Burke Files 150 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against Werner Sptiz???

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Just like Dr. S....but Dr. S cannot give a professional opinion based on info he has but LW can do what he wants like the R's.

I wonder IF they read here and often wonder if they even care how the public feels about them....they dont care....just care for money.

I KNOW they don't care, MsJosie. John said so: he refers to us as "beer-can collectors" and the Borg from Star Trek.

Well guess what, Johnny? You've had 20 years, and all you can get on your side is phony "experts," do-gooders and bleeding hearts.
I will be watching this one! Thank you for the heads up!

I think it's sickening. That being said, what chilled me was "Patsy" sobbing while following the cop with her eyes. Imagine how disturbing it must have been for the officer (French?) when it actually happened!
No shock there, eh?

Wow, you said a mouthful. He talks like butter won't melt in his mouth, but as far as I'm concerned, his alimentary canal got inverted 'cos all that comes out is s**t.
Amen Dave!

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Just like Dr. S....but Dr. S cannot give a professional opinion based on info he has but LW can do what he wants like the R's.

I wonder IF they read here and often wonder if they even care how the public feels about them....they dont care....just care for money.

They just care for the money, since their reputations are all trashed. Money buys you power, JR is text case abuse of power, he overstepped the mark when he assumed his fellow republican travelers would allow his money to purchase a political position. That's when he discovered too late, that people might accept your money, but not your company.

Once you have purchased power, you need to defend it. That's where people like Dr Phil and LW come in, its their job to defend the indefensible.

In my house when I was growing up, Lifetime movies were "chick flicks."

I wouldn't be surprised if they get a lot of details wrong but yes it will be interesting. I couldn't help but notice the puddle of urine though. Has it ever been determined if the urine was fresh from the night of the 25th or days old? I know it "reeked."

Dave, if that scene bothers us, imagine how disturbing it must have been for French when it actually happened!
In my house when I was growing up, Lifetime movies were "chick flicks."

I wouldn't be surprised if they get a lot of details wrong but yes it will be interesting. I couldn't help but notice the puddle of urine though. Has it ever been determined if the urine was fresh from the night of the 25th or days old? I know it "reeked."

Dave, if that scene bothers us, imagine how disturbing it must have been for French when it actually happened!

Just adding my two cents here.... I believe I've read that the sheets on JBR's bed were dry as in had not been soiled. Lou Smit was adamant that fibers from JBR's shirt were on the sheets indicating that these are the sheets that her parents put her to bed in. However that said, I also recall reading an interview with LHP (housekeeper) that when showed a crime scene photo of the open dryer she stated the pink checked sheets that were in the dryer were what she dressed JBR's bed in two days before. Leading me to believe that JBR could have soiled the sheets and blanket and PR laundered them. LHP believed the blanket was in the dryer and only PR would have known to grab that blanket from the dryer to lovingly wrap JBR's body in before locking her up in the wine cellar.
In my house when I was growing up, Lifetime movies were "chick flicks."

I wouldn't be surprised if they get a lot of details wrong but yes it will be interesting. I couldn't help but notice the puddle of urine though. Has it ever been determined if the urine was fresh from the night of the 25th or days old? I know it "reeked."

Michael Kane confirmed that the sheets tested positive for creatinine, whatever that does for anybody.

Dave, if that scene bothers us, imagine how disturbing it must have been for French when it actually happened!

No kidding! No wonder it stood out in his memory.
SuperDave, where did he get this interpretation? Does he have medical backup?

Well, I was being slightly sarcastic with the "different interpretation" crack. But it helps to remember that Lin Wood is probably keeping himself ignorant of things that might hurt him. Jann Scott once said that Wood knows so little about the actual case, he could say anything he wants and he wouldn't be lying because he doesn't know he's wrong. As to where he got his interpretation, Patsy confirmed in her 2000 Atlanta interview that the Ramseys had hired their own pathologist, Dr. Kris Sperry, and he gave them the findings they wanted. (If I were Wood, I wouldn't try to use that in the suit, though; Dr. Sperry's about as credible as Richard Eikelenboom now!)
Michael Kane confirmed that the sheets tested positive for creatinine, whatever that does for anybody.

