British student murdered in Perugia, 3 suspects

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Coed Slay Suspect Flirts With Ex-Boyfriend at Trial

Amanda Knox sought to patch up relations with her estranged former boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito, behind the scenes, at the opening of their trial for the murder of Meredith Kercher, Knox’s British roommate, it emerged Sunday.
During the seven-hour opening hearing on Friday, Knox, 21 smiled and laughed repeatedly, joking with her lawyers and interpreter. Although sitting only a few feet from the bespectacled Sollecito, 24, she barely acknowledged his glances along the row.
Coed Murder Suspect Amanda Knox Faces New Charge

Amanda Knox, the American student charged with the murder and sexual assault of Meredith Kercher, faces an additional charge of slander for claiming that police struck her while she was being questioned.

At the latest hearings in her trial in Perugia, Knox claimed that police had put her under psychological and physical pressure to admit that she was present at the murder.

Knox, who has the right to address the court at any time during her trial, was reacting to evidence from Anna Donnino, a police interpreter who claimed that Knox had behaved "as if a weight had been lifted from her" when she admitted that she had been at the scene of the crime and accused Patrick Diya Lumumba, a Congolese bar owner for whom she worked part-time, of the killing.

The newspaper Corriere dell' Umbria said that Giuliano Mignini, the prosecutor, would bring an additional charge of slander against Knox, since all police officers and interpreters who have given evidence at the trial have testified under oath that she was at no stage put under pressure or physically mistreated.,2933,509284,00.html
This whole case is so weird. At first, with the Dateline or whatever program it was last year, I thought maybe she's innocent. But I just can't see that she is. What I do think is that this girl maybe mentally ill though. Her courtroom antics, weird smiles, etc seems so inappropriate & creepy.

Do any of you think she might be 'drugged up' to make her look bad? I'm not convinced Italy is the most democratic type country / judicial system. I think they'd do anything to win this case because the world is watching. So hard to tell... but I think this girl will lose no matter what her problems are.

She looks deranged. Why is this woman smiling every week she's brought into court? Doesn't she know that smiling a freakish smile makes her look mental and that could lend to her guilt? As if she's enjoying this all. I just cannot figure out this woman for the life of me.

I don't buy anything her parents had to say on that dateline show or whatever they were on. There's nothing normal about her.
My daughter, Amanda Knox
Sunday, 22 March 2009

The stepfather of the American student on trial for Meredith Kercher's murder accuses the Italian police of beating her during questioning

Amanda Knox, the American student on trial in Italy for the murder of her British flatmate Meredith Kercher, was repeatedly beaten during the all-night interrogations that led to her being named as a suspect in the brutal killing, her stepfather has claimed.
I am not sure I am buying the beating story. It seems a little too convenient. Why is this only coming out now? I think they are trying everything they can to save their daughter. I can't blame her parents for that. I'm sure they think she is innocent and they want her home.

The case is weird. I go back and forth. My gut tells me she was involved in Meredith's death. I don't think it was pre-meditated. I think it was a situation that got out of hand due to sexual excitement and drugs. I am curious to see how the trial turns out.
This whole case is so weird. At first, with the Dateline or whatever program it was last year, I thought maybe she's innocent. But I just can't see that she is. What I do think is that this girl maybe mentally ill though. Her courtroom antics, weird smiles, etc seems so inappropriate & creepy.

Do any of you think she might be 'drugged up' to make her look bad? I'm not convinced Italy is the most democratic type country / judicial system. I think they'd do anything to win this case because the world is watching. So hard to tell... but I think this girl will lose no matter what her problems are.

With all respect there is nothing wrong with the Italian Juducial system. They just want innocent for a innocent girl who had her neck sliced at the hands of one Amanda Knox. MOO
I am not sure I am buying the beating story. It seems a little too convenient. Why is this only coming out now? I think they are trying everything they can to save their daughter. I can't blame her parents for that. I'm sure they think she is innocent and they want her home.

The case is weird. I go back and forth. My gut tells me she was involved in Meredith's death. I don't think it was pre-meditated. I think it was a situation that got out of hand due to sexual excitement and drugs. I am curious to see how the trial turns out.

I have no doubt whatsoever that Amanda was involved.

I hope she gets as long as Guede did for doing it. MOO
My daughter, Amanda Knox
Sunday, 22 March 2009

The stepfather of the American student on trial for Meredith Kercher's murder accuses the Italian police of beating her during questioning

Amanda Knox, the American student on trial in Italy for the murder of her British flatmate Meredith Kercher, was repeatedly beaten during the all-night interrogations that led to her being named as a suspect in the brutal killing, her stepfather has claimed.

