Bring them home-Hailey's Uncle Speaks out-2011, March 23rd

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Just finished listening to BTH. Thank you Richy for doing this interview, you are awesome. You sound so sincere, decent and have a smart head on your shoulders.

My heart feels happier knowing that Clint is able to spend time, quality time with DD. Bless CD and uncle R and his family for providing some stability for DD. Sounds like DD and CD have a great father son relationship. At least that one positive in this case.
As usual, I am way behind and catching up to you all. IIRC, the mattress on the floor was actually the box spring. The pics were after LE had searched the house and LE usually leaves a mess. Was the mattress out of camera range, is it missing, or did LE take it? We should bump up a thread and look at the pics again. I do remember the bed being put back together and nicely made days later. So the mattress came back or another one was brought in.

I'm still wondering if they switched DD mattress for HD's. Want to know if they checked DD's mattress? Were they the same size? I could see only having a light comforter or coverlet in that area. It doesn't get that cold there.
OT: I am sorry for your loss Conniehu :( Sometimes it's reading a post like yours, on a day that I have had a 'trying' time with one of my sons, to realize that there are many parents out there that would beg for the chance to have one last 'trying' day with their child.

As for Billie changing Haileys room, I am hesitant to believe anything until I see it in this case. BUTTTTT .... in regards to Haileys room, if I don't see BD with a news crew in Hailey's room by tomorrow to dispute what was said, I think I will have to believe it. BD is all about correcting anything that is said about her that she thinks is wrong. This one will be easy for her if it's wrong, just let the camera's in too see ;)

ETA: nana... I am so very sorry for your loss as well.

BBM: It would be just like her to run to Wal-Mart tonight and buy a few age appropriate decorations, then invite the news crew in for an interview in Hailey's room.
I wonder if SA was behind bars, for many years, would BD finally fess up? If what Richy said about his feeling that BD might be afraid of SA, I wonder if this is what it will take for her to come clean. BD also see that there have been a couple of times LE could've put him away but they didn't (understandably regarding lack of evidence). Is BD afraid SA will come after her?

I can hardly wait for the time those responsible for HD disappearance serve justice.
I'm still wondering if they switched DD mattress for HD's. Want to know if they checked DD's mattress? Were they the same size? I could see only having a light comforter or coverlet in that area. It doesn't get that cold there.

There were pictures of Clint, with the searchers, with snow on the ground.
I think it does get cold there.
I wonder if SA was behind bars, for many years, would BD finally fess up? If what Richy said about his feeling that BD might be afraid of SA, I wonder if this is what it will take for her to come clean. BD also see that there have been a couple of times LE could've put him away but they didn't (understandably regarding lack of evidence). Is BD afraid SA will come after her?

I can hardly wait for the time those responsible for HD disappearance serve justice.

I really don't think she's afraid he'll come after her.
I think she's more afraid he won't come after her.
It's frustrating to watch CD and his family struggle with whether BD could have been involved. They think she is involved with CP, but at the same time don't believe she would hurt Hailey. As an outsider looking in that doesn't make sense. So she only hurts other peoples children by viewing pics of them being victimized, but wouldn't hurt her own? It's amazing how we as people can rationalize the irrational.

I saw a program with this big, burly man who was a SO and murderer, and he was saying he could never hurt his own children and would have killed anyone who had.
I can't shake that thought either. For some reason I have this theory that BD sacrificed Hailey to SA. I know it's sickening to think about. But this whole case has always reminded me of Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo here in Canada.Remember BD said that "everyone pretty much got what they wanted at Christmas"? Not verbatim but pretty close.

BBM I am from Ontario, and remember that case too well. :( I'll never forget it.

(((Conniehue and Nana46))) :hug: :grouphug: I'm so sorry for both of your losses! I recently lost my husband (exactly 2 months ago :( ) . I couldn't keep his room because he had slept on a hospital bed in our livingroom and we gave our room to one of our sons so they wouldn't have to share one anymore. Although I had to remove his hospital bed, and they took his sheets- I've saved his pillow and stuffed dog for the smell. I can't imagine re-doing everything like BD. I want everything to be the way it was to remember him. I hope LE does a luminol search at BD's home because something is very wrong. Reminds me of the redecorating after Zahra's 'disappearance' :(
This sealed the deal for me. Redecorating her BEDROOM?

There is NO WAY someone would do that! Even the Anthonys didn't do something like that!

I'm completely disgusted with these people. They need handcuffs.

