British student murdered in Perugia, 3 suspects

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What witnesses have seen all three together? I read there was NO evidence Rudy knew Amanda and her b/f. And the lies spread at the beginning of this case about text messages between them turned out to be untrue. Just think, the police cannnot find one piece of communication between Rudy and Amanda. None. No emails, no phone calls, no text messages, and no eye witnesses that can state they were ever seen hanging out together.

Also, wouldn't Amanda's DNA be all over a place she lived? Where are her bloody fingerprints when Rudy's prints, blood, sperm were all over the place? I believe Rudy was the sole killer and rapist. He was known to be a thief and to carry knives, and was 100% there the night Merideth was killed.
IDK..I think she's being rail roaded like the Duke Lacrosse players. It's not hard to get someone to sign a false confession containing a bunch of bs in it when there is a language barrier. I'd like to see video or a recording of this interrogation.

Another thing, the Italian prosecutor seems to be a nut (Hello! Satanic sex ritual? What!), and apparently he's corrupt to boot. Why is he allowed to remain on the job while he's under investigation with charges against him?

The satanic ritual theory was explored months ago as a possibility over a year ago. It has NOT been part of the Italian prosecutor's case for months and months and months. 48 Hours exaggerated and mispoke when they emphasized it.

As I said, the 48 Hours piece was an effort to influence the outcome of a trial which is underway RIGHT NOW.

IMO, it was an opinion, not documented news.
I don't believe Amanda Knox is being railroaded either. I think she is guilty.

Even the former boyfriend ISN'T saying Amanda was with him the night of Meredith's murder. He says HE was at his apartment and doesn't know if Amanda was with him on not, during the time Meredith was being murdered.

Not all of the evidence against Amanda was shown. I found the 48 Hours VERY slanted. It was an opinion not a news piece and should NOT have been shown while the trial is taking place.


Well, sorry, but once people get attorneys and start to change stories it's hard to know who is saying what to save their own *advertiser censored*. To me the physical evidence points strongly to one man breaking in and raping and robbing Meredith and that's this Rudy character.

What about the prosecutor's ethical issues? Doesn't bother you he's charged with abusing the power of his office?

48 Hours was more balanced than the bull crap spewing from the UK media and Italian police, the nonsense they spread tainted this case to begin with. So many things that were said turned out to be exaggerations and out right lies.

Here is an interesting blog on the case:
I like this blog. I've been reading it since Meredith's murder.

The newspaer articles and newspaper blogs I don't like so well. I'm bothered by the way this story has become Team UK vs Team Seattle.

I DO think an Italian court will be able to sort the case out and that justice will be done.
Well, sorry, but once people get attorneys and start to change stories it's hard to know who is saying what to save their own *advertiser censored*. To me the physical evidence points strongly to one man breaking in and raping and robbing Meredith and that's this Rudy character.

What about the prosecutor's ethical issues? Doesn't bother you he's charged with abusing the power of his office?

48 Hours was more balanced than the bull crap spewing from the UK media and Italian police, the nonsense they spread tainted this case to begin with. So many things that were said turned out to be exaggerations and out right lies.

As I said, IMO, the UK media and the Seattle media have turned Amanda's trial almost into a sporting event.

I don't think it is appropriate for 48 Hours to show an opinion piece with the trial still ongoing. As I KNOW some of what was presented (like the satanic ritual now being part of the prosecutor's case) isn't accurate, I think the waters have been further muddied.

Just saying...and also jmo.
The physical evidence points to more than one attacker. Bloody footprints which showed up in luminol. Different sized footprints, including that of a woman's shoe underneath Meredith's body. Evidence of a cleanup. There are no fingerprints of Amanda Knox save one on a glass in the kitchen. There is evidence of her blood in the bathroom, along with Meredith's, from when the killers cleaned up. There is dna of both Amanda and Meredith found on a knife at Raffaele's house. The knife had been cleaned with bleach. In one of Raffaele's writings he tried to justify the dna on the knife by saying he had pricked Meredith with a knife while preparing lunch at his house. Problem is, Meredith never was at Raffaele's house, as per Amanda herself. The suspects have given several different alibis including being at a party that night, to being at home, on the computer (no evidence of computer being used that night), Raffaele talking to his father at approx 11pm (no phone call exists in records), to Amanda Knox claiming she was at the cottage while blaming Patrick Lumbaba for killing Meredith. She is facing charges for accusing him of the murder, which will add to her sentence. Not a smart move on her part.

