Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #19

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There's also a place in the e-mails where AR is suggesting ways they might get "the problem" (Brooke) where they want her, and she says: "I guess you could have some hot guy pick her up adn [sic] say that he is going to **** her at his house then he brings her to his house, which is really to you."

What do you make of that? "Some" guy? "say that he is going to **** her at his house"? And also, "you could have some hot guy pick her up,"

What do you make of this?

I will say this, even in a small town in Vermont, there are kids that "grow up" 'way too fast.

I think that's AR thinking out loud.... of ideas that would appeal to HER.

I doubt they would have settled on ANY plan that had the potential to scare Brooke away... they'd want to make her feel a little grown up but not in so over her head that she backed out or worse yet... mentioned any concerns to anyone.
That's true BUT it's a pretty safe guess they either took her directly to the house OR some hidden location where the attack would take place.

My point is that this wasn't the type of kidnapping where the victim is out in public for any length of time. The Amber Alert couldn't have saved her.

Agreed. I think it's pretty certain they went right back to the house, it is only a distance of maybe 7 miles, not on any heavily traveled roads. I don't think the Amber Alert could have made a bit of difference. But, at least if it is ever needed again, people will be more on the ball about how to put it in motion.
.....and her uncle, the convicted rapist.

Don't forget.... it was a Wednesday.... it's probable that her family believed her Aunt AND Uncle would be at work during the day.

At almost 13 years old, I don't think it's unreasonable for parents to allow a child to spend a day with a 14+ year old cousin.

After all, this is a very small & safe community where most kids probably have a lot of freedom that they don't have in cities or some suburbs.
I think that's AR thinking out loud.... of ideas that would appeal to HER.

I doubt they would have settled on ANY plan that had the potential to scare Brooke away... they'd want to make her feel a little grown up but not in so over her head that she backed out or worse yet... mentioned any concerns to anyone.

It's too bad we don't have the exact text messages to Brooke, what "Sam" - MJ through AR - specifically did say to Brooke. And what she was replying back about the plans to AR.

It was noticeable, even when these messages first came out, that he didn't go for AR's ideas either.
Agreed. I think it's pretty certain they went right back to the house, it is only a distance of maybe 7 miles, not on any heavily traveled roads. I don't think the Amber Alert could have made a bit of difference. But, at least if it is ever needed again, people will be more on the ball about how to put it in motion.

And hopefully they'll have a test run.... just to make sure.
At almost 13 years old, I don't think it's unreasonable for parents to allow a child to spend a day with a 14+ year old cousin.

Without any adult supervision all day long? Who is overseeing what they do on the Internet or what they watch on TV? One of Brooke's MySpace accounts had already been shut down by her bio dad because he did not like some of the activitiy he saw on it. Kids are great but I sure wouldn't make a practice of leaving a 13 and 14 y.o. at home alone all day, there is just too much trouble to be gotten into.

And, in the house of a registered sex offender, even if you didn't think he was going to be home? That seems pretty unreasonable to me. JMHO
im sure you didnt mean it to be, but i find this post pretty offensive.

just my opinion.

When reading through the 18-page affidavit, there are several anomalies which caught my eye. One of those was the expression "going to party" verses "at the party". Perhaps it is a typographical error on the part of someone [note: I will have to locate the reference to say just who] at one point however it could be exactly what it was intended to be i.e. going to party. Further on in reading, we learn from an exchange between E and AR, that AR's "plan" calls for Brooke to be inticed by the prospects of having sex with Sam who theoretical has the "hots" for Brooke.

All this seems to contradict the belief that Brooke was naive, or was an innocent player in the upcoming events leading into June 25. Perhaps she was partly mentally prepared but also wary.
im sure you didnt mean it to be, but i find this post pretty offensive.

just my opinion.
Liljim, I don't find it offensive so much as sad. Do we know what kind of conversations were occurring on the Myspace page Brooke's dad had taken down?

I don't think it's a stretch to say that AR was pretty boy-crazy, if her email comments about looking forward to "farmer season" are accurate. If Brooke spent much time around her, the conversation would have veered at some point to boys and sex.

Whether Brooke would have - as we said when I was a kid - "gone all the way" - is open to question.
Agreed. I think it's pretty certain they went right back to the house, it is only a distance of maybe 7 miles, not on any heavily traveled roads. I don't think the Amber Alert could have made a bit of difference. But, at least if it is ever needed again, people will be more on the ball about how to put it in motion.
The Amber Alert was issued and broadcast thru the media just not on the electronic billboards by the roads.
The Amber Alert was issued and broadcast thru the media just not on the electronic billboards by the roads.
Do we know who reported seeing her at the laundromat, and whether that report was made as a result of the Amber Alert?
The Amber Alert was issued and broadcast thru the media just not on the electronic billboards by the roads.

