I'm getting the impression that this house might have been "party central" with her admitting that lots of people come and go there all the time. Which isn't necessarily unusual for college kids.

I've asked this before...but has anybody organized a search for Brianna. Usually in these cases, a search would have been done by now, I find that very strange. At a minimum,somebody could find the teddy bear if it was tossed somewhere.

Also, no one has been interviewed in the media from the college she goes to in Santa Barbara...does she have a roommate there?
I really wish someone with true experience involving search dogs would join this group. How could the dogs not have picked up on a scent at all?? If she had stayed there during the previous day, she would have walked out and gone to the party they went to. Why do the dogs not pick up on the scent of her leaving to go out that night with her friends??? I am confused. :waitasec:

The search dogs involved in the search for Jessica Lunsford couldn't find her and she was right across the street from her home! I appreciate the work search dogs and their trainers do, but these animals have "off" days or something. The fact that they didn't track her outside doesn't mean she didn't exit the apartment in some fashion.
This case is driving me nuts because basic information is sketchy and elusive. Here are points that I am still confused about:

What we know:
The house was home to four people
- two guys who lived upstairs and who were out of state that night.
- Two girls; KT Hunter and Melissa (per interview on Greta with Mark Fuhrman)??.

Brianna, KT, and Jessica Deal went out partying that night.
1. Jessica decided to "call it a night" per the interview with Greta, and she got a ride 'home' with a stranger in the parking lot. The news reports make it sound like Jessica came back to the house Brianna went missing from, but she didn't live there, correct? The link here, makes this statement:

"The friend (Jessica) arrived home around 2 a.m., about two hours before Denison and her friend got there."

This statement is also in the posted link:

"Her friend, K.T. Hunter, 19, went to sleep in her bedroom with her dog and locked her door. Denison was sleeping right outside her door. Hunter and the other roommate who was sleeping upstairs said they did not hear any disturbances." (bold emphasis added by me)

So KT and Brianna got a ride home around 4:00 am with the 45 year old guy - who I assume was "Ian"???

If you listen to the Mark Fuhrman interview on Greta where he visits the crime scene, he plainly states that the only other person home that night was KT, so why was ir reported that "the other roomate was sleeping upstairs"? So what happened to Jessica? Where was Melissa that night??

I think this story is starting to fall apart, but it could just be because of confusion due to poor quality information and reporting. I have spent too much time this morning looking back over news articles trying to determine who came home first, who they came home with, how did Brianna get home, and who was actually present in the home at 9:00 am when Brianna was first determined to be missing? Does anyone else have a clearer picture of this, or is it just me??

I distinctly remember during last nights interview K.T. stating Brianna went to sleep on couch, because my friend was passed out in in here as she pointed to her bed, then she changed it real quick to asleep in this bed.
Did anyone else hear this?
I distinctly remember during last nights interview K.T. stating Brianna went to sleep on couch, because my friend was passed out in in here as she pointed to her bed, then she changed it real quick to asleep in this bed.
Did anyone else hear this?

I can only speak for myself but when I was in college, passed out = being asleep, no matter the time of day. Usually when we think of someone "passing out" it's due to losing consciousness and falling asleep from being intoxicated. But in college, if someone was taking a nap in the afternoon (completely sober), we'd still say something like "oh Jane is passed out in bed for a while, she'll be up later". Basically being passed out doesn't necessarily equal a completely drunken state. So even though the friend was "passed out" in bed, they could have been drunk, but not necessarily near an alcohol poisoning state.

Sorry this is long and rambling, I'm just meaning don't read too much into a 19 year old's choice in language, it could mean anything. :)
I can only speak for myself but when I was in college, passed out = being asleep, no matter the time of day. Usually when we think of someone "passing out" it's due to losing consciousness and falling asleep from being intoxicated. But in college, if someone was taking a nap in the afternoon (completely sober), we'd still say something like "oh Jane is passed out in bed for a while, she'll be up later". Basically being passed out doesn't necessarily equal a completely drunken state. So even though the friend was "passed out" in bed, they could have been drunk, but not necessarily near an alcohol poisoning state.

Sorry this is long and rambling, I'm just meaning don't read too much into a 19 year old's choice in language, it could mean anything. :)

Hi aj1020, I probably wouldn't have thought anything about it had K.T. not made a point of clarifying so quickly. Just found it odd, but thanks.
it could mean either way...passed out drunk or passed out (sleeping), but still indicates to me that somebody else was in the house, in the bedroom, that was not a roommate. It was "her friend", not saying male or female. So when did this person arrive there?
There is something very sinister about Brianna's disappearance imo. Tuesday night I heard one of her roomates during an interview she did with Greta. Something that struck me as odd was the fact that the people who lived in that house only locked their bedroom doors---not the main door. That makes no sense to me, especially since others had recently been attacked near the home.

