Burke Files 150 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against Werner Sptiz???

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Speaking for myself, I'd be fine not knowing every single microscopic thing as long as the big stuff was resolved.
Hi SuperDave, I agree with you on that. Some of the smaller details, such as things like: who turned the corner of the page in the dictionary to incest, I'll always wonder about, and feel a bit frustrated not knowing, but that's mainly being a bit nosy on my part!

I keep reminding myself to be realistic- if there had been a real trial and conviction, we would still never know the answer to many of these smaller details, because a good prosecutor would probably focus on the more important, bigger details that mattered to the overall outcome. I just wish that some of the bigger things remaining could be resolved now, such as the case files being unsealed, things like that.
Speaking for myself, I'd be fine not knowing every single microscopic thing as long as the big stuff was resolved.
AMEN! The little details don't matter
It's the big key points that matter. Just tell the truth!

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AMEN! The little details don't matter
It's the big key points that matter. Just tell the truth!

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk

Exactly! Don't believe what you see on TV: there's no case where every single things "clicks" together all kosher. There's always going to be something that doesn't fit flush.

The phrase is "beyond a REASONABLE doubt." I guess it's up to the individual person to decide what is reasonable.
I wonder if John Ramsey will come out of his silent cell where he has been saying NOTHING since the CBS interview and make a comment on this...LOL

he may look as if he has said nothing but you can be certain he is pulling BR's strings and orchestrating the lawyers.
Remember there was 2 hours withheld in the CBS documentary. Now maybe the truth will come out. It's not wise to throw your chips in when you have no clue if your opponent is sitting on a royal flush. I think the Ramsey's are playing right into the hands of those wanting the truth out. I do think CBS and the whole group are sitting on a royal flush. Praying for justice to finally be served. Spitz and crew knew very well they may be sued. They felt it was worth it to go for it. That tells me they have the evidence required. Maybe the reason they held back 2 hours is because they want it released in court and on the record. I have a good feeling about this. Can you imagine Burke's face if they drop a huge bomb on him while on the stand? To watch that smile disappear and his true self show through will be some good TV. I hope Spitz and crew have an excellent attorney and LW gets schooled in court. Burke wants a jury trial? Ok good! The last jury that was convened found his parents guilty of helping someone commit first degree murder.
Has LW actually even sued anyone and went to jury with it? Or have they all been settled out of court?

The last thing BR's team want is for him to take the stand. They are expecting a huge out of court settlement. And unfortunately I think that is exactly what they will get.
Sure, and once JR leaves this earth, BR will be on his own, with everyone knowing what the facts are, suing Spitz just makes BR look real bad.

BR is innocent, oh yeah, so why does he need to sue Spitz, why not go after CBS?


He'll never be alone. He is going to win a huge out of court settlement from CBS and that will be enough to keep Lin Wood going for a long time.
Question for lawyer/those that know the law. Can Spitz ask for Burkes medical history to be disclosed, or is that locked up tight?

You can bet that Burke's 'medical history' records will have mysteriously 'gone missing', right before the trial.
If Dr. Spitz is still licensed to practice medicine, he would have insurance to cover this law suit and he would have quite a number of very good attorneys to represent him too. BR just might have jumped into a snake pit!!!

I'm not sure but I think a doc's insurance only covers malpractice and similar things, not libel.
I apologize again, I'm really having trouble with either this website or my computer today. It keeps stalling when I try to quote someone, but this is in response to keyleigh's comment mentioning BR's medical records. I wonder if they even exist. Can medical records be legally destroyed? Is it allowed every 7 years like some other documents?

I suspect they will mysteriously get 'lost' before the trial.
RIght! Even Ramseys own 'friends' became unfriended, because they knew too much or said to much. They were probably threatened by JR. JR had a lot of power back then....threats and money can do alot. IMO

FW was the one they saved the most venom for. He knew too much and JR knew that. The R's lawyers found the Krebs woman to suggest the Whites were paedophiles. That effectively ensured that anything the Whites told lawyers about what they knew would not be listened to, because it would come over as 'sour grapes' for being ousted from the R's inner circle of friends.

This is why the Whites went to court to clear their name.
The grapefruit sized elephant in the room is made of poop. That elephant does not bode well for BR.

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But was the 'elephant size poo' the size of the round stain on the sheet or was it the actually size of the poo?

If a child is capable of doing 'an elephant sized poo' then surely there must be something seriously wrong with them physically?
With friends like that you don't need enemies.
Uh Miz Adventure, funny and succinct comments. So, where have you been? Why are you just now catching up? You seem to be knowledgeable about the case.
(And you have some interesting views about it). [emoji18]

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Maybe one of the Reddit RDIs? I talked to some who said they may come here.

See, the attitude of the IDIs are supercilious, pompous, haughty, and self-important.

They turned good subs into an IDI graveyard and the mods allowed it.
The last thing BR's team want is for him to take the stand. They are expecting a huge out of court settlement. And unfortunately I think that is exactly what they will get.

why would cbs subject themselves to a massive lawsuit if they prepared to settle out of court?
their reps would have known exactly what was coming, LW was screaming from the rooftops before it even aired.
But was the 'elephant size poo' the size of the round stain on the sheet or was it the actually size of the poo?

If a child is capable of doing 'an elephant sized poo' then surely there must be something seriously wrong with them physically?
The poop wasn't elephant sized. That was a metaphor :)

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