British student murdered in Perugia, 3 suspects

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Now what kind of documentary do you think is going on? Do you think it will focus on her doubtful innocence, or do you think these folks are extending their child's 15 minutes of fame and raising some cash for her defense....

yes...raising cash for her defense, imo
This case was on 48 Hours Mystery last night and I have to say they way they portrayed it is there is an innocent girl in jail. Seems all too familiar that the cops can't exactly prve she was involved now and they don't want to release her and have egg on their faces. Curious to see what hard evidence they have.

Ciolino says if Amanda had actually been involved in Meredith's murder, police should have a lot more evidence to prove it. "When you or I walk into a room and we mess it up with blood and DNA and sweat we're going to bring a whole lot of stuff home with us. And we're going to leave even more there. But we have a problem in this case. Because they can’t put Amanda and Raffaele in that crime scene," Ciolino says.

"But you know who put Amanda at the crime scene? Amanda put Amanda at the crime scene. Who signs a statement that implicates them and their friends to murder? Who does that? Why would Amanda sign that?" Van Sant asks.

"Let me tell you, Peter, a confused 20-year-old girl, 6,000 miles from home, and all of a sudden they’re telling her she’s a prime suspect in a murder, that they’re gonna put her in prison for the rest of her life in an Italian jail, unless you pony up baby, and sign this," Ciolino says.

That’s what the case against Amanda boils down to, says Ciolino: a police theory that formed the basis for a coerced confession.

How does this work?

"This is real easy, okay? 'Amanda, you know what happened and I know what happened. And you better sign this statement because if you don't, young lady, you're never gonna see your mom again. You're never gonna see your daddy again.' 'Sir, it didn't really happen like that.' 'Bip, yes, it did happen like that, Amanda. And this is how it happened. You were with Patrick. And you and him went over there and he murdered your roommate. Now, maybe, maybe you didn't know that was gonna happen. But you certainly were there and you helped make it happen. Now, you better get writing or sign this or bad things are gonna happen like we're gonna charge you with the murder.' That's why there's no video. There is no audio. There is no independent party. There's Amanda and there's the cops. That's it. And who's gonna believe Amanda?" Ciolino says.

Amanda's signed statement helped form the backbone of the original police theory of the crime: that Amanda and Raffaele assisted Patrick Lumumba when he killed Meredith.

"And that's a great theory until the science comes rolling in, until the fingerprints show up," Ciolino says.

When Lumumba proved he had an alibi, and police matched DNA to Rudy Guede, the original theory didn’t work anymore.

"But now we have another problem, because Amanda didn’t know him. And Raffaele don’t know him," Ciolino explains.
bumping for Meredith.

Sorry, but I do not think Amanda is innocent. Th 48hours epidsode seemed a little biased to me. The mean ol' Italians holding this innocent little American sweetheart in jail. Give me a break. Innocent until proven guilty. I think Amanda has proven she is guilty through her confession, her actions in the days leading up and after the murder, the evidence, the fact her bf footprint was found at the scene, she lied about not being there when the camera footage proved that she was.
They could have called 911 but instead they let Meredity gurgle and struggle for at least an hour in agony and did nothing. That takes some cold-hearted people.
I wonder if she was tested for drugs right after her arrest and if so if it would show anything else besides pot....cocaine, meth, ecstacy, etc.
Meredith police conclude inquiry

Detectives in Italy have formally concluded their investigation into the killing of student Meredith Kercher.
Charges may now be brought against American Amanda Knox, 20, her former boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito, 21, and Hermann Guede, 24, from Ivory Coast.
They are being held on suspicion of sexually assaulting and murdering the 21-year-old Leeds University student from Coulsdon, south London.
She died last November in a house she shared with Miss Knox in Perugia.
Prosecutors say the three suspects strangled and stabbed Miss Kercher, according to a court document officially notifying the defence that the investigation is over.
Meredith Kercher suspects on brink of being charged

Francesco Maresca, the lawyer representing the Kercher family, said they were "very satisfied" with the work of the investigators. "This is an example of swift and true Italian justice. We are hopeful that the first trial hearing will take place after the summer," he said.

Thanks for the links, Floh! I am glad to see things are moving along.
Thanks for the links, Floh! I am glad to see things are moving along.

A pleasure. i followed this case keenly and am pleased to see things stepping up a gear. i seek Justice for Meredith Kercher.

Suspect's family 'made plans to get politicians to remove detectives'

Police tapping the phones of the father of Italian student Raffaele Sollecito overheard discussions that appeared to suggest plans being made to get senior politicians to use their influence and get detectives whom the Sollecitos considered hostile taken off the case. The phone tap information is in files handed over to lawyers as magistrate Giuliano Mignini officially completed the investigation into the strangling and stabbing of Kercher, from Surrey, who was found on 2 November semi-naked in a pool of blood in her bedroom in Perugia.
'We've got to flay the Perugia flying squad,' a family member was overheard saying, according to the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera. 'If we can get rid of the head of homicide and that other one, we'll be OK.'
Relatives of Sollecito, including his sister, a policewoman, were also overheard discussing politicians who could help their case. Giulia Buongiorno, a lawyer and MP in Silvio Berlusconi's ruling coalition, has now been retained to represent Sollecito. 'She can help out on this case at a political level,' Sollecito's father was overheard saying.
I am glad that justice is moving along though it seems like the wheels of justice move slowly somtimes. Meredith deserves justice as does her family.. the accused are lucky they are overseas where there is no death penalty if they are convicted.
I am glad that justice is moving along though it seems like the wheels of justice move slowly somtimes. Meredith deserves justice as does her family.. the accused are lucky they are overseas where there is no death penalty if they are convicted.

If found guilty, i hope they're incarcerated for a very long time! :behindbar:behindbar:behindbar
There's a brief update in this week's issue of Time magazine, but no new facts are revealed.

Foxy Knoxy Case Still Roils Italy,8599,1822246,00.html

Thanks very much for posting the phone-tap article, Floh. I hadn't seen that one. Bet Sollecito's family was stunned to learn that their phone lines were tapped - things must have gotten a little tense at work for his police-officer sister.

The last story I'd seen on Knox was the one in the Daily Mail a couple of weeks ago that was excerpted in the Fox News story lurker posted above:

Foxy Knoxy protests innocence and details her many lovers - and her fan-mail - in prison diary
There's a brief update in this week's issue of Time magazine, but no new facts are revealed.

Foxy Knoxy Case Still Roils Italy,8599,1822246,00.html

Thanks very much for posting the phone-tap article, Floh. I hadn't seen that one. Bet Sollecito's family was stunned to learn that their phone lines were tapped - things must have gotten a little tense at work for his police-officer sister.

The last story I'd seen on Knox was the one in the Daily Mail a couple of weeks ago that was excerpted in the Fox News story lurker posted above:

Foxy Knoxy protests innocence and details her many lovers - and her fan-mail - in prison diary

I'm thankful they did tap the Sollecito's family's phones! :furious::furious::furious:
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