Burke Files 150 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against Werner Sptiz???

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I don't quite remember which number podcast it was, but Jim Clemente mentioned there were remnants of tea in the tea glass found on the dining room table. If true, the glass was not out on the table simply for the purpose of depositing the tea bag, it was used for the purpose of drinking tea. This points to BR even more, IMO, as he was the "resident tea drinker" and fingerprints belonging only to him were found on the glass.

Not necessarily, when you take a teabag out of a tea cup it is still wet (and if the tea is hot, you likely wouldn't squeeze the water out!) so the residue at the bottom could just be from that...

I find it likely that BR was the one using the glass, I just don't think that particular reason is 100% valid. It seems possible to me that he had a glass of water and someone put the tea bag in it when he was done. Its not any more or less likely than what you're saying, its just another scenario.
This will be why on Dr Phil BR said he snuck back downstairs, and how about his maybe? All you folks who think mom and dad fed him a fairy tail and put him to bed are at best deluded.

BR is covering his tracks because the forensic evidence tells us a different story from the Ramsey version. BR was awake that night and knows full well as per the CBS allegations that he killed JonBenet.

Anyone notice in the footage at the funeral BR looks like something the cat just dragged in? Everyone else is dressed up to the nines, Patsy with her superstar glasses and veil, totally retro sixties, and there is Burke in some old anorak smiling like the Cheshire Cat!

Not necessarily, when you take a teabag out of a tea cup it is still wet (and if the tea is hot, you likely wouldn't squeeze the water out!) so the residue at the bottom could just be from that...

I find it likely that BR was the one using the glass, I just don't think that particular reason is 100% valid. It seems possible to me that he had a glass of water and someone put the tea bag in it when he was done. Its not any more or less likely than what you're saying, its just another scenario.

You could be right, but if so, you have to ask the following questions:

1. Where was the cup the tea was originally consumed from located?
2. Who drank the tea?
3. Who placed the tea bag into the cup BR drank from, and why not just throw it away?
4. Why didn't this person, assuming it was one of the R parents, clean up the pineapple bowl and glass, as it was evidence contradicting their story of arriving home and going straight to bed?

I agree that the scenario I put out there isn't the only plausible one, but I do prefer it as it is the simplest: BR likes tea, BR says he "maybe" ate pineapple that night (presumably near tea glass), BR's fingerprints only were on the glass, and the glass/pineapple weren't cleaned up because no one but BR and JBR knew of them.
JR isn't getting any younger. Wonder what is going to happen once he is dead and no longer here to be BR's mouthpiece and support? I don't get the impression that BR is a strong person who can fight this ongoing battle the rest of his life.

Is JR such an obnoxious and sinful man that he is only worried about keeping his name clean? He isn't worried about what his son will deal with? Who would leave their child in such a predicament? Karma will get JR one day.

My opinions only.
Woody has probably assured him he'll watch after BR. But Woody is 64 and won't live forever.
The more I think about this case, the more I believe that JR & PR staged the whole scene to also keep Burke from realizing what he'd done. So that there was this alternate reality where he really hadn't killed his sister, she was kidnapped at some point after that and killed by someone else. Like they were saving him from even recognizing the consequences of what he'd done. That may be why they were worried about some future point where he'd remember his own actions and have problems. If they created this alternate reality, then they didn't have to worry as much about him spilling the beans, since they would have told him that what he did was not important and that JonBenet had been killed by someone else. But by now, he must have at least some idea that there really was no intruder after all...

Glad to know I'm not the only one to think this is a good possibility.
Is JR such an obnoxious and sinful man that he is only worried about keeping his name clean? He isn't worried about what his son will deal with? Who would leave their child in such a predicament? Karma will get JR one day.
The same man who laid his daughter's body on the hard living room floor.
The same man who was planning to leave the state via airplane minutes after "finding" his daughter's body.
The same man who has milked this tragedy to the end and still will not shut up about it!
Doubt it. Kenda wasn't in charge!
You know what Kenda said about this case, right?

“I had just retired from the CSPD when this crime occurred in Boulder, Colorado. I was approached and consulted with well after the event by the Boulder Police Department, so I am quite familiar with facts not known to the public. In my opinion, gross deficiencies occurred during the initial stages of this investigation by the Boulder Police Department. These deficiencies were so great they produced fatal errors and preclude any possibility of this matter ever being presented in court. Murder cases are like a spinning top on a table: One should admire it first and study it carefully before proceeding. Touch it too soon, and it goes off the table. And you never get it back. That little girl remains in her grave, and no one will pay for it.”

We can only dream about how different things would have been had he been in charge from the time of the 911 call. Chances are we wouldn't have known much about it until it was on Homicide Hunter.. Or perhaps Kenda would have gotten famous much sooner as the case might have gathered national attention anyway with all that sensationalism about her pageants.
You know what Kenda said about this case, right?

“I had just retired from the CSPD when this crime occurred in Boulder, Colorado. I was approached and consulted with well after the event by the Boulder Police Department, so I am quite familiar with facts not known to the public. In my opinion, gross deficiencies occurred during the initial stages of this investigation by the Boulder Police Department. These deficiencies were so great they produced fatal errors and preclude any possibility of this matter ever being presented in court. Murder cases are like a spinning top on a table: One should admire it first and study it carefully before proceeding. Touch it too soon, and it goes off the table. And you never get it back. That little girl remains in her grave, and no one will pay for it.”

We can only dream about how different things would have been had he been in charge from the time of the 911 call. Chances are we wouldn't have known much about it until it was on Homicide Hunter.. Or perhaps Kenda would have gotten famous much sooner as the case might have gathered national attention anyway with all that sensationalism about her pageants.
Agree. My take way from Kenda is that LE or the DA should never be intimated by a potential suspects power, wealth or influence when investigating a crime. Like Kenda said, this case lost all opportunity to convict beyond a reasonable doubt from day 1. Handling the Ramseys with kid gloves and the crime scene contamination was enough to demonstrate doubt.

