I disagree with every single one of you blaming AR.
You are talking about a 9-year-old girl who was not only horribly abused but threatened with death, indoctrinated and brainwashed by her own father for years and years. The next time any of you are out and about and see a little 9-year-old girl, really, really look at her, and ask yourselves, is she really supposed to know better? Where the hell was this girl's mother when all this was taking place right under her effing nose?
There are grown women all over this country who have been raped, once, who years and years later still can't stand to let a man touch them. There are grown adults all over this country who have served in wars who come back all messed up in the head. Grown women who are victims of domestic abuse who will not leave, who believe they do not deserve any better. What chance does a 9-year-old girl have to come out of this okay and making the right decisions?
This girl should be getting treatment, and if she is not, again, I ask, where the hell is her MOTHER?
What happened to Brooke is inexcusable, and the men responsible, IMO, should be tortured until they beg for death, then torture them some more. Then they should be healed up, tortured some more for what they did to AR. Just because she survived it doesn't make her any less a victim. No, she should not have helped with what happened to Brooke, but HOW was she supposed to know better? Her father damn sure had no motive to teach her what he was doing to her was wrong, and apparently her mother didn't, either.