Britney Spears Caught Driving With Child in Lap - MERGED

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JBean said:
I think a mistake is giving your baby a bottle with juice in it to go to sleep at night . I think a mistake is trying to potty train your child berfore they are ready.
Well, I've made worse mistakes than that. Once I fed the dog's phenobarbitol to my 12-month-old. They were both sitting on the floor together and I just popped the pill into my son's mouth. This necessitated a trip to the emergency room. I was terrified and felt like an idiot.

What I did could definitely be called negligent.

Like I said before, I am just glad my mistakes aren't documented and shown to the globe.

I feel compassion for Brittany. There's nothing to indicate that she has a history of being negligent with her child. She made a mistake and I hope she learns from it. She doesn't deserve the public flogging she has taken.
Jules said:
I agree about Britney's "singing" talents. My daughter was into Britney and Christina when she was younger and they were just starting out. We went to both concerts. Britney could dance her behind off - which made her show good, but when it came down to vocal talent, Christina - hand downs - was awesome! That girl has got some GREAT pipes!!!
I agree with ya jules, christina can sing!!
Your right we all make mistakes and its not documented and shown to the world. I guess that is why some like to bash her because we can all fake our perfect image and nobody will know the truth.. I have nothing bad to say about Brit. I think she is a young girl under the microscope! Yes she is rich and all that but whats it worth when you can't enjoy it? Her hubby seems fine to me in interviews I have watched him on and he just seems like a normal guy. Maybe she is more attracted to the bad boy image that he is trying to portray? He is def. no bad boy he just plays one on tv lol... He will never make as much money as Britney so therefore people will always claim him as a 'loser' and 'mootcher' etc etc.. Him and Shar didnt make it but thats not any diffrent than half of the rest of the male population here either.

southcitymom said:
Well, I've made worse mistakes than that. Once I fed the dog's phenobarbitol to my 12-month-old. They were both sitting on the floor together and I just popped the pill into my son's mouth. This necessitated a trip to the emergency room. I was terrified and felt like an idiot.

What I did could definitely be called negligent.

Like I said before, I am just glad my mistakes aren't documented and shown to the globe.

I feel compassion for Brittany. There's nothing to indicate that she has a history of being negligent with her child. She made a mistake and I hope she learns from it. She doesn't deserve the public flogging she has taken.
Some talking head on Fox just described as a half life of a celebrity. I thought this was funny for some reason. But I am not in her fan club at all.
Mygirlsadie said:
Your right we all make mistakes and its not documented and shown to the world. I guess that is why some like to bash her because we can all fake our perfect image and nobody will know the truth.. I have nothing bad to say about Brit. I think she is a young girl under the microscope! Yes she is rich and all that but whats it worth when you can't enjoy it? Her hubby seems fine to me in interviews I have watched him on and he just seems like a normal guy. Maybe she is more attracted to the bad boy image that he is trying to portray? He is def. no bad boy he just plays one on tv lol... He will never make as much money as Britney so therefore people will always claim him as a 'loser' and 'mootcher' etc etc.. Him and Shar didnt make it but thats not any diffrent than half of the rest of the male population here either.
I don't know where you live, but BELIEVE me, he doesn't stack up to the quailty of men where I live.:laugh:
southcitymom said:
Well, I've made worse mistakes than that. Once I fed the dog's phenobarbitol to my 12-month-old. They were both sitting on the floor together and I just popped the pill into my son's mouth. This necessitated a trip to the emergency room. I was terrified and felt like an idiot.

What I did could definitely be called negligent.

Like I said before, I am just glad my mistakes aren't documented and shown to the globe.

I feel compassion for Brittany. There's nothing to indicate that she has a history of being negligent with her child. She made a mistake and I hope she learns from it. She doesn't deserve the public flogging she has taken.
Mistake and accidental are the operative words here. She didn't accidentally, mistakenly put the baby on her lap. She did it on purpose.
That is the difference here.
JBean said:
Mistake and accidental are the operative words here. She didn't accidentally, mistakenly put the baby on her lap. She did it on purpose.
That is the difference here.
Sometimes new mothers (or anyone for that matter) do stupid, misinformed things when they're scared, irritated, foggy-brained, whatever. I've done it myself so I get it. Quite frankly, we aren't inside her head to know what she was thinking or feeling when she put her child on her lap and drove. I personally am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that she won't do it again.

When all is said and done and her infant is a grown person, if the worst thing she ever did to the child in the course of their relationship was put him on her lap and drive, then she'll be mother of the century in my opinion.

I don't know Brittany and I'm not a fan or a detractor. But if she was my sister or friend and did this thing, I would feel gentle and loving towards her. I have empathy for her.
I have a much more cynical view of Ms. Spears than you guys. I really think the baby is a fashion accessory for her - just like the poor little dogs. She is one-upping her competition. It doesn't mean she doesn't love the baby, but I don't think she comprehends what parenting is all about.
southcitymom said:
Sometimes new mothers (or anyone for that matter) do stupid, misinformed things when they're scared, irritated, foggy-brained, whatever. I've done it myself so I get it. Quite frankly, we aren't inside her head to know what she was thinking or feeling when she put her child on her lap and drove. I personally am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that she won't do it again.

When all is said and done and her infant is a grown person, if the worst thing she ever did to the child in the course of their relationship was put him on her lap and drive, then she'll be mother of the century in my opinion.

I don't know Brittany and I'm not a fan or a detractor. But if she was my sister or friend and did this thing, I would feel gentle and loving towards her. I have empathy for her.

