Brianna Denison 19yo Reno NV #1

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Sorry, Dad, no source but on day one Brianna's Aunt said he was in Reno and LE said no, he's in Oregon(?). For the past few days I have only read that he was not in town and has been cleared. Ex-bf was then who we focused on...and he was cleared, too.
Regarding the boyfriend who was currently breaking up with Brianna. I believe it was a rumor that he was in Reno that night. I do not know where the rumor originated. LE did verify that he was out of state (Oregon???) and cleared him. The article that stated this mentioned his cell phone had been veified as pinging from the out of state location - not there in Reno. I will see if I can find that article.
Since the morning Brianna Denison disappeared from her friend's Reno home one week ago today, the community and nation has been bombarded with images of the beautiful, smiling college student, while police and her family and friends have begged anyone with information about her disappearance to come forward.
But who is Brianna Denison? (more at link)
There is an article in the Reno Gazette Journal today about what kind of person Bri was. It is very intersting, and details some information about her father, who I had already heard was dead, but had never seen anthing about why and when he died. Here is a clip from the article and a link to the entire article:
"When Brianna was born, her parents, Jeff and Bridgette Denison, left the hospital and were whisked away into a waiting limousine. Inside, “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong was playing as the new parents doted on baby Brianna, who would later go by the nickname “Bri.”
About four years later, Brianna would become a big sister to her new baby brother, Brighton.
But then tragedy struck when Brianna was around 6 years old. Her father died.
“After my brother’s death, it was very hard. Brianna struggled for many years with that,” said her aunt, Lauren Denison. “But when she got ready to leave for college, she seemed to have blossomed in a way I hadn’t seen before. She had finally seemed to work through it.”
Family members declined to discuss further details about his death."
I hope the answer to this mystery isn't right under our noses and everyone is just missing it, much like with what happened to Jessica Lunsford w/John Couey....
Gosh, SuziQ; we did it again!! I bet we were reading the article at the same time. What did you think about it??? I guess I am still hoping against all hope that Brianna just up and left. From the article, she did have the ability to be animated and dramatic (like myself and my own daughters). She had travelled a lot, and loved to do so. She had struggled greatly with the death of her father, and had received counseling when she was little to help cope - which is why she was majoring in psychology in college. I always found it interesting from a psychology point of view when she disappeared. Here are the points that I found interesting:

1. She was home from her first year at college for an event that she loved and probably made her feel glad to be back at home. Many college students initially struggle with being away from home for the first time.

2. It was the night before she was supposed to return back to college in another state. How did she feel about returning???

3. She was arguing with her boyfriend and in the process of breaking up with him.

When you add up being home for a familiar event, facing departure back to reality, the stress of breaking up with boyfriend, I see a great recipe for someone to just say "I've had it", and head out for the beach. I don't think she would have done so by herself, however. Did we ever hear anything about the guy with long brown hair who came with her to some other guy's apartment about 3:00 am to retrieve a sweater she had left there???
After reading the links posted by SuzieQ & Reannan, there is no way I believe Brianna took off on her own, like some have speculated. It seems Brianna was living a wonderful life, after working through her fathers death. It's true, some photos we've seen make her look like a party girl, I say big deal she's young. I just wish all of girls would have used better judgment that night. I feel so sorry for her family.
Gosh, SuziQ; we did it again!! I bet we were reading the article at the same time. What did you think about it??? I guess I am still hoping against all hope that Brianna just up and left. From the article, she did have the ability to be animated and dramatic (like myself and my own daughters). She had travelled a lot, and loved to do so. She had struggled greatly with the death of her father, and had received counseling when she was little to help cope - which is why she was majoring in psychology in college. I always found it interesting from a psychology point of view when she disappeared. Here are the points that I found interesting:

1. She was home from her first year at college for an event that she loved and probably made her feel glad to be back at home. Many college students initially struggle with being away from home for the first time.

2. It was the night before she was supposed to return back to college in another state. How did she feel about returning???

3. She was arguing with her boyfriend and in the process of breaking up with him.

When you add up being home for a familiar event, facing departure back to reality, the stress of breaking up with boyfriend, I see a great recipe for someone to just say "I've had it", and head out for the beach. I don't think she would have done so by herself, however. Did we ever hear anything about the guy with long brown hair who came with her to some other guy's apartment about 3:00 am to retrieve a sweater she had left there???

Hi Reannan, I ask the same question yesterday about the guy with the long brown hair. Jason Dorfman was person who informed LE about Brianna being with guy the night she went missing. It was Jason's room that Brianna left sweater earlier. Jason was hoping that LE would check out casino cameras. I have heard nothing about this lead since it was posted that's why I asked. Go back a few pages check out Jason's statement, it was posted by dimples. I'm so curious about this.
Reannan, we sure did it again! I'm not feeling the voluntary disappearance. Usually in cases like that, the missing person shows up in a short amount of time. They run out of resources and money and frankly, I think they realize that life on the run is not what it's cracked up to be. That their problems are simply not as bad as the new life they created for themselves. I think if Brianna was able to come forward, she would have by now. It's cold out, she doesn't even have her vehicle to sleep or get around in. She has no money. And apparetnly little clothing and no shoes and a 2 ft tall teddy bear. Hunger and the cold would have made her come forward by now.

