Burke Files 150 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against Werner Sptiz???

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BBM How about when Dr. Phil had the extra "disclaimer" show about how BR is innocent and just socially awkward. I'm a little O/T but my guess is the Dr.P producers manipulated, edited, and cut parts or even whole parts of that interview for his own theory. Do I feel bad for BR in some ways? Yes, I do, but he is not the victim of this story- it's his 6 year old baby sister, JBR.

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Sure BR is just socially awkward, or maybe on the autistic spectrum somewhere. With his eyes up and down, then an ear to ear smile.

BR as an adult knows he is a prime suspect, as a kid he probably buried it all away.

I reckon BR will be back. Dr Phil's ratings did alright, they did a three way production and distribution deal, so plenty of fees yet to roll in , excluding franchising and ad deals.

Dr Phil had to do the disclaimer show since he is meant to be a media defense expert.

He is the one taking the large fees, the R's would be paying him as a consultant, the rest involved would likely make their money from ads and redistribution rights, etc.

Yet the R's preemptive strike against CBS failed spectacularly. BR's on screen behavior was really odd, both BR and JR changed their version of events, so they came over as evasive.

BR knows he has to keep telling the lies for the rest of his life, so like JR he will do a few TV shows to rake in the dollars, and tell a few more lies to cover for those that don't stand up.

When JR passes on will he leave anything to BR?

Trying to find someone you know doesn't exist would be a complete waste of money.

And hence that is the reason why the JBR Memorial Foundation was dissolved soon after the Grand Jury was disbanded. The R's saw no point in continuing to throw away good money.

Talking of the JBR Memorial Foundation, it was just a sham. The R's promised to pay $15,000 per year into the fund but that never happened. The money people sent for the fund disappeared.

The $100,000 reward was just window dressing. It never existed. The couple were rumoured to be going to put up a £1M reward but backed out - maybe in case the police actually managed to pin the crime on some unsuspecting druggie who fit the profile. I'm guessing here of course.

When questioned about it the R's stated they had no idea where the money went, even though they were the only two Directors of the fund, and only they could withdraw money.

No one has gone after the parents for fraud....or any other charges in relation to the misding money. They are teflon coated...?
I've read the first post of that thread (unless you were expecting me to read all 400 posts in the thread) I didn't see where it stated that the parents couldn't be charged BECAUSE their son couldn't be named as the principal because of his age.

Was it in that link?

OTG explained and broke down the laws related to the true bills. No names are used you have to read between the lines. An infant, defined in CO, 0-age 10 cannot be named. BR was several weeks shy of age 10.

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OTG explained and broke down the laws related to the true bills. No names are used you have to read between the lines. An infant, defined in CO, 0-age 10 cannot be named. BR was several weeks shy of age 10.

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In post #1 of that thread? Could you copy and paste the relevant part, because I'm not seeing it.
No one has gone after the parents for fraud....or any other charges in relation to the misding money. They are teflon coated...?

I'm not aware of them doing anything illegal. They never solicited donations - in fact, a poster once sent a $5 check to the foundation and got a thank you letter from John, but iirc the check was never even cashed. They also claimed at some point that proceeds from their book would go to the foundation (which tax records show never happened) but they were smart enough to say that money would go towards their legal defense fund first so arguably that's why not one cent was sent to the JBR foundation - their lawyers ate it all up. To my knowledge, the only money the foundation accepted was the $10,000 Bynum, John and Patsy initially put in when the trust was established. So they weren't literally committing fraud because they never took money from anyone, but it was a fraudulent attempt at looking like good, innocent people who wanted to find their daughter's killer. They talked about the foundation all the time in the media and had all these grand (but vague) plans for what it was going to do (which changed in every interview), but they never did a thing with any of the money except buy themselves a computer and office space for the "foundation" according to their tax returns.
ACR's site has a great page on this: http://www.acandyrose.com/jonbenet-foundations.htm

Here's the cherry on top of John and Patsy's attempts to look good through non-acts of faux-charity. Websleuths' own Tricia asked them about the foundation on Larry King Live on May 12, 2004 and Patsy really stepped in it.

