Burke Files 150 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against Werner Sptiz???

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
why would cbs subject themselves to a massive lawsuit if they prepared to settle out of court?
their reps would have known exactly what was coming, LW was screaming from the rooftops before it even aired.

They knew. They're ready for him.
Maybe one of the Reddit RDIs? I talked to some who said they may come here.

See, the attitude of the IDIs are supercilious, pompous, haughty, and self-important.

They turned good subs into an IDI graveyard and the mods allowed it.

IDI belongs in the graveyard, Ambitioned. IDI is down. Comma comma down, dooby-do down down. Breaking up is--

(clears throat) Sorry!
IDI belongs in the graveyard, Ambitioned. IDI is down. Comma comma down, dooby-do down down. Breaking up is--

(clears throat) Sorry!
OK, SuperDave, now I can't get that song out of my head! LOL.
IDI belongs in the graveyard...
I seriously cant comprehend how even semi-functioning brains could consider IDI at this point. It says one of two things....

They're simply trolling
Its people who have only watched certain documentaries on the case

It takes about five minutes of research to see an intruder wasn't within a light year of that house Christmas night.


BR is innocent, oh yeah, so why does he need to sue Spitz, why not go after CBS?
Maybe because Spitz flat out accused Burke of murdering his six year old sister. At least CBS had their fine print at the end of the show saying its just a theory.....Spitz went beyond that.
Maybe one of the Reddit RDIs? I talked to some who said they may come here.

See, the attitude of the IDIs are supercilious, pompous, haughty, and self-important.

They turned good subs into an IDI graveyard and the mods allowed it.

They really did, I tried to make my own JBR subreddit that emphasized pure information and facts over theories and I put tons of work into it, but it never caught on. I quit Reddit though, I love all the niche subs but I hate all the hive mentality.

It seems a common thread that IDI's think they are (or at least act like) they are better than anyone for thinking the R's may not be as pure as the driven snow.

Doesn't take a superior intellect to ignore evidence [emoji849]

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They really did, I tried to make my own JBR subreddit that emphasized pure information and facts over theories and I put tons of work into it, but it never caught on. I quit Reddit though, I love all the niche subs but I hate all the hive mentality.

It seems a common thread that IDI's think they are (or at least act like) they are better than anyone for thinking the R's may not be as pure as the driven snow.

Doesn't take a superior intellect to ignore evidence [emoji849]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What was it George Orwell said? "Some ideas are so stupid, only an intellectual could believe them."
Uh Miz Adventure, funny and succinct comments. So, where have you been? Why are you just now catching up? You seem to be knowledgeable about the case.
(And you have some interesting views about it). [emoji18]

Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk

Thanks sooooo much Razz.

Where have I been? I've only recently discovered this website. It's great to find other like-minded people to discuss the case with.

I'm on another true crime website but there is only ONE thread about the JBR case and the few people on there all seem to believe in the IDI theory, so it's very frustrating.
I'm not sure if this link will take you to the exact recording but if it doesn't, it's the one called "Burke doesn't have to get a job".

If you'd like to listen, it's a very short clip of John Ramsey in a recent interview, confirming that they filed multimillion $ lawsuits on behalf of Burke against the tabloids when he was about 13, and Burke's alleged response.

There's some other good ones on that site worth listening to.


Thanks Tortoise!

Interesting link.
I apologize if this link has been posted before, but you can follow the activities of the case here https://cmspublic.3rdcc.org/ Just put in the name of Spitz or Burke Ramsey.

I haven't studied the site, but I'm guessing you need a paid account to view the actual pleadings. But you can follow the activities.

Not much is happening yet although case is still active.

10/06/2016Complaint, Filed
10/06/2016Service Review Scheduled
10/06/2016Status Conference Scheduled
10/06/2016Case Filing and Jury Trial Fee - Paid
10/21/2016Miscellaneous Motion, Filed
11/03/2016Order Extending Time, Signed and Filed
11/03/2016Appearance of Attorney, Filed
11/03/2016Appearance of Attorney, Filed
11/03/2016Appearance of Attorney, Filed
11/14/2016Order for Miscellaneous Action, Signed and Filed
01/05/2017Status Conference (8:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Macdonald, Kathleen)

Possibly worth noting is that Spitz is represented by a very inexperienced attorney. About 2 years according to his linkedin page. Although he did graduate from Notre Dame summa *advertiser censored* laude.

Can somebody tell me what would happen if Werner Spitz were to die during the course of the proceedings? Would the R's still be able (if they won their case) to claim the money from Spitz's estate?
Can somebody tell me what would happen if Werner Spitz were to die during the course of the proceedings? Would the R's still be able (if they won their case) to claim the money from Spitz's estate?

I'm not familiar with how things work in Michigan, but it is possible the plaintiff could continue against the defendant's estate. However, practically speaking it can be difficult to keep a lawsuit alive if the deceased defendant's testimony has not yet been obtained and it is critical to the case.
Yes, they could proceed against his estate. And he is represented by a reputable Detroit law firm; the bio you linked is just to the associate who is working on the case (presumably with at least one partner).
Yes, they could proceed against his estate. And he is represented by a reputable Detroit law firm; the bio you linked is just to the associate who is working on the case (presumably with at least one partner).
Thank you. If you have any other pearls of wisdom - we are all ears!
Can somebody tell me what would happen if Werner Spitz were to die during the course of the proceedings? Would the R's still be able (if they won their case) to claim the money from Spitz's estate?

I'm glad someone brought that up. All I can think of is Jesse Ventura's lawsuit against Chris Kyle. We know how that ended because Kyle wasn't alive to defend himself. In this case, no testimony has been given as yet, though.
We can only hope that Werner Spitz had the good sense to put all his worldly assets into the names of his wife and children before he went on the CBS show and told the world his theory.
What was it George Orwell said? "Some ideas are so stupid, only an intellectual could believe them."

I never knew there were intellectuals over at reddit?

I read recently intellectuals are so stupid as to entertain nonsense as creed, specifically because they are blinded by rhetoric and large words, whereas the urban poor and people living in the country not subject to the fashions of the media circus, retain their common sense?

Marx, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, where are they now. who still believes, care to purchase a red book?

Off topic, whilst taking in the US Election, some of the debate reminded me of McCarthyism, and how he scapegoated homosexuals and communists all in the pursuit of his own political ends. That is until Edward R Murrow and CBS did an expose.

i.e. I had totally forgotten why it was relevant.

I never knew there were intellectuals over at reddit?

Lol, actually the RDI ones are. One of the BDIs is a chemical engineer.

The IDIs? Not so much. As a very wise person told me, you can read their rambling dissertations on DNA and see they are like a drowning person grasping at razor blades. It can be amusing, especially when eating dinner.

"Hey, look at that. Dinner and a show." - Manny

I have a feeling even if a video surfaced showing Burke did it, the IDIs would still say it was an intruder.
Lol, actually the RDI ones are. One of the BDIs is a chemical engineer.

The IDIs? Not so much. As a very wise person told me, you can read their rambling dissertations on DNA and see they are like a drowning person grasping at razor blades. It can be amusing, especially when eating dinner.

"Hey, look at that. Dinner and a show." - Manny

I have a feeling even if a video surfaced showing Burke did it, the IDIs would still say it was an intruder.

Couldn't resist it - sorry!

[FONT=&quot]A chemical engineer designs and develops the processes that make a diverse range of products. Their work focuses on changing the chemical, biochemical and physical state of a substance to turn it into something else, for example making plastic from oil.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]They understand how to alter raw materials into required products[/FONT]


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