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I still can't find any explanation from the folks as Real Crime Profile as to why they took down old JonBenet podcasts and stopped the future ones. That seems extremely odd - why can't they at least explain why they did this?

The released this "bonus cast" https://art19.com/shows/real-crime-profile/episodes/eab1d961-138b-4efb-88da-f8858758cfa1 but it doesn't go near the elephant in the room. How disappointing.

Hi johnjay, I agree with you- so disappointing! Maybe we'll find out the reasons, when proceedings with Dr Spitz get underway? For now, I can only guess at three options? 1) They've been advised by their own legal counsel to remove everything, in case they get sued like Dr Spitz? 2) They are not allowed to discuss further, as it would have to inevitably include Dr Spitz's findings and opinions, as he was obviously involved in their investigative team?, or 3) They've already been threatened by LW and JR?

We don't know what's really going on between CBS and LW/JR at the moment either, do we?

I might be wrong, but I'm convinced that sadly, this is the end of any further public postings from Jim Clemente and the other CBS experts, regarding this case. Really hope I'm wrong, but not hopeful! Clemente said that their aim for the show was to try to pressure/convince the DA to officially close the case, so that all of the case files could finally be made public. While I admire his attempt, I personally that's never ever going to happen, at least certainly not while LW and JR are still around. I just can't see at this point, where anything further can possibly go from here. Sorry to sound all doom and gloom, but it's not looking good to me!

As UK Guy has said, I think that just about the only thing left for us to try to work out (with the limited evidence we have available to us!) is whether or not Burke killed his sister with deliberate intent, and/or there is anything further that has possibly either been missed, overlooked or still unexplained. (I'm thinking for example, personally, about the two drink cans left in Burke's bathroom sink, and the fact that the downstairs outside security lights were switched off that night, for the first time in years, apparently).

It's only my own humble opinion, but I felt that the CBS show was playing it safe in examining some aspects (maybe they did in the footage that was cut?), and I was hoping for a bit more from the future podcasts. Jim Clemente did seem in the last episode 40, to at least be open to considering that it might have been deliberate murder and not an accident. Dr Spitz has made it clear that he thinks so, and I think Kolar does too, yet others disagree. At this point, I'm suspicious, but not fully sure what to think yet.

As Heymom says, too, maybe we will have to accept that we may never know all the answers for sure, or be able to explain many of the details.
You know what Kenda said about this case, right?

“I had just retired from the CSPD when this crime occurred in Boulder, Colorado. I was approached and consulted with well after the event by the Boulder Police Department, so I am quite familiar with facts not known to the public. In my opinion, gross deficiencies occurred during the initial stages of this investigation by the Boulder Police Department. These deficiencies were so great they produced fatal errors and preclude any possibility of this matter ever being presented in court. Murder cases are like a spinning top on a table: One should admire it first and study it carefully before proceeding. Touch it too soon, and it goes off the table. And you never get it back. That little girl remains in her grave, and no one will pay for it.”

We can only dream about how different things would have been had he been in charge from the time of the 911 call. Chances are we wouldn't have known much about it until it was on Homicide Hunter.. Or perhaps Kenda would have gotten famous much sooner as the case might have gathered national attention anyway with all that sensationalism about her pageants.
Dang! Kenda wouldn't have let anyone push him around. I can hear him saying "my my my" now in my head if they had handed him the ransom note. This little snippet of Kenda talking about child cases makes me wish he had been the head investigator.

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I think about FB I profiler John Douglas' initial theory that an IDI. I would love to hear his take on the case now. Especially if he read Kolar's book.

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Hmmm. I can't find the later Real Crime Profile podcasts with Jim Clemente and Laura Richards anymore. 36 is there but where is 37, 38, 39, and why no new 40? Is this more of Lin Woods handiwork?
Wow, that's weird. Sorry if this has been resolved, still catching up on the thread.

I don't see those episodes listed on soundcloud OR iTunes. I have all the episodes (36 - 40) saved as podcasts in iTunes so they aren't completely gone. But that is strange.
Dang! Kenda wouldn't have let anyone push him around. I can hear him saying "my my my" now in my head if they had handed him the ransom note. This little snippet of Kenda talking about child cases makes me wish he had been the head investigator.

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Sorry to quote myself!
But notice in this video how Kenda's demeanor changes when he refers to kids being killed. He seems to want to cry.
Wow, that's weird. Sorry if this has been resolved, still catching up on the thread.

I don't see those episodes listed on soundcloud OR iTunes. I have all the episodes (36 - 40) saved as podcasts in iTunes so they aren't completely gone. But that is strange.

And the folks at Real Crime Profile are not explaining why they were taken down or why the new episodes on JonBenet were canceled on their Facebook page despite requests for an explanation from their listeners. https://www.facebook.com/Real-Crime-Profile-1197397233613178/#

Is it possible that some sort of gag order has been issued that doesn't even allow them to explain why they must take down the old podcasts and not speak of JonBenet? Whatever the reason, for me, it is effective at attacking the credibility of Real Crime Profile.
The podcasts were taken down because there are threats of litigation. No need to give the plaintiffs more ammunition that will cost a fortune to defend.
The podcasts were taken down because there are threats of litigation. No need to give the plaintiffs more ammunition that will cost a fortune to defend.

And what's the reason for not explaining to their listeners why they did what they did? There were threats of litigation before they put those podcasts out - why take them down now? And why were the future shows canceled? "Due to circumstances beyond our control... " is not an explanation. What circumstances?

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