I do believe the Anthonys have renovated their house inside....
I wonder if SA was behind bars, for many years, would BD finally fess up? If what Richy said about his feeling that BD might be afraid of SA, I wonder if this is what it will take for her to come clean. BD also see that there have been a couple of times LE could've put him away but they didn't (understandably regarding lack of evidence). Is BD afraid SA will come after her?

I can hardly wait for the time those responsible for HD disappearance serve justice.

Swedie, we really don't know anything about SA's family, his friends, or who he may be connected to. He had already threatened BD, CD and HD in the past and she may have thought she could control him. She was with him for almost three years....and may have just discovered how D sick or horrible he really was. I keep envisioning this quite, child minded individual who likes to just joke and kid...but when truly challenged...he rages and is oblivious to anything else. JMO, IMO, etc.
I couldnt touch my sons room when he left for college then 4 years later(2005) at age 22 he was killed by a drunk driver. It was 4 years later before I could clean out his room. I still had a hard time letting loose of his personal belongings many are boxed up and moved to the attic. The only thing that pushed me to clean out (in many short stages)and redecorate his room was my husband and I adopted 2 brothers. If we had not adopted Im thinking his room would still be like he left it in 2001.

Billie redecorating behavior is surprising to say the least..No a normal parents reaction. Why would she think that Hailey would want her room changed? She already knows she is not coming home

Dear Connie, I am so sorry for the loss of your son. Tears came to my eyes when I read your post. No one will every know the hurt and pain a parent feels over the loss of a beautiful loved child, unless they have been their themselves. May the good Lord wrap his loving arms around you in times of sorrow. I'm sure your son is watching over you, and is proud and smiling when he sees what you have gained through his loss, 2 adopted sons. Bless your heart. :tyou:
I'm still wondering if they switched DD mattress for HD's. Want to know if they checked DD's mattress? Were they the same size? I could see only having a light comforter or coverlet in that area. It doesn't get that cold there.
Actually it gets very cold there, many days and nights below zero ! And IMO BD's home doesn't appear to be that well insulated. !
I really don't think she's afraid he'll come after her.
I think she's more afraid he won't come after her.
Ditto Jo : And he is her feel good and awesome supplier , IMO.
I saw a program with this big, burly man who was a SO and murderer, and he was saying he could never hurt his own children and would have killed anyone who had.

IMO, that's the exception rather than the rule. And I'm not sure I would believe anything said by someone like that.
Swedie, we really don't know anything about SA's family, his friends, or who he may be connected to. He had already threatened BD, CD and HD in the past and she may have thought she could control him. She was with him for almost three years....and may have just discovered how D sick or horrible he really was. I keep envisioning this quite, child minded individual who likes to just joke and kid...but when truly challenged...he rages and is oblivious to anything else. JMO, IMO, etc.

So true Holly, I actually never thought about him getting someone to do his dirty work, should BD go to LE and tell what happened to HD. If she does know and I believe she does. JMO Also, have we heard anything about SA being violent other then the 911 calls from last year? Then the other time, he and CD had it out on the front lawn. Any other times? :waitasec:
MOO Maybe both :( I can't stop thinking about the couch and livingroom paint as well. May have started in one room, led to another :(

Poor Hailey...

I remember someone posting early on when Hailey went missing -- in one of BD's interviews that was done at the house they noticed in the video of Hailey's bedroom that there were NO SHEETS on the BED.

Does anyone remember this ?

Did LE take these sheets ? DNA testing ?
I remember someone posting early on when Hailey went missing -- in one of BD's interviews that was done at the house they noticed in the video of Hailey's bedroom that there were NO SHEETS on the BED.

Does anyone remember this ?

Did LE take these sheets ? DNA testing ?

Someone asked BD in one of the radio shows and I could swear she said LE took them. Did anyone else hear this?
I remember someone posting early on when Hailey went missing -- in one of BD's interviews that was done at the house they noticed in the video of Hailey's bedroom that there were NO SHEETS on the BED.

Does anyone remember this ?

Did LE take these sheets ? DNA testing ?
I think the first Nancy G show panned video of Hailey's room and her mattress was on the floor and the room was in disarray, and certainly not theme decorated ! but later on we saw her room really neat and decorated really cute. I think that drastic change was one of our first clues that something was wrong !
Someone asked BD in one of the radio shows and I could swear she said LE took them. Did anyone else hear this?
yes I heard it, but I think it was on the NG show !
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