Burke Files 150 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against Werner Sptiz???

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Interesting to see how this all pans out!

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What would BR be suing for? I would imagine legally it would come under a Libel/Defamation civil suit? If that is the case then i think BR has to prove how Spitz damaged BR by taking part in the CBS production? I really don't see how that would work for BR because a lot of the public already think the R's had something to do with JBR's murder, and there has already been much speculation on public forums about BR doing the striking JBR on the head because he was angry at her. Spitz only gave his professional opinion about what he thought caused the head injury and how that would of affected JBR in the aftermath of such a serious skull fracture. I don't recall Spitz stating that BR was the one that struck JBR on the head, but the show demonstrated how a child could also inflict such an injury with the heavy maglite torch.
been looking for the interview with cbs detroit
found link to it......will attach however looks like page has been removed :gaah:

any better finds clever websluethers?
JonBenét Ramsey Killer Was Her Brother Burke, Dr. Werner ...

... famed expert Dr. Werner Spitz told CBS Detroit he has no doubt who killed her.Detroit. ... Watch + Listen. Watch Video; Audio On Demand; Seen on TV; Heard on


I think only suing the doctor because in the demonstration shown of the boy striking the skull. He brought it too close to home. Plus the flashlight had been wiped clean inside and out which to me spoke volumes.
It will be interesting how this all plays out in a court of law. Now people will have to testify including BR and JR.
The only thing I can think of, as to why Spitz and not the others, is that Spitz didn't see eye to eye with the others over the bash over the head being accidental.

But his words are hardly defamatory, he hasn't leveled an accusation against Burke, all he has said and demonstrated is that it was within the capabilities of a child, and his words "I cannot see anybody, even a child..." means it is not directed at Burke, but anyone taking a heavy object to a child's head.

Here's the extract I'm talking about (credit to PositiveLight for the transcript)

"Kolar- "My hypothesis was that I think the Ramsey's came home around 9:30-10:00. I think JonBenet
was asleep and I think John did carry her upstairs. Patsy remained downstairs with Burke and
served him with tea and the pineapple. I think that accounts for the physical evidence as well as the
latent prints. Then I think she got JonBenet up to make sure she used the toilet so she didn't
wet the bed that night. JonBenet was up, she may or may not have brushed her teeth, that stuff was
out on the counter and then I think she was up and awake enough that maybe was still hungry
and she went downstairs in the meantime Patsy continued packing for the Michigan trip. I think
Burke was upset about circumstances of Christmas presents he probably would have been upset
about her trying to snag a piece of pineapple, out of anger he may have struck her with that
Dr. Spitz- "I think we already agree on that."
Clemente- "Yes."
Fitzgerald- "Yes."
Laura- "Absolutely."
Dr. Lee- "Sure. Yeah, I agree with that. However I think it's not the intentional murder. "
Clemente- "I agree there's no evidence to support it."
Stan Burke- "So you don't think there was no malice of forethought. Something happened to cause that?"
Dr. Lee- "Spur of the moment or something like that."
Clemente- "Or accidental death. It doesn't have to necessarily be a murder."
Dr. Spitz- "How can it be an accidental death? I cannot see anybody, even a child, taking a heavy
object like a flashlight and hitting it on somebody's head as an accident."

Clemente- "Maybe in anger he swung it faster than he thought he would. We're talking about a
10 year old who by the way, who had hit the same person in the head with a golfclub. And what
Dr. Spitz- "Nothing happened."
Clemente- "Nothing happened."
Is he suing over the CBS special though? I read that it is over a radio interview where Spitz actually said that BR bludgeoned her to death.
It will be interesting how this all plays out in a court of law. Now people will have to testify including BR and JR.

And we already know what kind of witness BR will make, with his shifty eyes and smirky smile.
Is he suing over the CBS special though? I read that it is over a radio interview where Spitz actually said that BR bludgeoned her to death.

You're right. Thank you. It's what he said on CBS Detroit on 19th Sept.

Also interesting is this excerpt from the lawsuit "The CBS docuseries and Defendant Spitz's participation in it will be the subject of separate defamation litigation to be filed in the near future in Los Angeles, California."


Dr. Spitz told CBS Detroit:

“If you really, really use your free time to think about this case, you cannot come to a different conclusion. It’s the boy (Burke Ramsey) who did it (murdered JonBenet), whether he was jealous, or mentally unfit or something.. I don’t know the why. I’m not a psychiatrist, but what I am sure about is what I know about him, that is what happened here. And the parents changed the scene to make it look like something it wasn’t.”
Errrr sorry but it doesn/t look good for Spitz ....
I wonder if John Ramsey will come out of his silent cell where he has been saying NOTHING since the CBS interview and make a comment on this...LOL
the attached document of the lawsuit is pretty interesting.....re the history of him as an expert....sadly I agree with that!
BR is suing Spitz because he didn't use a flashlight, when he hit JBR. He used a golf club..:floorlaugh:

I do hope that Burke has to testify and answer questions on the stand! I want John to testify too. Spitz is 90 yrs old. I doubt he cares too much if the little prick sues him. The evidence points to Burke. Maybe finally this will bring even more evidence and more proof to light. I think LW made a huge mistake pushing this lawsuit. LW doesn't care if his client is cleared or not. He's in it for the money. He will get paid whether they win or loose. The Ramsey's have been running from the truth and justice for far too long. It's time for JonBenet to receive justice. I hope they put all of the circle of friends on the stand under oath. Maybe Fleet and Priscilla will finally get to tell their side for all to hear.

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