I love this video. First John conveniently doesn't hear Tricia's question about Judge Carnes' decision. Then he evades Tricia's question (why does DOI still say money will go to the JBR foundation when that foundation is closed) to talk about the trust they set up in Beth's name and what they were going to do with that. "It was a compassion that I think just flowed out of us," he says. That's nice (assuming they ever did anything with her trust, he doesn't specify), but what does that have to do with the lack of action with the foundation set up to honor your murdered daughter and find her killer? Where's that flow of compassion? To paraphrase Barbara O'Brien of the Colorado Children's Campaign when contacted by Charlie Brennan in 1999 (see ACR link), families much less wealthy than the Ramseys are able to set up charitable organizations, and after 2 years the Ramseys should have been able to get something running. Clearly they had no motivation to, just like they never bothered to keep their RamseyFamily website online.

"We have done some of that, not to the extent that we hoped," he concedes about the donations. According to all available evidence no donations whatsoever occurred but okay. Sounds good to anyone watching who doesn't bother to google the foundation later, I guess. He even implies that they are still working on it because they haven't "done justice" to the plan "yet." Except the foundation is closed...?
OR IS IT? Patsy jumps in all smug and tells this tall tale about how they sent $1000 to Burke and JonBenet's old summer camp in Charlevoix just last week! John's face during this little spiel...priceless. Because he KNOWS she's just pulling it out of her butt. From the video description:
"For the record, Patsy's statement in this video clip that the Ramseys had made a thousand dollar donation to Camp McSauba was also false. At the time of the interview, they had made no such donation, and did not make one until a reporter from the Gaylord Herald Times in Michigan asked the camp about it a couple of weeks later on May 27."
So everyone can get paid from JBRs murder except for Burke?

What if he didn't do it while Dr.Spitzer is saying that only he could have done it?

Now Burke could have written a book. But he kept it quiet for a while until he noticed that the 20 year anniversary was having professionals call for his lynching in the publics eye. Jmo

So Burke is entitled to pursue this if he wants to.

So everyone can get paid from JBRs murder except for Burke?

What if he didn't do it while Dr.Spitzer is saying that only he could have done it?

Now Burke could have written a book. But he kept it quiet for a while until he noticed that the 20 year anniversary was having professionals call for his lynching in the publics eye. Jmo

So Burke is entitled to pursue this if he wants to.


BR has been paid by several media outlets filed by his parents for being named in MSM for being the killer. And you don't think Phil paid him to sit down and be interviewed. Dex- love ya but he's been paid and paid quite well. He has a right to file, agreed but we shall see where it lands.

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So everyone can get paid from JBRs murder except for Burke?

What if he didn't do it while Dr.Spitzer is saying that only he could have done it?

Now Burke could have written a book. But he kept it quiet for a while until he noticed that the 20 year anniversary was having professionals call for his lynching in the publics eye. Jmo

So Burke is entitled to pursue this if he wants to.


Burke was the beneficiary of the proceeds of suits brought on his behalf (assuming his parents didn't steal the settlement money from him) and of course from whatever compensation he received from the Dr. Phil appearance where he giggled about his dead sister's droopy eye.

And yes, he does have a right to pursue a slander suit against Spitz. Spitz has a First Amendment right to free speech but it is not absolute and to answer another question above, this is why IMO he'll need to at least establish that Burke is a public figure before any dismissal has a shot. It's not a frivolous case on its face, even if it is an uphill battle for Burke.

Most of these cases - like all of the other civil cases brought by the Ramseys - tend to settle because they are so expensive to defend. If Spitz (or the insurance company defending him) is looking at 150k to defend this to trial with no certain outcome, but Burke is willing to settle for 50k today, it might be hard to turn down the cheaper option. And unlike in the UK, the winning side of a civil suit in the vast majority of US jurisdictions does not get to recoup his legal expenses from the loser.
I agree with you guys.

But imo.

Would a guilty Burke sue if he knew that he was guilty. Or wouldn't he just stay mum?

So why would Burke sue if he was guilty?
I agree with you guys.

But imo.

Would a guilty Burke sue if he knew that he was guilty. Or wouldn't he just stay mum?

So why would Burke sue if he was guilty?

