British student murdered in Perugia, 3 suspects

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I, Personally don't believe a word from that girls mouth. Her story has changed so many times, she deserves a good slap or two (and I'm the most mellow person ever!)

I agree. I hope and pray she is found guilty.

I am so sick of the media describing her as the "american beauty", "pretty american girl accused of murder" and "foxy knoxy". First of all, she is not even pretty. Second of all, WHO CARES!!!!! I have not heard one person describe Meredith as pretty, beautiful, gorgeous....NOTHING. Its always "The american beauty's roommate" or "British student Meredith". This is driving me NUTS.
I agree. I hope and pray she is found guilty.

I am so sick of the media describing her as the "american beauty", "pretty american girl accused of murder" and "foxy knoxy". First of all, she is not even pretty. Second of all, WHO CARES!!!!! I have not heard one person describe Meredith as pretty, beautiful, gorgeous....NOTHING. Its always "The american beauty's roommate" or "British student Meredith". This is driving me NUTS.

Because, deep down, the media feels that girls like Meredith (dark colouring and a quieter sort of attractiveness) are the natural subordinates to the Plastic Fantastic of this world like Knox.
I think some just have a hard time reconciling the appearance of the (heretofore) young fresh "scrubbed" face co-ed w the sexual attack and slashing of this victim... I think the stereotype has long existed of the innocent fairer complected light haired heroine, and a more dark complected, darkeyed woman of wiles. This case turned that myth backwards and upsidedown. The more I read of AK's parent's reaction, the more I feel like I've heard it all before, the endless excusing, refusing to see their child as culpable... heavy sigh...
The Pr tactics that the family and supporters have put forth is incredible.

Do you know that they tried to "paint" the prosecution as "mentally" ill and of bad character.

She is guilty as heck, I only hope the Italians cn see past her looks.

Free from the restraints of "friends" family and people who knew her in Wash. she was "free" to be and do what ever she wanted.

She is the party girl........and partied she did. Her parents have gone to great pains to hire media liaison, Pr to paint their "little" girl as the person who is so done hard by.

As for the PR tactics... I think it was CBS 48 hours mystery that did a big documentary on the case and basically painted her as innocent and the prosecutor as a snake of a conspiracy theorist that buys people out.

I still think there is no way to explain away that dna evidence on the knife!
Getting ready for work this morning, I heard a follow up report on Good Morning America. I learned something new that I had not heard before. I was of the belief that Knox and Sollecito had been dating for some time prior to the murder. This is not the case, however. Apparently they had only known each other SEVEN DAYS before Meredith was killed.

Now, it's been my belief all along that Amanda was involved but hearing this really cements it for me. In the seven days that she and Sollecito had been dating, how many times do you really think she had reason to have her hands on that knife? I could see the defense argue that both their DNA would be on it if they had been dating for months but....7 days?
sometime back I heard that Amanda wrote a school paper or story about a woman or girl having her throat slashed. Does anyone recall this?

I have been studying this case for sometime. I think it is the sexual part of the prosecutions claim that people can't seem to gather around....I think if you change this to a situation of jealousy or gets easier to imagine something going down in that apartment. We really don't know who Amanda was sleeping with at the time...maybe Kercher was with one of her boyfriends, or wouldn't pay Amanda money that she owed, or perhaps Amanda was caught doing something like stealing and was terrified her new love would find out and dump her.

I don't know,,,but seeing that big coldsore on Amanda's lip was kind of a reminder of what ugly things can churn under beauty's surface.
Great post, minazoe.

And yes, you are right...Amanda did write such a story. I also remember hearing that she wrote a story that included a rape too. What I don't remember is if it was in the same story as the throat slashing.
another bit about the dna found on the knife:

Meredith's was on the blade.

Amanda's was on the handle.

I don't care how SMALL the sample was... it shows that it was most likely cleaned.. The American reporters seem to want to blow this evidence off... but I say it blows the case right out of the water! Speaking of water... what is IN the water over there... seems that reporters go over there, drink a bit of it, and come back babbling Amanda is innocent nonsense!
Thanks, nurse! That's what I was trying (unsuccessfully) to allude to in my post. What are the odds that in the 7 days Amanda and Rafaelle had been dating that they both would have touched the handle of that knife and somehow Meredith's would also be on the tip of it?
Now it comes out the police beating was two slaps by a woman cop on the back of her head, which according to her "didn't hurt". So while she thinks she's dispelling rumors, she's also clarifying things which make her seem even more of a liar than before. This PR campaign of her family has done her no good.

