Brianna Dennison 19yo Reno NV #9

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I was so glad to hear that they arrested someone in Brianna's case, and that they have DNA matching him. :clap: My prayers for Brianna's family and friends.
***Breaking News*** A suspect is in custody, RPD questioned him Tuesday night. They are performing a DNA test overnight. Results are expected early Wednesday morning. A press conference is scheduled for 10:30 a.m.

This flashed across my television screen @ 12:10 a.m. tonight on KTVN.

I hope and pray they finally caught Brianna's killer.

Okay, I am updated. Glad to hear!! What a bittersweet relief for Brianna's family.
I am SO happy to hear that an arrest has been made. It will never bring Bri back, but it brings the rest of the world, and her family, one step closer to justice. It also saves the life of another young lady, IMHO. I have been traveling today from Georgia to Missouri, and it is funny because as I drove by fields and industrial areas near St. Louis today, I thought about Brianna. I said a silent prayer along the interstate that someday, her killer would be brought to justice. I get here, finally to a computer, and I log onto see this wonderous news. The picture of his father is definitely shocking!!! So is this statement by his father about a younger sibling that died, I believe before James Biela was even born:

“Joey is in heaven,” he said. “He hit his head in the crib three days before he was 9 months old.”



Gonna be more to this story and then the other post about baby Joey hitting his head 3 days before he died at 9 months. Something grim will emerge with this family picture I am afraid.

I have been away but did read early this morning that James was arrested at a children's center. I need to find out why he was there so maybe it is in earlier posts.

Gonna be more to this story and then the other post about baby Joey hitting his head 3 days before he died at 9 months. Something grim will emerge with this family picture I am afraid.

I have been away but did read early this morning that James was arrested at a children's center. I need to find out why he was there so maybe it is in earlier posts.

I thought the same thing about the baby dying from head trauma due to an accident in his crib. As for the Father of James, the photos were almost to much for me to look at.

James was arrested at a daycare. He was dropping off his son. I hope that LE did not let the 4yo son see his Daddy arrested.
I thought the same thing about the baby dying from head trauma due to an accident in his crib. As for the Father of James, the photos were almost to much for me to look at.

James was arrested at a daycare. He was dropping off his son. I hope that LE did not let the 4yo son see his Daddy arrested.

Oh, thank you so much. I was worried all day that he worked at a daycare center and, well, you know. I feel sure LE didn't arrest him in front of his child but rather picked a spot that would be quiet and safe after his child had entered and before James could drive away. Unsuspecting place with probably good ingress and egress and not a likely place or rather an opportunity for hostages.If he was confronted at home he may have hurt his son and his girlfriend....or at least that is the rationale. I am sure someone will have pics of the daycare center soon.

I am extremely glad he is off the streets.
Oh, thank you so much. I was worried all day that he worked at a daycare center and, well, you know. I feel sure LE didn't arrest him in front of his child but rather picked a spot that would be quiet and safe after his child had entered and before James could drive away. Unsuspecting place with probably good ingress and egress and not a likely place or rather an opportunity for hostages.If he was confronted at home he may have hurt his son and his girlfriend....or at least that is the rationale. I am sure someone will have pics of the daycare center soon.

I am extremely glad he is off the streets.

I would have loved to have seen LE arrest him. I bet they did it quickly and w/ authority. You know they had to have had a plan for the entire thing. Thank-goodness he did not escape capture nor did he hurt anyone while being arrested.
Hi everyone,

I hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving today especially Brianna's family and friends. If anyone on here knows them, please let them know that even though the police got their suspect that this is far from over and we're not going anywhere.

My gut feeling tells me that Biela is the guy that did this and the DNA plus corroborating stories point to his guilt. I hope that the prosecution pushes for the death penalty against this guy. That being said, I don't know when the trial will begin but I think we all have to keep in mind that it is going to be extremely painful and difficult for Brianna's family to relive and listen to recounts of her rape and murder. We need to be there for them and provided them with the love and support we've done throughout this investigation. Seriously, I know all too well how many defense attorneys in this country wind up putting the victim on trial. I say all of this as a warning for possible things to come.

Biela's defense attorney will probably try to make an excuse for him whether it's bi-polar or something else and the attorney might say something like "Well, Brianna should have had the door locked that night." In other words, they are going to employ a strategy not uncommon today in courtrooms: BTV (Blame The Victim). I hope and pray they don't do this, but some of these defense attorneys have no conscience whatsoever and are only interested in winning cases and making money. They don't care about the victims nor do they even care about their clients, really. So be prepared and let's all stick together because we've been a great team and Brianna and her family need us.

Thank you all so much for listening and creating this website. Today I am thankful for all of you being in my circle of friends and we've got a great team here.
I am so happy to see an arrest in this case. What a psychopath!!! And now people can rest a little more easy knowing he is off the streets. I have to say with the arrest in this case and the Pressly case it offers what little the families can be thankful for this holiday given the circumstances of their loved ones being taken from them. Round of applause to LE and secret witness. And God Bless the family of Brianna Dennison.
I am so happy to see an arrest in this case. What a psychopath!!! And now people can rest a little more easy knowing he is off the streets. I have to say with the arrest in this case and the Pressly case it offers what little the families can be thankful for this holiday given the circumstances of their loved ones being taken from them. Round of applause to LE and secret witness. And God Bless the family of Brianna Dennison.

Well Said, NSC. I have followed this case and the Presley case since the ladies were so tragically murdered. I am so THANKFUL that both cases have had an arrest of the (innocent until proven guilty) monsters that did these horrible crimes.


P.S. ~ Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
I was just reading through this article and noticed some details that have come out which go along with theories some of us had at the time (good work fellow WSers!!), such as him being employed in construction (working outdoors so his arms would be more tanned than the rest of his body), the location where Brianna was found (near where his ex-girlfriend worked, an area he'd be familiar with), where he was working when these crimes occurred (in construction at the university), and especially the fact he does have a small child (the baby shoe found in the truck). Also interesting is he left the area in March (I thought he'd done that too!) and had sold the truck that the December victim had described. :)
I just drove by the house. It is less than 1 mile from my house! in an area called the 'foothills' of Wingfield Springs. My daughters friend lives right across the street from the psycho . I am so thankful he is off the streets so can't do this to anyone else. What a .
I just drove by the house. It is less than 1 mile from my house! in an area called the 'foothills' of Wingfield Springs. My daughters friend lives right across the street from the psycho . I am so thankful he is off the streets so can't do this to anyone else. What a .
Wow ~ and I bet your daughter's friend had no idea either who he really was. It is scary how these monsters can be so close. :eek:
First, I'm so glad there's finally been an arrest for Brianna's murder and hope this monster gets just what he deserves. DNA doesn't lie, imo, so it's pretty much sure he is the perpetrator. As for his father, all I can say is ~ OMG! :eek:


I second this! So bitter sweet for Brianna's family.
It is very interesting to go back through the profiles of what we thought we were looking for now and the early conclusions we reached on this case. We were pretty much on target.

I still don't think he looks anything like the sketch tho.
It is very interesting to go back through the profiles of what we thought we were looking for now and the early conclusions we reached on this case. We were pretty much on target.

I still don't think he looks anything like the sketch tho.

I don't think he looks like the sketch either.

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