Burke Files 150 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against Werner Sptiz???

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Exhibit A is AH signed statement. It's as dangerous as ML's stupid exoneration. But it will help BR. Again. Spitz can't prove his theory. He can't prove the mag is the m.weapon. Cant place it in BRs hands even if it is. Cant prove BR is mentally unfit OR SOMETHING, his own words. Then there is his history as an expert. We all know about that.
JonBenet’s brother files suit against pathologist

Corey Williams, Associated Press 12:04 a.m. EDT October 7, 2016

Detroit — The brother of JonBenet Ramsey filed a defamation lawsuit Thursday against a Michigan forensic pathologist who told a Metro Detroit media outlet that Burke Ramsey killed his 6-year-old sister.

The complaint alleges that Dr. Werner Spitz said in a Sept. 19 interview that 9-year-old Burke bludgeoned JonBenet to death in 1996.

“Spitz made this accusation without ever examining JonBenet’s body, without viewing the crime scene, and without consulting with the pathologist who performed the autopsy on JonBenet,” the complaint filed in Wayne County Circuit Court in Detroit says...

Question for lawyer/those that know the law. Can Spitz ask for Burkes medical history to be disclosed, or is that locked up tight?
Just speculation, but he didn't want to sue Spitz or the others on the CBS show over the comments on the show - even though far, far, more people saw the show - because he doesn't want to face the big gun attorneys CBS would bring to the table.

By isolating Spitz he avoids that and any indemnification and defense agreement he has with CBS doesn't likely extend to anything Spitz said outside of the show.

Spitz works on and publicly comments on a lot of different cases, so my guess is he has insurance that will cover him for this. But Spitz is more likely to settle than CBS and Wood knows this. And he only cares about the money. Also, any money he gets from Spitz will give Burke the funds to try to go after CBS if that's what they really want to do.
I know this is not a popular opinion here---:whiteflag: -----but I feel sorry for BR. He was a 9 yr old little boy. He was not a sadistic killer, in my opinion. I think he is likely autistic, perhaps Aspergers. He is a bit odd but I don't think he is evil.
The blame goes to his parents, in my opinion. They created the evil circumstances. They may have even murdered the poor girl themselves when they saw she was still alive. I don't think we should be bashing the 9 yr old, but we should be focusing on his horrid parents.
Dr. Phil stated very clearly in his question and answer episode that Burke didn't have any of those illnesses. He even mocked the viewers basically for even thinking it.

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Dr. Phil stated very clearly in his question and answer episode that Burke didn't have any of those illnesses. He even mocked the viewers basically for even thinking it.

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I don't believe much of anything that the 'doctor' says.
If Dr. Spitz is still licensed to practice medicine, he would have insurance to cover this law suit and he would have quite a number of very good attorneys to represent him too. BR just might have jumped into a snake pit!!!
I know this is not a popular opinion here---:whiteflag: -----but I feel sorry for BR. He was a 9 yr old little boy. He was not a sadistic killer, in my opinion. I think he is likely autistic, perhaps Aspergers. He is a bit odd but I don't think he is evil.
The blame goes to his parents, in my opinion. They created the evil circumstances. They may have even murdered the poor girl themselves when they saw she was still alive. I don't think we should be bashing the 9 yr old, but we should be focusing on his horrid parents.

He's no longer 9, he's now a man, and many of us feel the way he talked about the murder of his sister on Dr. Phil makes him less than likeable. Also, we're not bound to accept the judgment of Colorado law in what we think about him. I think a 9 year old should have some serious consequences for injuring a person the way JonBenet was injured.
Insurance would not cover this type of lawsuit. That said, Dr. Spitz is fairly wealthy and I suspect he will be represented by more than competent counsel.
I think they want Spitz to settle and as part of the settlement, he will have to issue an apology and recant his statements. Then they can use that to help them in their lawsuit against CBS.
Perhaps, but they are simply just waiting for the retraction period to lapse in order to sue CBS in California. California has a statute that requires this period to lapse prior to suing someone for defamation (I believe a plaintiff has to serve a demand for retraction within 20 days of the statement(s) being made, and that once received, that person has three weeks to publish a retraction). So I would expect to see the CBS lawsuit initiated by the end of the month or early November.
Perhaps, but they are simply just waiting for the retraction period to lapse in order to sue CBS in California. California has a statute that requires this period to lapse prior to suing someone for defamation (I believe a plaintiff has to serve a demand for retraction within 20 days of the statement(s) being made, and that once received, that person has three weeks to publish a retraction). So I would expect to see the CBS lawsuit initiated by the end of the month or early November.

That's what Lin Wood explained in an interview he gave. He also made it clear that a retraction wasn't sufficient to cover the damage.
Are courts open to the public when BR has to take the stand? Websleuthers Field Trip and Get-together???
BR and JR had a perfect opportunity to talk to Jim Clemente and Laura Richards on The Case Of and say their piece but they chose not to. This was most likely planned, so they can sue CBS later. How distasteful.
He's no longer 9, he's now a man, and many of us feel the way he talked about the murder of his sister on Dr. Phil makes him less than likeable. Also, we're not bound to accept the judgment of Colorado law in what we think about him. I think a 9 year old should have some serious consequences for injuring a person the way JonBenet was injured.

bravo. thank you for this post.
Let him sue. If JonBenet stays in the public eye, then good. He will still be scrutinized as the main suspect. He isn't doing himself any good by placing the attention on himself. JMO
What if this was part of the plan? Really! Think about it, these are intelligent people who had to know Wood would sue. Maybe they were counting on it.


Missing Innocence: The JonBenet Ramsey Case

Why then have the Ramseys not sued? Perhaps because a murder defendant actually has more of a right to privacy than a libel plaintiff. One can always take the Fifth Amendment. If he sues for libel, one loses that privilege. Whether the Ramseys are innocent or guilty, says First Amendment attorney Floyd Abrams, "I would advise them not to sue, because they are suspects and they would have to answer the most intensive and intrusive question."

This could be the one to bite the Rams and Co. in the John Brown hind parts.
Apologies if this comes up twice. I was logged out accidentally when I was first trying to post this.

Not a legal expert but I wouldn't get my hopes up for a secret CBS bombshell because the Ramseys would be entitled to evidentiary discovery in the event of a filed lawsuit. If CBS is holding something back the Ramseys would get to see what it is. It won't come out of the clear blue sky like in an episode of Matlock. It won't come out in a trial because I don't think the Ramseys would let it get that far. Filing a lawsuit and then withdrawing it would only add to Burke's steaming pile of guilt in the court of public opinion, but oh well. Then it would come down to filing another lawsuit to prevent the material from being released. That is again assuming that CBS has something juicy they're sitting on. Maybe that's the Rs strategy. File this first lawsuit against Spitz hoping that he won't fight it too hard and as a threat against the others. Maybe they'll get a retraction they can use later or maybe even a few bucks. Then file against CBS to see if it's got more dirt on them (and also for a few $). And then file again to prevent the dirt from being released. But who knows? Like I said, no expert here.

Maybe we'll get to see what else CBS has. Maybe the Ramseys will take it all the way to court to try to refute CBS's findings. To once and for all clear their egos. Sorry, I meant to say names. :) And then we're looking at a full-on JonBenét trial.

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