Right now I believe it. Simply because people are coerced all the time to give a confession. I'm sure Italy is no different. She still appears to be guilty.
Curious, you all are saying Amanda is guilty. What facts do you have that you base these opinions on? They did NOT find any physical evidence that would lead them to her. The found blood of a man who is now in jail.
Curious, you all are saying Amanda is guilty. What facts do you have that you base these opinions on? They did NOT find any physical evidence that would lead them to her. The found blood of a man who is now in jail.

I believe the knife they have had both Amanda's DNA and Merideths blood on it. If it's washed, it should wash everything away.

Amanda's dna was found mixed in the blood in the bathroom as well. I cannot remember the other things they have as far as physical evidence.

48 Hours sure did not cover the case with what's been released in court documents to date, that's always the case with them. Very one sided.

I used to think she was just a victim of Italy's court system, but not anymore. I do not think this girl was railroaded and why haven't they explained her very strange behaviour in court on a weekly basis, as if it's all a big joke?
I believe the knife they have had both Amanda's DNA and Merideths blood on it. If it's washed, it should wash everything away.

Amanda's dna was found mixed in the blood in the bathroom as well. I cannot remember the other things they have as far as physical evidence.

48 Hours sure did not cover the case with what's been released in court documents to date, that's always the case with them. Very one sided.

I used to think she was just a victim of Italy's court system, but not anymore. I do not think this girl was railroaded and why haven't they explained her very strange behaviour in court on a weekly basis, as if it's all a big joke?

I didn't read anywhere that the blood had Amanada's DNA and the dna in the bathroom, couldn't that have been there for a while and been the result of a cut or nosebleed?
I didn't read anywhere that the blood had Amanada's DNA and the dna in the bathroom, couldn't that have been there for a while and been the result of a cut or nosebleed?

"They say they found Miss Knox's DNA and Meredith's DNA on a knife in Mr Sollecito's kitchen which investigators believe is the murder weapon.

They also claim there were traces of Miss Knox's blood mixed with Meredith Kercher's in their bathroom."

Sorry, wish I had time to find some other info that I'm thinking about as well...

I don't want to find this girl guilty, it's just not looking good and I think Italy case seems strong against her. Especially with the witnesses that put all 3 together and WHY was Amanda and her boyfriend sitting in the apt. with the dead woman's body with blood all over the bathroom? Amanda took a shower in the bloody bathroom too. It's all just too bizarre to me.

I'd love to see all this evidence argued against her guilt. There can be other reasons to the evidence, just have not heard it.
What witnesses have seen all three together? I read there was NO evidence Rudy knew Amanda and her b/f. And the lies spread at the beginning of this case about text messages between them turned out to be untrue. Just think, the police cannnot find one piece of communication between Rudy and Amanda. None. No emails, no phone calls, no text messages, and no eye witnesses that can state they were ever seen hanging out together.

Also, wouldn't Amanda's DNA be all over a place she lived? Where are her bloody fingerprints when Rudy's prints, blood, sperm were all over the place? I believe Rudy was the sole killer and rapist. He was known to be a thief and to carry knives, and was 100% there the night Merideth was killed.
IDK..I think she's being rail roaded like the Duke Lacrosse players. It's not hard to get someone to sign a false confession containing a bunch of bs in it when there is a language barrier. I'd like to see video or a recording of this interrogation.

Another thing, the Italian prosecutor seems to be a nut (Hello! Satanic sex ritual? What!), and apparently he's corrupt to boot. Why is he allowed to remain on the job while he's under investigation with charges against him?
I believe the knife they have had both Amanda's DNA and Merideths blood on it. If it's washed, it should wash everything away.

Amanda's dna was found mixed in the blood in the bathroom as well. I cannot remember the other things they have as far as physical evidence.

48 Hours sure did not cover the case with what's been released in court documents to date, that's always the case with them. Very one sided.

I used to think she was just a victim of Italy's court system, but not anymore. I do not think this girl was railroaded and why haven't they explained her very strange behaviour in court on a weekly basis, as if it's all a big joke?

I don't believe Amanda Knox is being railroaded either. I think she is guilty.

Even the former boyfriend ISN'T saying Amanda was with him the night of Meredith's murder. He says HE was at his apartment and doesn't know if Amanda was with him on not, during the time Meredith was being murdered.

Not all of the evidence against Amanda was shown. I found the 48 Hours VERY slanted. It was an opinion not a news piece and should NOT have been shown while the trial is taking place.

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