I hate pointing fingers at family and friends of a victim in cases like this. But they truly are the most likely of suspects. Then throw in that the last person to see someone alive is a most likely suspect. That narrows down the suspect list greatly. A random crime is possible, but the least likely of scenarios. I think someone who knew Brianna is responsible. I don't have a good grasp as to who that is. Is it someone she met once? Or someone she knew well?
Any way to email Jason Dorfman or comment on his myspace(or whatever one does there!). He would be interesting to talk to.
The girls were out most of the night. Did they leave the door unlocked while they were gone? Could someone have been in one of the other roomates' rooms hiding until later? The dog wouldn't have been as inclined to have barked if the person was already in the house.

The person could also have been associated with the roomies that were not at the house that night, but aware of the fact they did not lock the doors.

This Jason person's post doesn't seem legit to me for some reason. If the police had such proof she was seen with a mystery man at 3:00am and other people saw him...there would be a sketch done and they would have him termed already as a POI. For starters, Jason himself would become a POI and LE would be looking carefully at his story...if he is saying all of this stuff.
The girls were out most of the night. Did they leave the door unlocked while they were gone? Could someone have been in one of the other roomates' rooms hiding until later? The dog wouldn't have been as inclined to have barked if the person was already in the house.

The person could also have been associated with the roomies that were not at the house that night, but aware of the fact they did not lock the doors.

This Jason person's post doesn't seem legit to me for some reason. If the police had such proof she was seen with a mystery man at 3:00am and other people saw him...there would be a sketch done and they would have him termed already as a POI. For starters, Jason himself would become a POI and LE would be looking carefully at his story...if he is saying all of this stuff.

Wow, that's a very good point about someone already being in the house when the girls got home & hiding, really creeps me out! Front door was never locked it was a "Common area" to quote K.T. ITA with you on Jason person, to big of lead to be swept under rug, somethings not right about his story.
Good grief, does anyone know what Ian looks like? What if "Ian" is the guy that went to Jasons room with Brianna to pick up her sweater. Jason is a friend of Brianna's from college, he's from Santa Barbara, CA. K.T. stated that it was Ian who drove her & Brianna home, so maybe that's why LE hasn't put out a composite of this "Mysterious guy", because it's Ian. Any thoughts?
I don't think Brianna left on her own accord. I belive this is a case of some party girls who weren't taking their safety seriously. Whether they were followed that night -- or whether the residence was being scoped out for some time, leaving doors unlocked, hitchhiking, out until 4AM . . .

Someone told me one time that nothing good happens after 1AM...
I don't think she ran off either. Too much drinking could've led to alcohol poisoning but it does seem more likely with the scenario of the unlocked door and her being right there next to it with no blinds on the door or window that someone abducted her. I think it's Nancy who always says nothing good happens after midnight. :)
I don't think she ran off either. Too much drinking could've led to alcohol poisoning but it does seem more likely with the scenario of the unlocked door and her being right there next to it with no blinds on the door or window that someone abducted her. I think it's Nancy who always says nothing good happens after midnight. :)

I'm not sure about alcohol poisoning. IMO, a person with that level of alcohol in their system, enough to make them pass out or possibly die, how on earth was she able to text message bf? I believe last text to bf was 4:14? I could be wrong about time. I'm still going with she was abducted theory, kind of hope I'm wrong.
I find it "odd" that her family tells her to "stay healthy" in their pleas.
Stay Healthy? your vegetables?

I'm beginning to think she has run away....with help....and her friends know it and that's why they don't seem all that upset. JMO
I find it "odd" that her family tells her to "stay healthy" in their pleas.
Stay Healthy? your vegetables?

I'm beginning to think she has run away....with help....and her friends know it and that's why they don't seem all that upset. JMO

IMO, her family is telling her do whatever she has to do to stay alive.
I'm not sure about alcohol poisoning. IMO, a person with that level of alcohol in their system, enough to make them pass out or possibly die, how on earth was she able to text message bf? I believe last text to bf was 4:14? I could be wrong about time. I'm still going with she was abducted theory, kind of hope I'm wrong.
I kind of discounted that theory too since she was awake around 4:20-4:30am to text message b/f. If she was abducted from there I'd think whoever did it must not have been the first time, in order to get her out of the house without leaving evidence or her not screaming.
I think under those could have been someone pulling an abduction the first time tho. This wasn't planned out in any great fashion, imo. They just got lucky no one saw or heard anything.
Very lucky and/or knew the door was unlocked and how easy it would be.
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