Why was Brianna sleeping in the unlocked, opened area of the house?

IMO she was hurt before she was ever removed from where she was last seen sleeping. I hope my gut feelings are wrong.
Prayers to you Brianna.
The search dogs involved in the search for Jessica Lunsford couldn't find her and she was right across the street from her home! I appreciate the work search dogs and their trainers do, but these animals have "off" days or something. The fact that they didn't track her outside doesn't mean she didn't exit the apartment in some fashion.
Could it be because Jessica was carried, too?
We know that Brianna was alive and near her cell phone at 4:15 am because that is when she sent the last text message....which I believe LE is now very interested in investigating. Can't they use pings to get a pretty good idea where the cell phone was at 4:15??? It would be an assumption to make that Brianna was the one actually sending the text messages, but logic would tell you to assume this, until evidence suggest that someone else was using her phone. I know this is rambling also, and you have my apologizes. This whole case feels like a rambling mess. The fact that no one has organized a search party IS very interesting. Why haven't they???
her cell phone was found in the house...I thought I heard reported that her last call was to a bf or ex-bf. but that person definitely would probably be able to tell LE what frame of mind she was in, was she intoxicated, was she complaining about anything that happened that night, etc.
We know that Brianna was alive and near her cell phone at 4:15 am because that is when she sent the last text message....which I believe LE is now very interested in investigating. Can't they use pings to get a pretty good idea where the cell phone was at 4:15??? It would be an assumption to make that Brianna was the one actually sending the text messages, but logic would tell you to assume this, until evidence suggest that someone else was using her phone. I know this is rambling also, and you have my apologizes. This whole case feels like a rambling mess. The fact that no one has organized a search party IS very interesting. Why haven't they???

Thanks for reminding me about the cell phone, it never occured to me that it might not have Brianna doing the texting, good point. This case is so confusing it's getting hard to remember everything! I'm going to start recording GVS show, so I can refresh my memory.
from Fox News website...

Police searching for a missing college student said Thursday they plan to interview about 100 registered sex offenders who live within a mile of the home where she vanished five days ago.
Reno police spokesman Steve Frady said the questioning was a routine part of the investigation. Brianna Denison, 19, was last seen sleeping on a couch at a friend's house near the University of Nevada, Reno campus.
"It's something that's done in cases like this," Frady said.
All of the more than 1,700 registered sex offenders in Washoe County around Reno will be contacted as part of the investigation, he added.

100 sex offenders within a mile...yikes!
from Fox News website...
100 sex offenders within a mile...yikes!

And the doors were frequently left unlocked! :eek: Where does an awareness of safety need to be taught? Maybe those of us on this site and others like it have a skewed perception of the world, but I think we are skewed in the right direction!!! I check and double check my doors at night.
Boy,me too. I am totally OCD when it comes to locking doors. I can't imagine a young girl sleeping on a couch with an unlocked door only a foot away from her.
This message is posted from Find Bri facebook site. Read this message and during this where was KT at? KT does have a myspace page but it is private, unless one of yall myspace experts can find a cache of it to see who is on her friends list that match's this description.

Jason Dorfman (Santa Barbara City) wrote
at 1:14am yesterday


I was with Bri Saturday night right before she went missing. The last time i saw her was around 3am when she came with a guy to my hotel room at the sands to pick up her sweater that she left in my room earlier in the night. We did not think anything of it at the time and he did not say a word to us. He was about 5'7, white, with longish brown hair. I assumed it was one of her friends from reno and they did not appear romantically involved with each other. I spoke with the police already so hopefully they can find them walking out on the casino cameras. She went missing at 4 so it may be possible that this guy came into K.T's with her, or came back shortly after. If anyone can fill in the missing pieces contact the police!
Very interesting Dimples! Now, I feel that we are getting somewhere. The thing is, LE has to have this information already, and they have to be coming up with some of the same questions we have. Things just don't add up, and they don't make sense. I don't think it will take too much longer to figure this case out, however.

Maybe thats why the dog didnt bark because it was in her room & whatever happened in the living room was extremely quiet?

I also read that KT gave her that bear. Did she give it to that specific night to sleep with or gave it to her like awhile ago as a present or something??
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