British student murdered in Perugia, 3 suspects

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I PROMISE- if you read that book i mentioned, you can see how it does/has happened- heck they arrested and tried more than 2 men seperately for the Monster of Florence murders, on flimsy evidence, all because of the procecuter's whim and because of what his psychic said. Then he went after the longtime journalist and Douglas Preston! It was amazing. Since this is the same prosecuter, and he wields a lot of power, so much so that he is still on this case after being charged himself, well...

Read the book I tell ya!:)
I think she did it. It's been said a million times before, but I'll say it again, "why lie if you're innocent?"

I've seen a program about this prosecutor and even if he is a whackjob, it doesn't mean she's innocent. Her behavior since the day Meredith was found murdered has been bizarre and to me, points to guilt. I agree with those who say she's a sociopath. What non-sociopath behaves the way she was with her boyfriend (kissing, etc) at the crime scene when Meredith was found. I'm not surprised by much these days but I'm pretty sure I'd cry if my roommate was murdered (even if I disliked my roommate, I'd cry for the sheer fact that it just as easily could have been me - strangely, Amanda wasn't concerned about that?). She doesn't care about anyone but herself.
I think she did it. It's been said a million times before, but I'll say it again, "why lie if you're innocent?"

I've seen a program about this prosecutor and even if he is a whackjob, it doesn't mean she's innocent. Her behavior since the day Meredith was found murdered has been bizarre and to me, points to guilt. I agree with those who say she's a sociopath. What non-sociopath behaves the way she was with her boyfriend (kissing, etc) at the crime scene when Meredith was found. I'm not surprised by much these days but I'm pretty sure I'd cry if my roommate was murdered (even if I disliked my roommate, I'd cry for the sheer fact that it just as easily could have been me - strangely, Amanda wasn't concerned about that?). She doesn't care about anyone but herself.

(bbm) As troubling as the thought is to me that any person could be framed in a foreign country where they were without fair representation or a fair trial, it's also seriously begun troubling me how much of a cultural block, or blinders we seem to collectively have that so often prevent us from perceiving certain social archetypes as capable of violent crime. Funny... I was gonna say I think all the planets would have to align perfectly in order to explain away these circumstances in such a way that evidence does not indicate guilt. :waitasec:

I don't know if not crying equates with sociopathy, but...I really do agree...why lie if you are innocent? but again, are they lies? intentional lies? or mininterpretations?

I'm on the fence...but I cannot imagine this sexual assault on Merideth, this is where you lose me. What is Amanda's motivation for killing this girl? why are all these men hanging about that night? why does Amanda finger the bar guy?

it's all so weird...why does Merideth get killed?

I am more prone to believe it was an unknown intruder.
I PROMISE- if you read that book i mentioned, you can see how it does/has happened- heck they arrested and tried more than 2 men seperately for the Monster of Florence murders, on flimsy evidence, all because of the procecuter's whim and because of what his psychic said. Then he went after the longtime journalist and Douglas Preston! It was amazing. Since this is the same prosecuter, and he wields a lot of power, so much so that he is still on this case after being charged himself, well...

Read the book I tell ya!:)

galvino, I did read the book, which I loved by the way. As nuts as the whole Monster of Florence case is, and what Douglas Preston and Mario Spezzi had to go through was insane I really enjoyed the cultural aspects of the book. Maybe that's because I'm Italian.

Anywho, I agree with kittenish in that just because the prosecutor is a tool doesn't mean Amanda isn't guilty. I too think all her inconsistencies are a huge issue. The truth is the truth and the truth doesn't change.

Also, if she was so concerned about being misunderstood then why does she choose at times to speak and write in Italian?
I PROMISE- if you read that book i mentioned, you can see how it does/has happened- heck they arrested and tried more than 2 men seperately for the Monster of Florence murders, on flimsy evidence, all because of the procecuter's whim and because of what his psychic said. Then he went after the longtime journalist and Douglas Preston! It was amazing. Since this is the same prosecuter, and he wields a lot of power, so much so that he is still on this case after being charged himself, well...

Read the book I tell ya!:)

But before you read the book, read Spezi's first Monster of Florence book published in 1983...which was a flop. He had a theory which he touted long and loud. In 1986 he sold the film rights but unfortunately another murder occured which totally negated his theory, the film was a flop. In 1990 an arrest was made and the "real killer" was convicted.
A foreign guy named Robert Harris attended the trial and he used the backdrop of the Monster of Florence case for his book and subsequent film Hannibal. you know...Hannibal Lecter. So ole Spezi was trumped on his own turf and humiliated by an outsider.

Fast forward to the late nineties when the public became suspicious of the original conviction -- there was speculation about satanic ritual that most probably was fuelled by the film.

