Brianna Denison 19yo Reno NV #1

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The guy was so quiet that the dog heard nothing.

He carried her out the kitchen door because his car was parked in the back or on the side.

I don't know about dogs. Someone said they sometimes have "off" days.
I thought the back door was locked.

Sounds like the perp is organized.

I wonder if he spotted her at the casino?
From the article that Aj was nice and helpful in researching for me, I see there is little info concerning what type of training the dog and handler had in this case. However, if the dog was a dual or triple trained police dog (drugs plus apprehension, drugs plus search, search plus apprehension, etc..), they are often trained to trail or air scent for a criminal who has a strong fear scent on him/her. Police dog/handlers are generally well trained and proficient--for what that team is trained to do only.

If the dog and handler didn't have training in either air scenting or trailing for a case like Brianna's both could have made mistakes. The dog may have been trying to hit, but the officer might not have recognized it. The dog may have indicated differently because it would have been a very different search from chasing a criminal's fear scent minutes after a hasty escape. Or the dog could have missed the scent altogether.

If the dog has not been trained to to a specific scent search than the dog may not have indicated even if the dog did pick up her scent.

But, I don't know. That particular dog/handler team may have had all of the training needed to do the job, so I mean no disrespect at all. Police K9 dog/handler teams do a world of good, and I respect them. But, at the time LE may only have had access to a team that doesn't generally do the type of search that was needed. There are not enough skilled dog/handler teams anywhere in the country, so sometimes a dog/handler team is called in if they are the only ones available. But, they may lack skills or training.

Two basic types of searches would have possibly yielded a hit or two. One would have been a well trained handler/bloodhound team that had been given a scent article from Brianna. The search should have started where Brianna was last reported to having been seen. If that yielded nothing or the dog lost the trail, they should then start the trail again in likely places Brianna would have been just prior to her disappearance(i.e. the front door, the back door, near her car, etc..).

The second type of dog that could have been used would have been an dog that was trained to air scent and article scent. The bloodhound may have been more useful initially, though. Bloodhounds trail only. They trail human scent. Microscopic flakes of skin fall off consistently, so if someone carried Brianna from the couch to a car or to any other place, the bloodhound could have easily trailed her.

I haven't had time to read through the whole case, so I am sorry if I am not fully up to date. But, is it an acceptable, known fact that Brianna was on that couch that night? This has me stumped--unless the dog used was not a trailing dog where the trail was hours old. It is likely too late to get a bloodhound in there now. There a a few trailing dogs known to be able to trail a very old trail, but they are far and few between.


FUHRMAN: Greta, what is really odd about it is that it is kind of a college, residential area. It was very cold out.
And I talked to a police officer that said they swept the area with a canine dog. The canine dog is not keying in on her sent anywhere outside. They went even into the abandoned buildings and apartments, and nothing.
So I think that is a greater indication than any speculation that we can make. If a canine can't pick it up, we certainly can't by even looking at it.
If the dog "always" barks, it does not make sense that it did not bark in this instance.

Why would "he" be in the kitchen? It just doesn't make sense.

If you look at the video Mark F. did, you will see the glass door and window are facing the road. If there was a light left on, you would be able to clearly see everything taking place inside. My theory is that after he grabbed her from the sofa, he saw a car approaching and he quickly pulled her into the kitchen area so not to be seen. At that point, the blanket was left in the kitchen while he took her outside to his waiting vehicle. Makes perfect sense to me.

I think the dog DID bark and the girls, having been out partying the night away before, did not hear the dog.
A dog who yaps a lot anyway isn't going to alarm them. The other roomates were gone and could have come back...did the dog bark constantly when people came in the house? I don't buy that the dog didn't bark...only that the girls didn't hear it bark.