No kidding! No wonder it stood out in his memory.

The creatinine could have come off the plastic cover. So either transfer or bed-wetting.

Just adding my two cents here.... I believe I've read that the sheets on JBR's bed were dry as in had not been soiled. Lou Smit was adamant that fibers from JBR's shirt were on the sheets indicating that these are the sheets that her parents put her to bed in. However that said, I also recall reading an interview with LHP (housekeeper) that when showed a crime scene photo of the open dryer she stated the pink checked sheets that were in the dryer were what she dressed JBR's bed in two days before. Leading me to believe that JBR could have soiled the sheets and blanket and PR laundered them. LHP believed the blanket was in the dryer and only PR would have known to grab that blanket from the dryer to lovingly wrap JBR's body in before locking her up in the wine cellar.

If JonBenet wet her bed, why would she then have more urine left to wet the carpet in the basement?

Where are JonBenet's pink pajama bottoms, why do so many people buy PR's story about the long johns.

Over the years I've gone from BDI no way, to mmm BDI maybe, to BR ligature plus paintbrush, maybe.

Hmmm. I can't find the later Real Crime Profile podcasts with Jim Clemente and Laura Richards anymore. 36 is there but where is 37, 38, 39, and why no new 40? Is this more of Lin Woods handiwork?
If JonBenet wet her bed, why would she then have more urine left to wet the carpet in the basement?

Where are JonBenet's pink pajama bottoms, why do so many people buy PR's story about the long johns.

Over the years I've gone from BDI no way, to mmm BDI maybe, to BR ligature plus paintbrush, maybe.

I'm not sure I'm convinced JBR did wet the bed Xmas night. I've seen conflicting reports indicating both that the bed was indeed soiled and others that stated the bed was not soiled. I do know that it is common for females of all ages to not empty the bladder when going potty. If JBR did wet the bed before the events of that night took place, I can absolutely accept that she could have voided in the basement on the carpet afterwards. It could be that she was so frightened by the ongoing attack on her that she voided or that upon her death outside of the wine cellar her body involuntarily emptied.
I never did buy PR's story about the long john pants. Anyone who has ever changed a child is all too familiar how difficult it is to put tight form fitting long john pants on a child that is awake nevermind a sleeping six year old that you are trying not to waken while changing them. JBR lying on the bed asleep would force PR to pinch the material and shimmy them up JBR's body which requires much too much movement and the possibility of waking JBR. Fleece pajama pants or even a nightshirt/nightgown would have gone on much more easily than long john pants. My own opinion is that BR accidentally killed JBR. I say accidentally meaning that he was angry and intended to inflict injury to JBR but I'm not sure he fully realized the gravity of the injuries he caused initially. I think he caused the blow to the head and the strangulation. I'm not convinced that he created the garrote for the strangulation but I do believe he had knowledge and ability to do that. I think the she was strangled already and sexually assaulted when the parents found her or were told by BR of the incident. I think JR and PR participated in the staging of JBR's body to deflect every possible scenario they could come up with that would point to an outsider. I think the Ransom Note was all PR although JR knew of its creation.
I realize that people react to trauma and death/grief differently. However, when you consider ALL the steps taken by the Ramsey's to cover up and be non cooperative in an attempt to find their daughters killer, common sense tells you they were involved. I honestly don't believe that if one parent committed the crime the other would have covered it up. Their grief was real, they truly mourned the loss of JBR, I believe they truly loved her. They were too eager to point fingers at everyone they knew over a span of decades, the only conclusion I can come up with is that the cover up and the way they so vehemently refused to cooperate was because they were protecting the killer. The only people that the Ramsey's didn't point fingers to were family members. There was only one other family member in the house that night. That one other family member had a history of injuring JBR, displayed very disturbing behaviors before and after the murder, and had motive as far as I'm concerned. With an absent father out of the home for work often, and a mother that put all her energy and adoration into coaching and preparing JBR for the pageantry life, that left BR alone and disconnected and likely brewing with jealousy and anger for JBR that seemed to be the spotlight wherever they went. Many interviews with those in the Ramsey circle indicated this. I never believed the Ramsey's ridiculous claims that BR and JBR had a perfect loving relationship, were best friends, etc..... It is common knowledge that siblings fight, are envious of each other, compete for their parents approval and attention. It's absurd to think otherwise. moo
I want to say in my humble opinion, the Ramsey's tried to encourage the animosity between them and LE. They wanted to be portrayed as victims also. They lie about being cooperative over and over again yet, we know they weren't.
Anyone knows that when a child is murdered, especially in their own home, the family HAS to be ruled out first before moving out towards others. There was absolutely no reason for them to not cooperate with the investigation FULLY. Even if the LE thought it was one of them, they still should have cooperated. By cooperating they could have proven their innocence. I get chills when I hear parents aren't cooperating with police. The only reason why would be guilt in some form. Even when they did finally interview, they were evasive with most answers. You must ask yourself why? It's LE procedure to investigate the family and in this case in particular they had every reason TO suspect them. Remember we aren't privy to all of the evidence. Kolar can only say so much without revealing evidence unknown to us. He hints to it. He's basically saying read between the lines.
I support LE. Yes there were mistakes made. The house should have been immediately cleared of everyone including Patsy. JR could have stayed to answer the supposed ransom call then after it didn't occur escorted to the police station to discuss the case and be questioned. Meanwhile the CSI should have been sweeping the home. If only JR was at the home with LE and detectives then he couldn't have snuck away. The Ramsey's themselves ruined the investigation in my opinion. Plus they were handled with kid gloves which was ridiculous!!!!
Had the Ramsey's allowed LE to quickly and efficiently rule them out as suspects, then they could have moved on to other suspects. Although, In my personal opinion this is exactly WHY they didn't cooperate. There never was an intruder to start with.