Around this time Spezi is joined by Preston and the re-investigate the crimes. By 2005 Migini was asked by Italian authorities to re-investigate the crime to make certain that they had the right guy and at this point he asked Spezi and Preston to give him new information they had gathered in relation to the crime. They refused and he had them arrested for obstruction of justice. Their vendetta against him has been ongoing since. Spezi feels cheated twice and he blames Migini for loss of literary/film success. They're blowing smoke.
I think that just because this man is a conspiracy theorist... well, it doesn't mean anything when looking at the evidence in the case. Moo of course (and btw, the prosecutor is a serious tool that needs to find a new job again moo)
How did R.G know A.K and R.S? Why did they decide to murder Meredith? I feel they are all guilty but I can't picture how this could happen. If Guede raped Meredith how do A.K and R.S fit into that crime? Does anyone know what Guede's story is now? I've heard he changed it to include Knox and R.S somehow but I have not heard a specific story.
I see that alot of folks believe Amanda guilty- I just don't. If you read "The Monster of Florence" by Mario Spezzi & Douglas Preston you will see how screwed up this prosecutor is- Douglas Preston will not go back to Italy because of this man. The book (which is a fascinating read about a serial killer in Firenze really shows the sensationalism of the italian courts and wacked out theories of satanism/sexual cults that this prosecuter in particular believes in.

I think that Amanda could very well have taken the knife from the kitchen counter at home and taken it along with food and other stuff to her boyfriend's house. I have no doubt she was a party chick and was not respectful of her roommates, and I also believe there was contamination from the police. I lived in Italy when I went to college, met an italian boyfriend within a few weeks of arriving there. I was a party girl who was into my new boyfriend and being in italy... unless it was just happenstance that all the planets were lined up just so, and Guede, AK and RS met and decided to do this crime and are all 3 psycho's... well I just ain't buying it. Guede did it alone, AK and RS contaminated the crime scene along with the police, lied about some stuf, but that is it. And I can't IMAGINE being interregated in italian about this kind of stuff when Italian wasn't even her 'second' language!

Go ahead and flame away!

I understand where you are coming from. This case has all the 'fire' needed for both the media and guessing from others.
Nothing seems to be 100% accurate, each witness has had problems or something just doesn't jive with their testimony. The accused lied, re-lied then try to lie some more... but once again this isn't even cut and dried. If the crime scene had been better preserved, and the witnesses could be believed, then the case might be easier to comprehend. Very interesting none-the-less.
What makes you think the crime scene was not preserved?
I never much doubted that she was probably guilty until I watched JVM last night. Here are some excerpts from the transcript.
WEINTRAUB: Because I think the viewers are going to get the wrong impression. DNA evidence in this particular case -- the DNA is not on the blade; it`s only on the handle. And DNA, remember, it means what her skin was in contact with, remnants of skin cells. It`s like a fingerprint. It lasts forever.

This was in the house where she lived in the kitchen where she lived. This was a regular kitchen knife. My DNA is all over my kitchen knives just by dish washing.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: That`s what I`m saying. It seems like -- it doesn`t seem the way this is being conducted is very scientific, which is precisely the point of Amanda`s terrified parents. That she`s over there in Italy being tried, and they`re Americans. They`re used to an American justice system, and this system is very strange by our standards.

DREW FINDLING, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Jane -- Jane, let me -- Jane, let me...


FINDLING: Let me say having -- I`ve actually tried part of a criminal case in Europe before, and you just want to stand up every day and sing "The Star-Spangled Banner," because you cannot believe what you endure when you go over there.

When I heard that she didn`t want to use a translator anymore, I can identify with that. Having been in trial over there, you`ll have a witness give a three-minute answer, and the translation lasts four seconds.


FINDLING: They don`t give -- they don`t entitle you to what we consider a thorough and sifting cross-examination of leading questions. Anything that we have does not exist there.

I would be extremely paranoid of a system where you have your trial on the weekends? That is just a different world.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And then they`re going to take a break? A summer vacation? How could anybody keep track of a trial and keep -- and present a coherent case if you`re only meeting every couple of weeks for a couple of days?

FINDLING: The viewers should know -- the viewers should know that this is not a jury of her peers or lay people. It`s eight tainted judges. Eight judges. Any defense lawyer would tell you in the United States, we never want bench trials. We want citizens. She doesn`t have that right.
VELEZ-MITCHELL: There`s been a lot of misinformation in this case. Is it shown, really, beyond a reasonable doubt that the victim was wearing a vampire outfit?

KURIANSKY: That was reported that she had been dressed as a vampire. I`m giving you a possibility.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: OK. But Tim, was she -- the victim dressed as a victim?

HAECK: I have not heard that one, although I`ve heard a lot of strange things.