That's a good question; if the other roommates were always in and out of the house, then the roommate who owned the dog may have gotten used to it's barking and would just sleep through it.
Wasnt the dog in a room with the door shut? He was sleeping.. and the dog was aware there were other people sleeping there in the house.. sliding glass doors dont make much noise. I think the dog not barking doesnt have anything to do with it.
It didn't look like a sliding glass door to me, but still probably wouldn't have mattered. If it had been locked, at least the perp would have had to find a way in that would have made some noise!
Ok- I am just gonna throw this out there, not because I believe it to be true, but I just got to thinkin'.....

What if Bri PLANNED this, maybe KT knows and that is why it all seems so odd. What if Bri was upset, wanted to go away/get attn from boyfriend (I am thinking of the Audrey Sieler case) and she had extra clothes at the house (shoes, etc b/c she was visiting) and she told KT to report her missing. She may have not known it would get all of this attn, and that is why not everything is jiving, friends are not actively searching, the crying you see from KT is because she is really scared she will get caught lying for her friend because it got so much bigger than she thought and hopes Bri will see her on news and come home?

Any takers on this theory?
Her family/friends say she's just "not the type" who would run off. And what about the blood? If it's hers, something had to have happened to cause it.

Is this case getting cold already? I hope not, I want her found, but as you say, not much attention any more.
I don't think Audrey Seiler's family & friends thought she was either- her mom & dad were out pleading on tv-

Have Bri's family been out there? I recall some of her friends, but I may have missed her mom or dad-

She could have pricked her finger, made a small cut in order to leave blood- shoot, so many teen girls are cutters even, we just don't know.

I am really just putting this out there as an alternative theory, because nothing else seems to be leading to anything!
Police urge patience in missing woman case

Reno officials say kidnapping possible

RENO -- With no suspects and little evidence, police asked the public for patience as they investigate the suspected kidnapping of a young Reno woman and appealed to friends and neighbors again Friday to offer up even the most "inconsequential" information they might have about her mysterious disappearance six days ago.

I have never heard the police "urge patience" before. Very odd.

You might be onto something with your theory there, Galvino.
I think I've seen her mom and sister.

At first we heard the blood was also saliva and mucous but who knows?

Your theory could sure be right. Nothing makes any sense.

I thought they would release a description of what she was wearing that night just in case anyone noticed something odd, like a guy standing off watching her or talking with her. And I'd like to know if the long hair guy with her when she picked up her sweater is Ian.
Hmmmmm SS- I'm thinkin I might be on to something here,too after reading that! Maybe KT doesn't know anything specific, but suspects- heck, these girls were partying down pretty good, Bri was 'drunk texting' her bf, maybe she did get dramatic. I'm just wondering why no scent outside the house unless she somehow arranged for a ride and is now sweating it out with her 'help' because it went national? It is just soooo fishy here! Especially since they didn't find her body hidden on the premises like that girl in WV.
I hate to say it, but teenagers are SO stupid when it comes to talking to LE during what could be a dire situation for this girl. I bet more than one of them knows something that COULD help LE, but aren't talking for their own foolish and selfish reasons. (God forbid they could get in trouble and lose their cash cow of parents in the process of finding this girl!!)
It is because teenagers think of it as "snitching" which is against the teenage "code of ethics". It is a gangbang rule adopted into the average teenager's life when dealing with their so-called friends and "hookups".
I sure hope I'm right about where my thoughts are leading and this young girl is alive and scared....hope if it is the scenario & (if KT didn't help her and some young man did that he didn't hurt her) she will come out of hiding and tell the truth (eventually-as it took Audrey a while to fess up). Or one of these other kids will come clean with what they know...maybe most were too drunk to know what was going on but I bet ONE of them knows something- seems like LE thinks they do!

Plus, besides the fact that this young lady would be alive, I would have "cracked the case", and I'm a newbie!!!
As far as we know, Bri wasn't taken for ransom because no one has come forth and asked for it.
I think there's a possibility that she was smothered and that caused the bleeding on the pillow. I think she was removed from the couch either dead or died soon after.
My heart breaks for her parents.
FWIW-one of her friends, the one who talked with Greta seemed a little to unconcerned for me. Then again I'm probably wrong. ;)
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