The suspects have ZERO credibility. Claiming amnesia the night your roommate was murdered and lying repeatedly about your whereabouts, only to have the police surprise you at the cottage while you are in possession of a mop, and your roommate lies locked in her room with her throat stabbed with numerous injuries all over her body pretty much sums up what was going on.

The dna evidence is coming up which is why I believe we are seeing another PR push by the family in Seattle. By the way, the Sollecito family is under investigation for their involvement with Telenorba and leaking footage of Meredith's body on television. Nice family.

Raffaele Sollecito and Amanda Knox are in a heap of trouble and no amount of public relations and accusations of a conspiracy. That conspiracy would have to include the 10 judges who have looked over the evidence thus far and declared there was ample evidence to charge all three with the murder and go forward with trial, the police, the forensic teams, the investigators, the prosecutors - there are 2, the eyewitness accounts - including the other roommates, friends, shopowners, teacher, neighbors, and the writings and interviews with the suspects themselves. I haven't seen so much of a conspiracy since OJ was blamed for the murder of Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman. ;-)

One more thing - it has been proven that Rudy did know Amanda and Meredith. The boys downstairs knew him and he had smoked pot w/ Amanda. There is an eyewitness who believes he had seen all three with Meredith at one time. Furthermore, Rudy lived only down the street from Raffaele. They frequented the same places/bars/restaurants. For me it is easy to bring them together.

Finally, please don't bring the 'nice girls don't kill' story into play. People kill and we don't understand. It is insulting to murder victims around the world.

Another great website with articles, translations and powerpoints is Perugia Murder File.
Thanks Harry for that insightful post, looks like you've done your research. Yes, after reading that it does look like they did it.
I didn't read anywhere that the blood had Amanada's DNA and the dna in the bathroom, couldn't that have been there for a while and been the result of a cut or nosebleed?

Hi Danaya,
The blood of Amanda and Meredith was mixed fresh in the bathroom. The blood was found in a spot on the sink drain, on the faucet and on the bidet. When luminol was used the bathroom showed up a bloody mess! The bloody footprints under luminol were shown going between Meredith's room and the bathroom. I believe this was the last place they cleaned and therefore hasty, not getting everything spic and span. It reminds me of the Scott Peterson cleanup.

A policewoman noticed an abrasion on Amanda's neck. I'm not sure this is where the blood came from, but from Meredith's defensive wounds on her hands and the bruises all over her body is evidence that she put up quite the fight. Two neighbors have testified to hearing a blood curdling scream. I think Amanda's blood did come from her nose, but not because of a regular nose bleed, but from getting socked while holding Meredith down.

Btw, regarding the cleanup, the other roommates testified that Amanda was a slob. Why the sudden urge to remove all traces in the place she lived?

It is really a very sad case. Meredith Kercher on all accounts was a happy, cheerul, beautiful and studious girl. Her phones were removed and found down the street in a neighbors garden. Her door was locked and she had no possibility of getting help. She died a horrific death which, considering the circumstances that she knew her killers and trusted them, makes it very frightening to imagine. The police believe she was taunted and humiliated before she was killed.
Wow Harry - nice post! Thanks. I have no doubts about Amanda and her boyfriend's guilt either. I remember when this case broke and how wacky she was. Also - I don't believe the Italian police beat her during questioning. I don't think they would have dared. This case drew international attention from the media since the moment it broke. There is no way Amanda was beaten by anyone and it was not reported in the media. If there is nothing to substantiate her claim, then it is BS. Amanda is quite the accomplished liar in my opinion.

Thank you Harry,

My husband watched 48 Hours and was convinced Amanda was being railroaded. I didn't know how to begin explaining all the inaccuracies and the bias of that piece until I saw your posts.

I read them both to him.

You were convincing. My husband changed his mind. He hardly ever does.
Hi Danaya,
The blood of Amanda and Meredith was mixed fresh in the bathroom. The blood was found in a spot on the sink drain, on the faucet and on the bidet. When luminol was used the bathroom showed up a bloody mess! The bloody footprints under luminol were shown going between Meredith's room and the bathroom. I believe this was the last place they cleaned and therefore hasty, not getting everything spic and span. It reminds me of the Scott Peterson cleanup.

A policewoman noticed an abrasion on Amanda's neck. I'm not sure this is where the blood came from, but from Meredith's defensive wounds on her hands and the bruises all over her body is evidence that she put up quite the fight. Two neighbors have testified to hearing a blood curdling scream. I think Amanda's blood did come from her nose, but not because of a regular nose bleed, but from getting socked while holding Meredith down.