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Thanks, but I get an "We're sorry but an error occurred" when I try to listen to 37 - 40.

I found a facebook page for the show.


People are asking what happened there too - no answers yet.
Sounds like some LW stunt. He's probably now filing suit against them too! [emoji35] LW isn't going to be happy until his own clients are under the jailhouse. He's begging for a jury trial practically. I say give it to him. These are seasoned investigators and they wouldn't say their opinions without good evidence. Toodle loo BR and JR. Hopefully you get the hell sued out of you right back. Including LW.

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Sounds like Woody had another meltdown.

Charliegirl, I agree with you. I never did buy the longjohn story either. My parents had six children. It'd be very loose fitting pjs. Its amazing how many grandiose lies Patsy told expecting other parents to believe them Puh-leeze!
The more I think about this case, the more I believe that JR & PR staged the whole scene to also keep Burke from realizing what he'd done. So that there was this alternate reality where he really hadn't killed his sister, she was kidnapped at some point after that and killed by someone else. Like they were saving him from even recognizing the consequences of what he'd done. That may be why they were worried about some future point where he'd remember his own actions and have problems. If they created this alternate reality, then they didn't have to worry as much about him spilling the beans, since they would have told him that what he did was not important and that JonBenet had been killed by someone else. But by now, he must have at least some idea that there really was no intruder after all...
The more I think about this case, the more I believe that JR & PR staged the whole scene to also keep Burke from realizing what he'd done. So that there was this alternate reality where he really hadn't killed his sister, she was kidnapped at some point after that and killed by someone else. Like they were saving him from even recognizing the consequences of what he'd done. That may be why they were worried about some future point where he'd remember his own actions and have problems. If they created this alternate reality, then they didn't have to worry as much about him spilling the beans, since they would have told him that what he did was not important and that JonBenet had been killed by someone else. But by now, he must have at least some idea that there really was no intruder after all...

I agree. And they also create an alternative reality for themselves. Although they staged and they know why they staged, they can in a way kid themselves that it was in fact an intruder, since they likely didn't actually see their son do anything, or at the scene.

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