Would you still feel this way if her car had been bumped from behind and the airbag deployed, killing the baby?
The woman was going to get coffee! What did she think? How about a drive thru? Use that bodyguard. She is full of garbage.
Mabel said:
Would you still feel this way if her car had been bumped from behind and the airbag deployed, killing the baby?
Yes, I would still feel empathy for Brittany if the air bag had deployed and killed her child. I am grateful that she can learn from this without that type of consequence.
The "explanation" in this article makes it sound even more bizarre. She sent the bodyguard to get the coffee, took baby out of car seat, then panicked. But she waited until the bodyguard got back with the coffee? What the heck kind of bodyguard is he? Couldn't he drive to go get the coffee?

Sounds even more like a setup to me. I do not have empathy for someone that uses their baby as press bait, then blames them when she gets called for doing something stupid.
southcitymom said:
Yes, I would still feel empathy for Brittany if the air bag had deployed and killed her child. I am grateful that she can learn from this without that type of consequence.

You're a better person than I am, I suppose. I'd feel anger at her for murdering her child through stupidity. She broke the law and put her child in extreme danger. Next she'll be dangling him over a balcony in Germany somewhere.
southcitymom said:
Sometimes new mothers (or anyone for that matter) do stupid, misinformed things when they're scared, irritated, foggy-brained, whatever.
I don't hink she is stupid nor do think she was misinformed. I don't think for one minute she didn't know what she was doing was dangerous and illiegal. She knew, but she chose to do it anyway.

I don;t think she said I've done it myself so I get it. Quite frankly, we aren't inside her head to know what she was thinking or feeling when she put her child on her lap and drove. I personally am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that she won't do it again.
Sometimes we only get the one chance to do it right. her child is very lucky. But I too am optimistic that she will not choose to endanger her child in this fashion again.
When all is said and done and her infant is a grown person, if the worst thing she ever did to the child in the course of their relationship was put him on her lap and drive, then she'll be mother of the century in my opinion.
She is now officially out of the running for mother of the century IMO.
Mabel said:
. Next she'll be dangling him over a balcony in Germany somewhere.
LOL....I couldnt believe when he did that , but then again, I cant believe alot of things he has done.
OB RN said:
If there's one thing that gets me crazy - it's seeing a baby unrestrained in a car (or toddler for that matter).

So many times - I have tooted my horn at stoplights & informed the parent that the baby needs to be in a car seat....they look at you like you're the nut.

Since "road rage" has become the norm - I now just call the police & report the license plate number & direction headed.

Stupid...just plain stupid. Ms. Brit should be visited by CPS. Anyone that negligent deserves a visit. It's not like she cannot afford a seat.

AND...if she was really being stalked & worried about her infant - better to get in the back with the baby, let the bodyguard drive & secure that child safely.
This is the smartest thing one can do!
Call the police with the license plate number!
Cell phones come in handy for many things, including protection on the road!

On another subject, I am now wondering if this was a planned event to get people talking about the dangers of driving with children in the car. I now this sounds stupid and it would be a pretty extreme move, but this article here mentions how her event "coincides" with and important child passenger saftey awareness week....
Kind of made me wonder ... I mean, people are REALLY talking about this issue now. We wouldn't be had the pictures of Britney not come out. So her doing somehting stupid and dangerous actually turned out to be educational for some. Thank God no one was hurt in the process!!

Child Passenger Safety Week brings public attention to important issue

Photos of Britney Spears driving with her 4-month-old son on her lap have shocked child-passenger safety experts, but one local advocate intends to use the celebrity’s “bad example” as an opportunity.

In that regard, Spears’ timing couldn’t be better: Next week is Child Passenger Safety Week. Several agencies will be holding free car seat checks throughout the week — the first scheduled for Monday at the Police Operations Center downtown.

“How perfect as far as education goes,” said Maile Gray, a nationally certified child-seat expert who also runs the traffic safety education programs for the Colorado Springs Police Department.

Or she can just 'claim' depression and then everybody will feel sorry for her like the animal Andrea Yates..I think your given the green light if you claim bi-polar or depression...i'm sending Britney a message on some tips to win over the public... (just being sarcastic) Brit made a stupid choice not a mistake not a accident a plain 'ol stupid choice and so did Michael but he makes them daily.. We've all made them once or twice in our life.

Mabel said:
You're a better person than I am, I suppose. I'd feel anger at her for murdering her child through stupidity. She broke the law and put her child in extreme danger. Next she'll be dangling him over a balcony in Germany somewhere.
Mygirlsadie said:
Brit made a stupid choice not a mistake not a accident a plain 'ol stupid choice and so did Michael but he makes them daily.. We've all made them once or twice in our life.
Making our own mistakes does not preclude us from speaking out against those who make other mistakes. Rather, that's how changes come about.
I hope the seriousness of her behavior is never diminished. May save a life.

Perhaps by having this discussion , there is a parent on this board that has learned something about how serious it is to make such a derelict decision about their own child's welfare.
JBean said:
Perhaps by having this discussion , there is a parent on this board that has learned something about how serious it is to make such a derelict decision about their own child's welfare.

Good to see you, Jelly! And yes, a voice of reason, as usual! :blowkiss:
JBean said:
Making our own mistakes does not preclude us from speaking out against those who make other mistakes. Rather, that's how changes come about.
I hope the seriousness of her behavior is never diminished. May save a life.

Perhaps by having this discussion , there is a parent on this board that has learned something about how serious it is to make such a derelict decision about their own child's welfare.

Worded this way, I have no problem discussing her mistake. It is the nastiness in some that bother me.

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