Does anyone know whether it was text messaged out to people who subscribe to Amber Alerts?
Do we know who reported seeing her at the laundromat, and whether that report was made as a result of the Amber Alert?

I think that info came from a few people around the town, who came forward after the police asked if anyone had seen her. Don't know about the Amber Alert, if it had already been issued at that time
That's true BUT it's a pretty safe guess they either took her directly to the house OR some hidden location where the attack would take place.

My point is that this wasn't the type of kidnapping where the victim is out in public for any length of time. The Amber Alert couldn't have saved her.

You are probably right...I was thinking that if they had the highway signs on, and if MJ transported Brooke somewhere while she was still alive (which I think is a strong possibility, since we don't know TOD), that someone could have seen his vehicle and reported it. In hindsight, however, I doubt he would have been transporting her via highway...if he transported her at all, I would think it was via back much still not known!

Thank you for replying - I appreciate hearing another perspective.:blowkiss:
I'm sure castration is not a cure-all but it seems to me it might go a long way towards helping some.

From a Washington Post story: "One Danish study suggested the rate of repeat offenses dropped from 80 percent to 2.3 percent after surgical castration."
The Louisina law for any type of sex crimes is 1st offence=Judge has the right to decide on castration...2nd offfence=mandatory castration. The state did have the dealth penalty in certain sex crime cases but was ousted by Supreme court...La. governor was saying last night they was fighting hard to get dealth penalty back. The do not fool around with these types of crimes, especially when children are involved. GOOD for you Louisiana.:blowkiss:
It's too bad we don't have the exact text messages to Brooke, what "Sam" - MJ through AR - specifically did say to Brooke. And what she was replying back about the plans to AR.

It was noticeable, even when these messages first came out, that he didn't go for AR's ideas either.

Yes, they only released just enough info so they could make the preliminary arrests & know the subjects would not be released.

I think there are probably a mountain of phone logs, MySpace messages and emails that they have to go through.

We hear up to the time that they get back from Cumberland Farms & there's no mention of AR leaving the house when Brooke goes upstairs.

Was that the plan they settled on? If so, then what if AR ran into someone from Brooke's family who expected them to be together that day? Was she going to say Brooke ran off with some kid & sound the alert THAT early????

It seems way too reckless to have AR wandering around in public during the day.
Liljim, I don't find it offensive so much as sad. Do we know what kind of conversations were occurring on the Myspace page Brooke's dad had taken down?

I don't think it's a stretch to say that AR was pretty boy-crazy, if her email comments about looking forward to "farmer season" are accurate. If Brooke spent much time around her, the conversation would have veered at some point to boys and sex.

Whether Brooke would have - as we said when I was a kid - "gone all the way" - is open to question.

what i find offensive is the particular wording "All this seems to contradict the belief that Brooke was naive, or was an innocent player in the upcoming events leading into June 25."

i dont see how it contributes to the story/investigation AT ALL to speculate about brooke's possible sexual activity or intentions leading up to the day she was abducted. i dont think there is any strong evidence regarding the matter, and i think the speculation included in the post is particularly wild and very questionable.
FYI, if it matters, AR's my space was logged into today
Don't forget.... it was a Wednesday.... it's probable that her family believed her Aunt AND Uncle would be at work during the day.

At almost 13 years old, I don't think it's unreasonable for parents to allow a child to spend a day with a 14+ year old cousin.

After all, this is a very small & safe community where most kids probably have a lot of freedom that they don't have in cities or some suburbs.

IIRC - they didn't know she was with MJ. She said she was going to visit a friend's relative in the hospital, right? It may very well be that Brooke's mom had told her never to be alone with MJ. She was a typical teen pushing the envelope. Telling her parents she was going with a friend to visit a relative in the hospital when she THOUGHT she was going to a "party."
As soon as Christine gets the emails put in order...they are ready for you to rip apart on that thread. :) I think I will suggest she move the posts dealing with that topic over there, too.
The Louisina law for any type of sex crimes is 1st offence=Judge has the right to decide on castration...2nd offfence=mandatory castration. The state did have the dealth penalty in certain sex crime cases but was ousted by Supreme court...La. governor was saying last night they was fighting hard to get dealth penalty back. The do not fool around with these types of crimes, especially when children are involved. GOOD for you Louisiana.:blowkiss:

And yet, we hear of women who also commit horrible sex crimes against minors.

Sexual crimes do NOT require a penis or testicles or even a sex drive.
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