Brianna Denison 19yo Reno NV #7

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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i think he left the underpants on purpose to simply 'play' with LE....jmo

If he did, then I had this guy figured wrong.

That seems like a big step on, what I consider, his first murder.

Do you think he has killed someone before?
I don't think we were discussing "mandatory" DNA samples from anyone. Of course, they would need a SW to obtain those.

They should be asking people around Reno for DNA samples such as the nearby gym, if they feel it could lead to a suspect. Yes, the ones who refuse a DNA should be looked at closer. It is common sense and it is what other LE departments do if there is a refusal when conducting a large sampling.

Once again asking for DNA samples without a warrant is against our rights.I know for a fact I would never submit to DNA testing . An if the LE then looks at the ones that refuse closer that can and would be considered either profiling or harrassmen.An in a court of law a suit would be allowed and upheld.Thank God we do not live in a communist coutry.
??? The reality of the act?! I guess you didn't read the cases I brought up earlier where LE did exactly that and all without search warrants or citing case law! Let me go repost them so you can see I did back up what I was saying before I said it.

Don't sweat the small stuff SS. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to remember that. :)
I would say Ca-Sun is quite serious! I happen to agree. Other places have used a huge sampling of DNA to catch a killer.

If they do not turn up a genetic match from among those tested so far, the police said, they will eventually seek blood samples from every male over age 13 in the neighborhood -- more than 2,000 of them. It takes the police about two weeks to get the results back from the lab, and the first results are dribbling in now, showing no matches so far.
Britain has tried semi-voluntary mass screenings like the one in St. Mellons before, with mixed results. Four years ago, the South Wales Police undertook the biggest effort to date when they screened 5,000 men in an unsuccessful attempt to find the killer of a 27-year-old woman.

TRURO, Mass., Jan. 7 - In an unusual last-ditch move to find clues to the three-year-old killing of a freelance fashion writer, police investigators are trying to get DNA samples from every man in this Cape Cod hamlet, all 790 or so, or as many as will agree.

*In the case of Christa Worthington, it did produce the killer who was eventually convicted by the name of Chistopher Mcowen.

The largest known DNA sweep took place in Germany three years ago. More than 16,000 people were tested before the killer of an 11-year-old girl was found. done by me)
Here you go! Maybe people should read up on what other LE agencies have used successfully in the past.

Not only do I think it would be a good idea to request DNA from the gym staff and members, but in the very office of the person who found the body also.
yep, it's coming down here also...big flakes, but here in mid TN we don't get a lot of accumulation, ugh.....but it sure is pretty!:)

a good friend of mine way up in East TN has 6 inches on the ground!!!

I am just down the road from you. I have friends in Kingsport but have not checked in with them.

I would be happy with some measurable snow. But the kids are happy to be out of school.
I think at this point....the thongs were a plant because as far as we know, nobody has stepped forward as the owner. I would think they would have by now?
OBVIOUSLY they are too your left. ARE YOU SERIOUS? Wow....those comments come in handy. Thanks Dad.

Rick, you are very welcome.

Now try to calm down and watch out for that darn Caps Lock key on your left also.
If he did, then I had this guy figured wrong.

That seems like a big step on, what I consider, his first murder.

Do you think he has killed someone before?

hard to's possible he dropped them by accident, but it sure seems like a big accident to me.....i don't think he's killed before, BUT again, it's possible.....
Here you go! Maybe people should read up on what other LE agencies have used successfully in the past.

Not only do I think it would be a good idea to request DNA from the gym staff and members, but in the very office of the person who found the body also.

It just seems like many would refuse on the basis of personal rights. Do you know the submission rate in these cases?
Dad....when you make a post/reply, the smileys are to the right...simply click on the one you "more" for others:)
I would like to know what the guy who found Bri has to say.
The news came on while I was driving to work at 9AM on the radio 780AM
- This is the quote from the LE:

"processing 4 to 6 leads per hour, in excess of 1000 leads, this is largest manhunt in Northern Nevada since I've been on the force."

That's all they will release.

They are working as hard as they can, even though we don't see or hear what they are doing.

Edited to say processing , not getting

oh, this is good to know!....i think they'll apprehend this freak in the near future....sure hope so, anyway...
oh, this is good to know!....i think they'll apprehend this freak in the near future....sure hope so, anyway...

You would think so, but then you think of all the other high profile cases the on the run Marine thats hiding in mexico, and it doesn't look good.
I know there are arguments on both sides about whether or not Bri's body was left to be found, or just left. It seems like he wanted her found, BUT he kinda hid her in that trench. Right ? So that throws me off...
Couple things - my idea of testing the towels at the gym was just a question if they legally could. Since the towels belonged to the gym I would think it would just be the gym who had to give the ok not the person who used the towel. As for people not going there again if they did- I personally would be glad to know they were doing what they can to help.

As for asking for DNA samples - I did check with a reliable source and it is perfectly 100% legal not against anyone's rights to ask you to submit a DNA sample. You of course have the right to say no and yes this could be viewed as cause for suspicion in itself but more would be needed to get a SW. As for me - I am female and not in the area so obviously wouldn't be asked but if I was I would willingly do it. I don't see having my DNA on file as anymore an invasion of privacy then the fact that I had to be fingerprinted for my job (finance industry - it is required) or that my blood type is on file from donating blood.

Now my last point in this way too long post... Ladies, correct me if I'm wrong here but I could very easily be missing a pair of undies and have no clue they were missing. Or the person could have "lost" them so long ago - if the perp stole them from laundry or off the floor of an ex - that she may not think they could be hers.
I want to say yes because I want the killer caught, but no way.....that would set a bad precident. There hasta be a source of suspicion..

I agree, sometimes you just want the guy caught. Period.

I think sometimes it is easy to interpret the actions, or percieved inaction, of LE as not doing their job because we just want the guy caught and we don't think about due process.

Was that a run on sentence?
lew.....I agree with that, but people who have things with the Pink Panther on them would go "wow...I have some like that" and you would think they would at least look for them.
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