I`ll tell you one thing that strikes me about this case, and maybe your attorneys can express it better than me, but her character is really on trial here to a great extent. And I think that`s simply because the DNA evidence is very much in question. And the defense is going to challenge that DNA evidence when they`re -- when they take this -- when they further this case next week.

So, I don't know. It goes on and on like that. It's hard for me to give her the benefit of any doubt, but I'm on the verge of doing just that.
a vampire outfit?

I never heard this detail, was it holloween? was she at a costume party?
I truly believe that Amanda Knox is guilty, that there was tension between the two room mates. First they were friends, then the victim decided not to hang out with the "drug up tart" anymore.

Amanda Knox speaks fluent Italian.......

Her affect is just not that of a balanced person and her lying and lying and then 'framing" a black man who had an could prove where he was that night. First she puts herself at the scene, hearing screaming and covers her ears. I mean if that was true(which it is not)the creaming would be in pain and for help and she just ignores it.

Then she says that no, she was not at the house at the time of the murder, but she was at her boyfriends watching a movie on his laptop. But after further investigation, the laptop was not used that evening.

Plus both Amanda and her boyfriends cell phones where turned off, on the night of the murder, which is out of character.

Then again, she says a different story, that when she returned home that morning after staying at her boyfriends, there was blood on the bathroom floor, but what did Amanda do, she took a shower.

Tell me if you came home and saw blood on your bathroom floor, would you just ignore it and then take a shower.

This girl is guilty as sin, the ever evolving stories of Amanda Knox, how many to date, 3 4, implicating an innocent man, her boss no less.

Buying bleach the morning after the murder.....with her boyfriend.

Doing cartwheels at the police station and the splits, all the while waiting to be interrogated or questioned about the murder.

The other two room mates were very upset, crying, emotional distraught and here is Amanda kissing her boyfriend and sitting on his lap.

Please........what is wrong with this girl........oh I forgot she is a cold blooded murderer. She poked the victim with a knife and then slit her throat.........she probably thought that the three of them make the victim participate in an "act" that she did not.

You see the victim was quiet, studious, did not date a lot, wanted to do well in school. She was there to study and make new friends.

I guess Amanda thought that the victim should be the party girl that Amanda is and "wanted" to loosen" her up, with sex, forced sex with violence as the outcome when the victim refused.

When a young women who had "social" constraints at home, lived with her parents, knew that she could not be herself under the restraints of her parents, let loose in a Italy with no supervision.

She did what she wanted to do, what was really the true Amanda Knox.
Today, on Fox during the Shepherd Smith show, Attorney Ann Bremen was on and discussed this case. She said that she is providing support to the family on a pro-bono basis. Of course,she was very supportive of the anguish being experienced by Amanda and her family. Nothing specifc was really discussed re: the evidence except the knife, which she said does not match the wounds on the victim, and is NOT the murder weapon. Prior to Ann being on the show, Shep talked about several letters from Amanda Knox to Rafael Solecito. I got a phone call during that time, and missed that segment. Did anyone here happen to hear the content/gist of the letters? I came back in the room and heard Ann tell Shep that the letters show the "softer side" of Amanda. Anyone with additinal info please post. Thanks in advance fellow websleuthers.
Today, on Fox during the Shepherd Smith show, Attorney Ann Bremen was on and discussed this case. She said that she is providing support to the family on a pro-bono basis. Of course,she was very supportive of the anguish being experienced by Amanda and her family. Nothing specifc was really discussed re: the evidence except the knife, which she said does not match the wounds on the victim, and is NOT the murder weapon. Prior to Ann being on the show, Shep talked about several letters from Amanda Knox to Rafael Solecito. I got a phone call during that time, and missed that segment. Did anyone here happen to hear the content/gist of the letters? I came back in the room and heard Ann tell Shep that the letters show the "softer side" of Amanda. Anyone with additinal info please post. Thanks in advance fellow websleuthers.

Amanda Knox has opened her heart in a series of letters to her co-accused and former boyfriend about prison life and their ongoing murder trial.
Ruflossn - thank you so much for the link to the article about the letters. I have followed this case from the beginning, and have leaned toward the guilt of AK and her boyfriend RS. These letters trouble me somewhat - she seems so sure of being "absolved" yet the anguish felt by most people(especially innocent ones) in her position is strangely absent. Wish I could put my thoughts into better words - but it seems her emotions are not consistent with the gravity of her situation. And that bothers me a whole lot. I guess the letters don't really change my leaning toward guilt much, but does give me food for thought. The problem is I am not sure just what thoughts those letters provoked except that something about them really bothers me. JMHO
a vampire outfit?

I never heard this detail, was it holloween? was she at a costume party?

If you are talking about Meredith, yes, she dressed up as a vampire for Halloween - the night before.
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