This has been the Ramsey's MO for the past 20 years. Stay on aggressive offense at all times. They've claimed they've "won" civil suits that were not won, but settled, probably for the reason I explained above. They use each fake "victory" as further proof of their innocence, when it is really proof of nothing.

Burke said himself on Dr. Phil that there is no evidence directly linking him to the murder, so the best Spitz can show is that he is a damned good suspect. So what's the real danger for Burke here if Spitz doesn't settle and he (Burke) either loses or the case is dismissed? Even if discovery confirms that Burke is a damned good suspect, he's never going to be arrested. The case is not going to be televised, so it may not get much attention. And if it gets too hot in the kitchen for him, Burke can always bail and quietly drop the suit.

So the direct answer is: The Ramseys have always gone strong on offense to help them play victims, and Burke and his attorney are, as usual, banking on a settlement.

I wonder why CBS hasn't been sued yet.

But I'm tired of people acting like the foundation money being stopped was reason to believe that it was only started for the Ramsey's to profit.

But these same people don't realize that Momma Ramsey was diagnosed with terminal cancer for a while.

Plus lawyers and doctors had to be paid with the hopes of her dying in peace and comfort.

Plus she could have donated to religious things as well. Since she wanted to be with JBR in heaven upon her impending death from cancer.

So why should we question about foundation money or whatever.


Now if she did protect her 9 year old son. Then okay

That's on her.
And she will answer for that.

But imo. She did a mom thing if she knew that her 9 year old son was guilty. Jmo

So should Mrs. R be burned before her dying of cancer while possibly trying to protect her 9 year old son of her baby daughters murder?
The JonBenet Memorial Fund

John and Patsy Ramsey pledged $15,000 PER YEAR for 1997, 1998 and 1999. Yet there are no contributions of this scale from any source in any one of the three tax years listed.
The Ramseys friend/attorney Mike Bynum pledged profits from the resale of the Boulder house, Ramsey friend Linda McLean pledged all profits from the sale of her book when it was released August 21, 1998, Ramseys pledge profits from their hard back book released March 18, 2000 after legal expenses and ALL of the profits from their soft back (January 2001 edition) book. Ramseys book had a first printing of 300,000 copies. John Ramsey even said in August 2000 that one of his original plans was to sue the tabloids and donate the money to the JonBenet Ramsey Children's Foundation.


Included the $100,000 reward, plans to offer a grant program, plans for an outreach program called SHOES that would advocate legislation, SHOES would offer resources and rewards, SHOES would use tools to track pedophiles, SHOES would put reward funds in place, SHOES would advocate child murders to a federal offense. John Ramsey said in an online ABC Chat "In Their Own Words" on March 20, 2000 that he wants the Foundation to protect children against predators, through legislation and that he wants child murders to be a federal offense. Where are the grant programs? Where is the SHOES organization?

Early documentation shows that the Ramsey family web site at www.ramseyfamily.com displayed press releases as well as ads and flyers the Ramseys sent out in search for their daughter's killer in the spring and fall of 1997. Later the web site was used to advertise the $100,000 reward. In December 26, 2001, Ramsey attorney, Lin Wood is quoted in the media as saying that the Ramsey family no longer has the reward money.

Patsy Ramsey said in August 2000 during the Atlanta interviews that she had never even seen the JonBenet Ramsey Children's Foundation books or financial records. The Foundation was opened on March 31, 1997 and Patsy Ramsey is listed as the President of the Foundation. The "Bylaws of the JonBenet Ramsey Children's Foundation state, "the Board of Directors shall annually prepare a report, verified by the President and Treasurer or by a majority of the Directors, to be prescribed at the annual meeting of the Board of Directors, showing in appropiate detail the following: (a) the assets and liabilities, including the donated funds, of the Corporation as of the end of the fiscal year." The Board of Directors consisted of John and Patsy Ramsey.
I agree with you guys.

But imo.

Would a guilty Burke sue if he knew that he was guilty. Or wouldn't he just stay mum?

So why would Burke sue if he was guilty?

Were the BBM sentences meant to be Freudian? Sorry, I couldn't resist. :blushing:
I'm not convinced Burke even knows he's guilty. As a 9 year old who was then told and saw all sorts of stories about JBR's death, a young impressionable mind can create new memories that are just as real as the true memories.

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