What does interest me is the question from one of the lawyers about a payment offered to Patrick Lumumba....if it wasn't from her who did offer it?? My bet is on Sollecito's family who seem to think they can buy their way out of this mess.
I somehow don't think rafaelle was there. I think Amanda had his DNA on her hands...
I think the DNA on the bra may be due to Amanda borrowing and wearing it with Rafaelle.. party girls in college take eachother's clothes all the time.

Do we ever see evidence that Raffaelle was there in the video evidence , or just video of Amanda?
First of all, she is not even pretty.


I thought Meredith was gorgeous. She seemed like such a good person, too. On the other hand, Amanda, besides the murder, didn't seem like someone I'd want to be around.
It's been determined that Meredith and Amanda were very different sizes. She could have worn Meredith's bra, but it seems unlikely. Surely she would have brought it up given that it's the one link that the Prosecution has which puts Sollecito there.

If he was not there, why not drop the baloney and throw Amanda under the bus?? He admitted early on that he'd lied about his alibi, but then was rather vague about what happened, where Amanda was, etc.
I agree, if Rafaelle was not there, don't you think he would have turned on her by now? After all, they'd only known each other 7 days. What would be the reason for him to protect her? I doubt their feelings were really THAT deep in the course of a week.
Getting ready for work this morning, I heard a follow up report on Good Morning America. I learned something new that I had not heard before. I was of the belief that Knox and Sollecito had been dating for some time prior to the murder. This is not the case, however. Apparently they had only known each other SEVEN DAYS before Meredith was killed.

Now, it's been my belief all along that Amanda was involved but hearing this really cements it for me. In the seven days that she and Sollecito had been dating, how many times do you really think she had reason to have her hands on that knife? I could see the defense argue that both their DNA would be on it if they had been dating for months but....7 days?

I always heard they were 'dating' about 2 weeks. The only problem I'm seeing with the evidence right now is possible contamination by the first investigators at the crime scene.
I think some just have a hard time reconciling the appearance of the (heretofore) young fresh "scrubbed" face co-ed w the sexual attack and slashing of this victim... I think the stereotype has long existed of the innocent fairer complected light haired heroine, and a more dark complected, darkeyed woman of wiles. This case turned that myth backwards and upsidedown. The more I read of AK's parent's reaction, the more I feel like I've heard it all before, the endless excusing, refusing to see their child as culpable... heavy sigh...

And without naming names, I bet most websleuthers know exactly who those other parents are....ITA and have thought the same from the beginning of this case. Another narcisstic personality disorder, IMHO, and also sociopathic.
I think it would be useful to outline some of the highlights of this case again as the thread moves forward...maybe if I get some time later...or if someone has something quick.

I was listening to the aunt describing some of the language and semantical problems Amanda experienced during her questioning by detectives, hence the flaky answers.

but I have a hard time beleiving that all these Italian police officers are corrupt idiots just dying to put a young american college student in prison for the rest of her life.

I am really interested in these stories she wrote of rape and throat slashing and what exactly the writing assignment was.
I see that alot of folks believe Amanda guilty- I just don't. If you read "The Monster of Florence" by Mario Spezzi & Douglas Preston you will see how screwed up this prosecutor is- Douglas Preston will not go back to Italy because of this man. The book (which is a fascinating read about a serial killer in Firenze really shows the sensationalism of the italian courts and wacked out theories of satanism/sexual cults that this prosecuter in particular believes in.

I think that Amanda could very well have taken the knife from the kitchen counter at home and taken it along with food and other stuff to her boyfriend's house. I have no doubt she was a party chick and was not respectful of her roommates, and I also believe there was contamination from the police. I lived in Italy when I went to college, met an italian boyfriend within a few weeks of arriving there. I was a party girl who was into my new boyfriend and being in italy... unless it was just happenstance that all the planets were lined up just so, and Guede, AK and RS met and decided to do this crime and are all 3 psycho's... well I just ain't buying it. Guede did it alone, AK and RS contaminated the crime scene along with the police, lied about some stuf, but that is it. And I can't IMAGINE being interregated in italian about this kind of stuff when Italian wasn't even her 'second' language!

Go ahead and flame away!
no, galvino, I get it, I totally get it...

I can see where she totally has nothing to do with it...however, something about all of the conflicting versions of events bothers me.

so much is way off kilter I think it may be very difficult to prosecute I hope she is innocent.but if we take your theroy of all these people can't be psyco at the same time...what about the police? can they all be lying and out to get this girl? can they screw things up that bad? can they get it this wrong and none disagrees?
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