Btw, regarding the cleanup, the other roommates testified that Amanda was a slob. Why the sudden urge to remove all traces in the place she lived?

It is really a very sad case. Meredith Kercher on all accounts was a happy, cheerul, beautiful and studious girl. Her phones were removed and found down the street in a neighbors garden. Her door was locked and she had no possibility of getting help. She died a horrific death which, considering the circumstances that she knew her killers and trusted them, makes it very frightening to imagine. The police believe she was taunted and humiliated before she was killed.

Wow Harry! Thanks for this info. I have always believed that Amanda KNEW what was happening and was even in on the planning but I really never placed her right at the scene of the crime! It's a tragic shame all around. A beautiful, vivacious young woman murdered in cold blood by other beautiful young people. So very sad. I don't believe Amanda will be leaving Italy anytime soon...
Times Online

Sorry the link is so long, I don't know how to shorten it. Still this might help.

I also think this blog has breaks down a few more psychological elements. It is a blog but an interesting read.

I posted above the Perugia Murder File link, but here it is again. Like I said, it is a treasure trove of info - Italian artices - many translated (not by google!), the reports on Rudy Guede, why judges deemed Raffaele and Amanda dangerous and a flight risk, powerpoints about dna in general and the footprints and the house, etc. It is really helpful.

I've also read the True Justice Meredith Kercher blog which seems to closely monitor media reports on this case.
The 48 Hour episode was VERY one-sided... with it lacking in giving both sides of the case, it fed into what I call "An American arrested in another country means that the country is corrupt" syndrome. This "syndrome" is spawned from the issue that all too often the only time we hear about an American arrested abroad, is when something is fishy with the prosecuting country and their prosecutorial body. With the media mostly doing stories of Americans wrongly prosecuted abroad, in the past, subliminally a lot of brains get conditioned into thinking that any prosecuting body outside of the US, is corrupt. (Then there is the issue that we view our country and its citizens as the most civilized in the world... so for some people, they have a hard time accepting that one of our own would commit heinous crimes in another country. I know I have gotten short sided in the past, thinking just that... it's not something I am proud of.)

I say lets watch where things fall... let Italy present their case... don't take what the 48 Hours reported, as being the full story. I know I have bounced around on the case, as far as innocence and guilt goes... 15 minutes into the episode, they had me convinced that she was being wrongly accused... then the light flicked on in my brain when I realized that the report was very one-sided.

ETA: As soon as I posted this I explained my post to J, lo-and-behold, he fell right into the trap of what I am talking about. His instant response was something to the point of "well, it would be easy for a country to set an American up" and "why would she wait to kill someone until she got to Italy". I just growled at him... he's putting her being an American above finding out what the case is fully about. :|
Wow you guys are easily swayed. Links Harry?

I've been following the case, but through news articles, including the ones from Seattle, and I faithfully read the Perugia Shock.

I've reached the same conclusions as Harry. I really think the evidence speaks louder than Amanda's advocates. I also believe the Italian justice system will come to the correct conclusion.

I DO plan on visiting the sites Harry recommended and would like to thank Harry for his links.
PERUGIA, Italy (June 12) -- An American student accused of murdering her British roommate took the stand for the first time Friday, telling an Italian court in a quavering voice that she saw the victim hours before the killing, then went to her boyfriend's house for the night...

Alternating between English and Italian Knox told the court she last saw Kercher on the afternoon of Nov. 1. They talked about what they had done the night before — a Halloween night out — and Knox said Kercher still had a bit of her vampire makeup on.
Sollecito then arrived at the apartment and he and Knox had something to eat while Kercher was in her room, Knox told the court.

"She left her room, said 'bye,' walked out the door," Knox said, at this point speaking Italian. "That was the last time I saw her..."

Knox was called to testify both in her own defense and in a civil case brought by Lumumba.
"The declarations were taken against my will, so everything that I said was said in confusion and under pressure," Knox said under questioning by Lumumba's lawyer.

"They called me a stupid liar; said I was trying to protect someone. I was not trying to protect anyone," she said. "I didn't know what to respond. They said I left Raffaele's home, which I denied, but they continued to call me 'stupid liar.'

Knox smiled as she walked into the court before her testimony. She was dressed in a white shirt and white trousers and had her hair pulled into a ponytail..."
(video/photos, full article at link)

I, Personally don't believe a word from that girls mouth. Her story has changed so many times, she deserves a good slap or two (and I'm the most mellow person ever!)
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